Passing memory address as a file in c - c

If I have some sort of library that has a function like so void foo(FILE* fp), and I have a char* array of data, is there any way for me to pass a pointer to the array or something similar to the foo function?.
What I'm doing now is using system() to write to a temporary file, and I don't really like doing that.

No, the stdio library has no facility for defining your own buffering scheme.
Given POSIX and virtual memory, you can use mmap to open a memory region with a backing file. The OS may opt not to write the file to disk. Details vary by OS, but this can approach the ideal solution.
Or, as Barmar suggests, use pipe to send the data to the main thread from an auxiliary thread within your process.
As for the simple solution… why use system() when you can use mktemp(), fopen(), fwrite()?

I think you want fmemopen. Assuming you're running on Linux (or something else posixy; if you need Windows support, will have to check), it should be available.


How to run an arbitrary script or executable from memory?

I know I can use a system call like execl("/bin/sh", "-c", some_string, 0) to interpret a "snippet" of shell code using a particular shell/interpreter. But in my case I have an arbitrary string in memory that represents some complete script which needs to be run. That is, the contents of this string/memory buffer could be:
#! /bin/bash
echo "Hello"
Or they might be:
#! /usr/bin/env python
print "Hello from Python"
I suppose in theory the string/buffer could even include a valid binary executable, though that's not a particular priority.
My question is: is there any way to have the system launch a subprocess directly from a buffer of memory I give it, without writing it to a temporary file? Or at least, a way to give the string to a shell and have it route it to the proper interpreter?
It seems that all the system calls I've found expect a path to an existing executable, rather than something low level which takes an executable itself. I do not want to parse the shebang or anything myself.
You haven't specified the operating system, but since #! is specific to Unix, I assume that's what you're talking about.
As far as I know, there's no system call that will load a program from a block of memory rather than a file. The lowest-level system call for loading a program is the execve() function, and it requires a pathname of the file to load from.
My question is: is there any way to have the system launch a
subprocess directly from a buffer of memory I give it, without writing
it to a temporary file? Or at least, a way to give the string to a
shell and have it route it to the proper interpreter?
It seems that all the system calls I've found expect a path to an
existing executable, rather than something low level which takes an
executable itself. I do not want to parse the shebang or anything
Simple answer: no.
Detailed answer:
execl and shebang convention are POSIXisms, so this answer will focus on POSIX systems. Whether the program you want to execute is a script utilizing the shebang convention or a binary executable, the exec-family functions are the way for a userspace program to cause a different program to run. Other interfaces such as system() and popen() are implemented on top of these.
The exec-family functions all expect to load a process image from a file. Moreover, on success they replace the contents of the process in which they are called, including all memory assigned to it, with the new image.
More generally, substantially all modern operating systems enforce process isolation, and one of the central pillars of process isolation is that no process can access another's memory.

Can I adapt a function that writes to disk to write to memory

I have third-party library with a function that does some computation on the specified data, and writes the results to a file specified by file name:
int manipulateAndWrite(const char *filename,
const FOO_DATA *data);
I cannot change this function, or reimplement the computation in my own function, because I do not have the source.
To get the results, I currently need to read them from the file. I would prefer to avoid the write to and read from the file, and obtain the results into a memory buffer instead.
Can I pass a filepath that indicates writing to memory instead of a
Yes, you have several options, although only the first suggestion below is supported by POSIX. The rest of them are OS-specific, and may not be portable across all POSIX systems, although I do believe they work on all POSIXy systems.
You can use a named pipe (FIFO), and have a helper thread read from it concurrently to the writer function.
Because there is no file per se, the overhead is just the syscalls (write and read); basically just the overhead of interprocess communication, nothing to worry about. To conserve resources, do create the helper thread with a small stack (using pthread_attr_ etc.), as the default stack size tends to be huge (on the order of several megabytes; 2*PTHREAD_STACK_SIZE should be plenty for helper threads.)
You should ensure the named pipe is in a safe directory, accessible only to the user running the process, for example.
In many POSIXy systems, you can create a pipe or a socket pair, and access it via /dev/fd/N, where N is the descriptor number in decimal. (In Linux, /proc/self/fd/N also works.) This is not mandated by POSIX, so may not be available on all systems, but most do support it.
This way, there is no actual file per se, and the function writes to the pipe or socket. If the data written by the function is at most PIPE_BUF bytes, you can simply read the data from the pipe afterwards; otherwise, you do need to create a helper thread to read from the pipe or socket concurrently to the function, or the write will block.
In this case, too, the overhead is minimal.
On ELF-based POSIXy systems (basically all), you can interpose the open(), write(), and close() syscalls or C library functions.
(In Linux, there are two basic approaches, one using the linker --wrap, and one using dlsym(). Both work fine for this particular case. This ability to interpose functions is based on how ELF binaries are linked at run time, and is not directly related to POSIX.)
You first set up the interposing functions, so that open() detects if the filename matches your special "in-memory" file, and returns a dedicated descriptor number for it. (You may also need to interpose other functions, like ftruncate() or lseek(), depending on what the function actually does; in Linux, you can run a binary under ptrace to examine what syscalls it actually uses.)
When write() is called with the dedicated descriptor number, you simply memcpy() it to a memory buffer. You'll need to use global variables to describe the allocated size, size used, and the pointer to the memory buffer, and probably be prepared to resize/grow the buffer if necessary.
When close() is called with the dedicated descriptor number, you know the memory buffer is complete, and the contents ready for processing.
You can use a temporary file on a RAM filesystem. While the data is technically written to a file and read back from it, the operations involve RAM only.
You should arrange for a default path to one to be set at compile time, and for individual users to be able to override that for their personal needs, for example via an environment variable (YOURAPP_TMPDIR?).
There is no need for the application to try and look for a RAM-based filesystem: choices like this are, and should be, up to the user. The application should not even care what kind of filesystem the file is on, and should just use the specified directory.
You could not use that library function. Take a look at this on how to write to in-memory files:
Is it possible to create a C FILE object to read/write in memory

What is stdin in C language?

I want to build my own scanf function. Basic idea is data from a memory address and save it to another memory address.
What is stdin? Is it a memory-address like 000ffaa?
If it is a memory-address what is it so I can build my own scanf function. Thanks!.
No, stdin is not "a memory address".
It's an I/O stream, basically an operating-system level abstraction that allows data to be read (or written, in the case of stdout).
You need to use the proper stream-oriented I/O functions to read from the stream.
Of course you can read from RAM too, so it's best to write your own function to require a function that reads a character, then you can adapt that function to either read from RAM or from stdin.
Something like:
int my_scanf(int (*getchar_callback)(void *state), void *state, const char *fmt, ...);
Is usually reasonable. The state pointer is some user-defined state that is required by the getchar_callback() function, and passed to it by my_scanf().
stdin is an "input stream", which is an abstract term for something that takes input from the user or from a file. It is an abstraction layer sitting on top of the actual file handling and I/O. The purpose of streams is mainly to make your code portable between different systems.
Reading/writing to memory is much more low-level and has nothing to do with streams as such. In order to use a stream in a meaningful way, you would have to know how a certain compiler implements the stream internally, which may not be public information. In some cases, like in Windows, streams are defined by the OS itself and can get accessed through API calls.
If you are looking to build your own scanf function, you would have to look into specific API functions for a specific OS, then build your own abstraction layer on top of those.
On Unix everything is a file
Or like they notice
Everything is a file descriptor
You can find on unix system /dev/stdin who is a symbolic link to /dev/fd/0 who is a Character special file

Is it possible to fake a file stream, such as stdin, in C?

I am working on an embedded system with no filesystem and I need to execute programs that take input data from files specified via command like arguments or directly from stdin.
I know it is possible to bake-in the file data with the binary using the method from this answer: C/C++ with GCC: Statically add resource files to executable/library but currently I would need to rewrite all the programs to access the data in a new way.
Is it possible to bake-in a text file, for example, and access it using a fake file pointer to stdin when running the program?
If your system is an OS-less bare-metal system, then your C library will have "retargetting" stubs or hooks that you need to implement to hook the library into the platform. This will typically include low-level I/O functions such as open(), read(), write(), seek() etc. You can implement these as you wish to implement the basic stdin, stdout, stderr streams (in POSIX and most other implementations they will have fixed file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 respectively, and do not need to be explicitly opened), file I/O and in this case for managing an arbitrary memory block.
open() for example will be passed a file or device name (the string may be interpreted any way you wish), and will return a file descriptor. You might perhaps recognise "cfgdata:" as a device name to access your "memory file", and you would return a unique descriptor that is then passed into read(). You use the descriptor to reference data for managing the stream; probably little more that an index that is incremented by the number if characters read. The same index may be set directly by the seek() implementation.
Once you have implemented these functions, the higher level stdio functions or even C++ iostreams will work normally for the devices or filesystems you have supported in your low level implementation.
As commented, you could use the POSIX fmemopen function. You'll need a libc providing it, e.g. musl-libc or possibly glibc. BTW for benchmarking purposes you might install some tiny Linux-like OS on your hardware, e.g. uclinux

Is there a better way to manage file pointer in C?

Is it better to use fopen() and fclose() at the beginning and end of every function that use that file, or is it better to pass the file pointer to every of these function ? Or even to set the file pointer as an element of the struct the file is related to.
I have two projects going on and each one use one method (because I thought about passing the file pointer after I began the first one).
When I say better, I mean in term of speed and/or readability. What's best practice ?
Thank you !
It depends. You certainly should document what function is fopen(3)-ing a FILE handle and what function is expecting to fclose(3) it.
You might put the FILE* in a struct but you should have a convention about who and when should the file be read and/or written and closed.
Be aware that opened files are some expansive resources in a process (=your running program). BTW, it is also operating system and file system specific. And FILE handles are buffered, see fflush(3) & setvbuf(3)
On small systems, the maximal number of fopen-ed files handles could be as small as a few dozens. On a current Linux desktop, a process could have a few thousand opened file descriptors (which the internal FILE is keeping, with its buffers). In any case, it is a rather precious and scare resource (on Linux, you might limit it with setrlimit(2))
Be aware that disk IO is very slow w.r.t. CPU.
