Why the entry file for uboot is written in assembly? - c

Why entry point (Start.S) of uboot is written in assembly? Is it for performance reason or there are other issues. why it is not written in C?

Unless the entry point is guaranteed an initial state that fits the form of a C function call in the ABI the C compiler uses, C cannot express an entry point. If there is any relevant state in registers, this would be (1) potentially-clobbered by any prologue code the compiler generates, for call-clobbered registers, and (2) even if the registers are call-saved, the compiler might move them somewhere not exposed to the C code, even if the C code has access to inline assembly extensions. (A side note: uClibc's setjmp implementation for some archs is buggy in this regard; it is wrongly written with inline asm, rather than an asm function, and assumes that the compiler has not modified/moved call-saved registers already when the inline asm is reached.) Many entry points (e.g. for ELF binaries) also have initial state positioned on the stack in ways that are not representable from C.

Each Processor architecture has its own startup sequence and procedure.
They can be too specific, to be generalized under C.
For example
ARM requires that startup and initialization of a kernel be done in supervisor mode, which is enabled by setting the S bit in the control register. And then switch the control to user mode. This procedure varies in x86 and PowerPC.
Yes it can be done in C, but it makes more sense to perform architecture related initialization, in architecture specific assembly language.

The entry point is in assembly because during the early boot phase there is NO facility to call C functions. Before we can call a C function the system should already have a valid stack. The valid stack could be in DDR RAM or in SRAM. Before we use DDR RAM or SRAM we must initialize it first. Before initializing these, we must set the PLLs and other clocks first. You should see a pattern here. Everything starts at the reset vector (well unless the u-boot is a RAMBOOT variant).
All of this early low-level initialization is performed by the start up code (in assembly). After the memory is initialized, the code sets up the stack and heap, and continues running the C-coded part.


C startup code is only written in assembly confusion

I understand that the C startup code is for initializing the C runtime environment, initializes static variables, sets up the stack pointer etc. and finally branches to main().
They say that this can only be written in assembly language as it's platform-specific. However, can't this still be written in C and compiled for the specific platform?
Function calls of course would be not possible because we "more than likely" don't have the stack pointer set up at that stage. I still can't see other main reasons. Thanks in advance.
Startup code can be written in C language only if:
Implementation provides all necessary intrinsic functions to set hardware features that cannot be set using standard C
Provides mechanism of placing fragments of code and data in the specific place and in specific order (gcc support for ld linker scripts for example).
If both conditions are met you can write the startup code in C language.
I use my own startup code written in C (instead of one provided by the chip vendors) for Cortex-M microcontrollers as ARM provides CMSIS header files with all needed inline assembly functions and gcc based toolchain gives me full memory layout control.
Most of the problem with writing early startup code in C is, in fact, the absence of a properly structured stack. It's worse than just not being able to make function calls. All of a C compiler's generated machine code assumes the existence of a stack, pointed to by the ABI-specified register, that can be used for scratch storage at any time. Changing this assumption would be so much work as to amount to a complete second "back end" for the compiler—way more work than continuing to write early startup code by hand in assembly.
Early bootstrap code, bringing up the machine from power-on, also has to do a bunch of special operations that can't usually be accessed from C, like configuring interrupts and virtual memory. And it may have to deal with the code not having been loaded at the address it was linked for, or the relocation table not having been processed, or other similar problems; these also break pervasive assumptions made by the C compiler (e.g. that it can inject a call to memcpy whenever it wants).
Despite all that, most of a user mode C library's startup code will, in fact, be written in C, for exactly the reason you are thinking. Nobody wants to write more code in assembly, over and over for each supported ISA, than absolutely necessary.
A minimal C runtime environment requires a stack, and a jump to a start address. Setting the stack pointer on most architectures requires assembly code. Once a stack is available it is possible to run code generated from C source.
ARM Cortex-M devices load the stack pointer and start address from the vector table on reset, so can in fact boot directly into code generated from C source.
On other architectures, the minimal assembly requires is to set a stack pointer, and jump to the start address. Thereafter it is possible to write other start-up tasks in C ( or C++ even). Such startup code is responsible for establishing the full C runtime, so must not assume static initialisation or library initialisation (no heap or filesystem for example), which are things that must be done by the startup code.
In that sense you can run code generated from C source, but the environment is not strictly conforming until main() has been called, so there are some constraints.
Even where assembly code is used, it need not be the whole start-up code that is in assembly.

How are registers used in C?

Like the CR3 register which is used to point to the page directory. Linux also uses paging and is written in C, but how are these registers used in C (how to select a particular register using C)?
The C language provides no way to access specific processor registers. This is all up to the compiler.
To access specific registers you would have to write at least this part of your code in assembler.
The registers you are talking about are not a property of the language but the property of the hardware on which you run your programs. I believe that you are talking about an x86 type hardware. cr0-4 and orther specific regs are a property of the operating system and are managed by it, including paging table.
So, the language does not provide a way to access those hw-specific registers. The only way is to write an assembly code (hardware-specific) to manipulate them. The only thing which the language provides is the asm() operator which allows to insert assembly code in the program.
Standard C does not provide any facility to directly access processor registers. Some implementations may provide extensions that allow you to embed assembly code in your C code (such as the asm extension provided by gcc).
Generally speaking, if you need direct access to a processor register (or other hardware-specific location), you'd write that routine in assembler and link it into the larger program.

Embedded: memcpy/memset not used by most CRT startup code ― why?

I'm working on an ARM target, more specifically a Cortex-M4F microcontroller from ST. When working on such platforms (microcontrollers in general), there's obviously no OS; in order to get a working C/C++ "environment" (moreover, to be standard compliant in regard to initialization of variables) there must be some kind of startup code run at reset that does the minimum setup required before explicitly calling main. Such startup code, as I hinted, must initialize initialized global and static variables (such as int foo = 42;at global scope) and zero-out the other globals (such as int bar; at global scope). Then, if necessary, global "ctors" are called.
On a microcontroller, that simply means that the startup code has to copy data from flash to ram for every initialized global (all in section '.data') and clear the others (all in '.bss'). Because I use GCC, I must supply such a startup code and I happily analyzed several startup codes (and its associated linker script!) bundled with numerous examples I've found on the Internet, all using the same demo board I'm developing on.
As stated, I've seen numerous startup codes, and they initialize globals in different ways, some more efficient in term of space and time than others. But they all have something odd in common: they didn't use memset nor memcpy, resorting instead to hand-written loops to do the job. As it appears natural to me to use standard functions when possible (simple "DRY principle"), I tried the following in lieu of the initial hand-written loops:
/* Initialize .data section */
ldr r0, DATA_LOAD
ldr r1, DATA_START
ldr r2, DATA_SIZE
bl memcpy /* memcpy(DATA_LOAD, DATA_START, DATA_SIZE); */
/* Initialize .bss section */
ldr r0, BSS_START
mov r1, #0
ldr r2, BSS_SIZE
bl memset /* memset(BSS_START, 0, BSS_SIZE); */
... and it worked perfectly. The space saving are negligible, but it is clearly dead simple now.
So, I thought about it, and I see no reason to do hand-written loops in this case:
memcpy and memset are very likely to be linked in the executable anyway, because the programmer would use it directly, or indirectly through another library;
It is smaller;
Speed is not a very important factor for startup code, but nevertheless it is likely faster;
It's nearly impossible to get it wrong.
Any idea why one wouldn't rely on memcpy and memset for startup code?
I suspect the startup code does not want to make assumptions about the implementation of memcpy and such in libc. For example, the implementation of memcpy might use a global variable set by libc initialization code to report which cpu extensions are available, in order to provide optimized SIMD copying on machines that support such operations. At the point where the early "crt" startup code is running, the storage for such a global might be completely uninitialized (containing random junk), in which case it would be dangerous to call memcpy. Even if making the call works for you, it's a consequence of the implementation (or maybe even the unpredictable results of UB...) making it work; this is probably not something the crt code wants to depend on.
Whether the standard library is linked at all is decision for the application developer (--nostdlib may be used for example), but the start-up code is required, so it cannot make any assumptions.
Further, the purpose of the start-up code is to establish an environment in which C code can run; before that is complete, it is by no means a given that any library code that might reasonably assume a complete run-time environment will run correctly. For the functions in question this is perhaps not an issue in many cases, but you cannot know that.
The start-up code has to at least establish a stack and initialise static data, in C++ it additionally calls the constructors of global static objects. The standard library might reasonably assume those are established, so using the standard library before then may conceivably result in erroneous behaviour.
Finally you should be clear that the C language and the C standard library are distinct entities. The language must necessarily be capable of standing alone.
I don't think this is likely to have anything to do with "assumptions about the internal state of memcy/memset", they are unlikely to use any global resources (though I suppose some odd cases exist where they do).
All start up code on microcontrollers is usually written "inline assembler" in this manner, simply because it runs at an early stage in the code, where a stack might not yet be present and the MMU setup may not yet have been executed. Init code therefore doesn't want to risk putting anything on the stack, simple as that. Function calls put things on the stack.
So while this happened to be the initialization code of the static storage copy-down, you are likely to find the same inline assembler in other such init code as well. For example you will likely find some fundamental register setup code written in assembler somewhere before the copy-down, and you will also find the MMU setup in assembler somewhere around there too.

Mixing Assembly language and C programs

I am using a bootloader program which is in Assembly and I am calling a C function frequently to SEND and RECEIVE a Character at a time. The controller I am using seems to have just 3 general purpose registers which it uses frequently. Apart from that I am storing some bytes in fixed RAM locations.
SO, my question is:
Will C function overwrite these RAM location, which were defined in Assembly?
I am doing PUSH and PULL of the concerned registers before going and after coming from these C functions.
If I understand your question correctly, you are concerned about the RAM locations used in your assembly module overlapping with some variable declared in a C module. You can examine the list file output by your linker to determine if this is the case. The linker list file will show all of the RAM addresses used by your C modules which you can compare to the fixed RAM locations used in the assembly module.
Note that if your linker does not produce a list file automatically, you will have to read through your linker's documentation to find the right command line option to do so.
As long as you are keeping the previous values on the stack when doing the c calls you should be fine. Just make sure that you are pushing onto stack before the call and popping off the stack after returning.
It all depends on the C calling convention that the C code was compiled in. Calling convention is how the caller and callee will communicate with regards to passing data into the function and returning values afterwards. This includes who wil do stuff like back up registers onto the stack before/after calling, will it be necessary to prep the registers before calling the C function, can you guarantee that the registers will return the way they were, etc.
You'll need to find out how the C code was compiled (with what Calling Convention setting). Note that this is also architecture specific. A summary of the different calling conventions and a description of what each entails can be found at Wikipedia here:
On x86, cdecl and stdcall are the most popular conventions. cdecl means your ASM code should do the cleanup, while stdcall says the function being called is responsible for it. If you have the source code for the C function, I would suggest passing the necessary flags to the compiler to make it a "Callee cleanup" convention (usually stdcall, but safecall and fastcall are also options) which means you can safely call the C function without worrying about register corruption.

Is there any C standard for microcontrollers?

Is there any special C standard for microcontrollers?
I ask because so far when I programmed something under Windows OS, it doesn't matter which compiler I used. If I had a compiler for C99, I knew what I could do with it.
But recently I started to program in C for microcontrollers, and I was shocked, that even it's still C in its basics, like loops, variables creation and so, there is some syntax type I have never seen in C for desktop computers. And furthermore, the syntax is changing from version to version. I use AVR-GCC compiler, and in previous versions, you used a function for port I/O, now you can handle a port like a variable in the new version.
What defines what functions and how to have them to be implemented into the compiler and still have it be called C?
Is there any special C standard for microcontrollers?
No, there is the ISO C standard. Because many small devices have special architecture features that need to be supported, many compilers support language extensions. For example because an 8051 has bit addressable RAM, a _bit data type may be provided. It also has a Harvard architecture, so keywords are provided for specifying different memory address spaces which an address alone does not resolve since different instructions are required to address these spaces. Such extensions will be clearly indicated in the compiler documentation. Moreover, extensions in a conforming compiler should be prefixed with an underscore. However, many provide unadorned aliases for backward compatibility, and their use should be deprecated.
... when I programmed something under Windows OS, it doesn't matter which compiler I used.
Because the Windows API is standardized (by Microsoft), and it only runs on x86, so there is no architectural variation to consider. That said, you may still see FAR, and NEAR macros in APIs, and that is a throwback to 16-bit x86 with its segmented addressing, which also required compiler extensions to handle.
... that even it's still C in its basics, like loops, variables creation and so,
I am not sure what that means. A typical microcontroller application has no OS or a simple kernel, you should expect to see a lot more 'bare metal' or 'system-level' code, because there are no extensive OS APIs and device driver interfaces to do lots of work under the hood for you. All those library calls are just that; they are not part of the language; it is the same C language; jut put to different work.
... there is some syntax type I have never seen in C for desktop computers.
For example...?
And furthermore, the syntax is changing from version to version.
I doubt it. Again; for example...?
I use AVR-GCC compiler, and in previous versions, you used a function for port I/O, now you can handle a port like a variable in the new version.
That is not down to changes in the language or compiler, but more likely simple 'preprocessor magic'. On AVR, all I/O is memory mapped, so if for example you include the device support header, it may have a declaration such as:
#define PORTA (*((volatile char*)0x0100))
You can then write:
to write 0xFF to memory mapped the register at address 0x100. You could just take a look at the header file and see exactly how it does it.
The GCC documentation describes target specific variations; AVR is specifically dealt with here in section 6.36.8, and in 3.17.3. If you compare that with other targets supported by GCC, it has very few extensions, perhaps because the AVR architecture and instruction set were specifically designed for clean and efficient implementation of a C compiler without extensions.
What defines what functions and how to have them to be implemented into the compiler and still have it be called C?
It is important to realise that the C programming language is a distinct entity from its libraries, and that functions provided by libraries are no different from the ones you might write yourself - they are not part of the language - so it can be C with no library whatsoever. Ultimately, library functions are written using the same basic language elements. You cannot expect the level of abstraction present in, say, the Win32 API to exist in a library intended for a microcontroller. You can in most cases expect at least a subset of the C Standard Library to be implemented since it was designed as a systems level library with few target hardware dependencies.
I have been writing C and C++ for embedded and desktop systems for years and do not recognise the huge differences you seem to perceive, so can only assume that they are the result of a misunderstanding of what constitutes the C language. The following books may help.
C Programming Language (2nd Edition) by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
Embedded C by Michael J. Pont
Embedded systems are weird and sometimes have exceptions to "standard" C.
From system to system you will have different ways to do things like declare interrupts, or define what variables live in different segments of memory, or run "intrinsics" (pseudo-functions that map directly to assembly code), or execute inline assembly code.
But the basics of control flow (for/if/while/switch/case) and variable and function declarations should be the same across the board.
and in previous versions, you used function for Port I/O, now you can handle Port like variable in new version.
That's not part of the C language; that's part of a device support library. That's something each manufacturer will have to document.
The C language assumes a von Neumann architecture (one address space for all code and data) which not all architectures actually have, but most desktop/server class machines do have (or at least present with the aid of the OS). To get around this without making horrible programs, the C compiler (with help from the linker) often support some extensions that aid in making use of multiple address spaces efficiently. All of this could be hidden from the programmer, but it would often slow down and inflate programs and data.
As far as how you access device registers -- on different desktop/server class machines this is very different as well, but since programs written to run under common modern OSes for these machines (Mac OS X, Windows, BSDs, or Linux) don't normally access hardware directly, this isn't an issue. There is OS code that has to deal with these issues, though. This is usually done through defining macros and/or functions that are implemented differently on different architectures or even have multiple versions on a single system so that a driver could work for a particular device (such an Ethernet chip) whether it were on a PCI card or a USB dongle (possibly plugged into a USB card plugged into a PCI slot), or directly mapped into the processor's address space.
Additionally, the C standard library makes more assumptions than the compiler (and language proper) about the system that hosts the programs that use it (the C standard library). These things just don't make sense when there isn't a general purpose OS or filesystem. fopen makes no sense on a system without a filesystem, and even printf might not be easily definable.
As far as what AVR-GCC and its libraries do -- there are lots of stuff that goes into how this is done. The AVR is a Harvard architecture with memory mapped device control registers, special function registers, and general purpose registers (memory addresses 0-31), and a different address space for code and constant data. This already falls outside of what standard C assumes. Some of the registers (general, special, and device control) are accessible via special instructions for things like flipping single bits and read/writing to some multi-byte registers (a multi-instruction operation) implicitly blocks interrupts for the next instruction (so that the second half of the operation can happen). These are things that desktop C programs don't have to know anything about, and since AVR-GCC comes from regular GCC, it didn't initially understand all of these things either. That meant that the compiler wouldn't always use the best instructions to access control registers, so:
*(DEVICE_REG_ADDR) |= 1; // Set BIT0 of control register REG
would have turned into:
temp_reg = *DEVICE_REG_ADDR;
temp_reg |= 1;
*DEVICE_REG_ADDR = temp_reg;
because AVR generally has to have things in its general purpose registers to do bit operations on them, though for some memory locations this isn't true. AVR-GCC had to be altered to recognize that when the address of a variable used in certain operations is known at compile time and lies within a certain range, it can use different instructions to preform these operations. Prior to this, AVR-GCC just provided you with some macros (that looked like functions) that had inline assembly to do this (and use the single instruction inplemenations that GCC now uses). If they no longer provide the macro versions of these operations then that's probably a bad choice since it breaks old code, but allowing you to access these registers as though they were normal variables once the ability to do so efficiently and atomically was implemented is good.
I have never seen a C compiler for a microcontroller which did not have some controller-specific extensions. Some compilers are much closer to meeting ANSI standards than others, but for many microcontrollers there are tradeoffs between performance and ANSI compliance.
On many 8-bit microcontrollers, and even some 16-bit ones, accessing variables on a stack frame is slow. Some compilers will always allocate automatic variables on a run-time stack despite the extra code required to do so, some will allocate automatic variables at compile time (allowing variables that are never live simultaneously to overlap), and some allow the behavior to be controlled with a command-line options or #pragma directives. When coding for such machines, I sometimes like to #define a macro called "auto" which gets redefined to "static" if it will help things work faster.
Some compilers have a variety of storage classes for memory. You may be able to improve performance greatly by declaring things to be of suitable storage classes. For example, an 8051-based system might have 96 bytes of "data" memory, 224 bytes of "idata" memory which overlaps the first 96 bytes, and 4K of "xdata" memory.
Variables in "data" memory may be accessed directly.
Variables in "idata" memory may only be accessed by loading their address into a one-byte pointer register. There is no extra overhead accessing them in cases where that would be necessary anyway, so idata memory is great for arrays. If array q is stored in idata memory, a reference to q[i] will be just as fast as if it were in data memory, though a reference to q[0] will be slower (in data memory, the compiler could pre-compute the address and access it without a pointer register; in idata memory that is not possible).
Variables in xdata memory are far slower to access than those in other types, but there's a lot more xdata memory available.
If one tells an 8051 compiler to put everything in "data" by default, one will "run out of memory" if one's variables total more than 96 bytes and one hasn't instructed the compiler to put anything elsewhere. If one puts everything in "xdata" by default, one can use a lot more memory without hitting a limit, but everything will run slower. The best is to place frequently-used variables that will be directly accessed in "data", frequently-used variables and arrays that are indirectly accessed in "idata", and infrequently-used variables and arrays in "xdata".
The vast majority of the standard C language is common with microcontrollers. Interrupts do tend to have slightly different conventions, although not always.
Treating ports like variables is a result of the fact that the registers are mapped to locations in memory on most microcontrollers, so by writing to the appropriate memory location (defined as a variable with a preset location in memory), you set the value on that port.
As previous contributors have said, there is no standard as such, mainly due to different architectures.
Having said that, Dynamic C (sold by Rabbit Semiconductor) is described as "C with real-time extensions". As far as I know, the compiler only targets Rabbit processors, but there are useful additional keywords (for example, costate, cofunc, and waitfor), some real peculiarities (for example, #use mylib.lib instead of #include mylib.h - and no linker), and several omissions from ANSI C (for example, no file-scope static variables).
It's still described as 'C' though.
Wiring has a C-based language syntax. Perhaps you might want to see what makes it as such.
