Is it possible to change image folder in cakephp 2.4 - cakephp

I have read many docs, but failed to solve the problem:
Images in my existing project stored in $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/media/'
I want, but can't change in cakephp 2.4 default image folder from $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/app/webroot/img/' to any I desire.
lib/Cake/bootstrap.php contains constants:
* Path to the public images directory.
if (!defined('IMAGES')) {
define('IMAGES', WWW_ROOT . 'img' . DS);
* Web path to the public images directory.
if (!defined('IMAGES_URL')) {
define('IMAGES_URL', 'img/');
Configure::write('App.imageBaseUrl', IMAGES_URL);
I tried to change:
And it doesn't work at all. All image files still points to $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/app/webroot/img/' I see it when try to render image in view:
echo $this->Html->image('/img/ride_scheme/chema.jpg', array( 'width' => 300 ));
If I created in app/webroot/img/ride_scheme image file chema.jpg it rendered, but I changed the folder in IMAGES constant in lib/Cake/bootstrap.php !!!
In documentation I see:
Constants IMAGES_URL, JS_URL, CSS_URL have been deprecated and
replaced with config vari- ables App.imageBaseUrl, App.jsBaseUrl,
App.cssBaseUrl respectively.
Constants IMAGES, JS, CSS have been deprecated.
I gues that is the problem.
Please, show me how to change image folder

According to your description, I reckon IMAGES_URL should be media/ and not just /.
Alternatively, you could add a RewriteRule to your .htaccess (in the project root) to rewrite everything to the media folder (assuming you have an Apache web server with the Rewrite module enabled):
RewriteRule ^app/webroot/img/(.*) /media/$1
Or you could create a symbolic link that links the img/ folder to your media folder (assuming you're on Linux hosting and you have ssh/shell access to your server):
cd app/webroot
rm -rf img/
ln -s ../../media img


build full url for directory inside webroot in cakephp 3

I'm working in CakePHP 3.4.
I have an image outside img directory, in files directory under webroot
I have a files directory inside webroot along with css, img, js.
I tried using it like
$this->Html->image(WWW_ROOT . 'files' . DS . 'myimage.jpg')
which is creating path as
But this is not showing image. Copying and pasting path in another tab is loading image perfectly. Also, moving image file to img directory and using $this->Html->image('myimage.jpg') is working fine.
Why it is not working ? Also, It is easy to build url for directories css, img and js like
// Outputs
$this->Url->image('icon.png', true);
// Outputs /img/icon.png
which will result as
I want to build url for files directory like
// /files/myfile.jpg
How to build url for directories other than img, css and js.?
I'd doubt that using that path as a URL will work, as it's a filesystem path, and that's where the problem is. HtmlHelper::image() only supports URLs, relative as well as abolute ones (I guess the docs on this could be improved).
By default relative paths are expected to be relative to the /img/ folder. In your case you could pass a (web)root-relative path, like:
If you want to generate an absolute URL, use the fullBase option:
$this->Html->image('/files/myimage.jpg', ['fullBase' => true])
See also
Cookbook > Views > Helpers > Html > Linking to Images

Zend framework uploading file and setting destination problems

I've got a problem with uploading a file with ZF.
This is my application structure:
The application path in index.php seems to be ok:
|| define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/application'));
When i try to upload a file i get a message (such a dir does not exist).
This is my controllers code snippet:
$upload->setDestination(APPLICATION_PATH . '../public/img/');
Can anyone help please?
Your APPLICATION_PATH is not followed by a slash. Invoke setDestination() like this:
$upload->setDestination(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/img/');

Laravel returning root view instead of static content

I have one route:
Route::controller('/', 'HomeController');
And HomeController has one action getIndex which works correctly. However, when browsing to http://localhost:4040/public/style.css, the application returns the view from HomeController::getIndex. What gives?? Shouldn't it return the static file style.css?? I have confirmed that the CSS file does in-fact exist in the public folder.
To be clear, I'm running the app like this:
php -S localhost:4040 server.php
Hmmm, so the following seems to work:
1) Serve the project with:
php artisan serve
2) Reference files without the public/ prefix.
What does the php artisan serve command do so differently??
With using Route::controller(), if you look at the php artisan routes, the getIndex route has a optional parameters {one?}/{two?}/... and since that parameters have no matching pattern style.css get caught by the {one?}. This is the completely expected behavior, with index.php.
However, using php artisan serve, the server.php file gets called first.
$uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
$uri = urldecode($uri);
$paths = require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/paths.php';
$requested = $paths['public'].$uri;
// This file allows us to emulate Apache's "mod_rewrite" functionality from the
// built-in PHP web server. This provides a convenient way to test a Laravel
// application without having installed a "real" web server software here.
if ($uri !== '/' and file_exists($requested))
return false;
require_once $paths['public'].'/index.php';
You can clearly see that it checks if the file is real in if ($uri !== '/' and file_exists($requested)), and if it is, it stops calling the index.php that may process it as a route parameter, and instead returns a real file.

play 2.0 serve static file

I want localhost/assets/abc.png file to be served from project_root/assets/abc.png
GET /assets/*file"/public", file)
With the routes above, localhost/assets/abc.png won't be served( I couldn't find a way)
but localhost/assets/images/abc.png will be served from root/assets/images/abc.png.
Add the following entry at the bottom of routes:
# Serves only abc.png from root public folder
GET /$file<abc.png>"/public", file)
That said, if you have multiple files to serve like this, better put them in a subfolder

AssetCompress for CakePHP 1.3

I'm using AssetCompress v0.5 from the 1.3 branch and the dynamic built is not working. I've done the following so far:
Downloaded and copied the asset_compress folder into my app/plugins folder
Copied the config.ini and renamed it to app/config/asset_compress.ini
Created 2 CSS and JS bundles named public and logged (so 4 in total)
Added AssetCompress.AssetCompress in my $helpers array in my AppController
Changed my default.ctp layout file to: echo $this->AssetCompress->css('public'); echo $this->AssetCompress->css('logged'); (same for ->script())
The output error is:
Error: The requested address '/asset_compress/assets/get/public.css' was not found on this server.
What am I missing?
Ok, I figured it out.
It was because I was using the CssMin filter and I did not download it and put it into the vendor folder. As the plugin seems to be turning the debug level to 0, I did not see the error, until I put a Configure::write('debug', 2); into the beforeFilter().
