Anyone know how to configure phplist to use Gmail SMTP server?
Any advise? Thanks a lot for advice in advance
Based on this page
I added the following to my config.php.
$phpmailer_smtpuser = '';
$phpmailer_smtppassword = 'password';
No other changes were needed.
I did get a warning from Google that an attempt was made to access to my account and it was blocked. I had to follow the steps to allow the connection.
have look on it:
Phplist and Gmail SMTP
I have recently started working on alexa serverless. I have followed the steps as mentioned in a serverless blog
I have installed the serverless and created security profile and updated the Web settings with allowed return url i.e, https
After this I ran the command sls alexa auth. From here I am getting error like this
I am unable to find whats happening behind the screens. whats with code. Required environment variables are set.Can somebody help me
Go to Amazon Developer Portal. Choose Login With Amazon > Security Profiles > Edit > Web Settings.
Make sure you have the Allowed URL field filled in with your IP.
I had a similar issue. I updated my Allowed Origin and Allowed Return URLS to the following and it worked. Here is a screenshot.
Configured nagios but cant get a valid information for configuring gmail,Used sstmp but not working can anyone please help
A quick google search found this:
When I am calling rest services using ionic and angularJS It's getting "Cross-origin-request blocked". How to overcome that?
Thank you.
Better to Add to your chrome extension.
<cfheader name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*">
<cfheader name="Content-Type" value="text/javascript">
You will set above text on your server page that means which page you want access from remote. And one more thing i am using coldfusion server so above code looks in cf code format. So you will change syntax which server you have use.
A cross-origin request is a request from one domain to another. For security purposes you cannot get around that unless you control the server of the receiving domain. To solve your issue you must, therefore, make the request from and to the same domain. For more information, see:
You can bypass them in certain web browsers.
Chrome has been most successful for me.
trying to connect to salesforce sandbox with salesforce connector is resulting in following error,
Test connection failed: Check authEndpoint. It must contain '/services/Soap/u/'. authEndpoint specified
the url for connect is
the default connect url that appears on adaptor config is
has anyone faced a similar error. if yes is there a workaround.
the /u/ means partner API
the /c/ means enterprise API
https://your sfdc instance /services/Soap/u/32.0
will work
Is there a way to get whether a mail is marked as important or not from Java Mail API.? I'm using a Gmail account to connect. Thanks in advance.
Different mailers use different ways to indicate that a message is "important". Some use an X-Priority header. Others use an Importance header. I don't know offhand what Gmail uses, but look at the raw headers of a message and you should be able to figure it out. Then use the JavaMail getHeader method to access that header.