Is it possible for a designer to develop an AngularJS UI without the developer involved? - angularjs

In Silverlight, you can have UX person develop the UI look and feel seperatly and then developer can take the XAML and implement the behavior. In this model, UX person can create mock data for UI and verify the behavior independent of the implementation. As a developer, we do not need to worry about XAML and focus on implementing the behavior. I like this model, which encourages the independent development yet with collaboration.
Is such separation possible in AngularJS? If possible how would one go about achieving this?

Technically this is possible, but AngularJS does not have the toolset to create markup in a drag & drop interface like expression blend does. If you want to quickly prototype user interface designs with Angular you'll have to get your hand dirty. This doesn't mean the designer has to be a hardcore javascript developer; you can easily mock resources and replace them with full functional code at a later point.
I did have an Angular project a few months ago where the users themselves and some not-so-experienced-developers had to create custom forms: this is what I ended up with.


How to design a data model to be usable across different application frameworks?

I have a WPF GUI application based on MVVM design and data binding. Now, I want to reuse the core code (i.e. the data model) in a Windows service, or a console UI app, or a WinForms app.
Is such a design reasonable? If yes, what are the pitfalls?
Or should I make a standalone data model instead, and interface WPF via wrappers?
Sorry, I should have been more precise. Let me clarify: I don't doubt the very modularity thing =) My concern boils down to having my current DataModel implement INotifyPropertyChanged, use DispatcherTimers, etc. -- all that non-GUI but still WPF stuff. The model's business logic is based on it.
Is this (non-GUI WPF) design acceptable for reuse in the aforementioned cases, or should I abstract further, until no references to WPF would be required at all?
Yes, this is perfectly acceptable and most of the time it is desired!
When you build an MVVM app, it should be in at least 3 formal layers:
Presentation WPF, UI, xaml, behaviors. All that stuff. Not reusable
Application The view models and structure that supports your application rules. All that stuff. Not intended for reuse
Foundation Database access, business objects. Domain specific algorithms. Ideally this bit should be reusable anywhere
The foundation layer is the clever bit. This is where the meat in your application sandwich is. It makes perfect sense for this to be totally agnostic of UI technology. WPF, winforms, ASP. It shouldn't even need a UI.
Edit for question update:
Removing all references to WPF is hard because sometimes you need a CollectionViewSource on your view models for grouping/filtering of results. That is a WPF class.
It is very tempting to view your seperation-of-concerns as 'just dont reference wpf' and that helps but it can make life difficult. Instead, try to be disciplined with the type of behaviors you are putting in. If you find yourself writing 'clever' (domain) code on a view model, shift it to the foundation layer as a business object method or extension. Similarly, if you find yourself implementing IValueConverter often, perhaps you should make better use of view models.
One thing is for sure, your foundation layer should never, ever, ever reference WPF.
Such a design is very reasonable! You can create a portable C# library for all .NET technologies including WPF, WinRT, ASP MVC, etc which can contain your models. Obviously you'll need to wrap these portable models into a viewmodel anyway, but IPropertyChanged is implemented in all XAML flavors.

Need to build a drag drop form designer in browser - Is AngularJS the right framerwork for this kind of a requirement

My requirement is a build a web form designer in a browser - just like how Zoho Creator (or something similar to other browser based designer tools like, protoshare, gomockingbird, lucidcharts etc).
Have a tool box/palate on one side, a canvas and a properties box that always shows the properties of the selected control.
I definitely don't think that using JQuery and working with DOM elements will give a scalable solution like these (, lucidchart etc.). After numerous trials, I feel that AngularJS is the way to go, but it does not have native support for drag-drop and hence I want inputs from community members like you may have more experience with AngularJS on whether what I am setting out to do, is Angularjs the right framework to use for this kind of a solution?
See screens shots of tools like - something very similar to what I am setting out to build. Just that my palate will contain form controls like textbox, label etc which I will drag and drop on the canvas instead of the shapes that has.
Angular is fine. But the main idea of these kind of frameworks like Angular, Dojo, backbone is to structure your application with a specific designed pattern.Hence getting benefit from that pattern. And Angular will help you construct your app into MV* pattern. i may think what you need now is a graph library that support things with canvas , drag-drop , palettes, templates, overview, etc. Some may be useful are JointJS, MxGraph,Draw2D, Data-driven Documents, gojs, mindfusion.
Draw2D supports Angular as well. The lib has a boilerplate app whichs shows
how to use the draw2d stuff in combination with angluar.
The examples shows how to structure your app with Controller, Factories and two way
data binding.
I think you can use the draw2d boilderplate with any other DragDrop lib. It's just
a pattern how to integrate a third party lib into angular.
Angular has many hooks and pattern which supports any kind of lib

How can I write WPF efficiently?

When I first learned about Microsoft's then-new framework for developing desktop applications, WPF, I thought that one of the biggest benefits of it would be its efficiency. After all, I already know what the GUI controls and elements were that I wanted to use--I just have to slap them all on the page and then wire up all my bindings right, and I'll be done. After that, I learned about the MVVM pattern, which promised clean separation of concern within my WPF app.
I thought this was going to be great! I got into creating several different admin and data entry WPF apps with my team at work, and thus I began to crank out working software with robust but simple GUIs, right?
Not so fast, there, cowboy coder. My experience is that writing WPF is S-L-O-W.
Well, at least the way I do it. You see, after I have a picture of my GUI on a whiteboard, I code up the XAML with the controls that I want. This part, as expected, is fast--laying out the whole of a window is pretty quick. After that, its all the little stuff you want these elements to do takes awhile. I always seem to want to make this text bold in some cases; show a red error box in these other cases.
Then things unravel: this binding isn't working right over here--I have to write a converter and adjust the layout for the right values. Whoops, I forgot that extra NotifyPropertyChanged there. Oh, and I want to use a different template in this state vs. that, so I have to figure out what I can use to swap the templates in certain situation. This data is coming in asynchronously, so I need to make sure the right thing is happening on the right thread and that Property gets NotifyChanged as well. Crap, when I maximize my window, it doesn't stretch like I thought it would--must be because its container height isn't defined, but I don't want to define that, so I have to make it stretch in its parent. Oh, now I really want to make a user control out of this stuff over here, so I better implement some dependency properties...
On and on I go, spending hours and days on stuff that just feels so small and minor. I soon resort to cutting usability features and look-and-feel enhancements because this is taking just too darn long.
Does anyone have any tips or principles I need to try in order to write WPF efficiently?
A couple of things that have saved a lot of time for me:
Use DockPanel as your default panel for layout unless you have a good reason not to.
Keep a folder full of useful classes: a ViewModelBase class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged, a RelayCommand class, etc. There's no need to get fancy and try to make this a separate assembly that you build into your project; just write reasonably good implementations and copy/paste them into your new projects.
Get Resharper and use it. Use templates for creating dependency properties, properties that do change notification, and commands.
Find or build a good library for asynchronous task management.
I find that even for very simple applications I get more done faster with WPF than I did with Windows Forms. For applications that aren't very simple, there's absolutely no comparison.
For the most part, WPF applications are a lot of work to develop because it's harder to make the case for cutting out UI features. You can't just say, "Oh, that's not possible," because it probably is possible (whatever "it" is).
Write your own library, or find an existing one.
WPF is great, but out of the box it is missing some things that would make coding faster. I got tired of writing the same things repeatedly, so I ended up creating my own library full of things like converters, visual tree helpers, attached properties, custom controls, etc., and since then, my development time has sped up considerably.
In addition to my own library, I've also started using Microsoft's Prism and Galasoft's MVVM Light Toolkit. Both contain useful objects that I use all the time and are better than what I could code on my own. (Most used are NotificationObject from Prism, RelayCommand from MVVM Light Toolkit, and EventAggregator or Messenger from either one depending on the project, etc.)
Another thing I've done to speed up coding time is to take advantage of Visual Studio's macros. For example, to create a property with Change notification, I write the private property, hit Ctrl+E, Ctrl+R which generates the public version, then run a macro which automatically sets up the PropertyChanged notification in the setter method.
I almost never change the setter methods from the default macro'd one, and instead use the PropertyChanged event to handle any changes that should occur on the setter. This not only makes it easier to track application flow, but also greatly reduces the time I used to waste browsing through my public properties to alter a setter method.
I believe the right answer isn't for WPF at all, but it can fit what you're looking for.
Most of the times, when you want to leverage a new technology there's a time while you're not efficient, productive and your solutions aren't that impressive, innovative or just doesn't look like others.
What will give you more efficiency is working with WPF itself.
It's more about project management topics than programming. After finishing some project, your team and you should go to some room and discuss:
Success stories.
Problems during development.
Pros and cons.
Fails in the application architecture.
Communication problems within the team and customer.
... and so on.
If everyone shares their knowledge, project manager or team leader does a good job documenting each project story, finally everyone will have a "know-how".
In addition, it's important that you won't need to reinvent the wheel for every new project: if some pattern worked fine, do the same way next time, even if it's not the best way of doing it. And try to enhance it, if possible.
Design patterns, technologies, paradigms, languages, companies, colleagues and nothing are a silver bullet: Microsoft said WPF is a step-forward in Windows client developments, and it is that: a more modern approach to provide shinny user interfaces and a programming paradigm that fits nowadays' desired approaches, easing the relation between coders and designers, as WPF has XAML, which allows not only separation of concerns, but separation of professionals by area (designers, UI programmers, business programmers, ...).
Finally, as I said above, WPF won't be your silver bullet: learn from your own success and read a lot, see sample applications, download open source solutions, listen your colleagues, drink a coffee and, after all, after some headaches, some day in the near future, you'll leverage these technologies (and many others).
I'd like to add that a good way of using the know-how is creating a Visual Studio guidance pack, so you can automate a lot of tasks like creating managers, views, models and other things just in the way your team would do by hand.
For example, you can create a guidance pack for a WPF CRM-like application and you can automate module creation. When you want to add a new module, guidance pack starts a process which adds all the necessary classes to start development this new module, and it can create a sample form already associated with a navigation manager, controller or whatever (it's just an example).
Guidance pack and T4 would be both good tools for automating tedious or repetitive tasks in everyday's tasks:
I have been using WPF since 2008 and can honestly say to do it right and clean does take more time than the same thing in WinForms would take to develop. I have written a lot more WPF than Winforms. That being said - if I need a simple internal utility - it is ALWAYS Winforms. If I have something forward facing to a client - it is always WPF. Why? Winforms are cheap and dirty and you get a lot for free. What you don't get is the fit and polish that WPF can provide. The flexibility with WPF does come at a cost - but in the longer run it's worth it for public facing software.
Yes WPF is a hurdle but it also has rewards. You are on the right track with a design pattern such as MVVM. Sounds like you have not even gotten to the "rewards" of dependency properties or event bubbling. But the control over the UI is great. Almost everything is a content control. In forms I was always writing custom controls to get the UI I wanted. In WFP I have never had to write a custom control for UI and doubt I ever will. The syntax is new but it is compact - I rewrote a Form app in WPF and the WPF has 1/3 the lines and more features. Read a whole book on WPF just to get grounded - I like PRO WPF in C# 2010. You could also say LINQ is complex but man does it do a lot in just a few key strokes. WPF is not something you just pick up on the fly as you next application.

Using the MVC, MVP or MVVM pattern for a wizard written in WinForms?

All of the WinForms wizards I've written in the past have a high degree of coupling between the UI and the model. That is: the individual pages know about enabling/disabling the Next/Previous buttons, how to react to the Next button being pressed, etc. It makes it all hard to test, because to test any of the logic, you've got to put a lot of scaffolding together first.
I've been using MVC (in the form of ASP.MVC) recently, and I'm finding that easy to test. I've also had a play with WPF, and I think I'm getting my head around M-V-VM.
I'm struggling with the M-V-P pattern in WinForms (i.e. no WPF-style databinding). In particular, I need to implement a wizard.
Would I have a controller per page? A view model that governs the whole wizard? Something else?
This is in WinForms (not WPF), in C#. .Net 2.0 preferred.
In the end I opted for something between MVVM and MVP, using a mixture of WinForms databinding and view callback interfaces. I guess it's closer to MVP than MVVM. Each page has a viewmodel/presenter, and the wizard itself has its own viewmodel/presenter to govern flow (certain options skip later wizard pages, for example).
It turned out pretty well, and it fairly easy to write unit tests for each of the presenter classes.
The underlying wizard framework doesn't use MVVM or MVP. It's just plain ol' WinForms code.
Have a look at the Smart Client Software Factory.

How would you implement MVC in a Windows Forms application?

I don't develop too many desktop / Windows Forms applications, but it had occurred to me that there may be some benefit to using the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern for Windows Forms .NET development.
Has anyone implemented MVC in Windows Forms? If so, do you have any tips on the design?
What I've done in the past is use something similar, Model-View-Presenter.
[NOTE: This article used to be available on the web. To see it now, you'll need to download the CHM, and then view the file properties and click Unblock. Then you can open the CHM and find the article. Thanks a million, Microsoft! sigh]
The form is the view, and I have an IView interface for it. All the processing happens in the presenter, which is just a class. The form creates a new presenter, and passes itself as the presenter's IView. This way for testing you can pass in a fake IView instead, and then send commands to it from the presenter and detect the results.
If I were to use a full-fledged Model-View-Controller, I guess I'd do it this way:
The form is the view. It sends commands to the model, raises events which the controller can subscribe to, and subscribes to events from the model.
The controller is a class that subscribes to the view's events and sends commands to the view and to the model.
The model raises events that the view subscribes to.
This would fit with the classic MVC diagram. The biggest disadvantage is that with events, it can be hard to tell who's subscribing to what. The MVP pattern uses methods instead of events (at least the way I've implemented it). When the form/view raises an event (e.g. someButton.Click), the form simply calls a method on the presenter to run the logic for it. The view and model don't have any direct connection at all; they both have to go through the presenter.
Well, actually Windows Forms implements a "free-style" version of MVC, much like some movies implement some crappy "free-style" interpretation of some classic books (Romeo & Juliet come to mind).
I'm not saying Windows Forms' implementation is bad, it's just... different.
If you use Windows Forms and proper OOP techniques, and maybe an ORM like EntitySpaces for your database access, then you could say that:
The ORM/OOP infrastructure is the Model
The Forms are the Views
The event handlers are the Controller
Although having both View and Controller represented by the same object make separating code from representation way more difficult (there's no easy way to plug-in a "GTK+ view" in a class derived from Microsoft.Windows.Forms.Form).
What you can do, if you are careful enough. Is keep your form code completely separate from your controller/model code by only writing GUI related stuff in the event handlers, and all other business logic in a separate class. In that case, if you ever wanted to use GTK+ to write another View layer, you would only need to rewrite the GUI code.
Windows Forms isn't designed from the ground up to use MVC. You have two options.
First, you can roll your own implementation of MVC.
Second, you can use an MVC framework designed for Windows Forms.
The first is simple to start doing, but the further in you get, the more complex it is. I'd suggest looking for a good, preexisting and well-tested, MVC framework designed to work with Windows Forms. I believe this blog post is a decent starting point.
For anybody starting out, I'd suggest skipping Windows Forms and developing against WPF, if you have the option. It's a much better framework for creating the UI. There are many MVC frameworks being developed for WPF, including this one and that one.
According to Microsoft, the UIP Application Block mentioned by #jasonbunting is "archived." Instead, look at the Smart Client Application Block or the even newer Smart Client Software Factory, which supports both WinForms and WPF SmartParts.
Check into the User Interface Process (UIP) Application Block. I don't know much about it but looked at it a few years ago. There may be newer versions, check around.
"The UIP Application Block is based on the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern."
Take a look at the MS Patterns and Practices Smart Client application block which has some guidance and classes which walk you through implementing a model view presenter patter in windows forms - take a look at the reference application included.
For WPF this is being superseced by the prism project
The software factories approach is a great way to learn best practices
