AngularJS bugs? - angularjs

I am developing web application with AngularJS v1.2.15, Google Chrome Version 33.0.1750.152, Firefox version 26.0.
Problems that I found:
1.When I choose ng-options in select tags via keyboard, model updates, but to the ng-model writes first value the first two clicks. Using the mouse works fine. This problem found in Google Chrome. In Firefox all works good. Example: plunker
<div class="controls">
<select id="model" ng-model=""
ng-options=" as for model in models" required>
2.In Google Chrome styles are not working for input elements (bootstrap input style and angular invalid class style). I took some screenshots.
Google Chrome:
Does anyone else have these issues? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong.

For issue #1, I think its a bug. It's been reported here:
There seems to be an alternative though - if you specify an option with a null value, then it fixes it.
So, you can just add <option value="">Select one</option> and it works.
Here's a modified plunkr that shows it.
Can you post code for second issue so that we can figure out what is wrong with it? Just images are not helping.

As far as I know - there aren't any (keyboard) issues with ng-options or the select element with angular which probably means that it just isn't doing what you expect it to do. I have created a fiddle loosely based on the code you provided. The following is my controller:
app.controller('Test', function ($scope) {
$scope.models = [{id: 0, name: 'abc'}, {id: 1, name: 'def'}, {id: 2, name: 'ghi'}, {id: 3, name: 'jkl'}];
// safe has to be defined
$ = {model: $scope.models[2]};
For the select element, I started with what you had but simplified it a little bit:
<select id="model" ng-model="safe.model"
ng-options=" for model in models"
If you take a look at plunker, it is working here. Note that I wrote and tested this in Chrome Version 33.0.1750.154 m. I added a focus button so you can test keyboard input (it is hard to focus on the select otherwise).
As to the styling - by default the select box in chrome does look different but I can't tell from your screen shots what you consider to be the exact issue here. Hopefully this at least helps with part of your concerns.

I created videos that show issue №1.
Google Chrome example, Firefox example

I anwsered this question at other post, but basically as others said, you can:
1) Add a empty option
2) Force to select a member of the list.
Bellow I have the two solutions and the problem at jsfiddle too.
Select options through ng-click is not working in chrome browser using AngularJS
For me this error is a bug on Chrome, not angular, because in firefox worked(when it loses the focus updates the model).


Safari breaks when using exclamation mark in Angular condition

This sounds wacky but we're currently consistently able to reproduce this issue, and I wanted to know if anyone has seen anything like it, or knows what could be causing it.
We have an Angular 1.4.1 application, and in some of our html partials we have conditions in the following form:
<div ng-if="!obj.myvar">
... contents ...
Where in your JS you've set up your scope accordingly:
$scope.obj = { myvar: false }
This works as expected in all browsers, except iOS Safari (we've seen this on iPhone and iPad):
On the initial load, all elements following the ng-if fail to load
If you manually refresh the page, it will then work as expected
We've found that changing the syntax to this fixes the issue:
<div ng-if="obj.myvar === false">
... contents ...
But I'm not hugely satisfied with that as a solution, and it doesn't explain why this issue is happening at all.
Word of warning if you're trying to replicate this - this isn't reproducible on jsFiddle. I assume that's because the results window isn't a "true" browser.

Update Material Lite checkbox with Angular 2

I am trying to use Material Design Lite in Angular 2 and have trouble updating checkboxes after the state has changed. See the following Plunker example.
When the user clicks on "All" to select all boxes, only the normal checkboxes update. I have tried using componentHandler.upgradeDom() and componentHandler.upgradeAllRegistered() but it made no difference.
How can I get the data-binding to work?
Ok, so I had a similar problem like you, and after good 2 or 3 hours of Googling around, I came up with a solution (or maybe it's just a dirty hack, don't know):
<label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect" []="isChecked()">
<input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="checkbox.Checked" class="mdl-checkbox__input">
<span class="mdl-checkbox__label">A label</span>
I've updated the plunk you've shared so you can see it there. I hope this solves your problem, as it have solved mine.
After reading the MDL code, it seemed to me that the appearance of the MDL checkbox only changes when it sees the onchange event. But just setting "checked" in code doesn't deliver the changed event. So, after I set it, I give it a poke.
function setChecked(element, bool) {
element.checked = bool;
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent("change", false, true);
Now, I'm not saying this is the RIGHT or BEST way to do this, but it works for me.

Showing 'tick marks' with HTML range sliders

I am trying to show 'ticks' with HTML range sliders. Like this:
While the HTML range directive allows for ticks with "step" and "datalist", Safari does not honor it while Chrome does. I am building an ionic/Angular app, so this means it does not work for iOS devices.
There are some 3rd party sliders like angular-awesome-slider that do support a form of ticks, but they have other issues which make them less usable for my need.
So my requirement is this: Given an HTML range slider, how do I go about adding an overlay on top that displays "|" marks at specific places on top of the slider?
(Note that the positioning of the "|" needs to take into account the display width of the slider)
I've set up a codepen here:
(SO insists if I insert a codepen link, I need to also insert code, so here is the code for the input)
<input type=range ng-model="myRange" min=0 max=20 step = 1 list="vals">
<datalist id="vals">
with an input range. As you see it shows ticks on Chrome but not on Safari. Can someone be so kind as to help me get started with my objective?
This is way late :-) But are you sure (I don't have an installed Safari to check) that it wouldn't help if your <datalist id="vals"> tag matched your </data-list> tag?
I'm frankly surprised that it works for Chrome! Though it definitely breaks if you change the opening tag to <data-list>

Custom Directive inside a Directive Doesn't Fire in IE9

I have a custom directive (to exposecertain fields), and inside that I have another directive (the drop down box for the field). It's working well on Chrome, but on IE9 it appears the ng-show and ng-if is failing to evaluate. It appears not to even enter the function I defined (I put console.log inside the isAllowed function and it appears in Chrome but not in IE9).
<select id="" class="form-control" ng-model="measure" name="{{name}}">
<option ng-if="isAllowed(name, 1)" value="1">Kilowatt Hours</option>
<option ng-if="isAllowed(name, 2)" value="2">mmBTU</option>
<option ng-if="isAllowed(name, 3)" value="3">Therms</option>
<option ng-if="isAllowed(name, 4)" value="4">Decatherms</option>
I have tried ng-show instead of ng-if and it behaves the same in IE9. It appears the replace: true I put on my first directive is not honoured in IE9:
Whereas in Chrome this is replaced as expected with surrounding DIV elements and my custom directives cannot be seen anywhere, which is good.
Has anyone had experience of this before? Is it something to do with having a directive inside of a directive? Seems like IE9 does the first one OK then stops.
(I wish I could drop IE9 but it's an internal app and they're still on IE9 everywhere, so I've got to make it work somehow).
PS: The aim here is to only show the options that are relevant to the given field. In this case Electricity can be measured in kWh and mmBTUs but not in Therms and Decatherms. Inside the isAllowed function is supposed to be some switch logic. It works fine in Chrome, just not IE9, so I might need another method as a workaround.
PPS: Angular 1.3.2. IE9 - Browser Mode: IE9, Document Mode: IE9 Standards.
Figured it out. Isolated scope. Somehow Chrome was dealing with it OK, but IE9 was not.
In my app I have the fields I want to show to my user defined in a Partials module, but the drop-down lists is something I want to use in multiple places and they may change, so I defined them in a directive called BusinessRulesDirectives.
All I needed to do was drop in the BusinessRulesDirectives as a dependency to my Partials module and it works across both Chrome and IE9.
angular.module( 'ActualsPartials', [
] )
For some reason Chrome was able to run fine with this, but IE9 did not like it:
angular.module( 'ActualsPartials', [] )
Also, no errors were being output. I just happened to double-check for isolated scope as a wild guess.
Would be interested to know why Chrome was OK but IE9 was not.

AngularJS default select option being removed from all select boxes on click in IE9

IE9 isn't playing nice with my select boxes. When you click on one to change the value in Chrome it works as intended. In IE9 it's removing the default selection from every select box on the page. What the heck is happening here?
I had to do a jsfiddle this time becuase plunker doesn't seem to link IE9 either.
Here's one section of the code I'm using for the select boxes. There's a working example in the fiddle.
<select ng-model="initialOption1" ng-options=" for drafter in drafterItems"><option value="">Initial Option</option></select>
<select ng-model="initialOption2" ng-options=" for drafter in drafterItems"><option value="">Initial Option</option></select>
<select ng-model="initialOption3" ng-options=" for drafter in drafterItems"><option value="">Initial Option</option></select>
I'm not exactly sure what the cause is, but you can make it work by not using the initial option in the markup. Instead set a default in your ngOptions object and set the model values to that.
$scope.initialOption1 = $scope.drafterItems[0];
$scope.initialOption2 = $scope.drafterItems[0];
$scope.initialOption3 = $scope.drafterItems[0];
I would love to know the underlying cause, but it is likely related to the ng-grid library you are including.
