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Undefined behavior and sequence points
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
For my compiler class, we are gradually creating a pseudo-PASCAL compiler. It does, however, follow the same precedence as C. That being said, in the section where we create prefix and postfix operators, I get 0 for
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
++a - b++ - --b + a--
when C returns a 1. What I don't understand is how you can even get a 1. By doing straight prefix first, the answer should be 2. And by doing postfix first, the answer should be -2. By doing everything left to right, I get zero.
My question is, what should my precedence of my operators be to return a 1?
Operator precedence tells you for example whether ++a - b means (++a) - b or ++(a - b). Clearly it should be the former since the latter isn't even valid. In your implementation it's clearly the former (or you wouldn't be getting a result at all), so you implemeneted operator precedence correctly.
Operator precedence has nothing to do with the order in which subexpressions are evaluated. In fact the order in which the operator operands to + and - are evaluated is unspecified in C and any code that modifies the same variable twice without a sequence point in between invokes undefined behavior. So whichever order you choose is fine and 0 is as valid a result as any other value.
It is illegal to change variables several times in a row like that (roughly between asignments, the standard talks about sequence points). Technically, this is what the C standard calls undefined behaviour. The compiler has no obligation to detect you are writing nonsense, and can assume you will never do. Anything whatsoever can happen when you run the program (or even while compiling). Also check nasal demons in the Jargon File.
The ++ increment and -- decrement operators can be placed before or after a value, different affect. If placed before the operand (prefix), its value is immediately changed, if placed after the operand (postfix) its value is noted first, then the value is changed.
McGrath, Mike. (2006). C programming in easy steps, 2nd Edition. United Kingdom : Computer Step.
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Why are these constructs using pre and post-increment undefined behavior?
(14 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Notice: this is a self-Q/A and a more visible targeting the erroneous information promoted by the book "Let us C". Also, please let's keep the c++ out of the discussion, this question is about C.
I am reading the book "Let us C" by Yashwant Kanetkar.
In the book there is the following example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int a = 1;
printf("%d %d %d", a, ++a, a++);
The author claims that this code should output 3 3 1:
Surprisingly, it outputs 3 3 1. This is
because C’s calling convention is from right to left. That is, firstly
1 is passed through the expression a++ and then a is incremented
to 2. Then result of ++a is passed. That is, a is incremented to 3
and then passed. Finally, latest value of a, i.e. 3, is passed. Thus in
right to left order 1, 3, 3 get passed. Once printf( ) collects them it
prints them in the order in which we have asked it to get them
printed (and not the order in which they were passed). Thus 3 3 1
gets printed.
However when I compile the code and run it with clang, the result is 1 2 2, not 3 3 1; why is that?
The author is wrong. Not only is the order of evaluation of function arguments unspecified in C, the evaluations are unsequenced with regards to each other. Adding to the injury, reading and modifying the same object without an intervening sequence point in independent expressions (here the value of a is evaluated in 3 independent expressions and modified in 2) has undefined behaviour, so the compiler has the liberty of producing any kind of code that it sees fit.
For details, see Why are these constructs using pre and post-increment undefined behavior?
C’s calling convention
This has nothing to do with calling convention! And C does not even specify a certain calling convention - "cdecl" etc are x86 PC inventions (and have nothing to do with this). The correct and formal C language term is order of evaluation.
The order of evaluation is unspecified behavior (formally defined term), meaning that we can't know if it is left to right or right to left. The compiler need not document it and need not have a consistent order from case to case basis.
But there is a more severe problem yet here: the so-called unsequenced side-effects. C17 6.5/2 states:
If a side effect on a scalar object is unsequenced relative to either a different side effect
on the same scalar object or a value computation using the value of the same scalar
object, the behavior is undefined. If there are multiple allowable orderings of the
subexpressions of an expression, the behavior is undefined if such an unsequenced side
effect occurs in any of the orderings.
This text is quite hard to digest for normal humans. A rough, simplified translation from language-lawyer nerd language to plain English:
In case the binary operators1) used in the expression don't explicitly state the order that the operands are executed2) and,
a side-effect, such as changing the value, happens to a variable in the expression, and,
that same variable is used elsewhere in the same expression,
then the program is broken and might do anything.
1) Operators with 2 operands.
2) Most operators don't do this, only a few exceptions like || && , operators do so.
The author is wrong and the book has multiple instances of incorrect statements like this one.
In C, the behavior of printf("%d %d %d", a, ++a, a++); is undefined both because the order of evaluation of function arguments is unspecified and because modifying the same object multiple times between 2 sequence points has undefined behavior just to name these two.
Note that the book is referenced as do not use in The Definitive C Book Guide and List for providing incorrect advice with this precise example.
Note also that other languages may have a different take on this kind of statement, notably java where the behavior is fully defined.
I read many years ago in University (C step by step by Mitchell Waite) which c compiler (some compilers) uses stack for printf by pushing arguments from right to left (to specifier) and then pop them one by one and print them.
I write this code and the output is 3 3 1 : Online Demo.
Based on the book in the stack we have something like this
But after a minor challenges with experts (in comments) I found that maybe in some compilers this sequence be true but not for all.
#Lundin provided this code and the output is 1 2 2 :Online Demo
and #Bob__ provided another example which output is totally different: Online Demo
It totally depends on compiler implementation and has undefined behaviour.
After researching, I read that the increment operator requires the operand to have a modifiable data object:
From this I guess that it gives compilation error because (a+b) is a temporary integer and so is not modifiable.
Is this understanding correct? This was my first time trying to research a problem so if there was something I should have looked for please advise.
It's just a rule, that's all, and is possibly there to (1) make it easier to write C compilers and (2) nobody has convinced the C standards committee to relax it.
Informally speaking you can only write ++foo if foo can appear on the left hand side of an assignment expression like foo = bar. Since you can't write a + b = bar, you can't write ++(a + b) either.
There's no real reason why a + b couldn't yield a temporary on which ++ can operate, and the result of that is the value of the expression ++(a + b).
The C11 standard states in section
The operand of the prefix increment or decrement operator shall have
atomic, qualified, or unqualified real or pointer type, and shall be a
modifiable lvalue
And "modifiable lvalue" is described in section subsection 1
An lvalue is an expression (with an object type other than void) that
potentially designates an object; if an lvalue does not designate an
object when it is evaluated, the behavior is undefined. When an
object is said to have a particular type, the type is
specified by the lvalue used to designate the object. A modifiable
lvalue is an lvalue that does not have array type, does not have
an incomplete type, does not have a const-qualified type, and
if it is a structure or union, does not have any member
(including, recursively, any member or element of all contained
aggregates or unions) with a const-qualified type.
So (a+b) is not a modifiable lvalue and is therefore not eligible for the prefix increment operator.
You are correct. the ++ tries to assign the new value to the original variable. So ++a will take the value of a, adds 1 to it and then assign it back to a. Since, as you said, (a+b) is a temp value, and not a variable with assigned memory address the assignment can't be performed.
I think you mostly answered your own question.
I might make a small change to your phrasing and replace "temporary variable" with "rvalue" as C.Gibbons mentioned.
The terms variable, argument, temporary variable and so on will become more clear as you learn about C's memory model (this looks like a nice overview: ).
The term "rvalue" may seem opaque when you're just starting out, so I hope the following helps with developing an intuition about it.
Lvalue/rvalue are talking about the different sides of an equals sign (assignment operator):
lvalue = left hand side (lowercase L, not a "one")
rvalue = right hand side
Learning a little about how C uses memory (and registers) will be helpful for seeing why the distinction is important. In broad brush strokes, the compiler creates a list of machine language instructions that compute the result of an expression (the rvalue) and then puts that result somewhere (the lvalue). Imagine a compiler dealing with the following code fragment:
x = y * 3
In assembly pseudocode it might look something like this toy example:
load register A with the value at memory address y
load register B with a value of 3
multiply register A and B, saving the result in A
write register A to memory address x
The ++ operator (and its -- counterpart) need a "somewhere" to modify, essentially anything that can work as an lvalue.
Understanding the C memory model will be helpful because you'll get a better idea in your head about how arguments get passed to functions and (eventually) how to work with dynamic memory allocation, like the malloc() function. For similar reasons you might study some simple assembly programming at some point to get a better idea of what the compiler is doing. Also if you're using gcc, the -S option "Stop after the stage of compilation proper; do not assemble." can be interesting (though I'd recommend trying it on a small code fragment).
Just as an aside:
The ++ instruction has been around since 1969 (though it started in C's predecessor, B):
(Ken Thompson's) observation (was) that the translation of ++x was smaller than that of x=x+1."
Following that wikipedia reference will take you to an interesting writeup by Dennis Ritchie (the "R" in "K&R C") on the history of the C language, linked here for convenience: where you can search for "++".
The reason is that the standard requires the operand being an lvalue. The expression (a+b) is not a lvalue, so applying the increment operator isn't allowed.
Now, one might say "OK, that's indeed the reason, but there is actually no *real* reason other than that", but unluckily the particular wording of how the operator works factually does require that to be the case.
The expression ++E is equivalent to (E+=1).
Obviously, you cannot write E += 1 if E isn't a lvalue. Which is a shame because one could just as well have said: "increments E by one" and be done. In that case, applying the operator on a non-lvalue would (in principle) be perfectly possible, at the expense of making the compiler slightly more complex.
Now, the definition could trivially be reworded (I think it isn't even originally C but an heirloom of B), but doing so would fundamentally change the language to something that's no longer compatible with its former versions. Since the possible benefit is rather small but the possible implications are huge, that never happened and probably is never going to happen.
If you consider C++ in addition to C (question is tagged C, but there was discussion about operator overloads), the story becomes even more complicated. In C, it's hard to imagine that this could be the case, but in C++ the result of (a+b) could very well be something that you cannot increment at all, or incrementing could have very considerable side effects (not just adding 1). The compiler must be able to cope with that, and diagnose problematic cases as they occur. On a lvalue, that's still kinda trivial to check. Not so for any kind of haphazard expression inside a parenthesis that you throw at the poor thing.
This isn't a real reason why it couldn't be done, but it sure lends as an explanation why the people who implemented this are not precisely ecstatic to add such a feature which promises very little benefit to very few people.
(a+b) evaluates to an rvalue, which cannot be incremented.
++ tries to give the value to the original variable and since (a+b) is a temp value it cannot perform the operation. And they are basically rules of the C programming conventions to make the programming easy. That's it.
When ++(a+b) expression performed, then for example :
int a, b;
a = 10;
b = 20;
/* NOTE :
//step 1: expression need to solve first to perform ++ operation over operand
++ ( exp );
// in your case
++ ( 10 + 20 );
// step 2: result of that inc by one
++ ( 30 );
// here, you're applying ++ operator over constant value and it's invalid use of ++ operator
Can somebody explain what is happening with the precedence in this code? I've be trying to figure out what is happening by myself but I could'nt handle it alone.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int v[]={20,35,76,80};
int *a;
printf("%d\n", *a);
printf("%d\n", *a);
What's happening is that the behavior is undefined.
6.5 Expressions
2 If a side effect on a scalar object is unsequenced relative to either a different side effect
on the same scalar object or a value computation using the value of the same scalar
object, the behavior is undefined. If there are multiple allowable orderings of the
subexpressions of an expression, the behavior is undefined if such an unsequenced side
effect occurs in any of the orderings.84)
3 The grouping of operators and operands is indicated by the syntax.85) Except as specified
later, side effects and value computations of subexpressions are unsequenced.86)
C 2011 Online Draft (N1570)
The expressions *a-- and *a are unsequenced relative to each other. Except in a few cases, C does not guarantee that expressions are evaluated left to right; therefore, it's not guaranteed that *a-- is evaluated (and the side effect applied) before *a.
*a-- has a side effect - it updates a to point to the previous element in the sequence. *a + 1 is a value computation - it adds 1 to the value of what a currently points to.
Depending on the order that *a-- and *a are evaluated and when the side effect of the -- operator is actually applied, you could be assigning the result of v[1] + 1 to v[0], or v[1] + 1 to v[1], or v[0] + 1 to v[0], or v[0] + 1 to v[1], or something else entirely.
Since the behavior is undefined, the compiler is not required to do anything in particular - it may issue a diagnostic and halt translation, it may issue a diagnostic and finish translation, or it may finish translation without a diagnostic. At runtime, the code may crash, you may get an unexpected result, or the code may work as intended.
I'm not going to explain the whole program; I'm going to focus on the "WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE" line. I think we can agree that before this line, the v[] array looks like this, with a pointing at v's last element:
v: | 20 | 35 | 75 | 80 |
0 1 2 3
a: | * |
Now, we have
*a-- = *a+1;
It looks like this is going to assign something to where a points, and decrement a. So it looks like it will assign something to v[3], but leave a pointing at v[2].
And the value that gets assigned will evidently be the value that a points to, plus 1.
But the key question is, when we take *a+1 on the right-hand side, will it use the old or the new value of a, before or after the decrement on the right-hand side? It turns out this is a really, really hard question to answer.
If we take the value after the decrement, it'll be a[2], plus 1, or 76 that gets assigned to a[3]. It looks like that's how your compiler interpreted it. And this makes a certain amount of sense, because when we read from left to right, it's easy to imagine that by the time we get around to computing *a+1, the a-- has already happened.
Or, if we took the value before the decrement, it would be a[3], plus 1, or 81 that gets assigned to a[3]. And that's how it was interpreted by three different compilers I tried it on. And this makes a certain amount of sense, too, because of course assignments actually proceed from right to left, so it's easy to imagine that *a+1 happens before the a-- on the left-hand side.
So which compiler is correct, yours or mine, and which is wrong? This is where the answer gets a little strange, and/or surprising. The answer is that neither compiler is wrong. This is because it turns out that it's not just really hard to decide what should happen here, it is (by definition) impossible to figure out what happens here. The C standard does not define how this expression should behave. In fact, it goes one farther than not defining how this expression should behave: the C Standard explicitly says that this expression is undefined. So your compiler is right to put 76 in v[3], and my compilers are right to put 81. And since "undefined behavior" means that anything can happen, it wouldn't be wrong for a compiler to arrange to put some other number into v[3], or to end up assigning to something other than v[3].
So the other part of the answer is that you must not write code like this. You must not depend on undefined behavior. It will do different things under different compilers. It may do something completely unpredictable. It is impossible to understand, maintain, or explain.
It's pretty easy to detect when an expression is undefined due to order-of-evaluation ambiguity. There are two cases: (1) the same variable gets modified twice, as in x++ + x++. (2) The same variable gets modified in one place, and used in another, as in *a-- = *a+1.
It's worth noting that one of the three compilers I used said "eo.c:15: warning: unsequenced modification and access to 'a'", and another said "eo.c:15:5: warning: operation on ‘a’ may be undefined". If your compiler has an option to enable warnings like these, use it! (Under gcc it's -Wsequence-point or -Wall. Under clang, it's -Wunsequenced or -Wall.)
See John Bode's answer for the detailed language from the C Standard that makes this expression undefined. See also the canonical StackOverflow question on this topic, Why are these constructs (using ++) undefined behavior?
Not exactly sure which expression you have problems with. Increment and decrement operators have the highest precedence. Dereference comes after. Addition, substraction, after.
But with regards to assignment, C does not specify order of evaluation (right to left or left to right).
will right hand side of an expression always evaluated first
C does not specify which of the right hand side or left hand side of the = operator is evaluated first.
So it could be that your pointer a is decremented first or after it's dereferenced on the right hand side.
In other words, depending on the compiler this expression could be equivalent to either:
*a = *a+1;
I personally never rely too much on operator precedence in my code. I makes it more legible to either put parenthesis or separate in different lines.
Unless you're building a compiler yourself and need to make a decision to what assembly code to generate.
This question already has answers here:
sequence points in c
(4 answers)
Why are these constructs using pre and post-increment undefined behavior?
(14 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Can anyone help me solve this question
void main()
int num, a=5;
num = -a-- + + ++a;
printf("%d %d\n", num, a);
Answer: 0 5
But how? Can anyone explain the logic behind?
Once upon a time I watched two aggressive Boston drivers trying to park in the same parking space, such that they actually crashed their cars into each other. Something very much like that happens here.
There are other things wrong with this code, but let's just focus on what gets stored into a. If we imagine that the expression a-- + ++a gets evaluated from left to right, the first thing that happens is the a-- part. a started out as 5, so a-- has the value of 5, with a note to store 4 into a. Imagine that this note is given to the driver of the first car for delivery.
Next we get to ++a. Assume for the moment that the message to store 4 into a hasn't gotten through yet. So ++a has the value 6, with a note to store 6 into a. Imagine that this note is given to the driver of the second car for delivery.
One big question is, what is the final value of num, but I'm not worried about that for now. Let's just ask, what is the final value of a? We've got one car driver trying to set it to 4, and one trying to set to 6. But there's only one parking space labeled a. Maybe the first driver gets there first and sets it to 4, or maybe the second driver gets there and sets it to 6. Or maybe they get there at the exact same time, and crash into each other, and a gets set to a twisted piece of metal from the second car's front bumper. (Perhaps that twisted piece of metal looks a little like the number 5, so printing 5 was the best that printf could do.)
As I said, there are other things wrong with this code. For one thing, we shouldn't have imagined that it gets evaluated from left to right; there's no guarantee about that at all. We also don't know if the ++a part should operate on the original value of a, or the value affected by a--. In fact, we have no idea what this expression should do, and the perhaps surprising fact is, the compiler doesn't know, either! Different compilers will interpret an expression like this differently, giving wildly different answers. None of the answers are right, and none are wrong, because this expression is undefined.
The expression is undefined because there are two different attempts inside it to assign a new value to a. (You'll find more formal definitions of undefined behavior in the linked answers.) So a simple rule for avoiding undefined behavior is, "don't try to set a variable's value twice in one expression".
You might be thinking that this expression ought to have a well-defined interpretation. You might be thinking that it should obviously be evaluated from left to right. You might be thinking that a-- should store the new value into a immediately, such that it would be guaranteed to be the value seen by "later" parts of the expression. You might think those things, and they might be true about some other programming language, but not C. C does not guarantee that expressions are evaluated strictly left to right, and it does not guarantee that a-- or ++a update a's value immediately. Trying to update a's value twice in one expression leads to undefined behavior, and undefined behavior means that anything can happen.
When does the post increment operator affect the increment? I have come across two opinions:
1) From
POST means do the operation after any
assignment operation.
2) Closer home, an answer on SO(albeit on C++) says:
... that delays the increment
until the end of the expression
(next sequence point).
So does the post increment operation...
A) wait until a sequence point is reached or
B) happen post an assignment operator or
C) happen anytime before the sequence point?
The correct interpretation is C, ie. the increment happens sometime before the next sequence point, specifically the C standard (C99,, 2) says this:
The side effect of updating the stored value of the operand shall occur between
the previous and the next sequence point.
Full paragraph quotation:
The result of the postfix ++ operator is the value of the operand. After the result is
obtained, the value of the operand is incremented. (That is, the value 1 of the appropriate
type is added to it.) See the discussions of additive operators and compound assignment
for information on constraints, types, and conversions and the effects of operations on
pointers. The side effect of updating the stored value of the operand shall occur between
the previous and the next sequence point.
The post increment operation always occurs before the next sequence point irrespective of the expression where the increment operator is being used.
See this link for more info