Possible to query the create script for an XML Schema Collection? - sql-server

As a first step to adding our SQL objects to version control I've written a script that will query sys.objects, sys.modules to script out all objects as CREATEs. I used an example from here to script out my tables. The goal is to preserve the change history of our SQL objects and eventually automate SQL steps we currently achieve manually. Now I need to script out XMLSchemaCollections as a CREATE but I haven't had luck finding an example of how. I imagine it would include querying the several sys.xml_schema_* tables and piecing the XML together element by agonizing element. Does anyone have a working example of how to achieve this?
NOTE: The requirement is to achieve this through a SQL script, not a 3rd party component (i.e. RedGate) nor a Visual Studio Database Project.

You can use the function xml_schema_namespace (Transact-SQL)
Reconstructs all the schemas or a specific schema in the specified XML
schema collection.


Import XML files with different structures using SSIS

I have multiple XML files with different structures, yet they all share a specific set of nodes.
My objective is to only import those mutual nodes into an SQL Server table.
How can I proceed, knowing that I can't generate an .Xsd for every type as there are many possible XML files variations?
Thanks in advance.
Simple solution would be to load all these XML files into an XML table (2 columns: FileId and XmlData). This can be done as a 1st step of the package.
Then you will write a stored procedure and it will shred XML from this table into your final tables. This stored procedure will be called as a 2nd step in the SSIS package.
I don't think it is easy to do that using SSIS.
If you don't have other choices, you may use a Script Component as Source and parse the XML files using a C# or VB.NET script, then only generate output with desired columns.
You can refer to the following articles for more information about using Script component:
Creating a Source with the Script Component
SSIS Script Component Overview
SchemaMapper class library
From a while, I was working on a project called SchemaMapper. It is a class library developed using C#. You can use it to import tabular data from XML, and other formats having different structures into a unified SQL server table.
SchemaMapper - C# schema mapping class library
You can refer to the project wiki for a step by step guide:
SchemaMapper Wiki
Also, feel free to check the following answer, it may give you some insights:
How to Map Input and Output Columns dynamically in SSIS?
So what I did as a solution to this particular case was:
1- add a C# script that reads the xml file and keep the common nodes only and save their values to my dts variables.
2- insert into my SQL Server table the variables I just populated.
Both tasks were in a for each loop to go through all the xml files in a specific directory.
Hope it helps!

How to use SSIS Visual Studio 2008 to build Dynamic Datapull from multiple SQL servers for multiple tables using foreach loop

What I want to do is build a dynamic data pull from different SQL source servers (Server1,Server2,Server3) etc.
To pull down to dynamic locations on my SQL server (Dev,Prod) into databases (database1,database2,etc)
The tables will be dropped and recreated each time the package is run so that I am sure I match the source servers if they change anything on source (field names, datatypes, lengths, etc)
I will still get the data to extract. I want to pull this down using a single dataflow in a foreach loop.
I have a table that has all the server names and tables and databases in it and
I want to loop through that table and pull all the rows of tables inside down to my server (server1.database1.table_x,server5.database3.table_y,etc) So that I don't have to build a new data flow for each table.
In order to do this I have already built the foreach loop with a sql task that is dumping results into an object. Then the foreach loop takes that object that has 7 different fields (Source_Server_Name,Source_Server_Type_Driver,Source_Database,Source_Table,Source_Where_Clause,Source_Connection_String,then destination stuff) and it puts each of those fields into a different String variable for use inside the loop.
I can change the Connections dynamically using the variables but I can't figure out how to get the column mapping in the dataflow to function,
Is there some kind of script task I can use to edit the backend XML that will create the column mapping for me so the metadata does not error out? Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)
This is the best illustrated example I could find of what I am doing just remember I need to have a different metadata setup for each table I pull down to my server.
The solution I ended up using is BIML which generates the package on the fly using dynamic sql and BIML. Not pretty but it works :-)
I have heard that it is possible to dynamically generate and publish the packages but I would never go this route. I have done something similar using c# code which can be run from an application via sql agent or from inside an SSIS package script task.
If you try this approach look into SqlConnection and SqlCommand. Then write code to build the sql statements dynamically.
For example create table statements using ExecuteNonQuery(), use datareader to pipe in input and pass that reader to SqlBulkCopy to write to the destination.

How to export tables from sql server to ms access on the fly?

I would like to publish some data of a sql server 2k to msaccess databases.
I'd like to do that given a table supplying datatransformation info, for example :
tablenameOnServer | pathToPub
Clients | D:\Data\Pub1\ClientData1.mdb
Orders | D:\OtherData\Pub\Sales.mdb
The given mdb file should be created (or an empty one copied of course) and the table should be created each time the script runs.
I of course don't need a full blown solution, but some pointers as where to start are very welcome. I thought I'd use SSIS for this, but am new to it and I like to know where I start best in order to avoid too much loss of time :
Do I use SSIS with BIDS (vs2008), can I read data in a package and create tables on the fly?
Do I use C# and manipulate and create packages in code?
Or what do I do best? Is SSIS the obvious solotion anyway?
In any case : some pointers to get me started would be very welcome...
UPDATE : This question is about publishing data, so it can be shipped on CD for example. It's not about linking to an sql server.
The simplest solution is to simply link the sql server table in access. Then you can see the data in realtime.
You can create an Access database to do this fairly easily.
Here is a basic algorithm
Within access, create a linked table pointing to your table.
create an Access query to filter data according to your criteria called NewQuery
Use VBA to create new database NewDB
export your NewQuery with structure and columns to the NewDB
If you want to keep the SSIS packages, I would make a template SSIS package and then using the SSIS objects from C# create the packages. I've done this to start off packages which are later customized.
Alternatively, if you aren't going to keep the packages after they are generated and aren't going to use a lot of SSIS features (logging etc.), I would consider doing the whole thing from C# (or other language), because SSIS isn't a great tool for connection managers (source or destination) which change.
From C#, you can simply read the schema, create the table in Access with matching types and columns and populate it.

SQL Command for generating schema text (similar to CreateTo or AlterTo)

SQL Server 2005. Is there a sql query that will return a text field containing the same type of schema info as you would find in doing a right click table -> Script Table As -> Create To (or Alter To) from SQL Server Management Studio ?
I'm looking for a single/flat format that describes the entire table, including constraints, indices, etc.
I am aware of:
sp_help table_name
but that doesn't provide the single flat format I'm looking for. Ideally it would be in a scriptable format, such as the AlterTo result that could be executed against the server.
This is for a scheduled process that documents table schemas on a nightly basis for checking in to version control (SVN).
Not really. A table def is a collection of columns, constraints etc.
There is an SVN plugin that may help called ScriptDB4SVN. I've not used it personally, I'm going on hearsay.
Was searching the 'net again for an answer to this, and came across this SO question. It doesn't accurately capture all the same data as SQL Management Studios Create-to, but enough for my purposes (scripting the database structure for version control purposes).
There is no such command in SQL Server. This is primarily because the Scripting facilitiy is actually in SMO and not in SQL Server itself. There are a number of free console command-line tools that can do it that you could call via xp_CmdShell.
However, if you really want to do this from T-SQL, then you will need a script or stored procedure that enumerates all of the tables attributes, columns, column datatypes, defaults, nullabilty, etc. etc. and then reassembles it into a CREATE TABLE script. This is a Huge task. That's the bad news. The good news is that someone (Lowell Izaguirre) has already done this and posted it in this article (http://www.sqlservercentral.com/scripts/Miscellaneous/30730/) at SQLServerCentral.Com.
Not really - you can either use C# (or VB.NET) and SMO (SQL Management Objects) to script out your database objects (tables and all), or you can use SQL to get the list of columns for a table:
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Your Table Name here'
But I don't know of any easy way in SQL itself to create Create/Alter scripts for database objects, sorry.

Create & Copy Access tables to SQL via SSIS? SQL 2008

I am trying come up with a way to pull the tables out of an Access database, automate the creation of those same tables in a SQL 2008 DB, and move the data to the new tables. This process will happen on a regular basis and there may be different tables each time.
I would like to do this totally in SSIS.
C# SQL CLR objects are an option.
The main issue I have been running into is how to get the Access table's schema and then convert that to a SQL script that I can run via SSIS.
Any ideas?
SSIS cannot adapt to new tables at runtime. (You can change connections, move a source to a table with a different name, but the same schema) So, it's not really easy to do what I think you are saying: Upsize an arbitrary set of tables in an Access DB to SQL (mirroring their structure and data, naming, etc), so that I can then write some straight SQL to transform the data into another SQL database or the same part of the database.
You can access the SSIS object model from C# and build a package (or modify a template package) programmatically and then execute it. This might offer the best bang for your buck, but the SSIS object model is kind of deep. The SSIS Team blog have finally started putting up examples (a year after I had to figure a lot of this out for myself)
There is always the upsizing wizard, and I'm sure there are some third party tools.
