Unexpected address output - c

I am trying to figure out how the addresses are assigned to variables located on the stack. I ran the little program below:
int main()
long a;
int b;
int c;
printf("&a = %p\n", &a);
printf("&b = %p\n", &b);
printf("&c = %p\n", &c);
The output I expected was (considering addresses are going down):
&a = 0x7fff6e1acb88
&b = 0x7fff6e1acb80
&c = 0x7fff6e1acb7c
But instead I got:
&a = 0x7fff6e1acb88
&b = 0x7fff6e1acb80
&c = 0x7fff6e1acb84
How come the c variable is located between the a and b variable? Are variables not put on the stack as they are declared?
I tried replacing the type of a from long to int and I got this:
&a = 0x7fff48466a74
&b = 0x7fff48466a78
&c = 0x7fff48466a7c
Here I don't understand why are the addresses going up, while they were going down previously?
I compiled the program using gcc version 4.7.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.2-11precise2), if that's of any help.

Are variables not put on the stack as they are declared?
why are the addresses going up, while they were going down previously?
They could going up, but they do not have to.
Compilers is free to rearrage the order of local variables that it sees is fit, or it could even delete or add some.

Variables are not necessarily put on the stack in the order in which they are declared. You can't predict where on the stack they will be -- they could be in any order. As glglgl pointed out in the comments, they don't even have to be on the stack and could simply be held in registers.

Even though the stack pointer is counting downwards on your given CPU, the program will be using stack frames. How a certain parameter is allocated inside the stack frame is implementation-defined.
Also note that some CPUs have up-counting stack pointers.
Also note that local variables are not necessarily allocated on the stack. More often, they are allocated in CPU registers. But when you take the address of a variable, you kind of force the compiler to allocate it on the stack, since registers have no addresses.

The direction of stack growth depends on the architecture. On x86, stack grows down (from higher address to lower). How the variables are put on the stack also depends on the OS's Application binary interface (ABI) and how the compiler follows the ABI convention. But, the compiler may not necessarily follow the ABI conventions all the time.

it depends on the compiler.
for example I test your code with "GNU GCC version 4.8.1" and the Compiler allocate all locale variables in order :
&a = 0x7fffe265d118
&b = 0x7fffe265d114
&c = 0x7fffe265d110

Agreeing with #Lundin that you cannot print the address of the registers these a most likely sitting in. The best thing you can do to see how these are stored would be to dump the object code and investigate what happens when you create more local variables then the amount of registers to hold them. That is when you'll see the stack activity (in the disassembly ).
$ gcc -c main.c -o main.o
$ objdump -D main.o > main.dump


Function argument and variable addresses in C

I have the following program:
#include <stdio.h>
void func(char *str) {
int a = 4;
printf("\n str Address: 0x%8X\n", (unsigned int)&str);
printf("\n a Address: 0x%8X\n", (unsigned int)&a);
void main()
char c = 'y';
When I run the program, I get the following result:
str Address: 0x43570EB8
a Address: 0x43570ECC
My understanding is that the stack in Linux grows from high address to low address. Also str as an argument would be pushed first on the stack. If that is the case, why is str address lower than address for variable a ? Am I printing the addresses in an incorrect way ?
Most likely the parameter str is passed in a register. Normally, it would be used from that register and would never exist on the stack. Because your code takes the address of str, the compiler is forced to put it in memory somewhere so it can provide an address. It appears that the compiler created space for a on the stack first (or at least at a higher address), and then created space for str on the stack and copied the value from the register to the stack location.
You should not expect that inspecting the addresses of objects reveals or mirrors other aspects of a platform, such as its Application Binary Interface (which specifies, among other things, how function parameters are passed) or how stack is managed. A C implementation is free to rearrange things as long as the resulting program achieves the same observable behavior as defined by the C standard, and modern C implementations can make large and unexpected transformations while optimizing programs. Observable behavior includes defined outputs of a program but does not include any rules about the ordering of addresses of objects.
Incidentally, regarding your last question, yes, you are printing addresses incorrectly. To print an address, cast it to void * and print it with %p, not %X.

strange Behaviour c voluntary overflow

this is the code :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
//printf("\n&a value %p", &a);
int* x = &b;
x = x + 1;
*x = 5;
printf("\nb value %d", b);
printf("\na value %d", a);
I want override a with b adress for test the c overflow but when I comment the line 5(printf fuction) I can't write five in a. While if I print the a adress I can write five in a.
Sorry for my english and thank you.
The reason this occurred is that all normal compilers store objects with automatic storage duration (objects declared inside a block that are not static or extern) on a stack. Your compiler “pushed” a onto the stack, which means it wrote a to the memory location where the stack pointer was pointing and then decremented the pointer. (Decrementing the pointer adds to the stack, because the stack grows in the direction of decreasing memory addresses. Stacks can be oriented in the other direction, but the behavior you observed strongly suggests your system uses the common direction of growing downward.) Then your compiler pushed b onto the stack. So b ended up at a memory address just below a.
When you took the address of b and added one, that produced the memory address where a is. When you used that address to assign 5, that value was written to where a is.
None of this behavior is defined by the C standard. It is a consequence of the particular compiler you used and the switches you compiled with.
You probably compiled with little or no optimization. With optimization turned on, many compilers would simplify the code by removing unnecessary steps (essentially replacing them with shortcuts), so that 20 and 10 are not actually stored on the stack. A possible result with optimization is that “20” and “10” are printed, and your assignment to *x has no effect. However, the C standard does not say what the behavior must be when you use *x in this way, so the results are determined only by the particular compiler you are using, along with the input switches you give it.
After x = x + 1;, x contains an address that you do not own. And by doing *x = 5; you are trying to write to some location that might not be accessible to you. Thus causing UB. Nothing more can be reasoned about.

Is memory allocated when the variable is not used in c

int main()
int a,b;
float e;
char f;
printf("int &a = %u\n",&a);
printf("int &b = %u\n",&b);
printf("float &e = %u\n",&e);
printf("char &f = %u\n",&f);
The Output is
int &a = 2293324
int &b = 2293320
float &e = 2293316
char &f = 2293315
But when i use this code and replace the printf for float--
int main()
int a,b;
float e;
char f;
printf("int &a = %u\n",&a);
printf("int &b = %u\n",&b);
printf("char &f = %u\n",&f);
Then the Output is
int &a = 2293324
int &b = 2293320
char &f = 2293319
here address is not provided to float, but it is declared on top.
My questions are
Is memory not allocated to variables not used in program?
Why addresses allocated in decreasing order. ex- it's going from 2293324 to 2293320?
1) Is memory not allocated to variables not used in program?
Yes that can happen, the compiler is allowed to optimize it out.
2) Why addresses allocated in decreasing order. ex- it's going from 2293324 to 2293320?
That is usual for most local storage implementations, that they use the CPU supported stack pointer going from stack top to stack bottom. All those local variables will be allocated at the stack most probably.
1) Is memory not allocated to variables not used in program?
It's an allowed optimization; if an unused variable doesn't affect the program's observable behavior, a compiler may just discard it completely. Note that most modern compilers will warn you about unused variables (so you can either remove them from the code or do something with them).
2) Why addresses allocated in decreasing order. ex- it's going from 2293324 to 2293320?
The compiler is not required to allocate storage for separate objects in any particular order, so don't assume that your variables will be allocated in the order they were declared. Also, remember that on x86 and some other systems, the stack grows "downwards" towards decreasing addresses. Remember the top of any stack is simply the location where something was most recently pushed - it has nothing to do with relative address values.
While not specifically required by the standard, local variables are universally located on the program stack.
When you enter a function, one of the first thing done is to decrement the stack pointer to provide space for the local variables.
Where SOMETHING is the amount of space required and SP is the stack pointer register.. In your first example, SOMETHING is probably 13. Then the address of:
f is 0(SP)
e is 1(sp)
b is 5(sp)
a is 9(sp)
I am assuming your compiler did not align the stack pointer. Often they do giving something more like:
f is 3(SP)
e is 4(sp)
b is 8(sp)
a is 12(sp)
And SOMETHING would be rounded up to 16 on a 32-bit system.
You might want to generate an assembly listing using your compiler to see what is going on underneath.
Is memory not allocated to variables not used in program?
Note that for local variable memory is not really allocated. A variable is temporarily bound to a location on the program stack (stack is not required by the standard but is how it is done in most cases). That is why the variable's initial value is undefined. It could have been bound to something else previously.
The compiler does not need to reserve space for variables that are not used. They can be optimized away. Usually, there are compiler settings to instruct not to do this for debugging.
Why addresses allocated in decreasing order. ex- it's going from 2293324 to 2293320?
Program stacks generally grow downward. Starting ye olde days, the program would be at the bottom of the address space, the heap above that and the stack at the opposite end.
The heap would grow towards higher addresses. The stack would grow towards the heap (lower addresses).
While the address spaces can be more complicated than that these days, the downward growth of stacks has stayed.
There is no particular requirement that the compiler map the variables to the stack in descending order but there's a 50/50 chance it will do it that way.

Why does address of global variable not change while locals changes in multiple runs?

I ran this program multiple times on the same machine.
#include <stdio.h>
int a = 0;
int main() {
int b = 0;
printf("%p %p\n", &a, &b);
Every time it is printing the same address of the variable a but for b it changes. I know a will go into the .data section so address is fixed (correct me if I am wrong) but why is stack getting a different address every time?
All these addresses will be virtual. Is it possible to get the physical address from these variables?
If a global variable is initialized to zero, where will it go, BSS or data?
#JonathanLeffler already mentioned that the stack address changes due to address space layout randomization.
To make the addresses of globals change as well compile your executable with -fpie and link with -fpie -pie.
See Position Independent Executables (PIE) for more details.
Not possible from the user space. Even if you had the physical address that would not be of much use in the user space because it may change due to swap-out-swap-in.
Normally zero-initialized data goes into BSS.

Can an address be assigned to a variable in C?

Is it possible to assign a variable the address you want, in the memory?
I tried to do so but I am getting an error as "Lvalue required as left operand of assignment".
int main() {
int i = 10;
&i = 7200;
printf("i=%d address=%u", i, &i);
What is wrong with my approach?
Is there any way in C in which we can assign an address we want, to a variable?
Not directly.
You can do this though : int* i = 7200;
.. and then use i (ie. *i = 10) but you will most likely get a crash. This is only meaningful when doing low level development - device drivers, etc... with known memory addreses.
Assuming you are on an x86-type processer on a modern operating system, it is not possible to write to aribtray memory locations; the CPU works in concert with the OS to protect memory so that one process cannot accidentally (or intentionally) overwrite another processes' memory. Allowing this would be a security risk (see: buffer overflow). If you try to anyway, you get the 'Segmentation fault' error as the OS/CPU prevents you from doing this.
For technical details on this, you want to start with 1, 2, and 3.
Instead, you ask the OS to give you a memory location you can write to, using malloc. In this case, the OS kernel (which is generally the only process that is allowed to write to arbitrary memory locations) finds a free area of memory and allocates it to your process. The allocation process also marks that area of memory as belonging to your process, so that you can read it and write it.
However, a different OS/processor architecture/configuration could allow you to write to an arbitrary location. In that case, this code would work:
#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
int *ptr;
ptr = (int*)7000;
*ptr = 10;
printf("Value: %i", *ptr);
C language provides you with no means for "attaching" a name to a specific memory address. I.e. you cannot tell the language that a specific variable name is supposed to refer to a lvalue located at a specific address. So, the answer to your question, as stated, is "no". End of story.
Moreover, formally speaking, there's no alternative portable way to work with specific numerical addresses in C. The language itself defines no features that would help you do that.
However, a specific implementation might provide you with means to access specific addresses. In a typical implementation, converting an integral value Ato a pointer type creates a pointer that points to address A. By dereferencing such pointer you can access that memory location.
Not portably. But some compilers (usually for the embedded world) have extensions to do it.
For example on IAR compiler (here for MSP430), you can do this:
static const char version[] # 0x1000 = "v1.0";
This will put object version at memory address 0x1000.
You can do in the windows system with mingw64 setup in visual studio code tool, here is my code
int main()
int *c;
c = (int *)0x000000000061fe14; // Allocating the address 8-bit with respect to your CPU arch.
*c = NULL; // Initializing the null pointer for allocated address
*c = 0x10; // Assign a hex value (you can assign integer also without '0x')
printf("%p\n",c); // Prints the address of the c pointer variable
printf("%x\n",*c); // Prints the assigned value 0x10 -hex
It is tested with mentioned environment. Hope this helps Happy coding !!!
Even if you could, 7200 is not a pointer (memory address), it's an int, so that wouldn't work anyway.
There's probably no way to determine which address a variable will have. But as a last hope for you, there is something called "pointer", so you can modify a value on address 7200 (although this address will probably be inaccessible):
int *i = (int *)7200;
*i = 10;
Use ldscript/linker command file. This will however, assign at link time, not run time.
Linker command file syntax depends largely on specific compiler. So you will need to google for linker command file, for your compiler.
Approximate pseudo syntax would be somewhat like this:
In linker command file:
.section start=0x1000 lenth=0x100 myVariables
In C file:
#pragma section myVariables
int myVar=10;
It's not possible, maybe possible with compiler extensions. You could however access memory at an address you want (if the address is accessible to your process):
int addr = 7200;
*((int*)addr) = newVal;
I think '&' in &a evaluates the address of i at the compile time which i think is a virtual address .So it is not a Lvalue according to your compiler. Use pointer instead
