update ng-repeat item's data inside ng-repeat at click - angularjs

I’m having my first steps with angularjs framework, and I’m not understanding how I can update my second ng-repeat data inside each of the first’s item ng-repeat only when a user click on it (lazy loading).
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<tbody ng-repeat="customer in customers">
<button ng-click="loadInvoices(customer); showDetails = !showDetails;" type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs">
<tr ng-show="showDetails">
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<tbody ng-repeat="invoice in invoices">
How can I achieve it? Thanks for your help! :)

You can do something like this:
<button ng-click="loadInvoices(customer);" type="button" class="btn btn-default btn- xs">Invoces</button>
and in controller:
$scope.loadInvoices = function(customer) {
if (this.showDetails = !this.showDetails) {
if (!this.invoices) {
// Load invoices for current customer (probably using service)
Customer.loadInvoices(customer.ClientId).then(function(invoices) {
customer.invoices = invoices;
By checking if (!this.invoices) {...} (this points to the current customer scope) you make sure that current customer doesn't have loaded invoices yet and you need to load them. On subsequent button clicks customer.invoices is going to be already available and you will not load data again.
I also added an example how using Customer service would fit into this workflow.
View demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/LerBd9ZTPLwhp8JZ6xwU?p=preview

With the ng-controller directive
Simply use the ng-controller directive to tell that a customer scope will be managed by an instance of the controller you pass in.
With a custom directive
Typical design for this: a customer directive with a customer controller which manages the scope of one customer.
The keys are:
ng-repeat creates child scopes
add a directive to attach a controller to each of those scopes
you can now manage each customer scope independently.
The controller, in both cases
This controller will hold loadInvoices which will attach the invoices array to the customer scope.
Why a custom directive ? You will also be able to have a separate template for a customer, specific pre link and post link functions, etc.
Why a customer specific controller since scope inheritance will enable the loadInvoices context to be the customer specific scope ? Extensibility, testability, decoupling.


How can i conditionally display an element using AngularJS

I want to display an element conditionally based on the value of another parameter PaymentTypeid. After setting the condition as below the element Payment Channel is not rendering in the UI:
<tr ng-init="paymentMode='BANK CABS'" ng-if="json.name == 'paymentTypeId' && json.property == '1'">
<td><strong>{{ 'label.heading.paymentchannel' | translate }}:</strong></td>
<td ><span >{{paymentMode}} </span></td>
However when i refactor the markup as below the element is showing as :
<tr ng-init="paymentMode='BANK CABS'">
<td><strong>{{ 'label.heading.paymentchannel' | translate }}:</strong></td>
<td ><span >{{paymentMode}} </span></td>
PaymentTypeId is in a json array defined as follows in the controller:
scope.details = {};
resourceFactory.auditResource.get({templateResource: routeParams.id}, function (data) {
scope.details = data;
scope.commandAsJson = data.commandAsJson;
var obj = JSON.parse(scope.commandAsJson);
scope.jsondata = [];
_.each(obj, function (value, key) {
scope.jsondata.push({name: key, property: value});
In the view PaymentTypeid renders as :
<table class="table" data-ng-show="details.commandAsJson" data-anchor>
<tr data-ng-repeat="json in jsondata">
<td class="width20"><strong> {{json.name}}</strong></td>
<td class="width80">{{json.property}}</td>
Any insight on what i might be getting wrong. Im not entirely sure between using ng-if/ng-show or whether im setting json.property correctly.
Assuming that you have knowledge of scope in AngularJS.
There is a difference between using ng-if and ng-show. Whenever you use ng-if , it creates it own child scope. and you can manage it in custom directive that deals with its child scope (child scope is not available in controller unless you write your code in a way, that will make it available in controller) and you can hack the scope to use it in controller too. But that is not the case in ng-show.
When you use ng-show it will not remove your HTML from the DOM tree but if you use ng-if it will also remove your html from DOM tree. (To assist your confusion which one to use)
You have a scope issue here , if i'm getting it right. Use ng-show and it will work.
<div ng-show="condition">
your html markup

ng-hide or ng-show does not work if its controlled from within a ng-repeat

I am trying to hide the div if any of the buttons in the ng-repeat is clicked. However it doesn't seem to work, it leads me to think if ng-hide or ng-show won't work if it is controlled from within a ng-repeat?
<div data-ng-hide="showChooseHardware">
<table class="table">
<tr data-ng-repeat="hardware in hardwares">
<button type="button" class="btn" data-ng-click="showChooseHardware=!showChooseHardware"/>
This is due to the fact that ng-repeat creates a new scope for each template and due to how prototypal inheritance works in JavaScript (and AngularJS).
Use an object:
$scope.viewModel = { showChooseHardware: false };
A great explanation on the issue can be found here.
I recommend using ng-showinstead in this case since the variable is called showChooseHardware.
ngRepeat directive creates new scope in every iteration,for every item in array.It can make a problem,which you have.

How do I bind object model within an ng-repeat directive to a single kendo-window popup

<tr ng-repeat="member in model.Members" ng-dblclick="Member(member)">
<td>{{member.DOB | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}</td>
<div kendo-window="*dialog*" k-title="'Member Profile'" k-visible="false" k-modal="true" k-width="700" k-height="410" k-resizable="false">
<ng-familymember controller="familycontroller"></ng-familymember>
function fooController($scope) {
$scope.Member = function (familyMember) {
I have a collection of objects (i.e. model.Members) used within an ng-repeat directive and I want to be able to double-click on a row and bind the object model to a kendo-window (popup). Inside my controller I'm passing in the model to a function (i.e. Member()) within the controller but I'm not sure how to pass/bind this model to the kendo-window? I could simply move the kendo-window html inside the ng-repeat and use the ng-model directive but that would repeat the kendo-window html (n) times and I don't want that.
Any Suggestions?
I've tried binding the member object to an $scope variable. (i.e. $scope.familyMember = familyMember;). Because the way Prototypal Inheritance works I'm actually creating a copy of the familyMember object and using that in the kendow-window popup.
You should know that I'm also setting up a $watch within the controller on the member object to notify other directives on the page of changes made within the kendo-window.
Any help would be appreciated... I'm a bit lost at this point...

How can I communicate the state of a data area's pristine state to my scope?

I have the following:
<div data-ng-controller="AdminGridContentController" >
<ng-include src="'/Content/app/admin/partials/grid-content-base.html'"></ng-include>
<ng-include src="'/Content/app/admin/partials/table-content.html'"></ng-include>
My table include looks like this:
<div ng-form name="page">
{{ page.$pristine }}
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" class="form table" >
<tr data-ng-repeat="row in grid.data">
<td>{{ row.contentId }}</td>
<td><input type="text" ng-model="row.title" /></td>
What I would like to do is to put a button on my grid-content-base that is enabled when the data on the table becomes dirty. I know I can check the state of that data with {{ page.$pristine }} but how can I communicate that back to the grid-content-base.html?
Note that I did try to put everything inside the "ng-form name=page" but there's a problem. On the grid-content-base I have an input select. As soon as I do a select then it makes the page show as dirty.
So I still just want to set something globally when page.$pristine becomes true or false.
There is always an option to do $rootScope.$broadcast and send a message from the table page. This can he handled in the grid page.
Something like this in table controller
$scope.$watch('page.$pristine',function(newValue) {
And something like this in grid controller
$scope.on("formUpdated",function(args) {
//args.state would have the state.
Note:$rootScope has to be injected into your controller like you inject $scope

How to get Angular to update the Ui from within the controller

I have the following html.
<div ng-controller="CustCtrl">
<table class="table table-condensed">
<tr ng-repeat="customer in customers" data-cust-id="{{customer.Id}}">
<button ng-model="Id" tracking-{{customer.Tracking}} ng-click="startTrackingCustById(customer.Id)">
So the button has a class that is databound to the customer.Tracking value which is either true or false. When the button is clicked the startTrackingCustById() method is successfully called and the customer object in the customers object is successfully changed like customer.Tracking = true.
But the buttons class is not updated. What am I missing?
Look at using ng-class . For a boolean value in scope you would use:
In the CustCtrl I wrapped the call that updated the customers array like this
$scope.$apply($scope.customers[i].Tracking = true);
Based on the suggestion in an answer I will link to when I find it that basically said "If you are having trouble updating the view you most likely need to use $scope.$apply
So that get's it to work. Now I need to figure out why and how.
