Angular transition area below collapsing up against navigation - angularjs

I am very new to all things Angular and have been experimenting with some stuff.
Been playing with UI-Router and with Angular Animations.
So far everything is going to plan, except one thing.
During the transition between pages (my top-most states) the footer area collapses up under the main content and against the navigation.
(I'm also fairly new to css transitions, so my knowledge is limited, but growing)
Is there anything that can be done to prevent this from happening? Maybe have it snag on to the height of whichever state is the tallest? (IE, the one leaving, or the one entering)
(I've tried searching everywhere, but whatever I search for I come up dry. Maybe I'm searching the wrong keywords.)
I have included a plnkr link
Thanks in advanced.


Using Javascript for Responsive Web Design, Bad Practice?

My first attempt at a RWD site was for a simple one-page site for an NFT project. It didn't use media queries, but many lines similar to: max(value, calc(vw*x)) for margins, padding, font-size, etc.
I also was dependent on Javascript. If the screen was <400px I might have a header bar anchored to the top with a profile pic left, title center, hamburger menu right, content underneath. If the resolution was larger socials appeared in one spot, if larger, in the footer. If the screen was over ... 600px, I lost the top header bar; title became the first line in the main content area; hamburger popup menu now a permanent fixture as left navbar, PFP floated left in the content area.
Being new, is this good or bad? I only hear people speak of flex boxes and grids. Not rearranging layouts with JS. Since the layout and content is essentially within JS code, any attempt at SEO for naught?
Using max() and calc() can work for simple layouts, but can become difficult to maintain for more complex layouts. Flexbox and Grid is more effective and efficient for creating responsive layouts. When it comes to SEO, it's important to ensure that your content is accessible to search engines by including it in the HTML of your page.
Javascript is great for making pages dynamic and obviously improving some UX things, but you should know where and when to use it.
You should definitely use CSS and media query for responsiveness on your page. There are a lot of frameworks or libraries that make the css writing process a lot less painful (I use Tailwindcss and I think is a good one).
And as for SEO, if you create a page based entirely on javascript, you will find a lot of difficulties in this area. You should read about server-side rendering, which may help you to improve this.
Today we have a lot of tools that can help you with this, if you use React you have Nextjs, if you use Vue you have Nuxjs and so on.

Foundation Framework and React - reInit accordion not working

I call setState to add a new recipe to my recipe list
The recipe is a new panel in a Foundation accordion
The accordion title pops up immediately
There is no functionality until page refresh
I have tried everything i can think of including Foundation's reInit, their manual toggle, up, and down methods for accordions, and re constructing the whole accordion
nothing works
This is the solution I came up with.
i was able to call $("#element").foundation("toggle",$target,true) from the console and programmatically open and shut the accordion tab.
element is the accordion wrapper and target the specific tab, true is a param to indicate reflow needed
implementing that function into my app was more trouble than it was worth, for a number of reasons.
i ended up just calling location.reload() and which essentially is like pressing the refresh button. with a modal animation running at the same time it is barely noticeable
so when all else fails manual over-ride could be a viable solution depending on what your individual page is
There is a real answer
in my research i came across quite a few similar github issues that had to do with Foundation plus some sort of dynamic rendering and/or third party framework/library. every situation is a bit different so there isn't one answer
if someone has specific knowledge of what why Foundation or React(possibly), wouldn't let me reInit,reflow,$(document).foundation or do any of the various supposed solutions: I would love to know.
perhaps I could have done something different but if you look at my code I keep state to one component, I init my js plugins in componentDidMount - as far as i know this is what i am supposed to do. thanks

How to use tabs as carousel?

I wouldn't like to use a third parties libraries to have carousel on a site. Md-tabs have very similar features, even with swipe gesture and I thought, setting time interval between tabs could be possible. It should work like this.
The Goal
Make next active tab after a time interval and circle it around infinitely.
Although I don't really have much information on what you are trying to accomplish or what challenges you have met, this answer covers some controller based functionality for a carousel.

Extjs4.2 rtl is causing huge problems in IE6

So recently me and the developer team I'm in have finished working on a huge project for transforming our entire system from Extjs2 to 4.2.
We have finished fixing everything, every little bug, except we were left with one little task, making the system also available for IE6 (many of our customers still use it). What we thought was a little task was apparently one big problem.
None of the grids were loaded properly (only column headers and no data), and many important components such as panels appeared blank.
We apply the rtl property in our main css file, since we don't want to add rtl: true for every component:
html { direction: rtl }
Once removing this, everything was working perfectly (except for the direction of course). Currently we are following the code in ext-all-rtl-debug and finding the problems one by one (for example we found out that an added cls in the mask function was causing some of the problems with the grid). As you can imagine, this is a big, painful and slow process (especially considering we debug ie6).
Although everything looks fine in FF, Chrome, and even IE7, the entire project have rendering problems in IE6.
If anyone is familiar with the issue, and perhaps know of a possible fix, we would be forever grateful!
The "rtl:true" config is inherited throughout the component hierarchy, you should be able to just add "rtl: true" to the top-level component in the hierarchy (usually the viewport). This eliminates any need to set "direction:rtl" yourself, since components in an rtl hierarchy will have the "x-rtl" class added to their element(s).
You also need to make sure you are using the rtl stylesheet, as Ext JS components require quite a bit of special styling to work correctly in rtl mode. For example, for the classic theme this would be: ext-theme-classic-all-rtl.css
If you're still stuck, have a look at this example:

AngularJs resizable border layout

In my app, there is going to be a page that occupies the whole window (i.e. you can't scroll in any direction, the page resizes itself to the window size). I'm sure I can do some CSS trickery to achieve that, but this page is also going to contain some resizable areas. Basically there will be a sidebar that the user can make wider (within a min-max range).
Essentially what I'm trying to do is recreate this page if you select "Border" under Basic Layouts. I'm at a bit of a loss about how to do this. Should I try introducing some jQuery UI, or is there a purely AngularJS was to do it?
I know I haven't provided any code, so I'm not expecting anyone to give me the full working code. But a nudge in the right direction would be great!
No, there isn't a "pure" AngularJS way to do it without writing some new code or adding a framework to the mix such as you mentioned. I'd suggest looking at the more popular UI frameworks and see how they fit (maybe jQueryUI, or even Sencha).
Additionally, you sh/could write a directive to wrap your usage of the component to black-box it a bit more and be in the spirit of AngularJS (& so that you could more easily replace it in the future).
Given that type of functionality can be a bit tricky to create cross-browser (depending on browsers supported), it's probably best left to others who've done it.
A bit late but guess it is what you wanted AngularJS UI Layout
A borderlayout or splitterlayout plugin with AngularJS.
