Convert "polygon((" to GeoJSON - file

i´m trying to convert a file which i exported from openJUMP to GeoJSON.
For example:
POLYGON((6.09836816787714 51.96887588500988, 6.098301887512321 51.96438980102539,
6.0997509956359295 51.96348190307623, 6.099466800689811 51.9437370300293,
6.099460124969539 51.94330596923828, 6.099398136138973 51.939044952392635,
6.099389076232853 51.93835067749035, 6.099374771118278 51.93745422363287,
6.099363803863639 51.93655395507824, 6.099881172180176 51.93453598022472)
(shorted example). When i convert it per hand, everything is fine and it works. But there are ~ 50 Polygons and maybe its possible to convert them automatically? How is the filetype called?


create a picture shape from an array

I am trying to find an example, or documentation, on creating a picture (floating shape object) inside the Excel sheet. The source is supposed to be a numeric bitmap data, stored in a VBA array acquired using external I/O libraries. Using Excel cells as an intermediary storage is possible, but not desired, since the RGB bitmap data is expected to be huge.
The task itself seems to be extremely simple in matlab-like environments, or python. But I just have no Idea how to make it in Excel and VBA without importing an independent image file from the file system.
In terms of storing the file, how huge is 'huge'? If you convert the image into Base64, it'll be a fairly trivial task to split it up amongst the cells and then reconstitute it when converting it into an image.
Alternatively, you can store the Base64 string in a standard module - I'm currently doing much the same thing, but my image only clocks in at 100kb (better to save it as a PNG rather than BMP).
In terms of converting the Base64 string to an image, the Windows Image Acquisition COM object will convert a byte array into a stdPicture image type (and further to my point above, it will also accept PNG files...]. The following function accepts a Base64 string, converts it into a byte array, and returns an stdPicture object:
Function Base64toStdPicture(ByVal Base64Code As String) As StdPicture
Dim ImgVector As Object
Dim Node As Object
Set ImgVector = CreateObject("WIA.Vector")
Set Node = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0").createElement("base64")
Node.DataType = "bin.base64"
Node.Text = Base64Code
ImgVector.BinaryData = Node.nodeTypedValue
Set Base64toStdPicture = ImgVector.BinaryData.Picture
Set Node = Nothing
Set ImgVector = Nothing
End Function
From that point, you can out it in an image control, or copy it to / from the clipboard, etc.

Loading pre-trained CBOW/skip-gram embeddings from a file that has unknown encoding?

I'm trying to load pre-trained word embeddings for the Arabic language (Mazajak embeddings: The embeddings file does not have a particular extension and I'm struggling to get it to load. What's the usual process to load these embeddings?
I've tried doing with open("get_sg250", encoding = encoding) as file: file.readlines() for different encodings but it seems like none of them are the answer (utf-8 does not work at all), if I try windows-1256 I get gibberish:
['8917028 300\n',
'</s> Hل®:0\x16ء:؟X§؛R8ڈ؛\xa0سî9K\u200fƒ::m¤9¼»“8¤p\u200c؛tعA:UU¾؛“_ع9‚Nƒ¹®G§¹قفگ؛ww$؛\u200eba:\x14.„:R¸پ:0–\x0b:–ü\x06:×#¦؛Yٍ²؛m ظ:{\x14¦:µ\x01‡:ه\x17S¹Yr¯:j\x03-¹ff€9×£P¸\n',
":‰ˆ\x149\x14®?؛ِ(\x05:«ھ…:)\\‡833G:Haط؛\x1f…¼:¼»'9\x00\x00 ؛=\n",
I've also tried using pickle but that also doesn't work.
Any suggestions on what I could try out?

How to visualize LabelMe database using Matlab

The LabelMe database can be downloaded from
However, there is another link
The webpage has a toolbox but I could not find any database to download. So, I was wondering if I could use the LabelMe_gist.mat which has the following fields. The field names contins the labels for the images, and img perhaps contains the images. How do I display the training and test images? I tried
im = imread(img)
Error using imread>parse_inputs (line 486)
The filename or url argument must be a string.
Error in imread (line 336)
[filename, fmt_s, extraArgs, msg] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
but surely this is not the way. Please help
load LabelMe_gist.mat;
load('LabelMe_gist.mat', 'img')
Since we had no idea from your post what kind of data this is I went ahead and downloaded it. Turns out, img is a collection of 22019 images that are of size 32x32 (RGB). This is why img is a 32 x 32 x 3 x 22019 variable. Therefore, the i-th image is accessible via imshow(img(:,:,:,i));
Here is an animation of all of them (press Ctrl+C to interrupt):
for iImage = 1:size(img,4)

4-d double array can't be saved into .mat matlab

I have 4-D double array named pic, with dim of ( 512, 512, 100, 29).
actually they are '.nii' images with dim of ( 512,512,100) .
each .nii image has 100 slice.
I loaded 29 nii image in matlab in pic(:,:,:,i) array and now I want to save it.
but matlab does not save it correctly.
save( 'mypic.mat' ,'pic');
matlab shows warning :
Warning: Variable 'pic' cannot be saved to a MAT-file whose version is
older than 7.3. To save this variable, use the -v7.3 switch. Skipping...
what should I do?
The data is too large to save using the default .mat file format, as the warning clearly states, you need to use the -v7.3 switch to save this size of file
save('mypic.mat', 'pic', '-v7.3')
See the documentation for more information on the various .mat file formats and their benefits and drawbacks.

MATLAB - save image in structure array array{i,y} and retrieve with (image(i,y))?

My system:
Windows 8.1
My issue: When I save a JPG image in a structure array, in this case stiAll{i,y}
fileName = strcat('group_',strGr,'_',strVal,'.jpg');
fileNameStr = char(fileName);
stiAll{i,y} = imread(fileNameStr);
and I try to retrieve the saved image with image(stiAll(i,y)) I get the following error message from MATLAB:
Invalid datatype for Image CData. Numeric or logical
matrix required for image CData.
If I save the image without the {i,y} suffix, so that the image is saved in a normal variable, not in a structure array, I can retrieve the image. However, for my programme I would need to save images in the respective cells of a structure array or something similar.
Any idea how to get this done successfully?
stiAll{i,y} = imread(fileNameStr); looks like a cellArray. And you try to plot it image(stiAll(i,y)) now as Matrix. Try image(stiAll{i,y})
