Notification on UI component reused in UI virtualization - wpf

I am using a Xceed WPF Grid with UI virtualization with horizontal and vertical Scrollbars. When I use the Scrollbar vertically or horizontally, with reusable UI components (VirtualizingStackPanel.VirtualizationMode="Recycling"), I want an event or property change other than from the Scrollbar.


Vertical scroll of carousels on mobile screens

Is there a css property that enables vertical scrolling of a carousel on mobile screens? by default a PrimeVue carousel blocks the scrolling of the page by passing over the carousel, it is possible to scroll only horizontally

.net winforms listbox vertical scroll

I have a winforms listbox control with vertical scroll,when I scroll it with mouse wheel it works perfectly but when I try scrolling with mouse click on vertical scroll it closes how to handle that events.
I didn't find a event in listbox with vertical scroll mouse click .can someone suggest why it is not working properly .
Although if I create a sample project of winforms with listbox vertical scroll works in both the cases.

DataGridView control unresponsive during update from BackgroundWorker

I have a Windows Forms application with a DataGridView control which is updated a few times a second from a routine called by BackgroundWorker_DoWork. In this condition, no scroll bars are visible on the control and the control is unresponsive to clicks. If the updating is stopped, scroll bars are visible and the control is responsive.
Is there a way of making the DataGridView responsive when it being updated via Backgroundworker?

Fabric Canvas reset all objects and mouse events

I am using fabric canvas to draw rectangle on two mouse clicks.I am using Angular.js along with fabric.When I logged in to the application the rectangle drawn position changes after two mouse clicks.
I totally unaware about how to reset and refresh fabric js canvas. For any queries see my previous questions including code.

Annotations in WPF window which has WindowsForms Panel thru. WindowsFormsHost

My WPF window has WindowsFormshost which in turn has a WindowsForms Panel. The Panel has live preview from camera. I want to draw annotations(draw some rectngles, lines etc..)
on the image in the Panel. Is this possible in WPF with WindowsFormshost?
Any ideas?
