Backbone.js save always triggers error even on success - backbone.js

I've read several of the other posts about this problem and none of the solutions seem to be working for me. I have the following code in my View:
username: $('#user-username').val(),
role: $('#user-role').val(),
description: $('#user-description').val()
});{ user_id: this.model.get('user_id')}, {
success: function(user, response) {
console.log('success:', response);
error: function(user, response) {
console.log('error:', response);
and this on my server controller (nodejs running express 3):
UserController.prototype.updateAction = function(req, res) {
if (req.route.method != "put") {
res.send({status: "error", error: "update must be put action and must include values"});
return false;
var query = {'user_id':};
var user = req.body;
var userRepository = this.userRepository
// delete _id to avoid errors
delete user._id;
userRepository.update(query, user, {}, function(err, updated) {
if ((err) || (!updated)) {
res.send({"status": "error", "error": err});
return false;
// send updated user back
util.log('updated user ' + user.user_id);
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
res.send(JSON.stringify({"status": "success", "updated": updated}));
On save, my model is saved correctly in the server and I have verified the server response with this. So, as far as I can tell the server is returning status 200, valid JSON, with a valid JSON response header. And yet my backbone function always triggers the error callback. Can anyone please tell me why and how to resolve this?
I am able to get this to work if set the dataType to text like so:{ user_id: this.model.get('user_id')}, {
dataType: "text",
success: function(user, response) {
console.log('success:', response);
error: function(user, response) {
console.log('error:', response);
but doing so does not allow me to get the response back from the server. Instead I get this in the response var:
success: {
"_id": "5133b02062e15ed1d2000001",

Backbone expects to get back the model that it sent in its PUT or POST request body.
Instead of:
res.send(JSON.stringify({"status": "success", "updated": updated}));
Try this in your server's response:

There may be a possibility that your call may have got in state 200 connection established which backbone detects as error, Backbone throws success only when the call is 200OK.

What's your server code? You need to make sure you're sending json back to backbone like so:
//In your express POST route {
return res.json(401);
} else {
console.log('user: ' +user.username + ' saved');
return res.json(200);
Then in your backbone view you can check for the response and do what you need:
//some function in your view, {
success: function(model, response, options) {
if (response == 200) {
console.log('success :' + response);
//Do stuff
} else {
console.log('error: '+response);
Also note that as per the backbone model documentation:
"save accepts success and error callbacks in the options hash, which will be passed the arguments (model, response, options)"


Custom error message with content-type response

I'm trying to implement some error handling into my MCV AngularJS application, but came across this one issue that I'm not sure how to solve.
In my AngularJS service ticketService I have the following method:
this.downloadFile = function (fileId) {
return $http.get(baseUrl + "/Downloadfile/" + fileId, { responseType: "blob" });
And in my controller:
$scope.downloadFile = function (fileId) {
.then(function (response) {
// Handle correct request and response
}, function (err) {
// Handle error
notify({ message: "Something went wrong: " +, position: "center", duration: 10000 });
Here's what I return from the backend MVC Web API method:
var error = new HttpError("Failed to find file, bla bla bla.");
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, error);
My issue is that since my responseType is set to be blob, my err object is the same response type. I would believe that it should be possible for my backend service to override this response type, and respond with an object that contains some Message.
From this response, I would've thought that I could get, but perhaps I misunderstood this scenario?
Thank you in advance.
public HttpResponseMessage Get(int id)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Status =
"OK", Message = this._myContext.GetCustomer(id) });
catch(Exception e)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, new {
Status = "NO", Message = e.ToString() });
You can return any message like "Failed to find file, bla bla bla." in Message. Then you just need to check in ajax success method like data.Message,
The $http service uses the XHR API which is not capable of changing the responseType on the fly.
You can set the status message and use that:
public ActionResult Foo()
Response.StatusCode = 403;
Response.StatusDescription = "Some custom message";
return View(); // or Content(), Json(), etc
Then in AngularJS:
$scope.downloadFile = function (fileId) {
return ticketService.downloadFile(fileId)
.then(function (response) {
// Handle correct request and response
}).catch(function (response) {
// Handle error
throw response;
Alternative approaches are:
Use the Fetch API which has a more powerful and flexible feature set.
Use the FileReader API and JSONparse() method to convert the Blob to a JavaScript Object.

Ionic $ catch errors

I have a submit function, which posts some data into a server and then the server returns a response. The function is working fine. I would like, though, to catch a couple of errors during the post process. For example, if there is no connectivity to the server, return an error to the user to inform him what's going on. instead of just pressing the button and do nothing. I know I can create a function to somehow ping the server and check if it's alive but that's not what I need. I would like to have a statement in the error function and catch most of the possible errors and output an explanation to the user.
$scope.submit = function() {
var link = '';
$, {
username: $,
password: $
}).then(function(res) {
$scope.response =;
$localStorage.token =;
.catch(function(error) {
.finally(function() {
//do something
$, {
username: md5.createHash($,
password: md5.createHash($,
}).then(function(res) {
//Success Scenario
.catch(function(error) {
if (error.statusText == ""){
$scope.response = "Unexpected error. Make sure WiFi is on."
//When the device is not connected on the internet the response error is -1 (or any number) and the statusText is empty. So we caching that one as-well.
else {
$scope.response = "Error - "+error.status + " ("+error.statusText+")";
//else we display the error along with the status, for example error 500 Internal Server error.
.finally(function() {
//This function will always be called at the end. Take advantage of it :)
I hope it's gonna be useful for someone.

put operation in Node.js

For put request:
router.put('/:id', controller.update);
My update method look like this:
exports.update = function(req, res) {
if(req.body._id) { delete req.body._id; }
Thing.findById(, function (err, thing) {
if (err) { return handleError(res, err); }
if(!thing) { return res.status(404).send('Not Found'); }
var updated = _.merge(thing, req.body); (err) {
if (err) { return handleError(res, err); }
return res.status(200).json(thing);
Making request:
$http.put('/api/things/'+ thing._id, updatedThingObject)
console.log("update", update)
console.log("err", err)
It gives connection error on passing the object while making the request in angular.
The error looks like this:
PUT http://localhost:9000/api/things/56c8325b9a0ee7d00d266495
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED(anonymous function) # angular.js:11442sendReq #
If I take off the updated object, it makes the request just fine but ofcourse nothing gets updated in
that case. What might be wrong here,please?
I figured.
The reason for the functions not being called is that I have a function that is being called repetitively in Node .
var autoCreate = function(){
var randomNumb=0;
randomNumb = (Math.random()* (10-5) + 5).toFixed(0);
console.log("random number", randomNumb)
var randomThing =randomstring({
length: randomNumb,
numeric: false,
letters: true,
special: false
console.log("ranfom thing", randomThing)
name: randomThing,
readByUser: false
}, function(err, thing) {
console.log("THING IS", thing)
//setTimeout(autoCreate, randomNumb * 1000);
setTimeout(autoCreate, 10*1000);
Since this is running when post/put request is made, I get connection error. How do I handle this to be able to have this function running and be able to make put/post requests as well?

Backbone.js - proper server response

Something seems to be wrong, either my server response or my save function.
In neither case success nor error function of gets invoked.
My server response:
exports.updateBusinessBannerAd = function(req, res) {
// update banner ad
db.insert(req.body, req.body._id, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log('Update business banner ad: ' + err.message + ' ' + err['status-code']);
res.send(err['status-code'], { header: 'Update banner ad', message: err.message, type: 'error'});
else {
And here my client code:
saveBannerAd: function(self) { = self.model.attributes._id;{
success: function(model, res) {
utils.growl( 'Banner Ad', 'has been updated!', 'info');
error: function(model, res) {
utils.growl(res.header, res.message, res.type);
What am I missing?
Okay, adding { id: self.model.get('id') } as first argument to fixed my issue.
In this thread
someone suggested setting 'null' as first argument serves as placeholder, but my experience is that this will invoke the error function.

How to get a good response from saving a model

With backbone.js I'm saving a model. A PUT is send to the server and the response is returned. The first time I do it, it returns success, the following times an error is return, because after the first time the response is added to the model.
Save function in Backbone.js:
saveCountry: function() {{},{
success: function(model, response) {
console.log('success! ' + response);
error: function(model, response) {
console.log('error! ' + response);
return false;
PHP returns a JSON-string:
{"response": "Model saved!"}
Following PUT's get an error as response, because 'response' is added to the model:
Unknown column 'response' in 'field list'
Why is the response added to the model and how do I prevent it?
From Backbone's documentation on model save:
Set a hash of model attributes, and sync the model to the server. If
the server returns an attributes hash that differs, the model's state
will be set again.
What to do to make it work: don't return {"response": "Model saved!"} from the server. Just return a success (status 200) with no content.
If the save did not work, return a JSON with the errors, and Backbone will trigger an error event on your model, with the JSON you provided (see and
Just to resurrect an ancient thread...
It isn't always possible/desirable to change the response you get back from the server.
Another solution is to override parse in the model to take care of this. For your situation, where the response is inappropriate for ALL of your models, you could do it in a superclass.
MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
parse: function(data) {
delete data["success"];
return data;
Address = MyModel.extend({
saveCountry: function() {{},{
success: function(model, response) {
console.log('success! ' + response);
error: function(model, response) {
console.log('error! ' + response);
return false;
