How do I loop through the children of a Firebase instance - angularjs

I want to know how to loop through the children of everyone. I'm using Firebase and AngularJS.
My firebase object looks like:
To me it looks like a dictionary, so from Getting a list of associative array keys I have tried
syncData('everyone').$bind($scope, 'everyone').then(function() {
var keys = $scope.everyone.$getIndex();
for (var key in $scope.everyone) {
console.log("key : " + key + " value : " + $scope.everyone[key]);
The log does contain the child objects, but it also includes all the methods. Like so
... Before this line is all the other methods.
key : $on value : function (a,c){if("loaded"==a&&b._loaded)return b._timeout(function(){c()}),void 0;if(!b._on.hasOwnProperty(a))throw new Error("Invalid event type "+a+" specified");b._on[a].push(c)} controllers.js:58
key : $off value : function (a,c){if(b._on.hasOwnProperty(a))if(c){var d=b._on[a].indexOf(c);-1!==d&&b._on[a].splice(d,1)}else b._on[a]=[];else} controllers.js:58
key : $auth value : function (a){var c=b._q.defer();return b._fRef.auth(a,function(a,b){null!==a?c.reject(a):c.resolve(b)},function(a){c.reject(a)}),c.promise} controllers.js:58
key : $getIndex value : function (){return angular.copy(b._index)} controllers.js:58
key : -JH45WOOAtnZfUZkrJb1 value : [object Object] controllers.js:58
key : -JH45YdfwptGv3y6UqyV value : [object Object] controllers.js:58
key : -JH45_zxptV_dmibyGzL value : [object Object]
Is there a way I can get just the children?
I'm doing this because my code was designed to use an array, but Firebase discourage using arrays (for values that multiple people could change). So I'm trying to loop through the firebase dictionary and copy the objects into an array on the client side. So I don't have to change too much of my code.

UPDATE: As of AngularFire 0.8.x, one can use $asArray() to obtain a sorted array of the records and this answer is no longer necessary
The correct way to iterate values in an angularFire object is by using $getIndex(). You have this in your code above, but did not utilize it in the for loop.
Since you are already using the angularFire lib (syncData is the angularFire-seed service that uses angularFire), there is no need to worry about calling $apply() or any of the other complexities of coaxing data into Angular detailed in the previous answer (which is a good response for a raw Firebase/Angular implementation).
Instead, just change your for loop to iterate the keys instead of the angularFire instance:
syncData('everyone').$bind($scope, 'everyone').then(function() {
var keys = $scope.everyone.$getIndex();
// utilizing Angular's helpers
angular.forEach(keys, function(key) {
console.log(key, $scope.everyone[key]);
// or as a for loop
for(var i=0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
console.log(keys[i], $scope.everyone[keys[i]]);
To utilize the object in the DOM, use ng-repeat:
<li ng-repeat="(key,user) in everyone">{{key}}, {{user|json}}</li>

The way I do it is pretty simple, you just push all the children into an array when they arrive like this.
Everyone.on('child_added', function(snap) {
function implementLogic(person) {
if (something) {
if (something else) {
That leaves you with an array of the child objects you want.

Use ng-fire-alarm with collection: true like this:
angular.module('demo', ['ng-fire-alarm']).controller('IndexCtrl', IndexCtrl);
function IndexCtrl ($scope) {
var everyone = new Firebase(URL).child('everyone');
.$toAlarm({collection: true}) // will transform object into native array
.$thenNotify(function(everyones){ // notify you on ANY changes
$scope.everyones = everyones;


Angular-firebase. Search an array of objects by $id

I have this array of objects :
I want to get the $id and $ values.
var CitiesFactory = function(){
var ref = new Firebase("");
return ref.child('cities');
I tried console.log($firebaseArray(CitiesFactory).$indexFor('bucuresti'));
it returns -1 (not found)
I also tried with $getRecord and got the same thing.
Use AngularFire for synchronizing data from Firebase that you want to bind to AngularJS views. With your current factory:
$scope.cities = $firebaseArray(CitiesFactory());
<li ng-repeat='(id, city) in cities'>{{city.Name}} - {{id}}</li>
For most cases where you're not binding to a view, you're often better of using the Firebase JavaScript SDK directly.
With the latter, you can do what you want with:
CitiesFactory().on('value', function(citiesSnapshot) {
citiesSnapshot.forEach(function(citySnapshot) {
console.log(citySnapshot.key, citySnapshot.val().name);
This will print all city keys (what's shown as $id by AngularFire) and all names whenever a city is add, changed or removed.

How to select value inside an object

I'm trying to store 1 or more values that are inside an array into a scope. This is the result of my JSONP service,
{"id":"53db3c790e0a26189a000d09","iso_639_1":"en","key":"ePbKGoIGAXY","name":"Trailer 3","site":"YouTube","size":1080,"type":"Trailer"},
{"id":"550df44b9251413554004d43","iso_639_1":"en","key":"KlyknsTJk0w","name":"Own it today","site":"YouTube","size":720,"type":"Trailer"},
{"id":"545da247c3a3685362005187","iso_639_1":"en","key":"Lm8p5rlrSkY","name":"Trailer 2","site":"YouTube","size":1080,"type":"Trailer"}
And I'm trying to store all the key values inside a scope called $scope.youtubeTrailer
But if I do it like this,
$scope.youtubeTrailer = response;
console.log ($scope.youtubeTrailer)
The scope consists of an object (the movie) and inside that object is an array with the 5 id's. So what would be the correct selector for something like this?
If I search like this,
console.log ($scope.youtubeTrailer.key)
I get an 'undefined´
* EDIT *
I've tried to solution below,
$scope.youtubeTrailer =[];
console.log ($scope.youtubeTrailer)
angular.forEach(response.results, function(item){
console.log ('Hello world')
if (item.hasOwnProperty('key')) {
The console.log ($scope.youtubeTrailer) shows that the scope is empty. And the forEach function doesnt fire because the Hello log doesn't get shown in the console. If I change $scope.youtubeTrailer =[]; into $scope.youtubeTrailer = response; I do have the object in the scope but still the forEach doesn't fire.
* EDIT 2 *
By changinge response.results into response the forEach does fire.
* EDIT 3 *
I've got it somewhat working. I was getting the array in the scope, but when I saved the scope value in the create function it showed as null in the database. That's because I was trying to save an array. Using javascripts join I converted the array to a string which can be saved.
$scope.youtubeTrailer = [];
angular.forEach(response, function(item){
if (item.hasOwnProperty('key')) {
var youtubeArray = $scope.youtubeTrailer
var youtubeString = youtubeArray.join();
The code below basically is looping through the response.results array, which contains 5 objects. Each oject is assigned to the variable item. Check item has property of key, if true, add the value of item.key to $scope.youtubeTrailer.
$scope.youtubeTrailer =[];
angular.forEach(response.results, function(item) {
if (item.hasOwnProperty('key')) {
Here is the link for Angular ForEach.
$scope.youtubeTrailer isn't just an object, it contains an array and its inside that array that the key field is. So, you're going to need to access the five interior items with an array access. e.g. $scope.youtubeTrailer.results[0].key

backbone.js set in model initialize not effecting models in collection

While performing a fetch() on my backbone collection, and instantiating models as children of that collection, I want to add one more piece of information to each model.
I thought that I could do this using set in the model initialize. (My assumption is that fetch() is instantiating a new model for each object passed into it. And therefore as each initialize occurs the extra piece of data would be set.
To illustrate my problem I've pasted in four snippets, first from my collection class. Second the initialize function in my model class. Third, two functions that I use in the initialize function to get the needed information from the flickr api. Fourth, and finally, the app.js which performs the fetch().
First the collection class:
var ArmorApp = ArmorApp || {};
ArmorApp.ArmorCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: ArmorApp.singleArmor,
url: "",
//comparator: "Century",
parse: function(data){
var armorarray = [];
var entryarray = data.feed.entry;
for (var x in entryarray){
armorarray.push({"id": entryarray[x].gsx$id.$t,
"Filename": entryarray[x].gsx$filename.$t,
"Century": entryarray[x].gsx$century.$t,
"Date": entryarray[x].gsx$date.$t,
"Country": entryarray[x].gsx$country.$t,
"City": entryarray[x].gsx$city.$t,
"Type": entryarray[x].gsx$type.$t,
"Maker": entryarray[x].gsx$maker.$t,
"Recepient": entryarray[x].gsx$recipient.$t,
"Flickrid": entryarray[x].gsx$flickrid.$t,
"FlickrUrl": "", //entryarray[x].gsx$flickrurl.$t,
"FlickrUrlBig": ""//entryarray[x].gsx$flickrurlbig.$t,
return armorarray;
Second, the initialization in my model.
initialize: function(){
//console.log("A model instance named " + this.get("Filename"));
item = this;
var flickrapi = "<my_apikey>&photo_id=" + this.get("Flickrid") + "&format=json&jsoncallback=?";
sources = getFlickrSources(flickrapi);
sourceArray = parseFlickrResponse(data);
FlickrSmall = sourceArray[0].FlickrSmall;
console.log (FlickrSmall);
item.set("FlickrUrl", FlickrSmall);
Notice here how I'm getting the "Flickrid" and using to get one more piece of information and then trying to add it back into the model with item.set("FlickrUrl", FlickerSmall);
console.log confirms that the property "FlickrUrl" has been set to the desired value.
Third, these are the functions my model uses to get the information it needs for the flicker api.
var getFlickrSources = function(flickrapi){
flickrResponse = $.ajax({
url: flickrapi,
// The name of the callback parameter, as specified by the YQL service
jsonp: "callback",
// Tell jQuery we're expecting JSONP
dataType: "jsonp"})
return flickrResponse;
var parseFlickrResponse = function(data){
flickrSourceArray = []
if (data.stat == "ok"){
sizeArray = data.sizes.size;
for (var y in sizeArray){
if (sizeArray[y].label == "Small"){
flickrSourceArray.push({"FlickrSmall": sizeArray[y].source});
else if (sizeArray[y].label == "Large"){
flickrSourceArray.push({"FlickrLarge": sizeArray[y].source});
return flickrSourceArray
But, fourth, when I try to perform the fetch and render the collection, I only get objects in my collection without the FlickrUrl property set.
//create an array of models and then pass them in collection creation method
var armorGroup = new ArmorApp.ArmorCollection();
var armorGroupView = new ArmorApp.allArmorView({collection: armorGroup});
var armorRouter = new ArmorApp.Router();
The console.log in this last snippet prints out all the objects/models supposedly instantiated through the fetch. But none of them include the extra property that should have been set during the initialization.
Any ideas what is happening?
What is this function ? getFlickrSources(flickrapi)
Why are you using this.get in the initialize function. Honestly it looks over-complicated for what you are trying to do.
If you want to set some parameter when you instantiate your model then do this var model = new Model({ param:"someparam", url:"someurl",wtv:"somewtv"});
If the point is to update your model just write an update function in your model something like update: function (newparam) { this.set;... etc and call it when you need it.
If I read you well you just want to set some params when your model is instantiated, so just use what I specified above. Here is some more doc :
I hope it helps.
Put your call outside your model, you shouldn't (imo) make call inside your model this way it seems kinda dirty.
Sources.then(function(flickrdata) {
var mymodel = new Model({flicker:flickrdata.wtv});
It would be cleaner in my opinion.

get nested object length in an angularFire array in Firebase

I have a Firebase structure like this:
user {
uid {
Lessons {
lid1 {
Title: ...
lid2 {
Title: ...
I want to use AngularFire to convert user as array so I can filter them using Angular like this:
var usersRef = new Firebase($rootScope.baseUrl + "users");
var userListfb = $firebase(usersRef).$asArray();
The problem is, I also need the number of child of the Lessons object. When I log the userListfb, it is an array. But inside the array, the Lessons node still an object. I can not user length to get its length. What is the correct way to find out the number of child of the Lessons Node with Firebase AngularFire?
Edit 1
According to Frank solution, I got an infinite loop (digest circle error from AngularJS).
The problem is, I will not know the "uid" key. I need to loop it in the first array to get the uid into the second firebaseArray.
Let's say I have a ng-repeat="user in users" in the view and call this on view level in each repeat:
Then in the controller, I have this function:
$scope.users = $firebaseArray($scope.usersRef);
$scope.getLessonLength = function (uid) {
var userRef = $rootScope.baseUrl + "users/" + uid + "/lessons/";
var lessonsNode = $firebaseArray(new Firebase(userRef));
return lessonsNode.length;
And it throw this error: Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: []
All I want it is something like var lessonsCount = snapshot.child('lessons').numChildren() in regular Firebase .on('child_added' ...), the numChildren() function in FirebaseArray. Please help!
AngularFire contains quite some code to ensure that an ordered collection in your Firebase maps correctly to a JavaScript array as Angular (and you) expect it.
If you have a reference to a specific user, you can just create a new sync ($firebase) and call $asArray on that.
var usersRef = new Firebase($rootScope.baseUrl + "users");
var userListfb = $firebase(usersRef).$asArray();
var uid1LessonsRef = userRef.child('uid1').child('Lessons');
var uid1LessonsArray = $firebase(uid1LessonsRef).$asArray();
uid1LessonsArray.$loaded().then(function(arr) {
console.log('Loaded lessons, count: '+arr.length);
The data will only be synchronized once, no matter how many references you create to it.

Always display a Key First with Angular

I have an ng-repeat like:
<div ng-repeat="(k, v) in query_p[$index].tags">
I would like it so that if the key (k) is a certain string, say "foo", that string always appears first in the list. It seems the getter option or orderBy only works with arrays. Anyone have an example of how they might achieve this?
Basically you have an unordered object, and you want it to have some kind of order.
To do that you need to create a function that returns some ordered object.
myApp.filter('promote_foo', function() {
return function(object, comp) {
var ordered = [];
for (var key in object) {
var obj = {
key: key,
value: object[key]
if (key === comp)
return ordered;
the function takes a parameter which will promote and object if the key matches it. Now I only call it in the controller directly, but you could use it just like any angular filter.
$scope.order = $filter('promote_foo')($, 'foo');
Also, you can play with the fiddle here.
Hope this helped!
