How did you learn BackboneJS? [closed] - backbone.js

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm having a difficult time understanding its tutorials.
Either they are too advanced or do not work
If you are an advanced user, please tell me how you started off.

Derick Bailey has a blog post on this, although it's a bit old:
They way I started (although with Marionette which is built on top of Backbone) was to create some small projects to see how the various parts worked together:
To help other people along, I then wrote a book that builds a non-trivial application step by step:
If you learn best by digging in source code, you can see it here:


Best resources for learning AngularJS [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am more of a jQuery developer. I find it really hard to migrate from jQuery to AngularJS. Is there any good book or online material from where I can start my ng journey?
I suggest starting with this article from ng-newsletter.
They provide a great overview about AngularJS features and if you want to deepen your knowledge regarding some feature in particular it is also provided some links and other articles for further reading.

where can I learn linked list/stacks? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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As the question stated above, is there any recommended sites to study them??
I've searched online, but mostly give the entire code without teaching what the code does
for example, what does -> do??
btw: I wanna learn these 2 which are for C Programming
These links will help. There is other good stuff at the site as well. And it is C oriented.

GDK example code [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone have a Gnome GDK example code or tutorials?
I know that this is getting annoying, considering so many people ask this but I've tried and tried finding a Gnome GDK tutorial, for like an hour or so and I still don't have any luck, I'm using only C programming language, thank you.
Probably you have stumbled over the GDK Reference Manual already but did not scroll down far enough to realize that there are actually many examples in there:
E.g. click on windows then scroll down to example 7.
113 line tutorial right there, hope this helps.

BASE24 tutorial or learning material [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does someone know where I can find a tutorial or material relating to Base24? I'm referring to Base24 the product by ACI. My understanding is that they use a programming language called 'TAL' which has similarities to Cobol and C.
I've searched the net and I have only found job opportunities for Base24 developers but hardly any learning resources.
TAL stands for "Transaction Application Language" and is supported by HP.
There's a programmer's guide here and a reference manual here.
I googled for base24 programming and the second hit was this

Where Can I find a good tutorial for IJG libjpeg [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to do some work with this library and I'm finding the documentation at to be deficient (incomplete function signatures, etc). Does anyone know of some other sides or have some example code illustrating common tasks?
I also found this question with an example, but any others would be helpful.
Try using libjpeg library. Example how to use it is in this blog.
I don't know what you're using, but we use the C++ wrapper at Smaller Animals Software, and we're happy with it. If nothing else, it might work as example code.
