How to smartly include all the necessary files? - angularjs

Right now my Karma config has the following files to include:
files: [
The file vendor/vendor.js is automatically created by a Gulp task concatenating all vendor files using my bower config. It's all my own Javascript code that's so hard to include because order matters a great deal. The index.js files within a folder define the module (and its routes) and thus must be loaded before the individual files. And app.js always has to be last.
So my question is how I do this a bit smarter, for example with a glob that first includes all the index.js files and then all the others?

This is exactly what RequireJS is for. You can use it in your deployed code, but you can also just use it for your tests.
If you do this, your "karma.conf.js" ends up being a little shorter and less volatile. Your RequireJS config file specifies some dependency mapping. Each test spec ends up specifying what dependencies it needs, either in a "declarative" fashion in the "define" call, or sometimes manually through the "require" function (you sometimes need the latter to deal with circular reference problems).

Hm I guess asking the question gave me the idea I needed :) This works:
files: [
Adding the *.js after index.js results in debug messages like this:
src/manage/index.js ignored. Already in the list.


Karma files: include everything, except ignore bower_components, except include specific bower files

In a world where inclusions take precedence over exclusions this is what I want:
files : [
exclude: [
However, in karma config, file exclusions take precedence.
Can I easily ignore whatever might be lurking in bower_components folder, except for the specific files I decide to keep?
Yep, you can do that with a pattern. Karma uses minimatch internally, as such the following should work just fine for the case you present:
files : [
exclude: [
I just tried that out in our repo with a gazillion of angular- files, and even though it looks there is an extraneous .js in that pattern, it appears to be working.
Exclude every .js file in any subfolder of bower_components, except for files named either angular.js, angular-route or angular-mocks.
Now, if you wanted to - you could replace the three topmost entries in your files: [] array, and just put app/bower_components/**/*.js because as you said - exclusion takes precedence here. Just keep piling on filenames that you dont want to exclude and you should be automatically including those.
As pointed out by the OP - the negation in the exclude pattern need to be the full filenames including the extension, otherwise we run the risk of including folders matching said filename without an extension.
The new pattern would be:
Exclude all .js files from bower_components except angular.js, angular-route.js and angular-mocks.js
As for inclusion, include angular.js before all others so as to not run the risk of angular dependent files being included first and crashing on itself.

Using header only libraries in biicode

How do I use header only libraries with biicode?
When I try to build a block it includes example directories even though I try to set the dependencies explicitly in the biicode.conf of the published block.
I'm trying to get the unity framework up and running, using biicode.
Unity is great as a unit testing framework for C because you do not need to compile any libraries. If you do your own mocks, you don't even have to run any scripts - there is just a single .c file to include in your compile and you are golden.
I've published the git repo to my biicode block paulbendixen/Unity and since there is no need for any compilation step beyond the c file that accompanies the header that should be included there is nothing else to do.
However, when I include the file, using #include "paulbendixen/Unity/src/unity.h" I get the error when doing bii cpp:build:
Code.c:2:28: fatal error: ProductionCode.h: No such file or directory
#include "ProductionCode.h"
This is in the examples folder and should therefore not be compiled, when I just want to use the unit testing part. Changing the [dependencies] to include unity.h = unity.c unity_internals.h hasn't helped either.
I'm pretty sure the problem should be resolved in the Unity/biicode.conf, but I haven't been able to find a thorough description of this file anywhere.
The simplicity of the Unity library should make it ideal for a build system such as bii, but it seems quite complex to set up.
If it helps, I've used the simple layout and the -r [github for throwtheswitch] option
It is not that simple. Unity uses Rakefiles to build and run the tests, and they have lots of configuration. What can be done for quickly upload it to biicode is just to ignore the tests and publish just the files. This can be done writing a ignore.bii file with the contents:
Wrt to the biicode.conf, the only configuration necessary are the include paths:
You can check that the manual definition of dependencies is not necessary, if you run $ bii deps --files *unity.h
With these changes, it is possible to publish it. Nothing to build.
Then, to use it in other projects, I have been able to build simple tests:
#include "unity.h"
void testTrue(void){
int main() {
Just adding the following to the biicode.conf of the new project:
diego/unityfork: 0
unity.h: diego/unityfork/src
It would probably be much easier to make biicode run and build the tests without ignoring them if it used the more typical CMake configuration instead of Rakefiles

Removing items from Angular library and compressing

I was looking at the unminified version of the 1.2.8 angular library ( There are a number of directives that i will never use in my application, such as:
I removed all of the above, and corresponding code/functions. After recompiling my application, it performs as expected.
However, when i attempted to minify/uglify the file, im left with a file ~ 140kb in size. Yet, the original minified file size was ~98kb.
Ive used minify/uglify from Gulp and various online compressors.
How can i remove elements from the library, minify it, and the result file be smaller than original?

How to find the "current" source file in Python 3?

What's the simplest way to find the path to the file in which I am "executing" some code? By this, I mean that if I have a file that contains:
I would like to see /some/path/ (I realise that in practice what file is "being executed" is complicated, but I think the above is well defined - a source file that contains some function that, when executed, gives the path to said file).
I have needed this in the past to make tests (that require some external file) self-contained, and I am currently wondering if it would be a useful way to locate some support files needed by a program. But I have never found a good way of doing this. The inspect module sounds like it should work, but you seem to need a class or function that is defined in that module.
In particular, the module instances contain __file__ attributes, but I can't see how to get the "current" module. Objects have a __module__ attribute, but that's the module name, not a module instance.
I guess one way is to throw and catch an exception and inspect the contents, but that seems like hard work. Surely there is a simple, easy way that I have missed?
To get the absolute path of the current file:
import os
To get content of external file distributed with your package you could use pkg_util.get_data()(stdlib) or pkg_resources.resouce_string() (setuptools) to support execution from zip-archives or standalone executables created by py2exe, PyInstaller or similar, example.

Apache: SSI inside SSI

Is there a way I can include include files inside include files? (Say that five times fast!)
For example:
Inside index.html:
<!--#include virtual="/include-1.shtml"-->
Inside include1.shtml:
<!--#include virtual="/include-2.shtml"-->
So the tree looks like this: index.html <-- include_1.shtml <-- include_2.shtml
As is, this is not working on my Apache. The first include works fine, but the content for the nested include doesn't display.
As it is relevant, I am using the XBitHack on Apache 2, and I've double checked that both files are executable by the web user.
I know that this question is more than four years old, but for the benefit of people who, like me, find it thanks to StackOverflow's amazing search engine juice, here's how I made it work.
Under Apache2, you need to know this.
Relevant text:
This command inserts the text of the included file into the parsed file. SSI files may be nested, that is the included file may contain additional SSI statements (but in this case must have an .shtml suffix irrespective of the setting of XBitHack).
(Emphasis mine) For me, the solution lay in uncommenting two lines in the default httpd.conf:
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
… and changing the filename extension of the first-level included file to .shtml:
  └─┬─ include1.shtml
    └─── include2.html
Boom! Nested SSI works like a champion.
Make sure that Apache is actually trying to process the *.shtml files. Try putting
<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->
in a *.shtml file and seeing if you get the expected results. Do you get the same result in a *.html file? If you don't see the dates in both, your configuration is off.
