function not found using cache factory? - angularjs

im trying to do a little example to learn on using cachefactory but i get the error that
"Argument 'CacheSampleController' is not a function"
this is my app
var eventsApp = angular.module('eventsApp', ['ngResource'])
.factory('myCache', function($cacheFactory) {
return $cacheFactory('myCache', {capacity:3});
this is the hmtl file:
<div ng-controller="CacheSampleController" style="padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px">
key: <input type="text" ng-model="key"/><br/>
value: <input type="text" ng-model="value"/><br/>
<button type="button" class="btn" ng-click="addToCache(key, value)">Add To Cache</button><br/>
<input type="text" ng-model="keyToRead"/><br/>
<h3>Value from cache: {{readFromCache(keyToRead)}}</h3>
<h3>Cache Stats: </h3>{{getCacheStats()}}
and this is the controller
function CacheSampleController($scope, myCache) {
$scope.addToCache = function(key, value) {
myCache.put(key, value);
$scope.readFromCache = function(key) {
return myCache.get(key);
$scope.getCacheStats = function() {
im not sure if it could be a syntax error or something else that im just not seeing?

Add the ng-app to the htm elemvent
<html ng-app="eventsApp">
Load your js files in this order
<script src="app.js"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
And your service should look like this
var eventsApp = angular.module('eventsApp', [])
.factory('myCache', function($cacheFactory) {
return $cacheFactory('myCache', {capacity:3});
Check this: plnkr

You must include (CacheSampleController.js) to your page like this:
<script src="/js/controllers/CacheSampleController.js"></script>
Add it after (app.js) line and I am sure it will work.


Angular Formly - Custom type which generates the model from the controller

I've been all the day searching for a way to accomplish this, any help would be really appreciated.
We want to create a date selector, but not using the javascript Date format but a string 'YYYY-MM-DD'. So we tried to create a custom type which has two inputs, a type="date" so that the user can introduce the date he wants to and a hidden type="text" which stores the actual model.
It looked well at the beginning:
'name': 'nativeDateSelect',
template: `
<input type="text" class="form-control" style="display: none;"
ng-model="model[options.key]" />
<input type="date" class="form-control"
formly-skip-ng-model-attrs-manipulator />
wrapper: ['bootstrapLabel', 'bootstrapHasError'],
controller: function ($scope, moment) {
$scope.dateValue = null;
$scope.$watch('model[options.key]', function (newValue) {
if (angular.equals($scope.dateValue, moment(newValue).toDate())) return;
$scope.dateValue = moment(newValue).toDate();
$scope.$watch('dateValue', function (newValue) {
if (angular.equals($scope.model[$scope.options.key], moment(newValue).format('YYYY-MM-DD'))) return;
$scope.model[$scope.options.key] = moment(newValue).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
'defaultOptions': {
'extras': {
'validateOnModelChange': true
This is it, it actually works, changing any of the input will modify the other one.
But here's the problem, once I introduce this type in an actual form and try to work with it, lets say for example adding an onChange function, it won't trigger as I'm not doing a change on the text input.
/* global angular */
(function() {
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('formlyExample', ['formly', 'formlyBootstrap', 'angularMoment'], function config(formlyConfigProvider) {
// set templates here
'name': 'nativeDateSelect',
'<input type="text" class="form-control" style="display: block;" ' +
'ng-model="model[options.key]" /> ' +
'<input type="date" class="form-control" ' +
'ng-model="dateValue" ' +
'formly-skip-ng-model-attrs-manipulator />',
wrapper: ['bootstrapLabel', 'bootstrapHasError'],
controller: function ($scope, moment) {
$scope.dateValue = null;
$scope.$watch('model[options.key]', function (newValue) {
if (angular.equals($scope.dateValue, moment(newValue).toDate())) return;
$scope.dateValue = moment(newValue).toDate();
$scope.$watch('dateValue', function (newValue) {
if (angular.equals($scope.model[$scope.options.key], moment(newValue).format('YYYY-MM-DD'))) return;
$scope.model[$scope.options.key] = moment(newValue).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
'defaultOptions': {
'extras': {
'validateOnModelChange': true
app.controller('MainCtrl', function MainCtrl(formlyVersion) {
var vm = this;
// funcation assignment
vm.onSubmit = onSubmit;
vm.exampleTitle = 'Default Options'; // add this
vm.model = {};
vm.fields = [
'type': 'nativeDateSelect',
'key': 'startDate',
'expressionProperties': {
'templateOptions.label': '\'startDate\''
'templateOptions': {
'required': true,
'onChange': function (modelValue, field, scope) {
alert('startDate: ' + modelValue);
vm.originalFields = angular.copy(vm.fields);
// function definition
function onSubmit() {
alert(JSON.stringify(vm.model), null, 2);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Twitter bootstrap -->
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- apiCheck is used by formly to validate its api -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- This is the latest version of angular (at the time this template was created) -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- This is the current state of master for formly core. -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- This is the current state of master for the bootstrap templates -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<title>Angular Formly Example</title>
<body ng-app="formlyExample" ng-controller="MainCtrl as vm">
<h1>Changing our model from the controller</h1>
<hr />
<form ng-submit="vm.onSubmit()" novalidate>
<formly-form model="vm.model" fields="vm.fields" form="vm.form">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary submit-button">Submit</button>
<pre>{{vm.model | json}}</pre>
<h2>Fields <small>(note, functions are not shown)</small></h2>
<pre>{{vm.originalFields | json}}</pre>
<pre>{{vm.form | json}}</pre>
Do anyone know how to manage a scenario like this? I need one input to actually input and the other to be the model, so this one should track changes/validation/etc. whenever it is modified.
Thanks again!

AngularJs can't run a method

I am a beginner angularjs user, but i have to learn it for my new job and I thought I could practice a bit. So I did a simple string reverse method and I thought I could make a simple calculator (exactly, only sum). Here is my code. I made 2 modules, 2 controllers and the first one is working fine, but the calculator isn't. However I made a simple site, where only the calc code is, and it works fine and I don't understand why it works, but doesn't work if 2 modules are on the same site.(Yeah, i'm a very beginner). Thank you for your help.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src=""> </script>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<div ng-app="MyApp" ng-controller="myController">
<input type="text" ng-model="myString" placeholder="Enter text"/>
<p>Input: {{myString }}</p>
<p>Filtered input: {{getReverse()}}</p>
<div ng-app="MyCalc" ng-controller="myCalculate">
<input type="text" ng-model="firstNumber"><br>
<input type="text" ng-model="secondNumber"><br>
<p> Result: {{getResult()}}</p>
var reverse = angular.module("MyApp", []);
var calc = angular.module("MyCalc",[]);
$scope.myString = "";
$scope.getReverse = function(){
return $scope.myString.split("").reverse().join("");
$scope.firstNumber = 0;
$scope.secondNumber = 0;
$scope.getResult = function(){
return Number($scope.firstNumber)+Number($scope.secondNumber);
ng-app directive can be used just one time in page.
only one AngularJS application can be auto-bootstrapped per HTML document. The first ngApp found in the document will be used to define the root element to auto-bootstrap as an application. To run multiple applications in an HTML document you must manually bootstrap them using angular.bootstrap instead. (
But you can bootstrap manually your app. Affect id on div that contains an angular app and add this to your script (
angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById('reverse'), ['MyApp']);
angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById('calc'), ['MyCalc']);
But I agree with Vikash, create more modules and less app :)
Normally, you should not use 2 angular app in a web page.
If you need to use different module, just make one depend on another.
Let's say your main module is MyApp and you need MyCalc's function, you do it like this (JsFiddle):
var calc = angular.module("MyCalc",[]);
$scope.firstNumber = 0;
$scope.secondNumber = 0;
$scope.getResult = function(){
return Number($scope.firstNumber)+Number($scope.secondNumber);
// Make MyApp module depend on MyCalc
var reverse = angular.module("MyApp", ["MyCalc"]);
$scope.myString = "";
$scope.getReverse = function(){
return $scope.myString.split("").reverse().join("");
And then in the HTML:
<body ng-app="MyApp">
<div ng-controller="myController">
<input type="text" ng-model="myString" placeholder="Enter text"/>
<p>Input: {{myString }}</p>
<p>Filtered input: {{getReverse()}}</p>
<div ng-controller="myCalculate">
<input type="text" ng-model="firstNumber"><br>
<input type="text" ng-model="secondNumber"><br>
<p> Result: {{getResult()}}</p>
P/s: If you really need to bootstrap 2 angular app in the same web page, you need to bootstrap it manually (JsFiddle):
angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById('calc'), ['MyCalc']);
calc is the id of the element you need to bootstrap the second app on
<div id="calc" ng-controller="myCalculate">
use ng-module instead of ng-app because ng-app can be used with one module in one page.
<div ng-module="MyModuleA">
<h1>Module A</h1>
<div ng-controller="MyControllerA">
<div ng-module="MyModuleB">
<h1>Just Module B</h1>
<div ng-controller="MyControllerB">
var moduleA = angular.module("MyModuleA", []);
moduleA.controller("MyControllerA", function($scope) {
$ = "Bob A";
var moduleB = angular.module("MyModuleB", []);
moduleB.controller("MyControllerB", function($scope) {
$ = "Steve B";
Use angular ng-modules to achieve this
here is the working [link] [1]
<div ng-modules="MyModuleA, MyModuleB">
<div ng-controller="myController">
<input type="text" ng-model="myString" placeholder="Enter text"/>
<p>Filtered input: {{getReverse()}}</p>
<div ng-controller="myCalculate">
<input type="text" ng-model="firstNumber"><br>
<input type="text" ng-model="secondNumber"><br>
<p> Result: {{getResult()}}</p>
var reverse = angular.module("MyModuleA", []);
var calc = angular.module("MyModuleB", []);
reverse.controller('myController', function ($scope) {
$scope.myString = "";
$scope.getReverse = function () {
return $scope.myString.split("")
calc.controller('myCalculate', function ($scope) {
$scope.firstNumber = 0;
$scope.secondNumber = 0;
$scope.getResult = function () {
return Number($scope.firstNumber) + Number($scope.secondNumber);

How to update model in ui-codemirror

I have two separate controllers which shared a property. If the first controller changes the property the second controller should recognize it and should change the text in the codemirror text area. I tried to figure it out in this fiddle example but I could not find a solution.
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.codemirror']);
app.service('sharedProperties', function() {
var objectValue = {
data: 'test object value'
return {
setText: function(value) { = value;
getText: function() {
return objectValue;
app.controller('myController1', function($scope, $timeout, sharedProperties) {
$scope.setText = function(text){
app.controller('myController2', function($scope, sharedProperties) {
$scope.editorOptions = {
lineWrapping: true,
lineNumbers: true,
readOnly: 'nocursor',
mode: 'xml'
$scope.mappingFile = sharedProperties.getText();
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="myController1">
<input type="text" ng-model="newText"></input>
<button ng-click="setText(newText)">Set Text</button><br/>
<div ng-controller="myController2">
<ui-codemirror ui-codemirror-opts="editorOptions" ng-model="" ui-refresh="true"></ui-codemirror>
At first, the way that you're doing you have 2 controllers in the same page but without any relation, I'd suggest you to make one of them as child of another.
So, to achieve what you want you need do a kind of watch on that variable from the parent controller.
Use the $broadcast to send data to the child controller
$scope.$broadcast('newText', $scope.newText);
Use $on to receive the data from the parent controller:
$scope.$on('newText', function(event, text) {
Here's the code working based on your original code:
(function() {
'use strict';
.module('myApp', ['ui.codemirror'])
.controller('myController1', myController1)
.controller('myController2', myController2);
myController1.$inject = ['$scope', '$timeout'];
function myController1($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.setText = function(text) {
console.log('Sent...', $scope.newText);
$scope.$broadcast('newText', $scope.newText);
myController2.$inject = ['$scope'];
function myController2($scope) {
$scope.editorOptions = {
lineWrapping: true,
lineNumbers: true,
readOnly: 'nocursor',
mode: 'xml'
$scope.$on('newText', function(event, text) {
if (!text) return;
$scope.mappingFile = text;
console.log('Received... ', $scope.mappingFile);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="myController1">
<input type="text" ng-model="newText">
<button ng-click="setText()">Set Text</button>
<div ng-controller="myController2">
<textarea ui-codemirror-opts="editorOptions" ng-model="mappingFile"></textarea>
Some notes:
You don't need to pass ngModel as parameter in your ngClick, you can access it directly in your controller simply calling $scope.newText (as I did);
<input> is a self-closing tag, so of course, you don't need to close it.
I hope it helps.

How to $watch multiples properties simultaneous and interpolate into one expression?

Suppose two input fields - name and text. How to simultaneous watch this two fields and interpolate their value into one expression?
Update 9/7/2014:
I did this Plunkr with a working version of the code :)
Thanks Mohammad Sepahvand!
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<title>Interpolate String Template Example</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module('myApp', ['emailParser']).controller('MyController', ['$scope', 'EmailParser', function ($scope, EmailParser) {
// init
$ = '';
$scope.emailBody = '';
$scope.$watchCollection('[to, emailBody]', function (newValues, oldValues) {
// do stuff here
// newValues and oldValues contain the new and respectively old value
// of the observed collection array
if (newValues[0] && newValues[1]) { // there's name and some text?
$scope.previewText = EmailParser.parse(newValues[1], {to: $});
angular.module('emailParser', []).config(['$interpolateProvider', function ($interpolateProvider) {
}]).factory('EmailParser', ['$interpolate', function ($interpolate) { // create service
return {
parse: function (text, propertiesToBeInterpolated) { // handle parsing
var template = $interpolate(text);
return template(propertiesToBeInterpolated);
<h3>Instructions in file - please read before!</h3>
<div id="emailEditor" ng-controller="MyController">
<input ng-model="to" type="text" placeholder="Ex.: John"/>
<textarea ng-model="emailBody" cols="25" rows="10" placeholder="Write something"></textarea>
<p style="color:red;">*required</p>
You can use the $watchGroup method that was added in angular 1.3:
$scope.$watchGroup(['prop1', 'prop2'], function(newValues, oldValues, scope) {
var prop1 =newValues[0];
var prop2 =newValues[1];
Or you could use $watchCollection which has been available since angular 1.1.4:
scope.$watchCollection('[prop1, prop2]', function(newValues, oldValues){

broadcasting model changes

I'm trying to set up a little POC to see whether or not angular would work for something I'm in the middle of.
I set up a REST server which I am able to CRUD with via angular. However, as the documentation and tutorials out there are so all over the place (read: SUPER inconsistent), I am not sure that the behavior I'm not seeing is the result of incorrect code or it's not something I can do like this.
I've gleaned from the docs that two-way binding is available, but it isn't clear how it works. NB I've read dozens of articles explaining how it works at a low level a'la but haven't been able to answer my own question.
I have angular speaking to a REST service which modifies a sql db.
What I am wondering about and am trying to POC is if I have 2 browsers open and I change a value in the db, will it reflect in the other browser window?
As I said, I have it updating the db, but as of now it is not updating the other browser window.
angular.module('myApp', ['ngResource']);
var appMock = angular.module('appMock', ['myApp', 'ngMockE2E']);$httpBackend) {});
function MainCtrl($scope, $http, $resource) {
$scope.message = "";
$scope.fruits = [];
$scope.fruit = {};
$scope.view = 'partials/list.html';
var _URL_ = '/cirest/index.php/rest/fruit';
function _use_$resources_() { return false; }
function _fn_error(err) {
$scope.message = err;
$scope.listFruits = function() {
$scope.view = 'partials/list.html';
var fn_success = function(data) {
$scope.fruits = data;
function _fn_success_put_post(data) {
$scope.fruit = {};
function createFruit() {
$, $scope.fruit).success(function(data){
function updateFruit() {
$, $scope.fruit).success(_fn_success_put_post).error(_fn_error);
function deleteFruit() {
$http.put(_URL_, $scope.fruit).success(_fn_success_put_post).error(_fn_error);
$scope.delete = function(id) {
if (!confirm("Are you sure you want do delete the fruit?")) return;
$http.delete("/cirest/index.php/rest/fruit?id=" + id).success(_fn_success_put_post).error(_fn_error);
$scope.newFruit = function() {
$scope.fruit = {};
$scope.fruitOperation = "New fruit";
$scope.buttonLabel = "Create";
$scope.view = "partials/form.html";
$scope.edit = function(id) {
$scope.fruitOperation = "Modify fruit";
$scope.buttonLabel = "Save";
$scope.message = "";
var fn_success = function(data) {
$scope.fruit = {};
$ = id;
$scope.view = 'partials/form.html';
$http.get(_URL_ + '/' + id).success(fn_success).error(_fn_error);
$ = function() {
if ($ {
else {
$scope.cancel = function() {
$scope.message = "";
$scope.fruit = {};
$scope.fruits = [];
MainCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$http', '$resource'];
New Fruit
<ul ng-model="listFruit">
<li ng-repeat="fruit in fruits">
id [{{}}] {{}} is {{fruit.color}}
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="myApp">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css"/>
<div class="navbar">NAVBARRRRRRRRRRR</div>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<button ng-click="listFruits()">ListFruit()</button>
<button ng-click="cancel()">Cancel()</button>
<ng-include src="view"></ng-include>
<!-- In production use:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="lib/angular/angular-resource.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<script src="js/services.js"></script>
<script src="js/controllers.js"></script>
<script src="js/filters.js"></script>
<script src="js/directives.js"></script>
<form name="fruitForm">
<input type="hidden" name="" ng-model="" />
<p><label>name</label><input type="text" name="name" ng-model="" value="dfgdfgdfg" required="true" /></p>
<p><label>color</label><input type="text" name="color" ng-model="fruit.color" value="fruit.color" required="true" /></p>
<input type="submit" ng-click="save()" value="{{buttonLabel}}" /> <button ng-click="cancel()">Cancel</button>
Thanks for any insight or pointers.
Two-way binding refers to changes occurring in your controller's scope showing up in your views and vice-versa. Angular does not have any implicit knowledge of your server-side data. In order for your changes to show up in another open browser window, for example, you will need to have a notification layer which pushes changes to the client via long polling, web sockets, etc.
