Converting JQuery SideBar Menu to AngularJs - angularjs

I am having some difficulty with my angularJs conversion.
Simply put, when a user clicks to expand a respective parent menu item, all the parent menu items expand to show the sub items. Obviously this is not what I am trying to achieve.
The end result I am looking for:
When a user clicks on a parent item, any current expanded node collapses and that respective parent node current clicked expands.
Really would be EXTREMELY grateful if someone could replicate my plunker to achieve the desired goals stated.
Thanks so much !!!!
My Plunker

You could do something like this:
Just keep track of the item that is expanded and store that on your scope. Then in your view you can just check if the current item in the ng-repeat is equal to the expanded item stored on the scope.


How to properly use formatter and editor in Slickgrid

We are using slickgrid in our angular directive.
And we would like to use another list directive (simple select element with input) in a cell/column of Slickgrid.
I want the list element to be visible when the grid is available, so user knows there is a list. Therefor I am using the list directive as formatter. It Is visible when the grid is rendered.
The Problem:
When the cell that holds list element is clicked, the editor mode is never fired because of the list element click event.
We thought to use an image of list that user knows there is a list, and when clicked open the list.
Is there a better way to do it?
We have managed to get it done using list directive as our rendere/formatter as well as editor.
We made our list directive as ReadOnly so it does not fire click event. And now one sees a list element when grid is rendered. And when one clicks on the cell with list, the list is automatically opened via code. The only problem we have now with this solution is that how to copy selected Item from editor to formatter (if anyone knows, please share).
Any better solution is also welcomed.

Collection-repeat and checked input type checkbox

I have a collection of contacts and I generate an ion-item for each contact using collection-repeat. Each ion-item has a span, a paragraph and a checkbox element within it. I chose to use collection-repeat over ng-repeat because it increases performance.
I understand that collection-repeat only renders the items that can fit the screen at once and renders more as we scroll.
The problem I have is that when I click a checkbox within an item, for example, the first one, and scroll down to see more lists, another checkbox within an item lower in the list would also be checked automatically. This is not the intended behaviour as I want users to be able to check a checkbox for every item.
These pictures will make the explanation clearer:
Why is my list showing this behaviour? Does it have to do with how collection-repeat works or is it a problem with my code? This is really killing me and I need to find answers. Thanks!
Ionic team is working on it right now

Directive that shows a sample depending on what value the user is highlighting

I'm stuck with Angular. I have a directive that shows a list and when the user hovers over an item, I want to show a preview of the item, with the preview being given by the directive user.
Some tricks though... I want the user to be able to filter the list using an input [which is easy on it's own] and there is some basic styling surrounding the list that I would like the directive to handle, like adding the checkboxes that well be watched to create the model for the directive.
I want the directive user to simply be able to write:
<preview-list list='unfilteredlist'>
<h2><marquee>{{html extrodinaire}}</marquee></h2>
I tried using ng-transclude, but it uses a sibling scope and I've been looking for work arounds and I can't find any. The only ones I found involved writing the entire template in javascript, which honestly I can't believe people think that's an acceptable solution.
Any solutions, or is this actually completely impossible in Angular?
As i see it you have two options :
Create a preview box for each member in your list and toggle visibility on hover. This is great if you have only a few values and the preview box is heavy.
Create a transcluded directive in which - the main scope will hold the list and the currently hover element. The sibling scope will hold the preview container. Once the selected value changes the preview box will update (according to your bindings) and only thing left to do is position it.
transclude is hard at first but it pays off.
Hope this helps.

AngularJS scope issue with a UI-modal window

I'm using the UI-bootstrap modal window in my Angular application and I'm running into some kind of a scope problem.
I've got a modal dialog which basically has two modes. At first, it displays a list of existing items for the user to select from. In case the item the user needs is not in the list, he can click "Create", then I hide the div containing the list and display another div which contains an input form so the user can add an entry to the list. This is all really trivial stuff. The buttons to toggle which div is being shown work fine. I basically have a boolean scope variable called "create", which takes care of this.
Then, in the modal-footer I have two save buttons. One is shown when in "list" mode and the other is shown when the user is in "create" mode. Again, works fine.
Now, when the user is in "create" mode and clicks the corresponding "save" button, then I need to process the form and finally switch the state back to the list, that is set the "create" scope variable back to false, but this is not working for me. It's like I'm dealing with more than one scope since the view does not update when I update the "create" variable from the button click in the controller.
I've created a working Plunker which demonstrates this, please have a look:
I know this is probably something really simple I'm missing. Hoping someone can point me in the right direction!
EDIT: As per the suggestion below from Mik378, I created an "intermediate" object in the scope and assigned the "create" variable to it. Now this works like I wanted to.
I updated the Plunker:
If you're using scope.myVariableToReach, you have to change that by scope.oneIntermediateObjectNotAccessibleInTheChildScope.myVariableToReach.
Otherwise, when you set scope.myVariableToReach directly, it would change the child one, not affecting the outer.

Popups in Pivot

I have a Pivot layout with three items. One holds news for today, the second shows news for the week and in the third one you can search by date. If there aren't news for today yet, I show a message through a popup. I use a popup because I can put it over the datatemplate list.
The problem is that if I show the popup in the pivotitem for today news, it is shown in all other pivot items, but in code is inside the first pivot item only!
How can I solve this? Would you recommend me to use something different than a popup? I could hide the popup when pivot item is changed, but I want the message to remain visible in the item that has no news.
thank you!
There are known issues with regards to performance and rotation with the Popup control. My suggestion would be to use a Grid element and toggle it's visibility as and when required. For this overlay to be shown on top of the whole pivot (and not just the current item contents) you will need to put it at the same level in the visual tree as the pivot, and declared afterwards in the XAML to ensure that it appears on top. Other than that, it's just a case of showing/hiding it based on your logic and the selected pivot item.
