MSSQL Injection extracting column data from another database - sql-server

I setup a test-bed application vulnerable to mssql injection and i wondered, how do i extract column data from another database? To extract column data from current database we do:
convert(int,(select columnnamegoeshere from tablenamegoeshere))--
and then to enumerate the other column data we do:
convert(int,(select columnnamegoeshere from tablenamegoeshere where columnnamegoeshere not in ('firstentryfromcolumn')))--
But if it's not inside the default database and we want to extract column data from another database, how do we do that? Thanks.

I would do a join... but, to keep it simple for you, here's your code using a different database column:
convert(int,(select columnnamegoeshere from tablenamegoeshere where columnnamegoeshere not in (select top 1 firstentryfromcolumn from otherdb.dbo.otherdbtable)))
It would be better to join the 2 tables together and exclude the records if that's possible... subqueries are usually slower and not the best way to go about it.


SSIS Join Recordset With Table

I have an SSIS package in which I'm reading the records from a Flat File and storing them in a recordset. Is it possible to compare the values in the recordset with the values in a database table and update the table?
I'm Using SQL Server 2008 R2 and Same version of SSIS.
Leran2002's answer in general is right, the most straight forward way is to have a lookup component set up to Redirect rows to no match output and use a destination and a OLE DB Command afterwards.
However depending on the size of the result sets, this might be slow, since the lookup component will check each row one-by-one and if your destination table has lots of records, this will take some time. Furthermore, depending on your cache settings in the lookup component, it can use lots of memory.
There are two more ways to achieve this:
Merge Join
Using your file source and your destination table as a source, you can use a Merge Join. The logic in the DFT is a bit more complex, but this more a set-based approach and with large result sets it is working better.
You'll have to implement the logic which record has to be updated, inserted, deleted or discarded from the file using a conditional split component.
I highly recommend this question (not exactly your problem, but a good comparison in my opinion): What are the differences between Merge Join and Lookup transformations in SSIS?
Staging table
Another way is to use a staging table to temporarily store the records from a file. In this case, your DFT just loads the records from a file into the staging table, then with one or more Execute SQL Task you can do the merging of the two data sets. (UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, MERGE, you can use what fits your needs).
Usualy I use Lookup-component with option Redirect rows to no match output.
And after that you can use two rowsets which named Lookup No Match Output and Lookup Match Output.
PS. I have three articles about SSIS, but they in Russian (but there is a lot of SQL-scripts and pictures).
If it's interesting you, you can look the following link -

How to run SSIS packages dynamically?

We have a large production MSSQL database (mdf appx. 400gb) and i have a test database. All the tables,indexes,views etc. are same eachother. I need to make sure that tha datas in the tables of this two database consistent. so i need to insert all the new rows and update all the updated rows into test db from production every night.
I came up with idea of using SSIS packages to make the data consistent by checking updated rows and new rows in all the tables. My SSIS Flow is ;
I have packages in SSIS for each tables seperately because;
Im getting the timestamp value in the table in order to get last 1 day rows instead of getting whole table.
I get the rows of the table in the production
Then im using 'Lookup' tool to compare this data with the test database table data.
Then im using conditional sprit to get a clue whether the data is new or updated.
If the data is new, i insert this data to the destination
5_2. If the data is updated, then i update the data in the destination table.
Data flow is in the MTRule and STBranch package in the picture
The problem is, im repeating creating all this single flow for each table and i have more than 300 table like this. It takes hours and hours :(
What im asking is;
Is there any way in SSIS to do this dynamically ?
PS: Every single table has its own columns and PK values but my data flow schema is always same. . (Below)
You can look into BiMLScript, which lets you create packages dynamically based on metadata.
I believe the best way to achieve this is to use Expressions. They empower you to dynamically set the source and Destination.
One possible solution might be as follows:
create a table which stores all your table names and PK columns
define a package which Loops through this table and which parses a SQL Statement
Call your main package and pass the stmt to it
Use the stmt as Data Source for your Data Flow
if applicable, pass the Destination Table as Parameter as well (another column in your config table)
This is how I processed several really huge tables: the data had to be fetched from 20 tables and moved to one single table.
You are better off writing a stored procedure that takes the tablename as parameter and doing your CRUD there.
Then call the stored procedure in a FOR EACH component in SSIS.
Why do you need to use SSIS?
You are better off writing a stored procedure that takes the tablename as parameter and doing your CRUD there. Then call the stored procedure in a FOR EACH component in SSIS.
In fact you might be able to do everything using a Stored Procedure and scheduling it in a SQL Agent Job.

How to transfer only new records between two different databases (ie. Oracle and MSSQL) using SSIS?

Do you know how to transfer only new records between two different databases (ie. Oracle and MSSQL) using SSIS? There is no problem transfering new data only between two tables in the same database and server, but is this possible to do such operation between completely different servers and databases?
Ps. I know about solution using Lookup but it is not very efficient if anybody needs to check and add a lot of records (50k and more) several times per day. I would like to operate with new data only.
You have several options:
Timestamp based solution
If you have a column which stores the insertation time in the source system, you can select only the new records created since the last load. With the same logic, you can transfer modified records too, just mark the records with the timestamp value when it change.
Sequence based solution
If there is a sequence in the source table, you can load the new records based on that sequence. Query the last value from the destination system, then load avarything which is larger than that value.
CDC based solution
If you have CDC (Change Data Capture) in your source system, you can track the changes and you can load them based on the CDC entries.
Full load
This is the most resource hungry solution: you have to copy all data from the source to the destination. If you do not have any column which marks the new records, you should use this solution.
You have several options to achieve this:
TRUNCATE the destination table and reload it from source
Use a Lookup component to determine which records are missing
Load all data from source to a temporary table and write a query which retrieves the new/changed records.
If you have at least one column, which marks the new/modified records, you can use it to implement a differential/incremental load with SSIS. If you do not have any clue, which columns/rows are changed, you have to load (or at least query) all of them.
There is no solution which enables a one-query (INSERT .. SELECT) solution using multiple servers without transferring all data. (Please note, that a multi-server query using Linked Servers are transfers the data from the source system).
What about variables? Is it possible to use the same variable between different databases and servers in SSIS?
I would like to transfer last id number from a destination table and transfer it to the source table (different server!).
I can set a variable in a database scope like this:
DECLARE #Last int
SET #Last = (SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM dbo.Table_1 ORDER BY Id DESC)
FROM dbo.Table_2
WHERE ID > #Last;
However it works between two tables in the same database (as a SQL command) only. I can create a variable for a entire SSIS package in Variables --> Add variable, but I don't know it is possible to use the variable in a similar way as above - to keep an information about last id in a destination table and pass it to another table on a source server as data limit.

Need a clever way to get orders from all stores while each store is in a different database

The setup
I have the following database setup:
Table: Stores
Table: Users
Table: Orders
Table: Orders
Table: Orders
Table: Orders
... etc
CentralDB contains the users, logging and a Stores table with the name of each store database and general information about each store such as address, name, description, image, etc...
All the StoreDB's use the same structure just different data.
It is important to know that the list of stores will shrink and increase in the future.
The main client communicating with this setup is an API REST Service which gets passed a STOREID in the Header of each request telling it which database to connect to. This works flawlessly so far.
The reasoning
Whenever we need to do database maintenance on one store, we don't want all other stores to be down.
Backup management should be per store
Not having to write the WHERE storeID=x every time and for every table
Performance: each store could run on its own database server if the need arises
The goal
I need my REST API Service to somehow get all orders from all stores in one query.
Will you help me figure out a way to do this without hardcoding all storedb names? I was thinking about a stored procedure on the CentralDB but I was hoping there would be other solutions. In any case it has to be very efficient.
One option would be to have a list of databases stored in a "system" table in CentralDB.
Then you could create a stored procedure that would read the database names from the table, loop through them with cursor and generate a dynamic SQL that would UNION the results from all the databases. This way you would get a single recordset of results.
However, this database design is IMHO flawed. There is no reason for using multiple databases to store data that belongs to the same "domain". All the reasons that you have mentioned can be solved by using a single database with proper database design. Having multiple databases will create multiple problems on the long term:
you will need to change structure of all the DBs when you modify your database model
you will need to create/drop new databases when new stores are added/removed from your system
you will need to have items and other entities that are "common" to all the stores duplicated in all the DBs
what about reporting requirements (e.g. get sales data for stores 1 and 2 together, etc.) - this will require creating complex union queries...
On the long term, managing and maintaining this model will be a big pain.
I'd maintain a set of views that UNION ALL all the data. Every time a store is added or deleted those views must be updated. This can be automated.
The views provide an illusion to the application that there is only one database.
What I would not do is have each SQL query or procedure query all the database names and create dynamic SQL. That would entail lots of code duplication and an unnecessary loss of performance. This approach is error prone. Better generate code once in a central place and have all other SQL code reference that generated code.

Copy Data from a table in one Database to another database

Basically I have a two databases on SQL Developer. I want to take the table data FOR A PARTICULAR RECORD from one database and copy it to another database's table. What should be the query? I don't want to use a restore to avoid data loss... Any ideas?
I got a query from google:
What should be written in the query instead of dbo?
Try this
I havent tested it but i think it works
select * into [databaseTo].dbo.tablename from [databaseFrom].dbo.tablename
