OMP Optimizing nested loop with if statement - c

I have the following few lines of code that I am trying to run in parallel
void optimized(int data_len, unsigned int * input_array, unsigned int * output_array, unsigned int * filter_list, int filter_len) {
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int j = 0; j < filter_len; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
if (input_array[i] == filter_list[j]) {
output_array[i] = filter_list[j];
Just putting the pragma statement has really done wonders, but I am trying to further reduce the run time of this code. I have tried many things ranging from array padding to collapsing the loops to creating tasks, but the only thing that has seemed to work thus far is loop unrolling. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could possibly due to further speed up this code?

You are doing pure memory accessing. That is limited by the memory bandwidth of the machine.
Multi-threading is not going to help you much. gcc -O2 already provide you SSE instruction optimization. So it may not help either to use intel instruction directly. You may try to check 4 int at once because SSE support 128 register (please see and google for some example) Also to reduce the amount of data helps, by using short instead of int if you can.


Openmp simd (increment vector)

I have tried to apply #pragma omp simd to the following code (loops) but it does not seem to work (no speed improvement). I also tried #pragma omp simd linear but all my attempts resulted in a seg fault.
Is it even possible to increment a vector with simd? Example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int len = 1000;
int tmp[len];
for(int i=0; i<len; ++i) {
int *thisCounts = (int *) calloc(len, sizeof(int));
for (int j=0; j<len; ++j) {
for (int j=0; j<len; ++j) {
printf("%d, ",thisCounts[j]);
return 0;
FYI, line 209 is the one that takes most time and I am trying to improve.
Thank you
It depends of the target hardware architecture. Many processor architectures does not have SIMD instruction performing such kind of indirect accesses. On mainstream x86-64 processors, there is a scatter/gather instruction to perform such a computation. However, they are not efficiently implemented and thus not significantly faster than using non-SIMD instructions. Moreover, using them is difficult here since there is possibly some increment conflicts (if tmp[j1] == tmp[j2] with j1 != j2. The AVX-512 SIMD instruction set contains interesting instructions for that but it is only available on few recent processors. The same apply for ARM with SVE/SVE2 which is very new and not yet available on the vast majority of ARM processors.
Thus, put it shortly, there is very slight chance your processor can possibly do that using SIMD instructions, but it does not means it is not possible on all architecture. Note also that using #pragma omp simd is likely not correct here because of possible conflicts. Note also that the speed of this operation is likely dependent of the input data on a lot of modern processors (random data do not behave like most real-world possible inputs).

pthread is slower than the "default" version

I want to see the advantage of using pthread. If I'm not wrong: threads allow me to execute given parts of program in parallel.
so here is what I try to accomplish: I want to make a program that takes a number(let's say n) and outputs the sum of [0..n].
#define MAX 1000000000
main() {
long long n = 0;
for (long long i = 1; i < MAX; ++i)
n += i;
printf("\nn: %lld\n", n);
return 0;
time: 0m2.723s
to my understanding I could simply take that number MAX and divide by 2 and let 2 threads
do the job.
#define MAX 1000000000
#define MAX_THREADS 2
typedef struct {
long long off;
long long res;
} arg_t;
callback(void *args) {
arg_t *arg = (arg_t*)args;
for (long long i = arg->off; i < arg->off + STRIDE; ++i)
arg->res += i;
main() {
pthread_t threads[MAX_THREADS];
arg_t results[MAX_THREADS];
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; ++i) {
results[i].off = i * STRIDE;
results[i].res = 0;
pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, callback, (void*)&results[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; ++i)
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
long long result;
result = results[0].res;
for (int i = 1; i < MAX_THREADS; ++i)
result += results[i].res;
printf("\nn: %lld\n", result);
return 0;
time: 0m8.530s
The version with pthread runs slower. Logically this version should run faster, but maybe creation of threads is more expensive.
Can someone suggest a solution or show what I'm doing/understanding wrong here?
Your problem is cache thrashing combined with a lack of optimization (I bet you're compiling without it on).
The naive (-O0) code for
for (long long i = arg->off; i < arg->off + STRIDE; ++i)
arg->res += i;
will access the memory of *arg. With your results array being defined the way it is, that memory is very close to the memory of the next arg and the two threads will fight for the same cache-line, making RAM caching very ineffective.
If you compile with -O1, the loop should use a register instead and only write to memory at the end. Then, you should get better performance with threads (higher optimization levels on gcc seem to optimize the loop out completely)
Another (better) option is to align arg_t on a cache line:
typedef struct {
_Alignas(64) /*typical cache line size*/ long long off;
long long res;
} arg_t;
Then you should get better performance with threads regardless of whether or not you turn optimization on.
Good cache utilization is generally very important in multithreaded programming (and Ulrich Drepper has much to say on that topic in his infamous What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory).
Creating a whole bunch of threads is very unlikely to be quicker than simply adding numbers. The CPU can add an awfully large number of integers in the time it takes the kernel to set up and tear down a thread. To see the benefit of multithreading, you really need each thread to be doing a significant task -- significant compared to the overhead in creating the thread, anyway. Alternatively, you need to keep a pool of threads running, and assign them work according to some allocation strategy.
Multi-threading works best when an application consists of tasks that are somewhat independent, that would otherwise be waiting on one another to complete. It isn't a magic way to get more throughput.

C, Way to make multiply in array element fast

import numpy as np
array = np.random.rand(16384)
array *= 3
above python code make each element in array has 3 times multiplied value of its own.
On my Laptop, these code took 5ms
Below code is what i tried on C language.
#include <headers...>
array = make 16384 elements...;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 16384 ; ++i)
array[i] *= 3
compile command was
gcc -O2 main.cpp
it takes almost 30ms.
Is there any way i can reduce process time of this?
P.S it was my fault. I confused unit of timestamp value.
this code is faster than numpy. sorry for this question.
This sounds pretty unbelievable. For reference, I wrote a trivial (but complete) program that does roughly what you seem to be describing. I used C++ so I could use its chrono library to get (much) more precise timing than C's clock provides, but I wouldn't expect that to affect the speed at all.
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#define SIZE (16384)
float array[SIZE];
int main() {
using namespace std::chrono;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
array[i] = i;
auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {
array[i] *= 3.0;
auto stop = high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << duration_cast<microseconds>(stop - start).count() << '\n';
long total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
total += i;
std::cout << "Ignore: " << total << "\n";
On my machine (2.8 GHz Haswell, so probably slower than whatever you're running) this shows a time of 7 or 8 microseconds, so around 600-700 times as fast as you're getting from Python.
Adding the compiler flag to use AVX 2 instructions reduces that to 4 microseconds, or a little more than 1000 times as fast (warning: AMD processors generally don't get as much of a speed boost from using AVX 2, but if you have a reasonably new AMD processor I'd expect it to be faster than this anyway).
Bottom line: the speed you're reporting for your C code only seems to make sense if you're running the code on some sort of slow microcontroller, or maybe a really old desktop system--though it would have to be quite old to run nearly as slow as you're reporting. My immediate guess is that even a 386 would be faster than that.
When/if you have something that takes enough time to justify it, you can also use OpenMP to run a loop like this in multiple threads. I tried that, but in this case the overhead of starting up and synchronizing the threads is (quite a bit) more than running in parallel can gain, so it's a net loss.
Compiler: VS 2019 (Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.27.28919.3 for x64).
Flags: /O2b2 /GL (and part of the time, /arch:AVX2)

How can I best "parallelise" a set of four nested for()-loops in a Brute-Force attack?

I have the following homework task:
I need to brute force 4-char passphrase with the following mask
( where # - is a numeric character, % - is an alpha character )
in several threads using OpenMP.
Here is a piece of code, but I'm not sure if it is doing the right thing:
int i, j, m, n;
const char alph[26] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const char num[10] = "0123456789";
#pragma omp parallel for private(pass) schedule(dynamic) collapse(4)
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 26; j++)
for (m = 0; m < 10; m++)
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
pass[0] = alph[i];
pass[1] = alph[j];
pass[2] = num[m];
pass[3] = num[n];
/* Working with pass here */
So my question is :
How to correctly specify the "parallel for" instruction, in order to split the range of passphrases between several cores?
Help is much appreciated.
Your code is pretty much right, except for using alph instead of num. If you're able to define the pass variable within the loop, that'll save you many a headache.
A full MWE might look like:
//Compile with, e.g.: gcc -O3 temp.c -std=c99 -fopenmp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
int PassCheck(char *pass){
usleep(50); //Sleep for 100 microseconds to simulate work
return strncmp(pass, "qr34", 4)==0;
int main(){
const char alph[27] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const char num[11] = "0123456789";
char goodpass[5] = "----"; //Provide a default password to indicate an error state
int i, j, m, n;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(4)
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 26; j++)
for (m = 0; m < 10; m++)
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++){
char pass[4];
pass[0] = alph[i];
pass[1] = alph[j];
pass[2] = num[m];
pass[3] = num[n];
//It is good practice to use `critical` here in case two
//passwords are somehow both valid. This won't arise in
//your code, but is worth thinking about.
#pragma omp critical
memcpy(goodpass, pass, 4);
goodpass[4] = '\0';
//#pragma omp cancel for //Escape for loops!
printf("Password was '%s'.\n",goodpass);
return 0;
Dynamic scheduling
Using a dynamic schedule here is probably pointless. Your expectation should be that each password will take, on average, about the same amount of time to check. Therefore, each iteration of the loop will take about the same amount of time. Therefore, there is no need to use dynamic scheduling because your loops will remain evenly distributed.
Visual noise
Note that the loop nest is stacked, rather than indented. You'll often see this in code where there are many nested loops as it tends to reduce visual noise.
Breaking early
#pragma omp cancel for is available as of OpenMP 4.0; however, I got a warning using it in this context, so I've commented it out. If you are able to get it working, that'll reduce your run-time by half since all effort is wasted once the correct password has been found and the password will, on average, be located half-way through the search space.
Where the guessed password is generated
One of the commentors suggests moving, e.g. pass[0] so that it is not in the innermost loop. This is a bad idea as doing so will prevent you from using collapse(4). As a result you could parallelize the outer loop, but you run the risk that its iteration count cannot be evenly divided by the number of threads, resulting in a large load imbalance. Alternatively, you could parallelize the inner loop, which exposes you to the same problem plus high synchronization costs each time the loop ends.
Why usleep?
The usleep function causes the code to run slowly. This is intentional; it provides feedback on the effect of parallelism, since the workload is so small.
If I remove the usleep, then the code completes in 0.003s on a single core and 0.004s on 4 cores. You cannot tell that the parallelism is even working. Leaving usleep in gives 8.950s on a single core and 2.257s on 4 cores, an apt demonstration of the effectiveness of the parallelism.
Naturally, you would remove this line once you're sure that parallelism is working correctly.
Further, any actual brute-force password cracker would likely be computing an expensive hash function inside the PassCheck function. Including usleep() here allows us to simulate that function and experiment with high-level design without having to the function first.

What could be some possible problems with this use of OpenMP?

I was trying to figure out how to parallelize a segment of code in OpenMP, where the inside of the for loop is independent from the rest of it.
Basically the project is dealing with particle systems, but I don't think that should relevant to the parallelization of the code. Is it a caching problem where the for loop divides the threads in a way such that the particles are not cached in each core in an efficient manner?
Edit: As mentioned by an answer below, I'm wondering why I'm not getting speedup.
#pragma omp parallel for
for (unsigned i = 0; i < psize-n_dead; ++i)
s->particles[i].pos = s->particles[i].pos + dt * s->particles[i].vel;
s->particles[i].vel = (1 - dt*.1) * s->particles[i].vel + dt*s->force;
// printf("%d", omp_get_thread_num());
If you're asking whether it's parallelized correctly, it looks fine. I don't see any data-races or loop-dependencies that could break it.
But I think you're wondering on why you aren't getting any speedup with parallelism.
Since you mentioned that the trip count, psize-n_dead will be on the order of 4000. I'd say that's actually pretty small given the amount of work in the loop.
In other words, you don't have much total work to be worth parallelizing. So threading overhead is probably eating up any speedup that you should be gaining. If possible, you should try parallelizing at a higher level.
EDIT: You updated your comment to include up to 200000.
For larger values, it's likely that you'll be memory bound in some way. Your loop merely iterates through all the data doing very little work. So using more threads probably won't help much (if at all).
There is no correctness issues such as data races in this piece of code.
Assuming that the number of particles to process is big enough to warrant parallelism, I do not see OpenMP related performance issues in this code. By default, OpenMP will split the loop iterations statically in equal portions across all threads, so any cache conflicts may only occur at the boundaries of these portions, i.e. just in a few iterations of the loop.
Unrelated to OpenMP (and so to the parallel speedup problem), possibly performance improvement can be achieved by switching from array-of-structs to struct-of-arrays, as this might help compiler to vectorize the code (i.e. use SIMD instructions of a target processor):
#pragma omp parallel for
for (unsigned i = 0; i < psize-n_dead; ++i)
s->particles.pos[i] = s->particles.pos[i] + dt * s->particles.vel[i];
s->particles.vel[i] = (1 - dt*.1) * s->particles.vel[i] + dt*s->force;
Such reorganization assumes that most time all particles are processed in a loop like this one. Working with an individual particle requires more cache lines to be loaded, but if you process them all in a loop, the net amount of cache lines loaded is nearly the same.
How sure are you that you're not getting speedup?
Trying it both ways - array of structs and struct of arrays, compiled with gcc -O3 (gcc 4.6), on a dual quad-core nehalem, I get for psize-n_dead = 200000, running 100 iterations for better timer accuracy:
Struct of arrays (reported time are in milliseconds)
$ for t in 1 2 4 8; do export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$t; time ./foo; done
Took time 90.984000
Took time 45.992000
Took time 22.996000
Took time 11.998000
Array of structs:
$ for t in 1 2 4 8; do export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$t; time ./foo; done
Took time 58.989000
Took time 28.995000
Took time 14.997000
Took time 8.999000
However, I because the operation is so short (sub-ms) I didn't see any speedup without doing 100 iterations because of timer accuracy. Also, you'd have to have a machine with good memory bandwidth to to get this sort of behaviour; you're only doing ~3 FMAs and another multiplication for every two pieces of data you read in.
Code for array-of-structs follows.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
typedef struct particle_struct {
double pos;
double vel;
} particle;
typedef struct simulation_struct {
particle *particles;
double force;
} simulation;
void tick(struct timeval *t) {
gettimeofday(t, NULL);
/* returns time in seconds from now to time described by t */
double tock(struct timeval *t) {
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
return (double)(now.tv_sec - t->tv_sec) + ((double)(now.tv_usec - t->tv_usec)/1000000.);
void update(simulation *s, unsigned psize, double dt) {
#pragma omp parallel for
for (unsigned i = 0; i < psize; ++i)
s->particles[i].pos = s->particles[i].pos+ dt * s->particles[i].vel;
s->particles[i].vel = (1 - dt*.1) * s->particles[i].vel + dt*s->force;
void init(simulation *s, unsigned np) {
s->force = 1.;
s->particles = malloc(np*sizeof(particle));
for (unsigned i=0; i<np; i++) {
s->particles[i].pos = 1.;
s->particles[i].vel = 1.;
int main(void)
const unsigned np=200000;
simulation s;
struct timeval clock;
init(&s, np);
for (int iter=0;iter< 100; iter++)
update(&s, np, 0.75);
double elapsed=tock(&clock)*1000.;
printf("Took time %lf\n", elapsed);
