Where is App Engine projects after upgrading to Cloud Platform? - google-app-engine

I don't see any of my App Engine projects from either https://appengine.google.com/start or https://cloud.google.com/console/project.
I'm not sure if I've deleted them, while I can't create a new project with the same id.

Given that (a) you're sure you're logged in with the correct account, and (b) you don't see it in either the AppEngine or the Developers console UI, it most likely has been deleted.
Since AppEngine disallows reuse of application ids, it will prevent creating an app of the same name.
As an aside, if you remember the exact name of your AppEngine app, you can try to access it at this URL:
and if you get redirected back to the main AppEngine page, then it has been deleted.


Unverified app screen in google Cloud

I am hosting some Web Applications in Google Cloud Platform using App Engine and those are for internal purpose only. One month ago I got a mail from Google Cloud Team, saying one of my apps needs verification. By based on their response I did some research and finally migrated all apps to the Organisation level as they mentioned in documentation (below link for reference). https://support.google.com/googleapi/answer/7394288#gsuite-app
But, yesterday also I got another notification regarding the same.
May I ignore this notification, or are there any further steps I need to complete?
As stated in this other documentation page:
If you're creating an internal web app for which [...] your project is
associated with a Cloud Organization that your users belong to, you
don't need to go through verification. Internal users of your
application won't see the unverified app screen.
If your application will only be used by internal users belonging to the same organization as where your project is located, you can ignore this message. It was probably triggered by the fact that your application is indeed not verified (although you do not need to do so).
So if that is the case, you will only need, as stated in the link you shared, to create an Organization and then migrate your existing project to that organization (then make sure that the users who will be accessing the app belong to the same organization).

I deleted my mail account, but now want access to my app engine

Yeah, I know, I shouldn't have deleted my account. I didn't think I would need it.
Now, someone wants my website, and it's still actively running on App Engine, I just cannot administer it. And... It actually has pretty good page rank.
Can I access my app engine admin console somehow? Or is this just a runaway site?
If I can't gain access to my site, I will ask a second question here. If I were to 301 redirect to a newly created app engine site, and just duplicated the content, would the page rank transfer to the redirect?
1) Find out who the developer/admin/billing admin is for your App Engine project. You might still have an active account that can access it.
2) If you have no access, then contact Google Cloud Platform Support, only they can help you get your access back.
3) If you are redirecting from a webpage TO this "runaway" app, the page rank will not transfer over. The runaway app's domain/URL/address has the page rank.

An API for creating and managing Google Cloud Console projects?

I believe there is an undocumented Google API available to create and manage Google Cloud Console (and App Engine) projects on behalf of third party users.
Does anyone know how to use it?
I think older versions of the Google Eclipse Plugin obtained an OAuth2 token in the (undocumented) scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/appengine.admin, and this allowed it to generate a Cloud Console project on your behalf. The latest version doesn't seem to do this. App Engine's own appcfg.py also uses this scope, but doesn't seem to do much more than deploy the code - I'm looking to change core settings for the project, such as Name, Redirect URLs, and Web Origins.
Any information would be appreciated.
I maintain a WordPress plugin providing secure Google Apps Login for end users, and currently have to give detailed instructions to admins for creating a new Cloud Console project manually, and entering settings such as Redirect URL. Ideally, I would create a simple on-line service to do all of this for them.
Thank you!
It is possible to programmatically create a new Developer Console project on behalf of a Google Account (yes, you read that right). You do so in a very roundabout way:
Request the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.scripts scope from the user (standard OAuth 2.0 flow).
Use the Drive API's drive.insert method to create a new file with a mimetype of application/vnd.google-apps.script.
Somehow try to get the project ID, maybe by uploading some Apps Script code? This is the part that I was never able to figure out.
A little known fact is that every Google Apps Script project has a hidden Developer Console project associated with it. This project is not shown in the list of projects, but it does exist. It is created automatically when the user starts a new Apps Script project, and the drive.insert method is enough to cause this to happen.
How do you get to the hidden project? Well, the only way I know of is to open the Apps Script project from the Drive website, open the "Resources > Advanced Google Services" dialog, and click the link to the Developer Console. You'll find the project ID in the URL.
Aside from not being shown in your list of projects and not being able to use App Engine, this is a normal Developer Console project. You can add additional OAuth client credentials, service accounts, Compute Engine instances, etc. And of course once you have a project ID, all of the various management APIs will work: creating new virtual machines, making use of a service account's impersonation ability, etc.

GAE: Can I copy an entire app to another identifier?

I recall seeing an option on the google app engine admin page that would allow me to duplicate/copy a deployment to a different appid. Was I imagining this? I do have a copy of all the files needed for deployment but I do not currently have access to a computer with admin privileges in order to install the GAE SDK.
Not relevant to this question, but FYI I need to do this simply because there is a major bug that's preventing me from logging in to a particular part of the admin interface and google tech support has failed to resolve the issue, so I'm just trying a workaround.
Copy old settings to new app via the admin console admin>application settings>Duplicate Application Settings. (you'll choose new appid here too)
Then upload a version of your code to the new appId (so you'll need gae sdk or use online sdk devtable).
Then go to datastore admin in the old app, select all the entities and choose "copy to another app" You'll need datastore admin to be enabled on the old app (and new app I think).

Restricting files from Google Cloud Storage to the users that have authenticated with my Google App Engine app?

I have a GAE application with a database of users.
When one of the user tries to download, say, file myapplication.appspot.com/somefile.jpg, I would:
check on the GAE database whether he is allowed to
if he is allowed, redirect him to a cloud storage bucket of mine from where he can download somefile.jpg
if he is not allowed, return him a 404 error code, and do some magic so that directly trying to download somefile.jpg from the cloud storage bucket does not complete.
Now what’s unclear to me is how to control access to somefile.jpg. How can I restrict the download to this scope of users?
PS: using something else than Google Storage is not an option (for those of you guys who thought about blobstore).
You don't need to restrict access on a per user basic you can restrict access on a per application (Google App Engine App) basis.
Every application has a service account, what you can do is set an ACL on the bucket to allow access to the application service account.
Now all you need to write an handler that would access Google Storage and return the data to the user.
As Shay noted, every App Engine application automatically has associated with it an internal account, called the “service account”. Normally, the service account name follows the pattern “your-app-id#appspot.gserviceaccount.com”, however, you can confirm the exact name by visiting the App Engine Administration Console, then clicking on your app name, followed by the “Application Settings” link, at which point you should see your service account name.
Once you find your service account name, add it to the “Team” subpage on the APIs console with “Can edit” permissions. This is even easier than updating the bucket ACL because you don't have to change any ACLs, however, bear in mind this applies to all buckets in your project. If you'd like to restrict your app to only have access to a subset of the buckets owned by your project then you'll want to update the per-bucket ACL(s), as Shay proposed.
