Marionette CollectionView with requireJS: undefined is not a function - backbone.js

I will explain my problem with an example. I can make this piece of code work without any problem (using MarionetteJS v1.6.2):
But when I try to use it with requireJs and I put it on the initialize method of a Marionette Controller, I'm Getting the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function backbone.marionette.js:2089
The Error comes when I define the collection view:
var userListView = new UserListView({
collection: userList
I Can't figure out what is happening (this is the same code of the link above, but inside the controller initialize method)
], function($,_,Backbone,Marionette){
var Controller = Backbone.Marionette.Controller.extend({
initialize: function(){
var User = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var UserList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: User
var UserView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: _.template($("#user-template").html())
var UserListView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
tagName: "ul",
itemView: UserView,
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(this.collection, "add", this.render);
// instances
var jack = new User({name: "Jack"});
var userList = new UserList(jack);
var userListView = new UserListView({
collection: userList
// add to page
$("#add-user").click(function() {
var andy = new User({name: "Andy"});
return Controller;

instead of using Backbone.Marionette in main.js shim : { use Marionette
marionette: {
exports: 'Marionette',
deps: ['backbone']
Thus while declaring any marionette inheritance juste use Marionette instead of Backbone.Marionette as such
var Controller = Marionette.Controller.extend
var UserView = Marionette.ItemView.extend
var UserListView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend
For some reason the newer version or Marionette.js behave this way. I guest it produce less code.

I have replaced the Marionette 1.6.2 version with the 1.5, and now it works as it does the version without requireJs. So I think it's a release bug or something like that.

Seems to be working fine for me. I made a simple project here.


How to properly use Marionette layouts?

my current code looks like this:
], function ($, _, Backbone, Marionette, JST, GridView, DetailView, DetailModel) {
'use strict';
return Marionette.Layout.extend({
el: '#main',
template: JST['app/scripts/templates/main.ejs'],
initialize: function() {
onRender: function () {
var Layout = Marionette.Layout.extend({
el: 'div',
template: _.template(""),
regions: {
grid: '#grid',
detail: '#detail'
this.layout = new Layout();
showGrid: function () {
var detailModel = new DetailModel();
var g = new GridView(detailModel);
var d = new DetailView(detailModel);;;
What I do not understand is why I need an extra layout in my onRender method to make this work. The '#grid' and '#detail' divs are part of the main.ejs template, but the following does not work:
return Marionette.Layout.extend({
el: '#main',
template: JST['app/scripts/templates/main.ejs'],
regions: {
grid: '#grid',
detail: '#detail'
initialize: function() {
onRender: function () {
var detailModel = new DetailModel();
var g = new GridView(detailModel);
var d = new DetailView(detailModel);;;
It seems that the layout only works if the elements specified in the region object already exist when the layout is created. But the documentation says that this is not the case.
I'm probably doing something wrong. But what ?
In your second code example, try using onShow instead of onRender.
In addition, in Marionette you usually don't call render yourself, since the framework will call that method when you pass view/layouts to the show method.
You can see a different take on what you're trying to accomplish here : (particularly lines 43-46)
As an additional warning, calling .show() in the onRender method can negatively impact anything nested below that layout, especially if you are trying to use onShow later down the line to ensure that a view's DOM subtree is jQuery accessible.
.show() triggers a "show" event across any subviews of that layout and can mean that onShow() is called in those subviews (which listen for the "show" event) before those subviews have rendered and inserted their content.

Backbone call a model method from the view

I have a backbone app with require where I want to add a collection inside a collection with a method inside model.
I have tried to insert the method in the collection but I can't add elements.
I'd want to make a collection of app when I click an element outside the app I want add inside my app other app in a collection.
This is my app:
define(['backbone', 'collections/element'],function(Backbone, ElementCollection){
var DesignModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
console.log('Initialized Design model');
_.defaults(this, {
elements: new ElementCollection()
addElement: function(elements, options) {
return this.elements.add(elements, options);
return DesignModel;
define(['backbone', 'models/design'], function(Backbone, DesignModel){
var designCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: DesignModel,
return designCollection;
define(['jquery' , 'backbone', 'models/design', 'collections/design', 'views/element'],
function($, Backbone, DesignModel, DesignCollection, ElementView){
var DesignView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
console.log('initialize DesignView');
this.collection = new DesignCollection();
var here = this;
var element = new ElementView();
render: function(){
return DesignView;
I have tried to call the function addElement in this way:
But always with error that Object has no method addElement
How can I solve this? I want to call the method addElement from the view to add an app inside another app in a collection.
The safest way to call the method is to add the method to the collection instead of the Model. Currently the method is available on the Model instance .
So this.collection.models.addElement will not cut it
define(['backbone', 'models/design'], function(Backbone, DesignModel){
var designCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: DesignModel,
addElement: function(elements, options) {
return this.add(elements, options);
return designCollection;
define(['jquery' , 'backbone', 'models/design', 'collections/design', 'views/element'],
function($, Backbone, DesignModel, DesignCollection, ElementView){
var DesignView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
console.log('initialize DesignView');
this.collection = new DesignCollection();
var here = this;
var element = new ElementView();
render: function(){
return DesignView;
If you do not want to move the method from the current model. Then you might have to call a specific model using the index;
But there might be a case when there are no model in the collection and this might lead to a error condition.. &&;
Well, you need to get a specific model, not the array of them. This seems like an error since you'll be picking a specific model essentially arbitrarily (unless you application has semantics that support this), but this would work:;

Backbone boilerplate: "this.model is undefined"

I'm a backbone newbie, so I'm sort of fumbling on getting an app set up. I'm using the backbone-boilerplate ( and github-viewer ( as a reference, though when running I seem to be getting a "this.model is undefined".
Here is my current router.js:
// Application.
function (app, Homepage) {
"use strict";
// Defining the application router, you can attach sub routers here.
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function(){
var collections = {
homepage: new Homepage.Collection()
_.extend(this, collections);
".homepage": new Homepage.Views.Index(collections)
index: function () {
// Shortcut for building a url.
go: function() {
return this.navigate(_.toArray(arguments).join("/"), true);
reset: function() {
// Reset collections to initial state.
if (this.homepage.length) {
// Reset active model. = false;
return Router;
And my homepage.js module:
"use strict";
var Homepage = app.module();
Homepage.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function(){
return {
homepage: {}
Homepage.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Homepage.Model,
cache: true,
url: '/app/json/test.json',
initialize: function(models, options){
if (options) {
this.homepage = options.homepage;
Homepage.Views.Index = Backbone.View.extend({
template: "homepage",
el: '#mainContent',
render: function(){
var tmpl = _.template(this.template);
return this;
initialize: function(){
this.listenTo(this.options.homepage, {
"reset": function(){
"fetch": function() {
return Homepage;
Thanks in advance for the help!
Update: After much googling (you should see how many tabs I have open), I think I made a little bit of headway, but still no luck. I updated my router to have the following:
".homepage": new Homepage.Views.Index()
I made a number of modifications to my homepage.js module to now look like this:
"use strict";
var Homepage = app.module();
Homepage.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function(){
return {
homepage: {}
Homepage.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
//localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage("Homepage.Collection"),
refreshFromServer: function() {
return Backbone.ajaxSync('read', this).done( function(data){
//save the data somehow?
model: Homepage.Model,
cache: true,
url: '/app/json/test.json',
initialize: function(options){
if (options) {
this.homepage = options.homepage;
Homepage.Views.Index = Backbone.View.extend({
template: "homepage",
el: '#mainContent',
initialize: function(){
var self = this;
this.collection = new Homepage.Collection();
this.collection.fetch().done( function(){
render: function(){
var data = this.collection;
if (typeof(data) === "undefined") {
} else {
$(this.el).html(_.template(this.template, data.toJSON()));
return this;
return Homepage;
As you can see, I have localStorage code but commented out for now because I just want to get everything working first. The ultimate goal is to have an initial call that loads data from a JSON file, then continues afterwards using localStorage. The app will later submit data after the user does a number of interactions with my app.
I am getting the main view to load, though the homepage module isn't populating the #mainContent container in the main view.
I did all of the googling that I could but frustrated that it's just not sinking in for me. Thanks again for looking at this and any feedback is appreciated!
I think your class hierarchy is a bit wonky here. Your instance of Homepage.Collection is actually assigning a homepage property out of options, for instance. Then you pass an instance of Homepage.Collection into Homepage.Views.Index as the homepage option... It's a bit hard to follow.
That said, it seems to me your problem is simply that you aren't supply a model option when you construct your Homepage.Views.Index:
new Homepage.Views.Index(collections)
collections doesn't have a model property, and thus I don't see how this.model.toJSON() later on in the view can have a model to access. Basically, you seem to want Homepage.Views.Index to handle a collection of models, not just one. So you probably need a loop in your render function that goes over this.collection (and you should change your construction of the view to have a collection option instead of homepage option).
If I'm missing something here or I'm unclear it's because of this data model oddness I mentioned earlier. Feel free to clarify how you've got it reasoned out and we can try again :)
This example code you have is a little bit confusing to me, but I think the problem lies in the following two lines of code:
".homepage": new Homepage.Views.Index(collections)
It looks like you pass a collection to the view, but in the view you use this.model, hence the error "this.model is undefined", since it is indeed undefined.
If you aren't in any rush, may I suggest that you start over. It seems you are trying too much too quickly. I see that you have backbone, requirejs (or some other module loader), and the boilerplate, which is a lot to take in for someone new to backbone. Trust me, I know, because I am relatively new, too. Maybe start with some hello world stuff and slowly work your way up. Otherwise, hacking your way through bits of code from various projects can get confusing.

Backbone templates: Using HBS to dynamically switch templates

I found this example on here of how to use the HBS plug-in to manage templates. It seems like a great solution. #machineghost suggests using RequireJS to include templates like this:
define(['template!path/to/someTemplate'], function(someTemplate) {
var MyNewView = BaseView.extend({template: someTemplate});
$('body').append(new MyNewView().render().el);
This is great, except I need to dynamically switch templates. Here is an example of one of my views:
], function($, _, Backbone, tableModel, tablesCollection, tablesView) {
var t = new tablesCollection(null, {url: 'applications-lab'});
return new tablesView({ collection: t, template: 'applications-lab-template', url: 'applications-lab'});
As you can seem, I'm passing in the template when the view is rendered. What I'm wondering is can I pass in a variable to the define statement that would tell Backbone which template path to use? I'm a newbie to Backbone and especially RequireJS, and am not sure. Suggestions anyone?
Preliminary notes:
require.js does not allow parameters in a module definition, define accepts a dependency array and a definition function :
define(['dep1', 'dep2', ...], function(dep1, dep2) {
I would not define a view, instantiate it and inject its el in the same module but feel free to mix and match to your taste
Let's start with a module defining a simple view with a default template, let's say views/templated.js
define(['backbone', 'hbs!path/to/defaultTemplate'],
function(Backbone, defaultTemplate) {
var MyNewView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: defaultTemplate,
initialize: function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
// use the template defined in the options or on the prototype
this.template = opts.template || this.template;
return MyNewView;
Now you just have to pull you view definition and an optional template with require:
require(['views/templated', 'hbs!path/to/anotherTemplate'],
function(MyNewView, anotherTemplate) {
// a view with the default template
var v1 = new MyNewView();
// a view with a new template
var v2 = new MyNewView({
template: anotherTemplate
To create a new class with an overridden default template, you would define a new module (views/override.js)
define(['views/templated', 'hbs!path/to/anotherTemplate'],
function(MyNewView, anotherTemplate) {
var AnotherNewView = MyNewView.extend({
template: anotherTemplate
return AnotherNewView;
Finally, you can always change the template on a given instance by directly assigning a new value.
var v = new MyNewView();
v.template = tpl;
A Fiddle simulating the views hierarchy :
Coming back to your code, your blocks could look like
require(['models/tableModel', 'collections/tablesCollection', 'views/templated', 'applications-lab-template'],
function(tableModel, tablesCollection, tablesView, tpl) {
var t = new tablesCollection(null, {url: 'applications-lab'});
var v = new tablesView({
collection: t,
template: tpl
url: 'applications-lab'
// or, if you prefer and you don't render in initialize
v.template = tpl;

RequireJS + BackboneJS - connect modules

I have a problem when I try to connect two modules containing two different views of BackboneJS.
In this module of RequireJS contains a view of backbone.
I need within this module, refer to another view of backbone that is in another module.
I modified the code to make it simpler
define (["jquery","backbone","collections/controlSearchCollection","views/currentPlaylist","jqueryUI"], function($, Backbone, controlSearchMusic, currentPlaylist){
var searchModule = Backbone.View.extend({
el: "#containerSearch",
initialize: function () {
this.collection = new controlSearchMusic();
"dblclick li":"select"
select: function(element){
var trackJSON ={};
trackJSON["id"]= "playCloud_"+$("id");
currentPlaylist.collection.add(trackJSON); <--- Here is where this error
return searchModule;
Here, my other module of RequireJS containing a view of backboneJS. i need add to JSON from the first module.
define (["jquery","backbone","collections/controlCurrentPlaylistCollection","jqueryUI"], function($, Backbone, controlCurrentPlaylist){
var currentPlaylist = Backbone.View.extend({
el: "#currentPlaylist",
initialize: function(){
this.collection = new controlCurrentPlaylist();
this.collection.on("add", this.executeFunction, this);
executeFunction: function(song){
return currentPlaylist;
the two modules are instantiated in app.js
Someone can help me? Thanks you!
Without the exact error its hard to tell but it looks like you don't have created an instance of currentPlaylist. So currentPlaylist.collection is undefined and causing an error when your try to call the add function on it.
You can try this:
var cpl = new currentPlaylist(); // create instance
cpl.collection.add(trackJSON); // cpl.collection should be initialized here
