Foreign Array Marshall Ptr Ptr in Haskell - arrays

I am trying to create a list of lists, or a [[b]] from a Ptr Ptr b, passed in from C code via the FFI. So, essentially creating a list of lists from a two dimensional C array.
My logic entails applying peekArray to the Ptr Ptr b, first getting a [Ptr b], then applying peekArray to each element in that [Ptr b], to obtain the [[b]].
My first call to peekArray seems to give me the [Ptr b] without a problem, but when I try to process each of the Ptr b in that list, Haskell gives me an error:
Couldn't match expected type '[t0]' with actual type 'IO [a0]'
In the return type of a call of 'peekArray'
I am using peekArray the same way for both calls, just performing it on the list elements the second time:
c <- peekArray q n
Is there some extra step that I need to take?
Thanks for any help.

How about
\x y ptr -> join $ fmap (mapM (peekArray y)) (peekArray x ptr)
\x y ptr -> do
xs <- peekArray x ptr
join $ mapM (peekArray y) xs
The type is Storable a => Int -> Int -> Ptr (Ptr a) -> IO [[a]], I believe that is what you wanted.


Converting a list to `IO (IOArray Int a)` in Haskell

I need to write a function that takes a list of a and returns IO (IOArray Int a)
listToArray :: [a] -> IO (IOArray Int a)
I need some help to get started with IO arrays. I create a new one by newListArray but then it seems that I have to commit to a specific type and my function needs to work with any type a.
Thanks for the help!
If you want to work with any type you can take a look at this type signature
newListArray :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (i, i) -> [e] -> m (a i e)
where the m is IO, a is IOArray and i is Int.
This one requires start and end index of the array. You can see in detail here:

Remembering old data

Remembering your first time (in a Haskell loop)
I am trying to teach myself a little Haskell by going through some Hackerrank questions.
The question I am looking at involves reading in sets of co-ordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and
Determining the perimeter of the polygon drawn by those co-ordinates.
Here is my code so far:
-- Calculate length of line given points x1,y2, x2,y2
calc_length:: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Float
calc_length x1 y1 x2 y2 =
sqrt ( fromIntegral (height ^2 + width ^2) )
where height = abs( y2 - y1)
width = abs( x2 - x1)
main = do
x <- readLn :: IO Double
forM_ [1,2..(x / 2)] $ \lc -> do
line1 <- getLine
let wds1 = map (\str -> read str::Int) (words $ line1)
line2 <- getLine
let wds2 = map (\str -> read str::Int) (words $ line2)
print ( wds1, wds2)
The problem I have is that I need to calculate the distance between the first and last co-ordinates I.e. REMEMBER the first pair of numbers entered ( stored in line1). But after multiply iterations the first pair will be lost. I have tried using global variables to store the first calling of getLine (with little success, and even if that had worked I don’t it think it would help.)
I get the feeling that there is a more functional approach I could try but just don’t know how.
I am not looking for a full coded solution just an approach that points me in a better direction.
Any thoughts?
You asked for a more functional way of thinking about this, so I'm going to try to provide that. You said you're new to Haskell, so I apologize in advance if this touches on things you haven't explored yet. Feel free to ask for clarification in any part of it.
First off, let's segment your calcLength function a bit more. We're passing it two points, so rather than passing four arguments, let's pass only two.
data Point a = Point a a
calcLength :: Floating a => Point a -> Point a -> a
calcLength (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = sqrt (height ^ 2 + width ^ 2)
where height = abs (y2 - y1)
width = abs (x2 - x1)
Now let's write a function that reads a single point. We'll call this from main rather than reading two numerical values separately in main.
readPoint :: (Floating a, Read a) => IO (Point a)
readPoint = Point <$> readLn <*> readLn
I'm using applicative syntax here. If you're more familiar with do-notation, the equivalent would be
readPoint :: (Floating a, Read a) => IO (Point a)
readPoint = do
x <- readLn
y <- readLn
return $ Point x y
Now for the meat of your question. We want to take a list of things (points in your case) and produce adjacent pairs, making sure to loop around to the beginning. Let's stop thinking about it in terms of points for a moment and just write a function that works on any list of things.
-- We're going to take a list of things and produce a list of pairs of those things
loopedPairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
-- If the original list is empty, return the empty list
loopedPairs [] = []
-- Otherwise, start recursing
loopedPairs (x:xs) = go x xs
-- Here, we're pairing off all the elements
where go x' (y:ys) = (x', y) : go y ys
-- Because we defined this as an inner function, we can still access
-- the original first element, effectively "remembering" it like you
-- were asking about. Note that we never use any "global" storage or
-- mutable state to do this, just a bit of variable scope.
go x' [] = [(x', x)]
Now we'll write a perimeter function. It's good to separate as much of your "pure" non-IO logic from the IO work as possible, so we want to factor this out of main.
newtype Polygon a = Polygon [Point a]
perimeter :: Floating a => Polygon a -> a
perimeter (Polygon xs) = sum . map (\(a, b) -> calcLength a b) $ loopedPairs xs
We take a polygon, which is really just a list of points, pair off all of our points using loopedPairs, then calculate the length between each of them and sum the results.
With that in mind, main is fairly short.
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- readLn :: IO Int
points <- replicateM n (readPoint :: IO (Point Double))
let result = perimeter (Polygon points)
print result
We read in the number of points, then we read each point (replicateM essentially means "do this thing n times and accumulate the result into a list). Then we calculate the perimeter and print it out.
Runnable solution:
import Control.Monad
data Point a = Point a a
newtype Polygon a = Polygon [Point a]
calcLength :: Floating a => Point a -> Point a -> a
calcLength (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = sqrt (height ^ 2 + width ^ 2)
where height = abs (y2 - y1)
width = abs (x2 - x1)
readPoint :: (Floating a, Read a) => IO (Point a)
readPoint = Point <$> readLn <*> readLn
loopedPairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
loopedPairs [] = []
loopedPairs (x:xs) = go x xs
where go x' (y:ys) = (x', y) : go y ys
go x' [] = [(x', x)]
perimeter :: Floating a => Polygon a -> a
perimeter (Polygon xs) = sum . map (\(a, b) -> calcLength a b) $ loopedPairs xs
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- readLn :: IO Int
points <- replicateM n (readPoint :: IO (Point Double))
let result = perimeter (Polygon points)
print result
I invite you to dissect this, and let me know if you have any questions at all. Functional programming is a tricky mindset to get into, because it's very different from other programming, but it's a handy set of techniques to have in your toolbelt.
If you need to treat the first iteration differently, it should be separated (if I understand your problem correctly). You can reduce duplication by using a helper function:
getNumLine :: IO [Int]
getNumLine = do
line <- getLine
return (map read (words line))
main = do
x <- readLn :: IO Int -- Double seemed wrong, use integer `div` below instead
firstline <- getNumLine
forM_ [2..x `div` 2] $ \lc -> do
And yes you could be much more "functional" about this, but I think it's best to learn in baby steps.
After everbodys help: my final solution:
import Data.List
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Data.List.Split
-- Calculate length of line given points x1,y2, x2,y2
calc_length:: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Float
calc_length x1 y1 x2 y2 =
sqrt ( fromIntegral (height ^2 + width ^2) )
where height = abs( y2 - y1)
width = abs( x2 - x1)
-- Calculate the distances between vertex points (except the last)
getResults list =
sum [ calc_length (head f) (last f) (head s) (last s) | (f,s) <- (zip list (tail list)) ]
-- Calculate the last vertex distance between points
headAndTail list =
calc_length (z!!0) (z!!1) (z!!2) (z!!3)
where z = head list ++ last list
-- Prompt the user for co-ordinate pairs
main = do
x <- readLn :: IO Double
result <- forM [1,2..x ] ( \lc -> do
line1 <- getLine
let wds1 = map (\str -> read str::Int) (words $ line1)
return wds1)
print ( (getResults result) + (headAndTail result) )

Size indexed mutable arrays in Haskell

In Haskell is possible to write functions over a size indexed list that ensure that we never get out of bounds. A possible implementation is:
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
infixr 5 :-
data Vec (n :: Nat) a where
Nil :: Vec 'Zero a
(:-) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec ('Succ n) a
data Fin (n :: Nat) where
FZ :: Fin ('Succ n)
FS :: Fin n -> Fin ('Succ n)
vLookup :: Vec n a -> Fin n -> a
vLookup Nil _ = undefined
vLookup (x :- _) FZ = x
vLookup (_ :- xs) (FS i) = vLookup xs i
Of course, this is just fine for immutable size indexed lists (aka Vec).
But how about mutable ones? Is possible to define (or is there a library for) mutable size indexed arrays in Haskell? If there's no such library, how it could be implemented?
Edit 1: I searched Hackage and didn't found any library matching my description (size indexed mutable arrays).
Edit 2: I would like to mention that I have thought use IORef's to get the desired mutability:
type Array n a = IORef (Vec n a)
but I'm wondering if there's a better (more efficient, more elegant) option...
Such a type does exist on Hackage.
I would avoid something like type Array n a = IORef (Vec n a). Mutable arrays are all about efficiency. If you don't need it to run fast / with low memory footprint, then there's not much point in using them – even “mutable algorithms” are generally easier to express in Haskell using functional style, perhaps with a state monad but no true destructive mutable state.
But if efficiency matters, then you also want tight cache-efficient storage. Unboxed vectors are ideal. OTOH, Vec is on the runtime data level no different from ordinary lists, which are of course not so great in terms of cache coherence. Even if you defined them to actually interweave mutability into the list spine, it wouldn't be really better in any way than using immutable Vecs in a pure-functional style.
So, if I had to write something like that simple, I'd rather wrap an (unsafe, length-wise) unboxed mutable arrox in a length-indexed newtype.
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VUM
newtype MVec (s :: *) (n :: Nat) (a :: *)
= MVec { getMVector :: VUM.MVector s a }
You can then define an interface that makes all public operations type-checked length-safe, while still retaining the performance profile of MVector.

How to use `getBounds' with STArray?

I'm trying to write a Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm using STArray. Unlike all the other examples I've found on the net, I am trying to avoid using native lists. I just want to shuffle an array, in-place.
This is what I have:
randShuffleST arr gen = runST $ do
_ <- getBounds arr
return (arr, gen)
arr is the STArray and gen will be a generator state of type (RandomGen g).
I was hoping I could rely on the (MArray (STArray s) e (ST s)) instance declaration defined in MArray for being able to use MArray's getBounds but GHCi cannot infer the type of randShuffleST. It fails with:
Could not deduce (MArray a e (ST s))
arising from a use of `getBounds'
from the context (Ix i)
bound by the inferred type of
randShuffleST :: Ix i => a i e -> t -> (a i e, t)
at CGS/Random.hs:(64,1)-(66,25)
Possible fix:
add (MArray a e (ST s)) to the context of
a type expected by the context: ST s (a i e, t)
or the inferred type of
randShuffleST :: Ix i => a i e -> t -> (a i e, t)
or add an instance declaration for (MArray a e (ST s))
In a stmt of a 'do' block: _ <- getBounds arr
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`do { _ <- getBounds arr;
return (arr, gen) }'
In the expression:
$ do { _ <- getBounds arr;
return (arr, gen) }
Interestingly, if I remove the call to `runST' like so:
randShuffleST arr gen = do
_ <- getBounds arr
return (arr, gen)
it compiles fine, with the type signature
randShuffleST :: (Ix i, MArray a e m) => a i e -> t -> m (a i e, t)
. I'm using GHC 7.4.2 on Arch Linux.
Please give explicit type signatures in your responses to help me understand your code, thank you.
EDIT: I really like Antal S-Z's answer, but I cannot select it because frankly I do not fully understand it. Maybe once I understand my own problem better I'll answer my own question in the future... thanks.
You probably shouldn't use runST in your function. runST should be used once, on the outside of some computation that uses mutation internally but has a pure interface. You probably want your shuffle function, which shuffles the array in-place, to have a type like STArray s i e -> ST s () (or possibly a more general type), and then have a different function that uses runST to present a pure interface, if you want that (that function would probably need to copy values, though). In general the goal of ST is that STRefs and STArrays can never escape from one runST invocation and be used in another.
The type inferred for your function without runST is fine, just more polymorphic (it'll work for IO arrays, ST arrays, STM arrays, unboxed arrays, etc.). You'll have an easier time with inference errors if you specify explicit type signatures, though.
This occurs because the rank-2 type of runST is preventing you from giving a meaningful type to randShuffleST. (There's a second problem with your code as written: mutable ST arrays can't meaningfully exist outside of the ST monad, so returning one from inside runST is impossible, and constructing one to pass into a pure function is unlikely at best. This is "uninteresting," but might end up being confusing on its own; see the bottom of this answer for how to address it.)
So, let's see why you can't write down a type signature. It's worth saying up-front that I agree with shachaf about the best way to write functions like the one you're writing: stay inside ST, and use runST only once, at the very end. If you do this, then I've included some sample code at the bottom of the answer which shows how to write your code successfully. But I think it's interesting to understand why you get the error you do; errors like the one you're getting are some of the reasons that you don't want to write your code this way!
To begin with, let's first look at a simplified version of the function which produces the same error message:
bounds arr = runST (getBounds arr)
Now, let's try to give a type to bounds. The obvious choice is
bounds :: (MArray a e (ST s), Ix i) => a i e -> (i,i)
bounds arr = runST (getBounds arr)
We know that arr must be an MArray and we don't care what elements or index type it has (as long as its indices are in Ix), but we know that it must live inside the ST monad. So this should work, right? Not so fast!
ghci> :set -XFlexibleContexts +m
ghci> :module + Control.Monad.ST Data.Array.ST
ghci> let bounds :: (MArray a e (ST s), Ix i) => a i e -> (i,i)
ghci| bounds arr = runST (getBounds arr)
Could not deduce (MArray a e (ST s1))
arising from a use of `getBounds'
from the context (MArray a e (ST s), Ix i)
bound by the type signature for
bounds :: (MArray a e (ST s), Ix i) => a i e -> (i, i)
at <interactive>:7:5-38
Wait a minute: Could not deduce (MArray a e (ST s1))? Where'd that s1 come from‽ We don't mention such a type variable anywhere! The answer is that it's coming from the runST in the definition of bounds. In general, runST has the type (renaming some type variables for convenience) runST :: (forall σ. ST σ α) -> α; when we use it here, we've constrained it to the type (forall σ. ST σ (i,i)) -> (i,i). What's happening here is that the forall is like a lambda (in fact, it is a lambda), binding σ locally inside the parentheses. So when getBounds arr returns something of type ST s (i,i), we can unify α with the (i,i)---but we can't unify the σ with the s, because the σ isn't in scope. In GHC, the type variables for runST are s and a, not σ and α, so it renames s to s1 to remove ambiguity, and it's this type variable that you're seeing.
So the error is fair: we've claimed that for some particular s, MArray a e (ST s) holds. But runST needs that to be true for every s. The error is, however, very unclear, since it introduces a new type variable which you can't actually refer to (so the "possible fix" is meaningless, although it's never helpful anyway).
Now, the obvious question is, "So can I write a correct type signature?" The answer is "…sort of." (But you probably don't want to.) The desired type would be something like the following:
ghci> :set -XConstraintKinds -XRank2Types
ghci> let bounds :: (forall s. MArray a e (ST s), Ix i) => a i e -> (i,i)
ghci| bounds arr = runST (getBounds arr)
Could not deduce (MArray a e (ST s))
arising from a use of `getBounds'
from the context (forall s. MArray a e (ST s), Ix i)
This constraint says that MArray a e (ST s) holds for every s, but we still get a type error. It appears that "GHC does not support polymorphic constraints to the left of an arrow"—and in fact, while googling around trying to find that information, I found an excellent blog post at "Main Is Usually A Function", which runs into the same problem as you, explains the error, and provides the following workaround. (They also get the superior error message "malformed class assertion," which makes clear that such a thing is impossible; this is probably due to differing GHC versions.)
The idea is, as is common when we want more out of type class constraints that we can get from GHC's built-in system, to provide explicit evidence for the existence of such a type class by (ab)using a GADT:
ghci> :set -XNoFlexibleContexts -XNoConstraintKinds
ghci> -- We still need -XRank2Types, though
ghci> :set -XGADTs
ghci> data MArrayE a e m where
ghci| MArrayE :: MArray a e m => MArrayE a e m
Now, whenever we have a value of type MArrayE a e m, we know that the value must have been constructed with the MArrayE constructor; this constructor can only be called when there's an MArray a e m constraint available, and so pattern-matching on MArrayE will make that constraint available again. (The only other possibility is that your value of that type was undefined, which is why a pattern match is in fact necessary.) Now, we can provide that as an explicit argument to the bounds function, so we'd call it as bounds MArrayE arr:
ghci> :set -XScopedTypeVariables
ghci> let bounds :: forall a e i.
ghci| Ix i => (forall s. MArrayE a e (ST s)) -> a i e -> (i,i)
ghci| bounds evidence arr = runST (go evidence)
ghci| where go :: MArrayE a e (ST s) -> ST s (i,i)
ghci| go MArrayE = getBounds arr
ghci> -- Hooray!
Note the weirdness where we have to factor out the body into its own function and pattern-match there. What's going on is that if you pattern-match in bounds's argument list, the s from the evidence gets fixed to a particular value too early, and so we need to put this off; and (I think because inference with higher-rank types is hard) we also need to provide an explicit type for go, which necessitates scoped type variables.
And finally, returning to your original code:
ghci> let randShuffleST :: forall a e i g. Ix i => (forall s. MArrayE a e (ST s))
ghci| -> a i e
ghci| -> g
ghci| -> (a i e, g)
ghci| randShuffleST evidence arr gen = runST $ go evidence
ghci| where go :: MArrayE a e (ST s) -> ST s (a i e,g)
ghci| go MArrayE = do _ <- getBounds arr
ghci| return (arr, gen)
ghci> -- Hooray again! But...
Now, as I said at the beginning, there's one problem left to address. In the code above, there's never going to be a way to construct a value of type forall s. MArrayE a e (ST s), because the contraint forall s. MArray a e (ST s) constraint is unsatisfiable. For the same reason, in your original code, you couldn't write randShuffleST even without the type error you're getting, because you can't write a function which returns an STArray outside of ST.
The reason for both of these problems is the same: an STArray's first parameter is the state thread it lives on. The MArray instance for STArray is instance MArray (STArray s) e (ST s), and so you'll always have types of the form ST s (STArray s i e). Since runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a, running runST mySTArrayAction would "leak" the s out in an illegal way. Look into
runSTArray :: Ix i => (forall s. ST s (STArray s i e)) -> Array i e
and its unboxed friend
runSTUArray :: Ix i => (forall s. ST s (STUArray s i e)) -> UArray i e.
You can also use
unsafeFreeze :: (Ix i, MArray a e m, IArray b e) => a i e -> m (b i e)
to do the same thing, as long as you promise that that's the last function you'll ever call on your mutable array; the freeze function relaxes this restriction, but has to copy the array. By the same token, if you want to pass an array, and not a list, into the pure version of your function, you'll probably also want
thaw :: (Ix i, IArray a e, MArray b e m) => a i e -> m (b i e);
using unsafeThaw would probably be disastrous here, since you're passing in an immutable array that you have no control over! This would all combine to give us something like:
ghci> :set -XNoRank2Types -XNoGADTs
ghci> -- We still need -XScopedTypeVariables for our use of `thaw`
ghci> import Data.Array.IArray
ghci> let randShuffleST :: forall ia i e g. (Ix i, IArray ia e)
ghci| => ia i e
ghci| -> g
ghci| -> (Array i e, g)
ghci| randShuffleST iarr gen = runST $ do
ghci| marr <- thaw iarr :: ST s (STArray s i e)
ghci| _ <- getBounds marr
ghci| iarr' <- unsafeFreeze marr
ghci| return (iarr', gen)
ghci> randShuffleST (listArray (0,2) "abc" :: Array Int Char) "gen"
(array (0,2) [(0,'a'),(1,'b'),(2,'c')],"gen")
This takes O(n) time to copy the input immutable array, but—with optimizations—takes O(1) time to freeze the mutable array for the output, since STArray and Array are the same under the hood.
Applying this to your problem in particular, we have the following:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import System.Random
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.STRef
import Data.Array.IArray
updateSTRef :: STRef s a -> (a -> (b,a)) -> ST s b
updateSTRef r f = do
(b,a) <- f <$> readSTRef r
writeSTRef r a
return b
swapArray :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => a i e -> i -> i -> m ()
swapArray arr i j = do
temp <- readArray arr i
writeArray arr i =<< readArray arr j
writeArray arr j temp
shuffle :: (MArray a e (ST s), Ix i, Random i, RandomGen g)
=> a i e -> g -> ST s g
shuffle arr gen = do
rand <- newSTRef gen
bounds#(low,_) <- getBounds arr
when (rangeSize bounds > 1) .
forM_ (reverse . tail $ range bounds) $ \i ->
swapArray arr i =<< updateSTRef rand (randomR (low,i))
readSTRef rand
-- Two different pure wrappers
-- We need to specify a specific type, so that GHC knows *which* mutable array
-- to work with. This replaces our use of ScopedTypeVariables.
thawToSTArray :: (Ix i, IArray a e) => a i e -> ST s (STArray s i e)
thawToSTArray = thaw
shufflePure :: (IArray a e, Ix i, Random i, RandomGen g)
=> a i e -> g -> (a i e, g)
shufflePure iarr g = runST $ do
marr <- thawToSTArray iarr
g' <- shuffle marr g
iarr' <- freeze marr
return (iarr',g')
shufflePure' :: (IArray a e, Ix i, Random i, RandomGen g)
=> a i e -> g -> (Array i e, g)
shufflePure' iarr g =
let (g',g'') = split g
iarr' = runSTArray $ do
marr <- thaw iarr -- `runSTArray` fixes the type of `thaw`
void $ shuffle marr g'
return marr
in (iarr',g'')
Again, you could replace freeze with Data.Array.Unsafe.unsafeFreeze in shufflePure; this would probably produce a speedup, since it wouldn't have to copy the array to return it if it was an Array i e. The runSTArray function wraps unsafeFreeze safely, so that's not an issue in shufflePure'. (The two are equivalent, modulo some details about splitting the PRNG.)
What do we see here? Importantly, only the mutable code ever references the mutable arrays, and it stays mutable (i.e., returns something inside ST s). Since shuffle does an in-place shuffle, it doesn't need to return an array, just the PRNG. To build a pure interface, we thaw an immutable array into a mutable array, shuffle that in-place, and then freeze the resulting array back into an immutable one. This is important: it prevents us from leaking mutable data back into the pure world. You can't directly mutably shuffle the passed-in array, because it's is immutable; contrariwise, you can't directly return the mutably shuffled array as an immutable array, because it's mutable, and what if someone could mutate it?
This doesn't run afoul of any of the errors we saw above, because all of those errors come from improper use of runST. If we restrict our use of runST, only running it once we've assembled a pure result, all the inner state-threading can happen automatically. Since runST is the only function with a rank-2 type, it's the only place where severe type-weirdness can be produced; everything else just requires your standard type-based reasoning, albeit perhaps with a little more thought to keep the s state-thread parameter consistent.
And lo and behold:
*Main> let arr10 = listArray (0,9) [0..9] :: Array Int Int
*Main> elems arr10
*Main> elems . fst . shufflePure arr10 <$> newStdGen
*Main> elems . fst . shufflePure arr10 <$> newStdGen
*Main> elems . fst . shufflePure' arr10 <$> newStdGen
*Main> elems . fst . shufflePure' arr10 <$> newStdGen
Success, at long last! (Way too long last, really. Sorry about the length of this answer.)
Below is one way of implementing an in-place Fisher-Yates (I think that is
called a Durstenfeld or Knuth Shuffle). Notice that runST is never called, but runSTArray instead, and it is only called once.
import Data.Array
import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
fisherYates :: (RandomGen g,Ix ix, Random ix) => g -> Array ix e -> Array ix e
fisherYates gen a' = runSTArray $ do
a <- thaw a'
(bot,top) <- getBounds a
foldM (\g i -> do
ai <- readArray a i
let (j,g') = randomR (bot,i) g
aj <- readArray a j
writeArray a i aj
writeArray a j ai
return g') gen (range (bot,top))
return a
Note that although the algorithm is performed in-place, the function first copies the array given in the input (a result of using the function thaw) before performing the algorithm on the copy. In order to avoid copying the array you have at least two options:
Use unsafeThaw, which is (as the name suggests) unsafe and can only be used if you
are sure that the input array will never be used again. This is not trivial to
guarantee because of lazy evaluation.
Let fisherYates have the type (RandomGen g,Ix ix, Random ix) => g -> STArray s ix e -> ST s (STArray s ix e) and perform the whole operation that requires an in-place fisher-yates algorithm inside the ST monad and only give the final answer with runST.

Something like mapM, but for arrays? (like arrayMap, but mapping an impure function)

I see that I can map a function over mutable arrays with mapArray, but there doesn't seem to be something like mapM (and mapM_). mapArray won't let me print its elements, for example:
import Data.Array.Storable
arr <- newArray (1,10) 42 :: IO -- answer to Life, Universe and Everything
x <- readLn :: IO Int
mapArray ( arr -- <== this doesn't work!
The result will be:
No instances for (MArray StorableArray Int m,
MArray StorableArray (IO ()) m)
arising from a use of `mapArray' at <interactive>:1:0-27
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(MArray StorableArray Int m, MArray StorableArray (IO ()) m)
In the expression: mapArray (putStrLn . show) arr
In the definition of `it': it = mapArray (putStrLn . show) arr
Is there something like that in Haskell (or in GHC even if not standard Haskell)?
Also, I found no foldr/foldl functions for arrays (mutable or not). Do they exist?
Thanks a lot!
Import the module Data.Traversable. It defines a typeclass for just what you want with instances already defined for array and all sorts of things. It has generalized versions of sequence and mapM, plus some even more general functions that you probably won't bother with very often.
Just a simple
import Data.Traversable as T
T.mapM doIOStuff arr
works fine.
Perhaps use one of the other array libraries, if you're doing a lot of mutation? Like uvector?
forM_ [1..n] \$ \i ->. unsafeWrite x i
should be fine.
For the example of printing all the elements: you can use "mapM_ print . elems".
But it sounds like you want to create a new array where each value is the result of a monadic action of the previous one? In that case:
arrayMapM :: (Monad m, Ix i) => (a -> m b) -> Array i a -> m (Array i b)
arrayMapM func src =
liftM (listArray (bounds src)) . mapM func . elems $ src
