Set global variables in config with navigator.globalization - extjs

I'm trying to set certain titles and strings in my app to a different language upon recognising the locale from a mobile phone.
I'm using a App.utils.Global class to set certain things like the code down here. This doesn't seem to work, my default name stays the same. When I print the config values after I change it it's actually loaded with the changed name. Is the view I'm outputting the name in painted before the globalization plugin is actually done changing things?
How can I prevent the rest of the app to execute things before setting the right global variables upon the device it's localeName? Or is there another way of doing this? I know there are probably better ways to do localisation in Sencha but because I only have a few strings this seemed the easiest solution.
Thanks in advance
Ext.define('App.utils.Global', {
singleton: true,
alias: '',
namelabel: 'default name',
constructor: function(config) {
that = this;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile)/)) {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
function (locale) {
if(locale.value == 'en_US'){
that.setNamelabel('ENGLISH NAME');
else if(locale.value == 'nl_NL'){
that.setNamelabel('DUTCH NAME');
function () {
alert('Error getting locale\n');

Rather than having the "deviceready" event handler inside a class constructor, you ought to have that in your app.js file.
Then, inside the "deviceready" event handler, run the Ext.Application() method to start the app construction.


Ext.form.Panel's beforesubmit listener does not respect return: false when attached via controller

I have a formpanel with a beforesubmit listener, which should prevent the submission if the form is invalid.
Sencha Fiddle availble here: (just comment the beforesubmit: 'onFormBeforeSubmit' line within the controler/panel and inspect the console to see the difference)
The listener is attached via a controller trough the init function like this:
//controller init function
init: function () {
var me = this;
component: {
'formpanel': {
beforesubmit: 'onFormBeforeSubmit'
onFormBeforeSubmit: function () {
var me = this, form = me.getView();
console.log('beforesublit event fired');
if (!form.validate()) {
console.log('form is invalid!');
return false;
And all seems fine - the submit procedure is started, the onFormBeforeSubmit() method is executed, the form is considered invalid, but althought there is a return false statement - the form is submitted to the server.
Then, i tried to attach the listener simply via the listeners config of the panel like this:
//panel definitions...
listeners: {
beforesubmit: 'onFormBeforeSubmit'
And then it worked as expected.
As you can see the executed function is the same.
One thing i mentioned is that it receives different arguments - if triggered via the listeners config - it has a 5 arguments. Via controller - they are 4. The 5th one is an obect like this:
beforesubmit: "onFormBeforeSubmit"
scope: "self"
Can someone explain me why is this? Is it a bug or an expected behavior?
And after all - where is the right place to attach the listeners - in the controller or within the view??
First of all, you don't have to do this in init function.
Simply use control block of your viewcontroller like this:
control: {
formpanel: {
beforesubmit: 'onFormBeforeSubmit'
Please refer the documentation of control, it is much more straightforward to use that.
But it still not enough, and I think you are right, this is a bug. FormPanel's submit actually still using already deprecated function to fire events.
Please try the following override, it should fix this and allows you to use event listeners defined in controllers:
override: 'Ext.form.Panel',
submit: function(options, e) {
var me = this,
formValues, form;
options = options || {};
formValues = me.getSubmitValues({
enabled: me.getStandardSubmit() || !options.submitDisabled
form = me.element.dom || {};
if (this.getEnableSubmissionForm()) {
form = this.createSubmissionForm(form, formValues);
options = Ext.apply({
url: me.getUrl() || form.action,
submit: false,
form: form,
method: me.getMethod() || form.method || 'post',
autoAbort: false,
params: null,
waitMsg: null,
headers: null,
success: null,
failure: null
}, options || {});
return me.fireEventedAction('submit',
[me, formValues, options, e],
Please be sure you include this in your overrides. You can also test this in fiddle, just add it before everything else. I'm not 100% sure it is perfect, I can imagine there are other issues with this, so please test this well.

Extjs6 Custom js event

I have the following flow: before the app launches I want to check something on the server. Based on the response I want to make a decision. I've created an utility class that wraps my js event and also an app controller.
Bellow is app controller:
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.AppController', {
extend: '',
appEventDispatcher:function (){
// Create a dummy DOM element
var dummy = document.createTextNode('');
// Create custom wrappers with nicer names = dummy.removeEventListener.bind(dummy);
this.on = dummy.addEventListener.bind(dummy);
this.trigger = function(eventName, data){
if( !eventName ) return;
var e = new CustomEvent(eventName, {"detail":data});
And my utility class:
Ext.define('MyApp.util.Util', {
statics : {
checkSomethingOnServer: function(customEvent){
var store = Ext.StoreManager.lookup('appStore');
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success){
if (success === true){
customEvent.trigger('success', true);
if (success === false)
customEvent.trigger('fail', true);
Using the utility class I load a store. In the callback method, I trigger my custom event. This event is handled in the app.js file.
The code works in fiddle and also using app watch, when I want to build the code some errors are occurring complaining(syntax error).
I've created also a fiddle.
How to create a custom event in ExtJS and how to use it? I need the same behavior as with the js event but Extjs implementation.
In ExtJS, you would just attach an event listeners to the store with your custom event's name:
store.on('myownevent', function(success) {
and your code may go ahead and fire events on the store by that name:
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success){
store.fireEvent('myownevent', success);
If no listener for that event is attached, nothing happens; if one or more listeners are attached, they are executed in the order of priority, for those with the same priority, in the order they were added.

Angular $scope losing child data in certain situation

I'm having an issue where, when I simply console.log($scope.visitors) my data is fine, but when I console.log($scope.visitors) and then try to open a AngularUI Bootstrap dialog, the $scope.visitors.optionalFields object is empty.
Now, I've spent some time trying to replicate the issue in jsbin and I wasn't able to get it to happen, so it may be difficult to answer; just hoping somebody might have an idea what could be causing it.
So I have an array of objects like this:
$scope.visitors = [
optionalFields: {
I ng-repeat through these with visitor in visitors and each one has a button with ng-click="editVisitorDialog(visitor)"
Now, if I make editVisitorDialog like this:
$scope.editVisitorDialog = function (visitor) {
Then both $scope.visitors and visitor look good, they have all of their properties.
However, if I simply add to this function (i.e., the log calls are still at the top of the function), each visitor in $scope.visitors will have an empty optionalFields object.
$scope.editVisitorDialog = function (visitor) {
console.log($scope.visitors); // missing the optionalFields items
console.log(visitor); // missing the optionalFields items
var modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: 'app/checkin/edit_visitor/edit_visitor.html',
controller: EditVisitorController,
resolve: {
visitor: function () {
return visitor;
modalInstance.result.then(function (result) {
}, function () {
When you call console.log() with an object it doesn't really log the object. It's rather like an inspection tool where you can see the current state, not the state at the time console.log() was called.
Try console.log(visitor.optionalFields.passportNumber) instead and I guarantee that it will log "ppt" (in your example).
That in turn means that somehwere in the added code the optional fields get lost.

Extjs 4 MVC Declare a variable to use in a whole controller

In my controller I want to use certain variables in several places.
For example I got a form with few fields (combo / textfield) and I want to use a link to them in a various places of my controller code. How can / should I declare such variable?
Usually I use:
refs: [
ref: 'myCombo',
selector: 'myPanel combo[name=myCombo]'
ref: 'myTextfield',
selector: 'myPanel textfield[name=myTextfield]'
But is it ok to use getMyCombo() / getMyTextfield() every time I have to work with this fields in my controller?
The "refs" feature of the controller is really just generating getter functions for you by using Ext.ComponentQuery with the provided CSS selector. The way you're using them is one way you can make use of the system, though you can also use refs to instantiate (for example) views for the controller using their configured alias or xtype. In your example, you're saving yourself the hassle of re-writing some long-ish ComponentQuery calls.
The 'autoCreate' option, although not documented, is great for this type of thing if for example you wanted to always instantiate a new instance of a certain object every time the controller is activated, you could do so in the init() function.
The answer posted here demonstrates using refs to create new instances and further explains the functionality of autoCreate and forceCreate options.
If you want to use an object or some variable throughout your controller, just set a property on the controller, most suitably in the init method...
Ext.define('App.controller.Messaging', {
/** Include models, stores, views, etc... */
refs: [{
ref: 'messageBox', // creates magic method "getMessageBox"
xtype: 'my-messagebox', // in the class file: alias: ''
selector: '', // could be itemId, name, etc. Same rules as a CSS selector
autoCreate: true // automatically create when "getMessageBox()" is called
/** I always initialize controllers as-needed, passing the application object */
init: function(app){
var me = this;
// Initialize whatever you need, maybe set up some controller properties
this.eventBus = app.getEventBus();
this.user = app.getActiveUser();
// I prevent listeners from being established twice like this..
if(this.inited === true)
this.inited = true; // nothing past this line will be executed twice
// Observe view events
// Listen for application events
'getMessages': {fn: me.showMessageBox, scope: me}
// Specific controller events
'someEvent': {fn: me.someFunction, scope: me}
// A function using controller properties defined in the init() method
someFunction = function(){
var me = this; // controller
// Lets show the active user
console.warn("Active User", me.user);
// And then fire an event, passing this controller
me.eventBus.fireEvent('somethingHappened', me);
// Invoked on the application event "getMessages"
showMessageBox: function(sessionId){
var me = this; // controller
/** ... Load the messages for the provided sessionId ... */
// Then create an instance of the message box widget as property on the controller
me.messageBox = me.getMessageBox({
/** pass config to the view here if needed */

Extjs Load panel content from ajax

I have an Ext.Panel with a listener set to 'afterrender'. The callback function is a small ajax code which checks an url, grabs it's contents and add it to the panel. Problem is, the content does not get insterted. If I use the same insert code right above the ajax call, it works. Here's my callback function:
Not working:
function afterrenderCallback () {
// This does not work
var logPanel = Ext.getCmp('aP_ServerLogs');
url: AP_ROOT_URL + '/index.php?r=server/logs',
success: function (r) {
html: 'dummy html i don\'t care about the response'
function afterrenderCallback () {
// This does work
var logPanel = Ext.getCmp('aP_ServerLogs');
html: 'dummy html i don\'t care about the response'
You might need to call doLayout() on the panel. However check out Ext.Updater:
Panels have this automatically such as:
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
I'd suspect the callback isn't getting called. You could add a failure case with a simple alert call to check it's not going down that path.
However probably better, similar to what #Lloyd said, you should look at the autoLoad config property.
The autoLoad config is what you want, as mentioned. I wanted to add that doing a logPanel.add({...}) just to insert markup is not appropriate, even though it "works". There is no reason to nest a panel within a panel for this. If you are loading HTML content like this you'd preferably do logPanel.body.update('content');.
As #bmoeskau says, the autoLoad config is what we need. It took me quite a while to find the correct syntax though. So here is an example on how to define such a panel with ajax content:
Ext.define('MyApp.view.aP_ServerLogs', {
extend : 'Ext.panel.Panel',
id: 'aP_ServerLogs',
loader: {
url: AP_ROOT_URL + '/index.php?r=server/logs',
autoLoad: true
