How to trigger multiple actions on conditional ng-click - angularjs

I have the following jsfiddle code:
My question is how can I make the following ng-click to set the isEditable only for the clicked entry and at the same time call the edit(object) method?
<span ng-click="flag == true||(isEditable=!isEditable)">
I've tried this:
<span ng-click="flag == true||(isEditable=!isEditable; edit(object))">
Doesn't work.
I've tried:
<span ng-click="flag == true||edit(object)">
and at the edit method level I defined :
this approach will set the isEditable value for all the list elements, which is not what I want. I only want it set for the clicked element.
Any ideas?

You can use this sintax:
flag == true? edit(object):false

<div ng-show="!isEditable">
<input type="text" ng-model="object.text" ng-blur="isEditable!=isEditable;update(object);edit(object);" />
This will call the multiple methods when the user get blurred from the text box.So, by this you can specify the multiple methods that need to be called on the blur event of the text box


How to keep form error message blank on initial load in AngularJS

I'm trying to learn forms in AngularJS 1.x. But I have error messages that are always on when it first loads. How to develop behaviour such that they are blank on load, and only red after a submit if fields were not entered? Seems to be a few states I have to use the built-in directives for.
All the elements are similar so let's just take apart this bit. Also if different for a radio and dropdown list maybe we can discuss that too.
<p>First Name:<input type="text" id="firstName" ng-model="firstName" required/>
<span style="background-color: red" ng-if="identification.firstName.$error.required">The first name is required.</span>
Do I chain a few directives with || or && ?
Behaviour I'm aiming for
How to keep the error messages off when it loads?
when I hit submit, and a field is blank, will it then activate the css red error messages?
I'd like the error messages to clear as I fill in the form without reloading.
Yeah, so any tips greatly appreciated. Doesn't have to be particularly pretty
gist of current code
Well I took a stab at it. Still really a hot mess at this point. Don't know how to use submit to test for each field and then display the error message if blank. Also seems like a lot of duplication on the testing of field states. Is there a better way to break up that logic? Ugggghhhhh
This one's weird, the form now has all text boxes not buttons or checkboxes!? But the HTML hasn't changed. Sigh
ng-if="identification.firstName.$error.required && !$pristine"
Go search more on $pristine and $dirty validator
You can add some other property to your ng-if and set its value to true only when form is submitted.
in your html add this new property
<p>First Name:<input type="text" id="firstName" ng-model="firstName" required/>
<span style="background-color: red" ng-if="identification.firstName.$error.required && running">The first name is required.</span>
in your controller set this property to true when form is submitted
$scope.submit = function(){
$scope.running = true;

AngularJS form vaidate with radio buttons and ng-repeat

I'm trying to validate a form that is dynamically generated with JSON data, that is rendered to the page using ng-repeat. The data is questions with corresponding answers. The issue I'm running in to is that with a dynamic ng-model on each group, like so:
<div class="well question-well" ng-repeat="question in Posttest1Questions">
<li ng-repeat="answers in question.answers">
<input type="radio" name="Q{{}}" ng-model="question_[]" id="{{}}" value="{{}}" required data-key="{{answers.isCorrect}}">{{answers.answer}}
Even when all the questions are answered, the form never turns valid. In turn, if I remove the ng-model attr, the form is always valid, even if no radio buttons has been selected.
Example Plunkr:
You can use ng-required to set a condition on the input's required status. In this case, if the model used with ng-model is null, then required. Otherwise, not required.
This way, once you've selected one of the answers (the model has a value), all of the answers for this question will not be marked as required.
<input type="radio" name="Q{{}}" ng-model="question[]" id="{{}}" value="{{}}" ng-required="question[] == null" data-key="{{answers.isCorrect}}" />
See it working here.
The underscore in
ng-model="question_[]" seems wrong to me.
Please try ng-model="question[]" then you can simply say required
updated your plnkr:

AngularJS ng-repeat with ng-change

I'm trying to have a way to catch the change of a variable inside of an ngRepeat so that I can modify other properties. So I have this HTML:
<tr ng-repeat="variable in variables">
<div ng-if="....">
<textarea ng-model="variable.u_field_values" ng-change="onChange(variable)">
Whenever they modify the text in that textarea, I need to update another value on the current variable that's being used. The change method doesn't seem to ever get fired though.
Try putting the ng-change ahead of the ng-model:
<textarea ng-change="onChange(variable)" ng-model="variable.u_field_values">
I have found that order sometimes matters. No idea why, though..

How can I reference bound data within a ng-click attribute?

It's been a long day, and I am likely missing something obvious but. . .
I have a ng-repeat list of radio buttons that reflects live UPS shipping rates to a customer's location (e.g. "Overnight", "2 day", etc).
Here is the markup:
<div ng-repeat="i in ShippingRates">
<div class='radio'>
<input value="{{i.Rate}}" ng-model="Cart.ShippingCharge" type="radio" name="shipping-method" ng-click="SetSelectedMethod('Other')" />{{i.ShippingMethod}} <span ng-if="i.Rate > 0">({{i.Rate | currency}})</span></label></div>
I already have the ng-model of the radio button associated with i.Rate returned from UPS (e.g. $100).
Now, I additionally need to store the text of the radio button as the "SelectedShippingMethod". I thought the way to do this might be to add a ng-click like this:
<input value="{{i.Rate}}" ng-model="Cart.ShippingCharge" type="radio" name="shipping-method" ng-click="SetSelectedMethod('{{i.ShippingMethod}}')" />
And then the function would be something like:
$scope.SetSelectedMethod = function(method){
$scope.SelectedShippingMethod = method;
But this does not work as it results in $scope.SelectedShippingMethod literally getting set to "{{i.ShippingMethod}}".
Any help is appreciated.
the function inside the ng-click is already a JavaScript method, not an HTML snippet, so you don't have to evaluate the variable as an expression. Simply call the variable.
e.g. ng-click="SetSelectedMethod(i.ShippingMethod)"

Angular databinding as a function argument not working

<input type="text" value="{{codes[0].code}}" ng-click="newNumber(0)" />
<input type="text" value="{{codes[1].code}}" ng-click="newNumber({{codes[1].id}})" />
The first ng-click event fires in my controller just fine but the second one does nothing.
I tried concat'ing as well ... is there some other way I should do this?
The value of ng-click is already evaluated as an angular expression. As such, you don't need the {{ }}. Read for more information. Take a look at the second example, it will help clarify this.
Also, ng-model should be used for data-binding. For example, take a look at this jsfiddle: and the notes below.
<li ng-repeat="code in codes">
This loops through the codes collection which was defined in the controller. It creates a <li> for each element in the codes collection.
<input ng-model="codes[$index].code" />
Inside each <li>, an <input> for the current code is created. Each input is bound to it's corresponding element in the codes array by setting ng-model to it. For instance, type a new code into the first input field. It automatically updates the corresponding code model with what you typed, as you can see to the right.
I hope that helps.
