Close AngularStrap popover - angularjs

When I click a button, it appears a popover which can be closed if you click the button inside the popover. However, if you click another button to open a popover, you will see two popovers at the same time and I want to keep just one.
I have tried with the trigger 'focus', but it closes the popover if I click in the textarea inside the popover, I expected that this trigger was called when you click outside of the popover.
Any idea for this? Can the methods $hide, $show be called from the controller?

Try to add ng-click="$hide()" on the dismissable element of the popover. I.E.:
<a class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="$hide()">Close</a>
It's not included in the documentation but it works for me, iff you use data-template for popover content, haven't tried with other opened popover yet.

This should be an old question, in latest version of angular-strap, a new attribute could be used in this case:

OK, I am pretty sure this is a terrible hack, but here goes. Assuming your popover templates all use the popover class (if you aren't using a custom template with the data-template attribute, they should), and they're siblings of the button that triggers them (if you haven't mucked with the container attribute, they are), you can apply the following directive to your popover buttons. Note: this assumes that the parent elements of your popovers and popover buttons have unique ids.
angular.module('yourApp.directives', []).directive('rmPopovers',
function($document,$rootScope,$timeout,$popover) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
link : function(scope, element, attrs) {
var $element = $(element);
$ {
var $this = $(this);
if($this.parent().attr('id') != $element.parent().attr('id'))
And then
<button type="button" bs-popover rm-popovers [your data attribs here]>Button!</button

There is an issue in the angular-strap github project which asks exactly the feature you want.
Nevertheless, at the moment I'm writing this answer, it's still open.

trigger : 'focus' ,
worked for me on the same issue


How to add popup message on disabled button while hovering in angularjs?

I have a submit button in my form which is enabled if the form is valid, otherwise, it will be on disable state. I want to add a popup message on hover over the disabled button not enabled button. How to add it dynamically in angularjs?
Bootstrap has a decent tooltip, if it's not to your liking, feel free to use another, tho when writing a directive it will be different.
I prefer this over writing your own tooltip module since this way you have a tested and robust way to display tooltips anywhere.
Then you are gonna want to wrap it as a directive to work in AngularJS like:
app.directive('tooltip', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
// on mouseenter
}, function(){
// on mouseleave
Now you have a tooltip that is styled and should work when attached to any element. Attach it to the said button:
<button tooltip="myTooltip">I am a button</button>
NOTE: If disabled prevents it from showing (didn't test that) then simply wrap that button in a <span></span> and bind tooltip to that span instead since span is not disabled.
<span tooltip="myTooltip"><button>I am a button</button></span>
In any case, either you bind directly to button or span around it, don't forget in the controller for that view, set the tooltip text:
$scope.myTooltip = 'Tooltip text';

Angular UI Bootstrap Tooltip tooltip-is-open weird behaviour

I use a tooltip directive from Angular UI Bootstrap inside one of my own directives. I want to manually toggle tooltip's visibility using tooltip-is-open attribute that Bootstrap Tooltip provides. Angular UI documentation states:
tooltip-is-open <WATCHER ICON> (Default: false) - Whether to show the tooltip.
So I assume it watches on the attribute's value. And so I want to bind a scope variable tooltipIsOpen to the attribute, hoping that changing tooltipIsOpen value in my directive's link function would toggle the tooltip visibility.
The behaviour that I get is weird.
If I bind tooltipIsOpen value as an expression: tooltip-is-open="{{ tooltipIsOpen }}", the tooltip doesn't appear at all, though I see that the DOM is updated properly (tooltip-is-open="false switches to tooltip-is-open="true" and back again to false) in reaction to mouse events.
If I bind tooltipIsOpen value as a variable: tooltip-is-open="tooltipIsOpen", the tooltip apears properly after the first mouse event, but then doesn't react to any further events, staying displayed all of the time with no way to hide it.
The working solution I found is bind tooltipIsOpen as a function call :scope.tooltipIsOpenFun = function() { return tooltipIsOpen; } and tooltip-is-open="tooltipIsOpenFun()", or as an object property: tooltip-is-open="tooltip.isOpen". Only then the tooltip works fine - shows and hides all of the time.
I suspect it's related to how AngularJS watchers work, also to the difference in how JavaScript primitives and objects are treated when assigning the values. Still I can't understand it.
Can somebody explain to me step by step why the solution 1 doesn't work and 2 works only once?
Directive template (for method 2)
<div uib-tooltip="Tooltip message"
Directive link function
module(...).directive(..., function() {
return {
link: function(scope, elem, attr) {
/* Stop further propagation of event */
function catchEvent(event) {
function showTooltip(event) {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.tooltipIsOpened = true;
/* Hide tooltip on any click outside the select */
angular.element(document).on('click', hideTooltip);
elem.on('click', catchEvent);
function hideTooltip() {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.tooltipIsOpened = false;
/* Remove previously attached handlers */
angular.element(document).off('click', hideTooltip);'click', catchEvent);
scope.tooltipIsOpened = false;
elem.on('mouseenter', showTooltip);
elem.on('mouseleave', hideTooltip);
1st way is incorrect because this directive expects variable name, not variable value. So correct:
<div uib-tooltip="Tooltip message" tooltip-is-open="xxx">
Or correct (you pass {{}} but then you pass not value of variable but value of variable that stores variable name):
<div ng-init="yyy='xxx'">
<div uib-tooltip="Tooltip message" tooltip-is-open="{{yyy}}">
2nd way astually works somehow:
But it is very strange - how user supposed to click outside element without triggering mouseleave event?
The thing is that you do not need all this, just:
<button uib-tooltip="Tooltip message" trigger="mouseenter"
works fine.
3rd way: if you see that 'open' does not work, but '' works that usually means you faced 'dot issue' - you can not change parent scope variable from child scope directly, but you can change variable properties. There is a lot of examples and explanations of this issue.

How to use button as a link in angularjs?

I have a button in which i want to use as a link as well as want to use ng-click to close the dialog..I mean when i click cancel button the page must be loaded to home page and ng-dialog must be closed.Can anyone help me to solve this problem.The below method does not working .
<button class="btn btn-default" onclick="window.location='#/cancel'" ng-click="cancelbtn()">Cancel</a></button>
You need to create a scope function which is being called on button click event.
$scope.cancelbtn = function()
$window.location.href= "#cancel";
Inside you scope function your can change ng-view with below code.
$window.location.href= "#cancel";
Don't forget to add $window dependency.
The first problem you have is that onclick and ng-click bind to the same event.
I'd recommend that you remove onclick in code and handle that in your controller, inside cancelbtn() function. How to do a redirect take a look at $location service here.
You can also send url as a parameter, e.g. ng-click="cancelBtn('#/cancel')"

ui.bootstrap popover-is-open doesn't work properly

I want not to show ui.bootstrap popover by using popover-is-open directive. For example, in template:
<button class="fa fa-link add-link"
popover-is-open="isOpen"> Show popover </i>
And in controller:
angular.module('demoModule').controller('PopoverDemoCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.isOpen = false;
See plunkr
I am expecting that popover should never be opened, but it opens on click on it. It seems that popover-is-open affects only first angular compiling. Any ideas?
upd: Actually, i want not to show popover only in some cases, in other cases it should be shown. For example, i have download-dialog popover and i want to show it only if size of file is greater than some limit.
The popover-is-open is only for the initial behavior, i.e. if it evaulates to true, then the popover opens instantly even without a click. If you change the value of isOpen to true in your plunkr, you see that (my example plunkr).
What you want is the popover-enable attribute:
<button class="fa fa-link add-link"
popover-enable="isOpen">Show popover</button>
Update for the question update:
You are free to evaluate any boolean expression in the popover-enable attribute instead of the static isOpen which always evaulates to false in your example.
I have created an advanced plunkr to show that:
<input type="text" ng-model="downloadSize">
<button class="fa fa-link add-link"
popover-enable="isOpen()">Show popover</button>
with the controller code
$scope.isOpen = function() { return $scope.downloadSize > 100; }
You have a new text box where you can enter a number to simulate the download size. When it gets > 100, the popup will be enabled.
In order to handle the open state whit the popover-is-open value you must set popover-trigger="none" or maybe popover-trigger="'none'". As it says in the docs
Using the 'none' trigger will disable the internal trigger(s), one can
then use the popover-is-open attribute exclusively to show and hide
the popover.
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.isOpen = false;
method for applying this property

Angular directive to swap ng-click function

I have an app where a person can build lists of 'favorites.' On the page for a particular item there is a button that you can click to add the item to your list of favorites.
What I would like to happen is: Click the button, item is added to favorites, now the button is a different color and if you were to click it again it would remove the item from your favorites.
I think it would be best to build a directive to handle this but I am completely lost.
In my html I have:
<md-button class="md-icon-button" aria-label="Favorite" ng-click="addFavorite(">
<md-icon md-svg-icon="heart"></md-icon></md-button>
My addFavorite and deleteFavorite functions work correctly, but I can't figure out how to toggle which one happens and how to update that after the request fires.
So lets address a few different things.
Most likely this is going to be a div styled to look like a button to achieve the effect you want. You could go the easy route and use or something else. Styling buttons is just not going to be the best cross browser support.
You could do this entirely with ng-class in a directive, some example code below. Assuming you are using bootstrap. This just becomes what class do you want to change it to kinda thing. Below I have used an icon but the principal is the same.
.directive('toggleClass', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('click', function() {
if(element.attr("class") == "glyphicon glyphicon-pencil") {
element.removeClass("glyphicon glyphicon-pencil");
} else {
element.removeClass("glyphicon glyphicon-ok");
element.addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-pencil");
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" toggle-class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i>
