I have an array [a0,a1,...., an] I want to calculate the sum of the distance between every pair of the same element.
1)First element of array will always be zero.
2)Second element of array will be greater than zero.
3) No two consecutive elements can be same.
4) Size of array can be upto 10^5+1 and elements of array can be from 0 to 10^7
For example, if array is [0,2,5 ,0,5,7,0] then distance between first 0 and second 0 is 2*. distance between first 0 and third 0 is 5* and distance between second 0 and third 0 is 2*. distance between first 5 and second 5 is 1*. Hence sum of distances between same element is 2* + 5* + 2* + 1* = 10;
For this I tried to build a formula:- for every element having occurence more than 1 (0 based indexing and first element is always zero)--> sum = sum + (lastIndex - firstIndex - 1) * (NumberOfOccurence - 1)
if occurence of element is odd subtract -1 from sum else leave as it is. But this approach is not working in every case.
,,But this approach works if array is [0,5,7,0] or if array is [0,2,5,0,5,7,0,1,2,3,0]
Can you suggest another efficient approach or formula?
Edit :- This problem is not a part of any coding contest, it's just a little part of a bigger problem
My method requires space that scales with the number of possible values for elements, but has O(n) time complexity.
I've made no effort to check that the sum doesn't overflow an unsigned long, I just assume that it won't. Same for checking that any input values are in fact no more than max_val. These are details that would have to be addressed.
For each possible value, it keeps track of how much would be added to the sum if one of that element is encountered in total_distance. In instances_so_far, it keeps track of how many instances of a value have already been seen. This is how much would be added to total_distance each step. To make this more efficient, the last index at which a value was encountered is tracked, such that total_distance need only be added to when that particular value is encountered, instead of having nested loops that add every value at every step.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
// const size_t max_val = 15;
const size_t max_val = 10000000;
unsigned long instances_so_far[max_val + 1] = {0};
unsigned long total_distance[max_val + 1] = {0};
unsigned long last_index_encountered[max_val + 1];
// void print_array(unsigned long *array, size_t len) {
// printf("{");
// for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
// printf("%lu,", array[i]);
// }
// printf("}\n");
// }
unsigned long get_sum(unsigned long *array, size_t len) {
unsigned long sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (instances_so_far[array[i]] >= 1) {
total_distance[array[i]] += (i - last_index_encountered[array[i]]) * instances_so_far[array[i]] - 1;
sum += total_distance[array[i]];
instances_so_far[array[i]] += 1;
last_index_encountered[array[i]] = i;
// printf("inst ");
// print_array(instances_so_far, max_val + 1);
// printf("totd ");
// print_array(total_distance, max_val + 1);
// printf("encn ");
// print_array(last_index_encountered, max_val + 1);
// printf("sums %lu\n", sum);
// printf("\n");
return sum;
unsigned long test[] = {0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,0};
int main(void) {
printf("%lu\n", get_sum(test, sizeof(test) / sizeof(test[0])));
return 0;
I've tested it with a few of the examples here, and gotten the answers I expected.
I had to use static storage for the arrays because they overflowed the stack if put there.
I've left in the commented-out code I used for debugging, it's helpful to understand what's going on, if you reduce max_val to a smaller number.
Please let me know if you find a counter-example that fails.
Here is Python 3 code for your problem. This works on all the examples given in your question and in the comments--I included the test code.
This works by looking at how each consecutive pair of repeated elements adds to the overall sum of distances. If the list has 6 elements, the pair distances are:
x x x x x x The repeated element's locations in the array
-- First, consecutive pairs
----- Now, pairs that have one element inside
-------- Now, pairs that have two elements inside
----------- Now, pairs that have three elements inside
-------------- Now, pairs that have four elements inside
If we look down between each consecutive pair, we see that it adds to the overall sum of all pairs:
5 8 9 8 5
And if we look at the differences between those values we get
3 1 -1 -3
Now if we use my preferred definition of "distance" for a pairs, namely the difference of their indices, we can use those multiplicities for consecutive pairs to calculate the overall sum of distances for all pairs. But since your definition is not mine, we calculate the sum for my definition then adjust it for your definition.
This code makes one pass through the original array to get the occurrences for each element value in the array, then another pass through those distinct element values. (I used the pairwise routine to avoid another pass through the array.) That makes my algorithm O(n) in time complexity, where n is the length of the array. This is much better than the naive O(n^2). Since my code builds an array of the repeated elements, once per unique element value, this has space complexity of at worst O(n).
import collections
import itertools
def pairwise(iterable):
"""s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."""
a, b = itertools.tee(iterable)
next(b, None)
return zip(a, b)
def sum_distances_of_pairs(alist):
# Make a dictionary giving the indices for each element of the list.
element_ndxs = collections.defaultdict(list)
for ndx, element in enumerate(alist):
# Sum the distances of pairs for each element, using my def of distance
sum_of_all_pair_distances = 0
for element, ndx_list in element_ndxs.items():
# Filter out elements not occurring more than once and count the rest
if len(ndx_list) < 2:
# Sum the distances of pairs for this element, using my def of distance
sum_of_pair_distances = 0
multiplicity = len(ndx_list) - 1
delta_multiplicity = multiplicity - 2
for ndx1, ndx2 in pairwise(ndx_list):
# Update the contribution of this consecutive pair to the sum
sum_of_pair_distances += multiplicity * (ndx2 - ndx1)
# Prepare for the next consecutive pair
multiplicity += delta_multiplicity
delta_multiplicity -= 2
# Adjust that sum of distances for the desired definition of distance
cnt_all_pairs = len(ndx_list) * (len(ndx_list) - 1) // 2
sum_of_pair_distances -= cnt_all_pairs
# Add that sum for this element into the overall sum
sum_of_all_pair_distances += sum_of_pair_distances
return sum_of_all_pair_distances
assert sum_distances_of_pairs([0, 2, 5, 0, 5, 7, 0]) == 10
assert sum_distances_of_pairs([0, 5, 7, 0]) == 2
assert sum_distances_of_pairs([0, 2, 5, 0, 5, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0]) == 34
assert sum_distances_of_pairs([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0]) == 18
assert sum_distances_of_pairs([0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 10, 0]) == 66
assert sum_distances_of_pairs([0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0]) == 54
How to solve this question efficiently?
Given an array of size n and an integer k we need to return the sum of count of all distinct numbers in a window of size k. The window slides forward.
e.g. arr[] = {1,2,1,3,4,2,3};
Let k = 4.
The first window is {1,2,1,3}, count of distinct numbers is 2….(1 is repeated)
The second window is {2,1,3,4} count of distinct numbers is 4
The third window is {1,3,4,2} count of distinct numbers is 4
The fourth window is {3,4,2,3} count of distinct numbers is 2
You should keep track of
a map that counts frequencies of elements in your window
a current sum.
The map with frequencies can also be an array if the possible elements are from a limited set.
Then when your window slides to the right...
increase the frequency of the new number by 1.
if that frequency is now 1, add it to the current sum.
decrease the frequency of the old number by 1.
if that frequency is now 0, subtract it from the current sum.
Actually, I am the asker of the question, I am not answering the question, but i just wanted to comment on the answers, but I can't since I have very less reputation.
I think that for {1, 2, 1, 3} and k = 4, the given algorithms produce count = 3, but according to the question, the count should be 2 (since 1 is repeated)
You can use a hash table H to keep track of the window as you iterate over the array. You also keep an additional field for each entry in the hash table that tracks how many times that element occurs in your window.
You start by adding the first k elements of arr to H. Then you iterate through the rest of arr and you decrease the counter field of the element that just leaves the windows and increase the counter field of the element that enters the window.
At any point (including the initial insertion into H), if a counter field turns 1, you increase the number of distinct elements you have in your window. This can happen while the last but one occurrence of an element leaves the window or while a first occurrence enters it. If a counter field turns to any other value but 1, you decrease the number of distinct elements you have in the window.
This is a linear solution in the number of elements in arr. Hashing integers can be done like this, but depending on the language you use to implement your solution you might not really need to hash them yourself. In case the range in which the elements of arr reside in is small enough, you can use a simple array instead of the hash table, as the other contributors suggested.
This is how I solved the problem
private static int[] getSolve(int[] A, int B) {
Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < B; i++) {
map.put(A[i], map.getOrDefault(A[i], 0) + 1);
List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();
//4, 1, 3, 1, 5, 2, 5, 6, 7
//3, 1, 5, 2, 5, 6 count = 5
for (int i = B; i < A.length; i++) {
if (map.containsKey(A[i - B]) && map.get(A[i - B]) == 1) {
map.remove(A[i - B]);
if (map.containsKey(A[i - B])) {
map.put(A[i - B], map.get(A[i - B]) - 1);
map.put(A[i], map.getOrDefault(A[i], 0) + 1);
return -> i).toArray();
You are given an array of integers. You have to output the largest range so that all numbers in the range are present in the array. The numbers might be present in any order. For example, suppose that the array is
{2, 10, 3, 12, 5, 4, 11, 8, 7, 6, 15}
Here we find two (nontrivial) ranges for which all the integers in these ranges are present in the array, namely [2,8] and [10,12]. Out of these [2,8] is the longer one. So we need to output that.
When I was given this question, I was asked to do this in linear time and without using any sorting. I thought that there might be a hash-based solution, but I couldn't come up with anything.
Here's my attempt at a solution:
void printRange(int arr[])
int n=sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int);
int size=2;
int tempans[2];
int answer[2];// the range is stored in another array
for(int i =0;i<n;i++)
if(arr[i] < answer[1])
size += 1;
else if(arr[i]>answer[1]) {
initialize tempans to new range;
else {
initialize tempans to new range
//I have to check when the count becomes equal to the diff of the range
I am stuck at this part... I can't figure out how many tempanswer[] arrays should be used.
I think that the following solution will work in O(n) time using O(n) space.
Begin by putting all of the entries in the array into a hash table. Next, create a second hash table which stores elements that we have "visited," which is initially empty.
Now, iterate across the array of elements one at a time. For each element, check if the element is in the visited set. If so, skip it. Otherwise, count up from that element upward. At each step, check if the current number is in the main hash table. If so, continue onward and mark the current value as part of the visited set. If not, stop. Next, repeat this procedure, except counting downward. This tells us the number of contiguous elements in the range containing this particular array value. If we keep track of the largest range found this way, we will have a solution to our problem.
The runtime complexity of this algorithm is O(n). To see this, note that we can build the hash table in the first step in O(n) time. Next, when we begin scanning to array to find the largest range, each range scanned takes time proportional to the length of that range. Since the total sum of the lengths of the ranges is the number of elements in the original array, and since we never scan the same range twice (because we mark each number that we visit), this second step takes O(n) time as well, for a net runtime of O(n).
EDIT: If you're curious, I have a Java implementation of this algorithm, along with a much more detailed analysis of why it works and why it has the correct runtime. It also explores a few edge cases that aren't apparent in the initial description of the algorithm (for example, how to handle integer overflow).
Hope this helps!
The solution could use BitSet:
public static void detect(int []ns) {
BitSet bs = new BitSet();
for (int i = 0; i < ns.length; i++) {
int begin = 0;
int setpos = -1;
while((setpos = bs.nextSetBit(begin)) >= 0) {
begin = bs.nextClearBit(setpos);
System.out.print("[" + setpos + " , " + (begin - 1) + "]");
Sample I/O:
detect(new int[] {2,10, 3, 12, 5,4, 11, 8, 7, 6, 15} );
[2,8] [10,12] [15,15]
Here is the solution in Java:
public class Solution {
public int longestConsecutive(int[] num) {
int longest = 0;
Map<Integer, Boolean> map = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>();
for(int i = 0; i< num.length; i++){
map.put(num[i], false);
int l, k;
for(int i = 0;i < num.length;i++){
if(map.containsKey(num[i]-1) || map.get(num[i])) continue;
map.put(num[i], true);
l = 0; k = num[i];
while (map.containsKey(k)){
if(longest < l) longest = l;
return longest;
Other approaches here.
The above answer by template will work but you don't need a hash table. Hashing could take a long time depending on what algorithm you use. You can ask the interviewer if there's a max number the integer can be, then create an array of that size. Call it exist[] Then scan through arr and mark exist[i] = 1; Then iterate through exist[] keeping track of 4 variables, size of current largest range, and the beginning of the current largest range, size of current range, and beginning of current range. When you see exist[i] = 0, compare the current range values vs largest range values and update the largest range values if needed.
If there's no max value then you might have to go with the hashing method.
Actually considering that we're only sorting integers and therefore a comparision sort is NOT necessary, you can just sort the array using a Radix- or BucketSort and then iterate through it.
Simple and certainly not what the interviewee wanted to hear, but correct nonetheless ;)
A Haskell implementation of Grigor Gevorgyan's solution, from another who didn't get a chance to post before the question was marked as a duplicate...(simply updates the hash and the longest range so far, while traversing the list)
import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as H
import Control.Monad.Random
f list = do
h <- :: IO (H.BasicHashTable Int Int)
g list (0,[]) h where
g [] best h = return best
g (x:xs) best h = do
m <- H.lookup h x
case m of
Just _ -> g xs best h
otherwise -> do
(xValue,newRange) <- test
H.insert h x xValue
g xs (maximum [best,newRange]) h
test = do
m1 <- H.lookup h (x-1)
m2 <- H.lookup h (x+1)
case m1 of
Just x1 -> case m2 of
Just x2 -> do H.insert h (x-1) x2
H.insert h (x+1) x1
return (x,(x2 - x1 + 1,[x1,x2]))
Nothing -> do H.insert h (x-1) x
return (x1,(x - x1 + 1,[x,x1]))
Nothing -> case m2 of
Just x2 -> do H.insert h (x+1) x
return (x2,(x2 - x + 1,[x,x2]))
Nothing -> do return (x,(1,[x]))
rnd :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Int
rnd = getRandomR (-100,100)
main = do
values <- evalRandIO (sequence (replicate (1000000) rnd))
f values >>= print
*Main> main
(5.30 secs, 1132898932 bytes)
I read a lot of solutions on multiple platforms to this problem and one got my attention, as it solves the problem very elegantly and it is easy to follow.
The backbone of this method is to create a set/hash which takes O(n) time and from there every access to the set/hash will be O(1). As the O-Notation omit's constant terms, this Algorithm still can be described overall as O(n)
def longestConsecutive(self, nums):
nums = set(nums) # Create Hash O(1)
best = 0
for x in nums:
if x - 1 not in nums: # Optimization
y = x + 1 # Get possible next number
while y in nums: # If the next number is in set/hash
y += 1 # keep counting
best = max(best, y - x) # counting done, update best
return best
It's straight forward if you ran over it with simple numbers. The Optimization step is just a short-circuit to make sure you start counting, when that specific number is the beginning of a sequence.
All Credits to Stefan Pochmann.
Very short solution using Javascript sparse array feature:
O(n) time using O(n) additional space.
var arr = [2, 10, 3, 12, 5, 4, 11, 8, 7, 6, 15];
var a = [];
var count = 0, max_count = 0;
for (var i=0; i < arr.length; i++) a[arr[i]] = true;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
count = (a[i]) ? count + 1 : 0;
max_count = Math.max(max_count, count);
console.log(max_count); // 7
A quick way to do it (PHP) :
$tab = array(14,12,1,5,7,3,4,10,11,8);
$tab = array_values($tab);
$tab_contiguous = array();
foreach ($tab as $key => $val) {
$tab_contiguous[$i][] = $tab[$key];
if (isset($tab[$key+1])) {
if($tab[$key] + 1 != $tab[$key+1])
i have an array which might contain duplicate elements(more than two duplicates of an element). I wonder if it's possible to find and remove the duplicates in the array:
without using Hash Table (strict requirement)
without using a temporary secondary array. No restrictions on complexity.
P.S: This is not Home work question
Was asked to my friend in yahoo technical interview
Sort the source array. Find consecutive elements that are equal. (I.e. what std::unique does in C++ land). Total complexity is N lg N, or merely N if the input is already sorted.
To remove duplicates, you can copy elements from later in the array over elements earlier in the array also in linear time. Simply keep a pointer to the new logical end of the container, and copy the next distinct element to that new logical end at each step. (Again, exactly like std::unique does (In fact, why not just download an implementation of std::unique and do exactly what it does? :P))
O(NlogN) : Sort and replace consecutive same element with one copy.
O(N2) : Run nested loop to compare each element with the remaining elements in the array, if duplicate found, swap the duplicate with the element at the end of the array and decrease the array size by 1.
No restrictions on complexity.
So this is a piece of cake.
// A[1], A[2], A[3], ... A[i], ... A[n]
// O(n^2)
for(i=2; i<=n; i++)
duplicate = false;
for(j=1; j<i; j++)
if(A[i] == A[j])
{duplicate = true; break;}
// "remove" A[i] by moving all elements from its left over it
for(j=i; j<n; j++)
A[j] = A[j+1];
In-place duplicate removal that preserves the existing order of the list, in quadratic time:
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
for (var j = i + 1; j < list.length;) {
if (list[i] == list[j]) {
list.splice(j, 1);
} else {
The trick is to start the inner loop on i + 1 and not increment the inner counter when you remove an element.
The code is JavaScript, splice(x, 1) removes the element at x.
If order preservation isn't an issue, then you can do it quicker:
for (var i = 1; i < list.length;) {
if (list[i] == list[i - 1]) {
list.splice(i, 1);
} else {
Which is linear, unless you count the sort, which you should, so it's of the order of the sort -- in most cases n × log(n).
In functional languages you can combine sorting and unicification (is that a real word?) in one pass.
Let's take the standard quick sort algorithm:
- Take the first element of the input (x) and the remaining elements (xs)
- Make two new lists
- left: all elements in xs smaller than or equal to x
- right: all elements in xs larger than x
- apply quick sort on the left and right lists
- return the concatenation of the left list, x, and the right list
- P.S. quick sort on an empty list is an empty list (don't forget base case!)
If you want only unique entries, replace
left: all elements in xs smaller than or equal to x
left: all elements in xs smaller than x
This is a one-pass O(n log n) algorithm.
Example implementation in F#:
let rec qsort = function
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> let left,right = List.partition (fun el -> el <= x) xs
qsort left # [x] # qsort right
let rec qsortu = function
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> let left = List.filter (fun el -> el < x) xs
let right = List.filter (fun el -> el > x) xs
qsortu left # [x] # qsortu right
And a test in interactive mode:
> qsortu [42;42;42;42;42];;
val it : int list = [42]
> qsortu [5;4;4;3;3;3;2;2;2;2;1];;
val it : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
> qsortu [3;1;4;1;5;9;2;6;5;3;5;8;9];;
val it : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8; 9]
Since it's an interview question it is usually expected by the interviewer to be asked precisions about the problem.
With no alternative storage allowed (that is O(1) storage allowed in that you'll probably use some counters / pointers), it seems obvious that a destructive operation is expected, it might be worth pointing it out to the interviewer.
Now the real question is: do you want to preserve the relative order of the elements ? ie is this operation supposed to be stable ?
Stability hugely impact the available algorithms (and thus the complexity).
The most obvious choice is to list Sorting Algorithms, after all, once the data is sorted, it's pretty easy to get unique elements.
But if you want stability, you cannot actually sort the data (since you could not get the "right" order back) and thus I wonder if it solvable in less than O(N**2) if stability is involved.
doesn't use a hash table per se but i know behind the scenes it's an implementation of one. Nevertheless, thought I might post in case it can help. This is in JavaScript and uses an associative array to record duplicates to pass over
function removeDuplicates(arr) {
var results = [], dups = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
// check if not a duplicate
if (dups[arr[i]] === undefined) {
// save for next check to indicate duplicate
dups[arr[i]] = 1;
// is unique. append to output array
return results;
Let me do this in Python.
array1 = [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,5,6,4,4,5,5,5,5,10,10,8,7,7,9,10]
current = NONE
count = 0
# overwriting the numbers at the frontal part of the array
for item in array1:
if item != current:
array1[count] = item
count +=1
print(array1)#[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10]
print(array1[:count])#[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
The most Efficient method is :
array1 = [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,5,6,4,4,5,5,5,5,10,10,8,7,7,9,10]
print([*dict.fromkeys(array1)])#[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
aa = list(dict.fromkeys(array1))
print( aa)#[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Suppose we have an array
a1, a2,... , an, b1, b2, ..., bn.
The goal is to change this array to
a1, b1, a2, b2, ..., an, bn in O(n) time and in O(1) space.
In other words, we need a linear-time algorithm to modify the array in place, with no more than a constant amount of extra storage.
How can this be done?
This is the sequence and notes I worked out with pen and paper. I think it, or a variation, will hold for any larger n.
Each line represents a different step and () signifies what is being moved this step and [] is what has been moved from last step. The array itself is used as storage and two pointers (one for L and one for N) are required to determine what to move next. L means "letter line" and N is "number line" (what is moved).
A B C D 1 2 3 4
L A B C (D) 1 2 3 4 First is L, no need to move last N
N A B C (3) 1 2 [D] 4
L A B (C) 2 1 [3] D 4
N A B 1 (2) [C] 3 D 4
L A (B) 1 [2] C 3 D 4
N A (1) [B] 2 C 3 D 4
A [1] B 2 C 3 D 4 Done, no need to move A
Note the varying "pointer jumps" - the L pointer always decrements by 1 (as it can not be eaten into faster than that), but the N pointer jumps according to if it "replaced itself" (in spot, jump down two) or if it swapped something in (no jump, so the next something can get its go!).
This problem isn't as easy as it seems, but after some thought, the algorithm to accomplish this isn't too bad. You'll notice the first and last element are already in place, so we don't need to worry about them. We will keep a left index variable which represents the first item in the first half of the array that needs changed. After that we set a right index variable to the first item in the 2nd half of the array that needs changed. Now all we do is swap the item at the right index down one-by-one until it reaches the left index item. Increment the left index by 2 and the right index by 1, and repeat until the indexes overlap or the left goes past the right index (the right index will always end on the last index of the array). We increment the left index by two every time because the item at left + 1 has already naturally fallen into place.
Set left index to 1
Set right index to the middle (array length / 2)
Swap the item at the right index with the item directly preceding it until it replaces the item at the left index
Increment the left index by 2
Increment the right index by 1
Repeat 3 through 5 until the left index becomes greater than or equal to the right index
Interleaving algorithm in C(#)
protected void Interleave(int[] arr)
int left = 1;
int right = arr.Length / 2;
int temp;
while (left < right)
for (int i = right; i > left; i--)
temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[i - 1];
arr[i - 1] = temp;
left += 2;
right += 1;
This algorithm uses O(1) storage (with the temp variable, which could be eliminated using the addition/subtraction swap technique) I'm not very good at runtime analysis, but I believe this is still O(n) even though we're performing many swaps. Perhaps someone can further explore its runtime analysis.
First, the theory: Rearrange the elements in 'permutation cycles'. Take an element and place it at its new position, displacing the element that is currently there. Then you take that displaced element and put it in its new position. This displaces yet another element, so rinse and repeat. If the element displaced belongs to the position of the element you first started with, you have completed one cycle.
Actually, yours is a special case of the question I asked here, which was: How do you rearrange an array to any given order in O(N) time and O(1) space? In my question, the rearranged positions are described by an array of numbers, where the number at the nth position specifies the index of the element in the original array.
However, you don't have this additional array in your problem, and allocating it would take O(N) space. Fortunately, we can calculate the value of any element in this array on the fly, like this:
int rearrange_pos(int x) {
if (x % 2 == 0) return x / 2;
else return (x - 1) / 2 + n; // where n is half the size of the total array
I won't duplicate the rearranging algorithm itself here; it can be found in the accepted answer for my question.
Edit: As Jason has pointed out, the answer I linked to still needs to allocate an array of bools, making it O(N) space. This is because a permutation can be made up of multiple cycles. I've been trying to eliminate the need for this array for your special case, but without success.. There doesn't seem to be any usable pattern. Maybe someone else can help you here.
It's called in-place in-shuffle problem. Here is its implementation in C++ based on here.
void in_place_in_shuffle(int arr[], int length)
assert(arr && length>0 && !(length&1));
// shuffle to {5, 0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4}
int i,startPos=0;
// local swap to {0, 5, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 4, 9}
for (int i=0; i<length; i+=2)
swap(arr[i], arr[i+1]);
// cycle
void _Cycle(int Data[],int Lenth,int Start)
int Cur_index,Temp1,Temp2;
// loop-move array
void _Reverse(int Data[],int Len)
int i,Temp;
void _ShiftN(int Data[],int Len,int N)
// perfect shuffle of satisfying [Lenth=3^k-1]
void _PerfectShuffle(int Data[],int Lenth)
int i=1;
// look for 3^k that nearnest to N
int _LookUp(int N)
int i=3;
while(i<=N+1) i*=3;
if(i>3) i=i/3;
return i;
int arr[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
int length = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int);
in_place_in_shuffle(arr, length);
After this, arr[] will be {0, 5, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 4, 9}.
If you can transform the array into a linked-list first, the problem becomes trivial.