Tipsy +Views Tooltip is not working - drupal-7

I want to show Tooltip inside Views UI. I installed following two modules:-
Views Tooltip
I have following fields in the Views UI:-
Now add field "Global: Tooltip" inside Views UI. I gave a simple "Hello" in the "Tooltip text".
My requirement is to simply show the hello text as tooltip for snaps inside View.
Tipsy Configuration are as follows:-
Please let me know what am I doing wrong as tooltip is not being shown.

Try checking "child" under content class and check that your page output (use firebug or whatever) does not place the tooltip content class as a sibling (same level) as the tooltip class.


NSOutlineView spring loading exits over NSImageView but not NSButton

I have an NSOutlineView subclass that implements the NSSpringLoadingDestination.
The outline view is populated with NSTableCellViews. Each table cell view has an NSTextField and NSImageView. It looks just like the name column in the Finder window: icon and text.
When I drag a row over the text field in another row everything works fine. When the cursor goes over the NSImageView, however, the spring loading exits.
The outline view also loses the highlight for that row.
If I replace the image view with an NSButton containing the image, the spring loading does not exit. And the outline view maintains the highlight.
Can anyone tell me why an NSControl does not interrupt the spring loading but an NSImageView does?
I have tried overriding some different NSView methods but I can’t get the image view to behave like the button.
Even when an image view is uneditable it apparently still handles drag & drop. To fix this call the image view's unregisterDraggedTypes method.

Drupal hide comment form in initial page load

I'm using drupal 7 and want to hide my comment form for any content type to be hidden by default. I just need "Add comment" button, once i click on it, then it should render comment form. Is there any module / way to achieve this.
you could hide the comment form in CSS with something like
plus a selector specific for one content type if you want.
Then add a javascript in that page adding some code to your subtheme's page.tpl.php that is in your subthem's templates folder (if there is no such file copy it from te parent theme templates folder)
And in the file.js you define the function to show/hide the comment form, i.e. to change the style of #comment-form to display:block;
Then you have to create the button and you can do this in several ways:
you can create a custom block with the code for the button, you can add it in the node.tpl.php template. You can add a custom field to the content type with Display Suite code field, or maybe other modules.
This is just one way to do it.

Component as grid emptyText in ExtJS?

I want to display a component as emptyText for a grid, the ExtJS documentation states that only HTML can be shown.
For example a button that pop-ups a create window, as shown below:
Is there a workaround to use a component in a grid, or perhaps even a config that I'm missing?
Of course you can do that, just that you will have to debug a lot in order to see how to do that. That's why I have an alternative: add a hidden docked toolbar with your "Create new employee" button. Then add an listener for the load store event, and when no records are available, simply show the toolbar, otherwise hide the toolbar.

how do i determine the label for a checkboxrow in bootstrap for yii?

hello i'm having problems with the labels of checkboxes. when i use more than one model of the same class in a single view the checkboxes seem not to use the names from attributeLabels of that model.
i.e. if i have this in my view:
the checkbox get rendered with a label "[left]special request" instead of "Special Request" as stated in the attributeLabels of the Color model.
on the other hand dropdown lists, text field, etc are rendered correctly.
i have noticed this bug/feature after updating bootstrap from version 0.9.12.r211 to 1.0.0.r296.
The checkBoxRow and all methods ended with Row get the label from the array returned by Model->attributeLabels().
You can either change the autogenerated labels or use the TbLabel widget.
Choose the best for your issue.

Referencing current dialog in ExtJS from a CQ5 component dialog

I'm new to CQ5 and ExtJS and this is my scenario:
I created a new component with its own dialog for authoring. In the dialog I added a checkbox field with a custom xtype that I created. What I want to do is this:
Whenever the checkbox is checked/unchecked, I want to dynamically add/remove a TAB to the existing dialog to show further authoring options.
I've seen how to handle ExtJS' Window and TabPanel but I can't figure out how to get the reference of the dialog I'm in so that I can manipulate it (add/remove tabs).
I tried CQ.Ext.WindowMgr.getActive() to see if that gets me my window/dialog but it's not giving me what I expect.
Any ideas? Thanks!
You probably want to add listener(s) to your field. Dialogs
You should be able to use this.findParentByType to find the parent dialog.
