Database Architecture, Central and/vs Localized Server - database

The system in question is for a company with multiple locations. Unreliable internet speeds/availability at some locations have led to the path of a local server at each location off of which a location and a central server.
The role of the local server is for each location to be able to run no matter if it is connected to the outside world or not, or to eliminate high latency if the the connection speed is less than optimal.
The role of the central server is two-fold:
Configuration, policy, user, etc, management. For example, new products, price changes, promotions, user changes, etc, are done on the central server and then distributed to the local servers so they have the most up to date info.
Centralize all data created at each location to run reports, analytics and warehouse data.
The question of how much data to keep on the local server is debatable. For example some processes are dependent upon not just that one location, like customer loyalty, so a query must be run to the central server to check user activity and determine incentives. On the other hand, active customer base should be within the scope of the local servers data.
I lack experience in these types of distributed systems. My question is what database should we use that will facilitate this type of setup, hopefully incorporating the functionality to work automatically without much coding needed to achieve the data syncs to/from central server.

Master-Slave Replication:
In this type of replication one server (the master) accepts writes and will replicate the changes to read replicas(slaves)
Read Scalability
Master is a point of failure for all the nodes (SPOF)
In this setup all the database servers accepts read and writes and synchronize together.
Read and Write Scalability
Performance is worse than Master-Slave
Master-Master is harder to setup and maintain. Possibility of id collisions.
Any Popular Database Server these days supports the features above.


Load balancer and multiple instance of database design

The current single application server can handle about 5000 concurrent requests. However, the user base will be over millions and I may need to have two application servers to handle requests.
So the design is to have a load balancer to hope it will handle over 10000 concurrent requests. However, the data of each users are being stored in one single database. So the design is to have two or more servers, shall I do the followings?
Having two instances of databases
Real-time sync between two database
Is this correct?
However, if so, will the sync process lower down the performance of the servers
as Database replication seems costly.
Thank you.
You probably want to think of your service in "tiers". In this instance, you've got two tiers; the application tier and the database tier.
Typically, your application tier is going to be considerably easier to scale horizontally (i.e. by adding more application servers behind a load balancer) than your database tier.
With that in mind, the best approach is probably to overprovision your database (i.e. put it on its own, meaty server) and have your application servers all connect to that same database. Depending on the database software you're using, you could also look at using read replicas (AWS docs) to reduce the strain on your database.
You can also look at caching via Memcached / Redis to reduce the amount of load you're placing on the database.
So – tl;dr – put your DB on its own, big, server, and spread your application code across many small servers, all connecting to that same DB server.
Best option could be the synchronizing the standby node with data from active node as cost effective solution since it can be achievable using open source relational database(e.g. Maria DB).
Do not store computable results and statistics that can be easily doable at run time which may help reduce to data size.
If history data is not needed urgent for inquiries , it can be written to text file in easily importable format to database(e.g. .csv).
Data objects that are very oftenly updated can be kept in in-memory database as key value pair, use scheduled task to perform batch update/insert to relation database to achieve persistence
Implement retry logic for database batch update tasks to handle db downtimes or network errors
Consider writing data to relational database as serialized objects
Cache configuration data to memory from database either periodically or via API to refresh the changing part.

How to achieve consistency among multiple databases? [duplicate]

What is database clustering? If you allow the same database to be on 2 different servers how do they keep the data between synchronized. And how does this differ from load balancing from a database server perspective?
Database clustering is a bit of an ambiguous term, some vendors consider a cluster having two or more servers share the same storage, some others call a cluster a set of replicated servers.
Replication defines the method by which a set of servers remain synchronized without having to share the storage being able to be geographically disperse, there are two main ways of going about it:
master-master (or multi-master) replication: Any server can update the database. It is usually taken care of by a different module within the database (or a whole different software running on top of them in some cases).
Downside is that it is very hard to do well, and some systems lose ACID properties when in this mode of replication.
Upside is that it is flexible and you can support the failure of any server while still having the database updated.
master-slave replication: There is only a single copy of authoritative data, which is the pushed to the slave servers.
Downside is that it is less fault tolerant, if the master dies, there are no further changes in the slaves.
Upside is that it is easier to do than multi-master and it usually preserve ACID properties.
Load balancing is a different concept, it consists distributing the queries sent to those servers so the load is as evenly distributed as possible. It is usually done at the application layer (or with a connection pool). The only direct relation between replication and load balancing is that you need some replication to be able to load balance, else you'd have a single server.
From SQL Server point of view:
Clustering will give you an active - passive configuration. Meaning in a 2 node cluster, one of them will be the active (serving) and the other one will be passive (waiting to take over when the active node fails). It's a high availability from hardware point of view.
You can have an active-active cluster, but it will require multiple instances of SQL Server running on each node. (i.e. Instance 1 on Node A failing over to Instance 2 on Node B, and instance 1 on Node B failing over to instance 2 on Node A).
Load balancing (at least from SQL Server point of view) does not exists (at least in the same sense of web server load balancing). You can't balance load that way. However, you can split your application to run on some database on server 1 and also run on some database on server 2, etc. This is the primary mean of "load balancing" in SQL world.
Clustering uses shared storage of some kind (a drive cage or a SAN, for example), and puts two database front-ends on it. The front end servers share an IP address and cluster network name that clients use to connect, and they decide between themselves who is currently in charge of serving client requests.
If you're asking about a particular database server, add that to your question and we can add details on their implementation, but at its core, that's what clustering is.
Database Clustering is actually a mode of synchronous replication between two or possibly more nodes with an added functionality of fault tolerance added to your system, and that too in a shared nothing architecture. By shared nothing it means that the individual nodes actually don't share any physical resources like disk or memory.
As far as keeping the data synchronized is concerned, there is a management server to which all the data nodes are connected along with the SQL node to achieve this(talking specifically about MySQL).
Now about the differences: load balancing is just one result that could be achieved through clustering, the others include high availability, scalability and fault tolerance.

NServiceBus Database Backup

I am looking to set up a system that consist of various autonomous services communicating via NServiceBus. This system will be deployed in various configurations (some services may be excluded, services will be setup differently) at client locations. These locations will often be large warehouses and will not have a massive IT infrastructure. The services may all sit on one machine, or on many different ones; this may be different for every site. Most sites will have one active DB server (usually SQL server) and a back-up server. Sites will make scheduled back-ups of the DB at various intervals - let's say daily.
Each service has it's own data store (this could be a truly separate database or segregated tables in a shared schema). Each service of course also has it's own message queues. Although the services are autonomous they do locally store (referentially in their own DB) information from other services as a type of local read-only cache, this data is derived from received messages.
Here is the question: How do I make a meaningful (i.e. consistent and restorable) back-up of this system?
I have read the following related answer by Udi Dahan on this subject:
My problem with this answer is this: There is no data center, no SAN; no snapshots. There are "normal" sysadmins that are used to backing up DBs on-site and/or off-site.
If your client sites are not going to invest in some kind of infrastructure to support some sort of fail safe for MSMQ, then you may be able to leverage the Audit/Gateway feature of NSB. With this turned on you could have the client messages audited and stored over to some infrastructure that you manage. You would have to work out the details on how to restore the messages, but at least you would have them offsite somewhere.

Caching to a local SQL instance on a web server

I run a very high traffic(10m impressions a day)/high revenue generating web site built with .net. The core meta data is stored on a SQL server. My team and I have a unique caching strategy that involves querying the database for new meta data at regular intervals from a middle tier server, serializing the data to files and sending those to the web nodes. The web application uses the data in these files (some are actually serialized objects) to instantiate objects and caches those in memory to use for real time requests.
The advantage of this model is that it:
Allows the web nodes to cache all data in memory and not incur any IO overhead querying a database.
If the database ever goes down either unexpectedly or for maintenance windows, the web servers will continue to run and generate revenue. You can even fire up a web server without having to retrieve its initial data from the DB because all the data it needs are in files on its own disks.
Allows us to be completely horizontally scalable. If throughput suffers, we can just add a web server.
The disadvantages are that this caching and persistense layers adds complexity in the code that queries the database, packages the data and unpackages it on the web server. Any time our domain model requires us to add entities, more of this "plumbing" has to be coded. This architecture has been in place for four years and there are probably better ways to tackle this.
One strategy I have been considering is using replication to replicate our master sql server database to local database instances installed on each web server. The web server application would use normal sql/ORM techniques to instantiate objects. Here, we can still sustain a master database outage and we would not have to code up specialized caching code and could instead use nHibernate to handle the persistence.
This seems like a more elegant solution and would like to see what others think or if anyone else has any alternatives to suggest.
I think you're overthinking this. SQL Server already has mechanisms available to you to handle these kinds of things.
First, implement a SQL Server cluster to protect your main database. You can fail over from node to node in the cluster without losing data, and downtime is a matter of seconds, max.
Second, implement database mirroring to protect from a cluster failure. Depending on whether you use synchronous or asynchronous mirroring, your mirrored server will either be updated in realtime or a few minutes behind. If you do it in realtime, you can fail over to the mirror automatically inside your app - SQL Server 2005 & above support embedding the mirror server's name in the connection string, so you don't even have to lift a finger. The app just connects to whatever server's live.
Between these two things, you're protected from just about any main database failure short of a datacenter-wide power outage or network outage, and there's none of the complexity of the replication stuff. That covers your high availability issue, and lets you answer the scaling question separately.
My favorite starting point for scaling is using three separate connection strings in your application, and choose the right one based on the needs of your query:
Realtime - Points directly at the one master server. All writes go to this connection string, and only the most mission-critical reads go here.
Near-Realtime - Points at a load balanced pool of read-only SQL Servers that are getting updated by replication or log shipping. In your original design, these lived on the web servers, but that's dangerous practice and a maintenance nightmare. SQL Server needs a lot of memory (not to mention money for licensing) and you don't want to be tied into adding a database server for every single web server.
Delayed Reporting - In your environment right now, it's going to point to the same load-balanced pool of subscribers, but down the road you can use a technology like log shipping to have a pool of servers 8-24 hours behind. These scale out really well, but the data's far behind. It's great for reporting, search, long-term history, and other non-realtime needs.
If you design your app to use those 3 connection strings from the start, scaling is a lot easier, and doesn't involve any coding complexity - just pick the right connection string.
Have you considered memcached? Since it is:
in memory
can run locally
fully scalable horizontally
prevents the need to re-cache on each web server
It may fit the bill. Check out Google for lots of details and usage stories.
Just some addition to what RickNZ proposed above..
Since your master data which you are caching currently won't change so frequently and probably over some maintenance window, here is what should you do first on database side:
Create a SNAPSHOT replication for the master tables which you want to cache. Adding new entities will be equally easy.
On all the webservers, install SQL Express and subscribe to this Publication.
Since, this is not a frequently changing data, you can rest assure, no much server resource usage issue minus network trips for master data.
All your caching which was available via previous mechanism is still availbale minus all headache which comes when you add new entities.
Next, you can leverage .NET mechanisms as suggested above. You won't face memcached cluster failure unless your webserver itself goes down. There is a lot availble in .NET which a .NET pro can point out after this stage.
It seems to me that Windows Server AppFabric is exactly what you are looking for. (AKA "Velocity"). From the introductory documentation:
Windows Server AppFabric provides a
distributed in-memory application
cache platform for developing
scalable, available, and
high-performance applications.
AppFabric fuses memory across multiple
computers to give a single unified
cache view to applications.
Applications can store any
serializable CLR object without
worrying about where the object gets
stored. Scalability can be achieved by
simply adding more computers on
demand. The cache also allows for
copies of data to be stored across the
cluster, thus protecting data against
failures. It runs as a service
accessed over the network. In
addition, Windows Server AppFabric
provides seamless integration with
ASP.NET that enables ASP.NET session
objects to be stored in the
distributed cache without having to
write to databases. This increases
both the performance and scalability
of ASP.NET applications.
Have you considered using SqlDependency caching?
You could also write the data to the local disk at the web tier, if you're concerned about initial start-up time or DB outages. But at least with a SqlDependency, you shouldn't have to poll the DB to look for changes. It can also be made relatively transparent.
In my experience, adding a DB instance on web servers generally doesn't work out too well from a scalability or performance perspective.
If you're concerned about performance and scalability, you might consider partitioning your data tier. The specifics depend on your app, but as an example, you could move read-only data onto a couple of SQL Express servers that are populated with replication.
In case it helps, I talk about this subject at length in my book (Ultra-Fast ASP.NET).

What is the use of replication in SQLSERVER2005

Hi can any body tell me what is use of replication in sqlserver2005.
backup and replicaton looks same?what is diference b/w them
Backups are exactly that: backups. They enable you to recover the data if something bad happens.
Replication is another beast entirely. It basically distributes the data across multiple nodes so that each node has a complete, (close to) up-to-date copy of the data.
There are a number of reasons why you would use replication including, but not limited to:
High availability so that, if one node goes down, other nodes can still service requests.
Geographical distribution, meaning your data can be placed close to those that need it. Clients in Belarus don't need to go all the way to Montana to get the data if you maintain a local replica in Belarus (or somewhere close) - this is for performance. You may have 10,000 clients in Belarus - it's quicker to send one copy over than have all 10,000 request data [although this depends on how often they request data].
Prioritization. If your reporting users (bank management) have a lower service level agreement than your customer-facing staff (bank tellers) [and they should], you can put all the management onto a replica so as not to slow down the primary copy.
Replication is used for a different purpose, for example to make reports without putting that load on the 'real' database.
Replication increases system availability. If one set of database is down, you can serve out of replica.
Backup saves you from catastrophic errors such as human error that dropped the production database. Note that in this case, replication won't save you as it will dutifully replicate drop command.
SQL Server replication is the process of distributing data from a source database to one or more destination databases throughout the enterprise.
Replication is a great solution for maintaining a reporting server.
Clients at the site to which the data is replicated experience improved performance because those clients can access data locally rather than connecting to a remote database server over a network.
Clients at all sites experience improved availability of replicated data. If the local copy of the replicated data is unavailable, clients can still access the remote copy of the data.
Replication: Lots of data, fast and most recent.
Backup/Restore: Some data, perhaps a bit slower, and a specific point in time.
Replication can be used to address a number of different scenarios as detailed below.
Just to be clear however, Replication is not the same as Database Backup
Server to server: Replicating Data in a Server to Server Environment
Improving Scalability and Availability
Data Warehousing and Reporting
Integrating Data from Multiple Sites(Server)
Integrating Heterogeneous
Data Offloading Batch Processing
Server to client: Replicating Data Between a Server and Clients
Exchanging Data with Mobile Users
Consumer Point of Sale (POS)
Applications Integrating Data from
Multiple Sites (Client)
For a full overview of Microsoft SQL Server Replication see the following Microsoft reference.
Choose the track that is most appropriate to you (i.e. Developer / Architect) and all shall be revealed :-)
