Prevent http errors from being logged in browser console [duplicate] - angularjs

This question already has answers here:
Suppress Chrome 'Failed to load resource' messages in console
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm trying to figure out how to suppress http request and response errors in my app, for example when a bad request is made to my server, I don't want the error to be logged into the browser console. I've tried overriding the $exceptionHandler, but that logic works for all exceptions except HTTP errors, those are still logged to the browser. I've also created HTTP interceptors but the global 400 Bad Request error appears before the logic that I've put in my responseError:
'responseError': function (rejection) {
return $q.reject();
That doesn't suppress the error either, any ideas?
The error I'm getting is this:
POST http://localhost:38349/token 400 (Bad Request)

Actually Angular doesn't log this.
It's the XMLHttpRequest object that doing that (same issue here with JQuery). I extracted the logic from Angular and made a working standalone example:
var method = 'POST';
var url404 = '/tnseiartneiasrt/arsntiearsntiasrntiarnstsie';
var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();, url404, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr && xhr.readyState == 4) {
console.log('should have logged an error already :(');
As you can see, it's the xhr object that logs it. There might be a way to disable all console.log before triggering the xhr request but I think it's better to either
Redesign your error flow to return a status code of 200 embeded with an internal error code in the body
Live with the console logging (the average user doesn't even know about the console anyways)
I chose the second option because I think it's easier to understand as it doesn't require extra logic when someone reads your code.
Hope this helps :)


AngularJS $http get callback not being called with status code 401?

I have the following service that runs when I navigate to a products page:
var factory = {};
factory.getAll = function(){
console.log('success callback hit');
if(response.status === 401){
return factory;
In my express router, I check if req.isAuthenticated() and if not (which is the case I'm testing), I call:
return res.status(401).send("Not Authorized");
That's the only place in my server where I send a 401 response, so I know the $http.get(/products) is going to the right place, and I see the get request returning 401 in my console, but why aren't any of my callbacks being hit? (Nothing is logged to the console and I don't get redirected on the client.) I read something about needing to reject the promise if I'm using global interceptors, but I don't think I am using any interceptors? EDIT: This is why I don't think it's a duplicate of the question suggested since I'm not using custom interceptors.
UPDATE: My error handler was getting called, just nothing was logged in my node.js command window (duh, because it's on the client). Thanks for the help everyone!
My error handler was getting called, just nothing was logged in my node.js command window (duh, because it's on the client). Thanks for the help everyone!

Internet Explorer 9 and angular-file-upload not working properly

I'm trying to use upload a file using angular and it works very well except on IE9.
I tried but requires Flash when working with non-HTML5 browsers, so it does not work for me.
After that I tried and works! Except that after uploading the file I do some processing and maybe return an error by Bad Request. And this does not work in IE9. If the upload is successful my code does not see the Bad Request.
Well, I really don't think that the problem is my code, so I wont post anything here.
What I want is someone who had the same problems to shed me some light in what to do.
EDIT: In other words. In Chrome, status is 400 and in IE9 is 200.
uploader.onCompleteItem = function (fileItem, response, status, headers)
EDIT2: I think I found the source of the error. This is a angular-file-upload function
iframe.bind('load', function() {
try {
// Fix for legacy IE browsers that loads internal error page
// when failed WS response received. In consequence iframe
// content access denied error is thrown becouse trying to
// access cross domain page. When such thing occurs notifying
// with empty response object. See more info at:
// Note that if non standard 4xx or 5xx error code returned
// from WS then response content can be accessed without error
// but 'XHR' status becomes 200. In order to avoid confusion
// returning response via same 'success' event handler.
// fixed angular.contents() for iframes
var html = iframe[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML;
} catch (e) {}
var xhr = {response: html, status: 200, dummy: true};
var headers = {};
var response = that._transformResponse(xhr.response, headers);
that._onSuccessItem(item, response, xhr.status, headers);
that._onCompleteItem(item, response, xhr.status, headers);
But my response is always undefined
I figure out a fix. In my project it only enters the catch statement if the server returned an error. So there I fire the event onError.

$.ajax works, $http does not (status 0; CORS?)

I have a cloud service I am attempting to download data from. I can use jQuery's $.ajax function to obtain this data with no issue - all status codes expected are returned.
AngularJS is a different story and I have no idea why. I am using the $http service to get(...) my data. I know there are a few errors the $http is likely to fail on (a 404 if the user mistypes something in the registration box, or a 403 if they are not authenticated).
Yet, no matter what I attempt - I receive a status: 0 response everytime and this is pretty useless as you can imagine.
I have a basic function as follows:
function get(config) {
return $http(config)
.then(function (data) {
function (data) {
throw 'Connection error';
.finally(function () {
I use this to test the connection of one of my cloud services.
Which is fine; however - if I pass it an incorrect subdomain for my service, e.g. - I receive the following error:
Which is good - that should result in a 404 error(?).
But, the data returned in the error callback is:
Object {data: "", status: 0, headers: function, config: Object, statusText: ""}
Which is bad - it should not be 0? It should be 404. I done some research, and it appears that CORS is a bit of a headache in AngularJS $http.
However, from what I have read - it appears that CORS is enabled on my server because looking at the response in Fiddler/Chrome/IE etc., all responses are returning the Access-Control-Allow-Headers: * and Access-Control-Allow-Headers: * which is what is required for CORS.
So I am completely lost on how to further debug this, as I require this functionality in my application. But $http does not appear to be behaving how it should be?
Please can somebody assist and provide a pointer.
All error codes are returning with status: 0 and I have no idea why?
Which is good - that should result in a 404 error(?).
Nope. If you can't resolve the host name to an IP address, you can't make a TCP connection to it, so you can't even send the HTTP GET, and if you can't send the request, you can't get the response, which is where the 404 would come from. This is a lower level networking error and you don't even get to do any HTTP, so you get no HTTP status code.
This is also not a CORS error. The browser (at least Chrome) will print a really clear and explicit error message if anything goes wrong with CORS.

303 redirection not working with Angular HTTP POST

I am calling an authentication service where I do a $ which returns a 303 resonse, redirecting to a get call returning the response.
When I make the post call using Postman, I get the desired response but when I do an angular $ call, it returns me a 401 error (which is user not authorized)
Am I missing something while making the angular call? The backend service seems to work fine as it works fine on Postman.
This is how the $http call looks:
$, userData).success(function(data, status) {
//handle success
}.error(function(data, status) {
//handle error
The url and the user data is constructed absolutely fine in this case.
The reason that you get a GET call is that the browser handle the 303 response before the angular can reach that. And the handling sequence is first go to the browser and then go to the angular framework.
So briefly what happens is : you make call to the server --> the server return the 303 response -> your browser handle the 303 and make a request to some url (should be 'location' in the response header) --> the server receive the request and return the 401 authorized response --> again the browser receive the 401 response first but this time the browser redirect the response to the angular --> at last you can receive the data and status inside the error().
The solution for this could be switching to other response status code like 2xx, and you can get the location from the body. Then you can do the redirection manually. If you HAVE to use 303 or other 3xx as the response code I don't think there's any effective solution at this moment because you can't do much to the browser. As far as I know there might be a solution at browser level but don't know when that will happen.
Hope this can help anyone has the similar issue like this although it has been nearly one year since this issue raised.
Some other ref:!topic/angular/GKkdipdMbdo
There's similar solution you can see from the link above.
I faced this issue and I found a redirect url in error object after lots of hours struggle.
loginWithLinkedIn() {
let data = {
// some kind of information here
return this.http.get(``).subscribe(res => {
}, err => {
console.log(err.url) // here is the redirect url
window.location.href = err.url
Note: when you make a request and you get 303 response which is considered as error, that's why we think we are getting error but error contains useful info.

How to check response from $httpProvider.interceptors responseError?

in AngularJs 1.2.x, the docs only provide a rejection object, how can we see the actual response object? (to see things like http status code)
edit: here's an example from the docs:
// register the interceptor via an anonymous factory
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q, dependency1, dependency2) {
return {
'responseError': function(rejection) {
// do something on error
if (canRecover(rejection)) {
return responseOrNewPromise
return $q.reject(rejection);
that example shows some unknown rejection object (no docs on what it's members are). the old (deprecated responseInterceptors allow query of the response object. (check for status=401, for example) how are you supposed to query for 401 service errors with the new interceptor functionality?
i am coding my usage of this to the point of being able to run it,
and so i set a breakpoint, and see that the "rejection" object has a .status property.
if a server doesn't exist, it will == 0
otherwise, it seems to return the http status code. (i see 404 so far)
I havent coded a real service point so i'll update this answer and/or accept it once i get that done.
update: yes, the .status field returns the http response status, and 0 if server not found. so this is the valid answer!
