Curved Sides in CSS3 - responsive-design

I'm working on a website that has quite a unique slideshow...
As you can see, the top of the image needs to curve in a weird way, and then blend in to the background. Currently, this is just set up as an overlayed <div> that lines up with the main background image, but because the site is responsive, things get funky at certain resolutions.
Is there any way to use CSS to accomplish this same effect? I've been experimenting with border-radius, but I'm not sure it's possible. I'd even be happy if it wasn't 100% cross browser, as it can degrade to just a straight edge.

I've done some work with SVGs as section separators.
The idea was to place a SVG above the section that it should "clip" and use negative margins (or the top property) to lower the separator onto the section. The section can have a bg image to achieve this effect.
In this demo, I was using 100% width separators:
A word of caution: With 100% separators like in this demo, you might get some 'bleed' from the image underneath. It happened in FF when I was prototyping that JSfiddle. I wasn't really able to alleviate this without some hacky widths/margins.
Hope it points you in the right direction.
To expand upon my answer, there are some other ways to clip/mask an element. Here are some resources I've been looking over when looking for a solution:
Most of the clipping/masking properties are not cross browser compatible, so use only in a case where you can fall back to a full, unmasked image.

You can use Properity for css 3 :
box-shadow:4px 5px 6px #DDD;
It will create good attraction for images and visual contents. Best of Luck.


How to make some divs more responsive than others for different aspect ratios using susy 2

Since it's a bit difficult to explain, I did a mockup to get across as much as possible visually:
(If there's a better way to share a sass gist, let me know. First time using it)
Basically, this is the layout I want for a tablet in landscape mode. What I'm trying to do is make sure it fits perfectly on different tablets with different aspect ratios. Some things are fixed. The main content area is a 16x9 video, so that aspect is locked.
I have the header and footer (main column only) fixed right now as they need to be for portrait mode, but I could bring them into the regular flow if it's helpful for tablet landscape. Anyway, it's all basic responsive right now via susy2, and the sidebar is totally separate so it can scroll independent of the main content. What I would like is for the whole main area including header and footer to fit perfectly with even margins above and below vid, but then have the sidebar column change it's width to match the tablet.
So... if the tablet is wider, the teaser thumbnails go out to 16x9 ratio. If the tablet is narrower, the main column remains unchanged, but the teaser thumbs narrow down to squares.
If it's easier first to just figure out how to responsively shrink the right column only, so the aspect of thumbs is unchanged, that's ok. I just don't want the overall layout to get screwed up on one device vs another because of aspect ratio, so main focus is that the header hits top, footer hits bottom, main vid fits perfectly between them, then sidebar responds to fill in the rest (within reason).
thx for any input. First time making a website here, so lots to learn.
ps. I had vertical scroll enabled for the right column, but disabled it (by adding extra letter to to the scrolling class in scss column) since it's not actually letting me scroll. Not sure if that's because there's no actual content, or it doesn't recognize the empty padded cells as something worthy of scrolling.
You're biting off a lot for your first website, but Sassmeister is a great way to show what you are doing. I approve. :)
One of the problems you'll find is that CSS don't have the concept of aspect ratio built in, so the sort of layout you are attempting is non-trivial. CSS is best at handling widths, and letting everything overflow vertically. It takes some effort to make it handle height well.
If you can get away with it (depending on browser support), your best option is to use flexbox. Flexbox should make this much easier, but doesn't ave a lot of support yet. You could consider table-cells, which have more support, but can be harder to control.
In any case, you should ignore most of Susy for this — at least in laying out the large sections. If you want Susy to help you with grid calculations, ditch the mixins and just use the span() and gutter() functions to help you set widths. Something like this:
.flexbox {
flex: 1;
flex-basis: span(3);
.tables {
display: table-cell;
width: span(3);
.no {
#include span(3);
You can go back to using Susy mixins for simpler bits, like the items in the top navigation.

Website on mobile: Focus on container instead of whole body?

I've really got no clue how to describe the subject in English, so here is more info:
Check my (temporary) website on your phone (no matter what kind one) -> Click
What you'll see is the whole site including the background spread over your screen, instead of focussing on just the container in particular.
My only question is: How do I let the screen focus on the container, instead of the whole site. By other words: Ignore the background and spread the container over your whole screen.
Quick mockup:
What is the best way to achieve it, so it adjusts it to the whole screen of your phone?
Try this:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
This will "zoom" your device to a reasonable value. ("reasonable" still depends somewhat on the vendor.)
In your case you can play around with device-width parameter and enter a value which suits you. But better stick with it for the time being.
Starting from this you can create different css styles via media-query and e.g. specify
#media (max-width: 400px)
.my-content-div {
width: 100%;
to scale your content to 100% on mobile devices.
Making a true responsive design is still a big mess but it can be done. Key is, that you start with something you can at least loosely rely on and then work your way from there.
If you want to make it responsive I think the best solution is by using Media Query instead of adjusting the viewport. Set #container to 100% width and height and set the margin to 0.

Textured resizable buttons with Core Image filter and appearance proxy iOS

The app I'm writing involves buttons that have a slight noise filter texture, which can be any size. For a standard button I'd simply use resizableImageWithCapInsets: but due to the texture, this causes unusual artefacts to appear on the resulting button.
A solution I have in mind, is to use the Core Image monochrome filter combined with the random noise filter to add the noise texture to a plain image. In theory this works, and in practice this has been shown to work (One example here) but these are all in cases where the button size is known at the point of invoking the CI code.
What I'm looking to do, is use the appearance proxies, so across the app I can simply set the style of UIBarButtonItems for instance.
Is there a way I can apply these CI filters to the buttons through the appearance proxies or isn't this possible? Would something like a category on UIImage to add noise work? I'm not entirely sure at which point the appearance proxy would actually invoke that code.
Any help is appreciated
OK So I finally solved it but found out some stuff on the way.
It seems you can create a category on UIImage and use that in the appearance proxy. I created a category to add noise, and it seemed to partly work, but I couldn't get it looking how I wanted as it wasn't quite rendering properly, but in the process of coding this discovered another method
Because the texture I was dealing with was simply noise, it could be tiled, so rather than the image now being stretched, the centre of the image is instead tiled which gives me the appearance I needed :)

Does Angular have a flex layout like extjs?

ExtJS has a very useful layout mechanism called flex. It works by summing all the things on a row or in a column. Then the space is parceled out using the flex value divided by the sum of all the flex values. This results in a layout like below:
The Red box is an hbox layout, the blocks E and F have the given flex values that sum up to 3, so E gets 1/3 the width of the screen, and F gets 2/3rds.
The Blue box is another hbox layout, where all 4 pieces (A-D) have the same flex so each one gets 25% of the space.
What isn't shown is the surrounding vbox layout where the blue box has a flex of 22 and the red box has a flex of 78.
Is there anything like this kind of layout in Angular? If there isn't, how would you put this together in Angular?
Additional information based on some of the answers below:
I want to be able to replace extjs with Angular. To do that I need some functionality that I have in extjs that I don't know exists in Angular. I've found ways to watch for screen size, change to adjust the overall display size, but I haven't seen a good example yet of a directive that essentially introspects its constituent directives for this flex value and sets their size based on a size change event of the container. Flex doesn't work from inside the divs, it works inside the container of the divs, because it has to go across all the divs in the container to divide the space correctly. I haven't seen an angular directive that does this yet.
I have no actual development experience with Angular yet (I've watched many of the videos from, I've read documentation and tutorials, listened to this podcast: JSJ-Angular) and so I don't know if this is something that is easy to solve, or hard to solve, or if someone has already solved it. This flex layout is wickedly cool and easy to use, in fact for full page apps, I'm not sure there is an easier way to lay them out so that they stay full screen and are malleable to screen size changes. Grid systems are great for some things, but they don't address what the flex system addresses.
I'm trying to see if there is a way to leap from extjs to Angular without really making my life difficult.
Additional discovered information:
Looks like flex is becoming a display type now in the form of the CSS display: flex or display: inline-flex (with prefixes at the moment)
Interesting to see the illustration calls it the Holy Grail Layout example. Of course IE won't implement it right, or in a timely fashion, but my customers don't mind using Chrome if it gets the job done.
Turns out someone has create one and it does MOST of what I was looking for.
You missing the point. Angular is only JS library that helps you with:
modularization your code
allow you load content asynchronously
change content using "magic" (two-way bindings)
It doesn't describe style of your site. You have to do it by yourself or use one of popular fluid/responsive CSS frameworks, i.e.:
Bootstrap by Twitter
Zurb Foundation
Metro UI
Just choose yourself and then apply to your site. Using that also make your design independent from JS (which is very bad) and JS framework (which is 9th circle of hell).

From Web Developer (HTML/CSS) to WPF: How can i start styling my WPF app?

i know HTML/CSS and want to learn WPF styling. how can i get started. i see that padding, for example, works differently in WPF app.
in css:
padding: 5px 10px;
in XAML?
i notice that i need to expand the width of the element eg. button myself to accomodate the padding? if so, how can i calculate the box model? the text has no line-height right? so if i have a font-size of 15px and padding of 5px, my height will be 25px?
and can i set different horizontal and vertical paddings?
how can i apply simple gradients. will it be very hard with just visual studio?
i appreciate links to tutorials or advice on getting started. if there is a HTML/CSS to WPF/XAML article or tutorial that will be even better!
Padding is basically a Thickness structure, hence
<MyControl Padding="left"/>
<MyControl Padding="left,top"/>
<MyControl Padding="left,top,right,bottom" ... />
If you specify only left one its value is copied to top, right and bottom.
If you specify left and top, left is copied to right and top to bottom ( like vertical and horizontal paddings)
For simple gradients VS is OK.
For a start, try to get around with xaml in code rather than using WYSIWYG tools like Blend. VS or XamlPad are good.
Use Expression Blend instead of Visual Studio if you are a designer. Start playing with simple styles and look behind the designer and you will see the XAML code. XAML is much more powerful than HTML and CSS. And if you want to take a deeper look visit the MSDN Library.
