Function overriding in C - c

I have a requirement in C similar to function overriding. I have 2 devices with different device IDs. I have a process which just calls device_create(device_id). The process doesn't know which device_create to call. It is upto driver of the device to execute device_create if the device_id matches to driver's device Id. Is there any way to do it in C?

If you use different shared objects (or dlls) to implement the function you could handle this programatically on your own. You could create a plugin like structure and use something like the Command pattern.
Not exactly simple, but can help with your problem.

OK. Understand I'm still of the mark, but leave this post for now.
You do not know the ID when process starts. When HW is attached you read the ID and want to call correct function based on the ID but without using the ID directly?
The closest I can think of as a simple solution is by using an array of function pointers:
void (*funs[3])(void) = {
But then only if you can normalize the ID to match index of the array. Say all ID's are in the range 1000-1032 that would be an 32 long function pointer array where you can use ID - 1000.
As this is rather unlikely you could resort to a sorted list, binary tree, hash table or the like on which you do a lookup.
struct node {
int (*fun)(void);
int id;
struct *node left;
struct *node right;
This is of course then assuming you have a rather big list of possible ID's and a switch is out of the question.
Old post.
What about function pointers:
int (*device_create)(int);
int device_create_init(int id)
switch (id) {
case 0x0a:
device_create = &device_create_100;
case 0x0b:
device_create = &device_create_200;
/* After first call, the now set device_create_xxx function will be
invoked on device_create() */
return device_create(id);
int main(void)
device_create = &device_create_init;
/* Loop */
return 0;


How to implement a fsm

I want to parse output from a commandline tool using the fsm programming model. What is the simplest implementation of a fsm that is possible for this task?
Basically, the core idea of a finite state machine is that the machine is in a "state" and, for every state, the behaviour of the machine is different from other states.
A simple way to do this is to have an integer variable (or an enum) which stores the status, and a switch() statement which implements, for every case, the required logic.
Suppose you have a file of the followin kind:
and you duty is to print the part between begin/end. You read the file line by line, and switch state basing on the content of the line:
// pseudo-C code
enum state {nothing, inblock};
enum state status;
string line;
status = nothing;
while (!eof(file)) {
switch(status) {
case nothing:
if (line == "begin") status=inblock;
case inblock:
if (line == "end")
else print(line);
In this example, only the core idea is shown: a "status" of the machine and a mean to change status (the "line" read from file). In real life examples probably there are more variables to keep more informations for every state and, perhaps, the "status" of the machine can be stored in a function pointer, to avoid the burden and rigidity of the switch() statement but, even so, the programming paradigm is clean and powerful.
The fsm model works in C by assigning function pointers to certain functions that have to process certain data. One good use for fsms is for parsing commandline arguments, for parsing captured output.... The function pointer is assigned to a preset starting function. The start function assigns the function pointer, which must be passed along, to the appropriate next function. And that decides the next function and so on.
Here is a very simple implementation of a fsm:
struct _fsm
void (*ptr_to_fsm)(struct _fsm fsm);
char *data;
struct _fsm fsm;
fsm->ptr_to_fsm = start; // There is a function called start.
while (fsm->ptr_to_fsm != NULL)
void start (struct _fsm fsm)
if (fsm->data == NULL)
fsm->ptr_to_fsm = stop; // There is a function called stop.
/* Check more more conditions, and branch out on other functions based on the results. */
void stop (struct _fsm fsm)
fsm->ptr_to_fsm = NULL; /* The while loop will terminate. */
/* And you're done (unless you have to do free`ing. */

Why do we use structure of function pointers? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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As they say, your learn coding techniques from others' code. I've been trying to understand couple of free stacks and they all have one thing in common: Structure of function pointers. I've following of questions related to this architecture.
Is there any specific reason behind such an architecture?
Does function call via function pointer help in any optimization?
void do_Command1(void)
// Do something
void do_Command2(void)
// Do something
Option 1: Direct execution of above functions
void do_Func(void)
Option 2: Indirect execution of above functions via function pointers
// Create structure for function pointers
typedef struct
void (*pDo_Command1)(void);
void (*pDo_Command2)(void);
// Update structure instance with functions address
void do_Func(void)
EXECUTE_FUNC_STRUCT *pExecFunc; // Create structure pointer
pExecFun = &ExecFunc; // Assign structure instance address to the structure pointer
pExecFun->pDo_Command1(); // Execute command 1 function via structure pointer
pExecFun->pDo_Command2(); // Execute command 2 function via structure pointer
While Option 1 is easy to understand and implement, why do we need to use Option 2?
While Option 1 is easy to understand and implement, why do we need to use Option 2?
Option 1 doesn't allow you to change the behavior without changing the code - it will always execute the same functions in the same order every time the program is executed. Which, sometimes, is the right answer.
Option 2 gives you the flexibility to execute different functions, or to execute do_Command2 before do_Command1, based decisions at runtime (say after reading a configuration file, or based on the result of another operation, etc.).
Real-world example from personal experience - I was working on an application that would read data files generated from Labview-driven instruments and load them into a database. There were four different instruments, and for each instrument there were two types of files, one for calibration and the other containing actual data. The file naming convention was such that I could select the parsing routine based on the file name. Now, I could have written my code such that:
void parse ( const char *fileName )
if ( fileTypeIs( fileName, "GRA" ) && fileExtIs( fileName, "DAT" ) )
parseGraDat( fileName );
else if ( fileTypeIs( fileName, "GRA" ) && fileExtIs ( fileName, "CAL" ) )
parseGraCal( fileName );
else if ( fileTypeIs( fileName, "SON" ) && fileExtIs ( fileName, "DAT" ) )
parseSonDat( fileName );
// etc.
and that would have worked just fine. However, at the time, there was a possibility that new instruments would be added later and that there may be additional file types for the instruments. So, I decided that instead of a long if-else chain, I would use a lookup table. That way, if I did have to add new parsing routines, all I had to do was write the new routine and add an entry for it to the lookup table - I didn't have to modify any of the main program logic. The table looked something like this:
struct lut {
const char *type;
const char *ext;
void (*parseFunc)( const char * );
} LUT[] = { {"GRA", "DAT", parseGraDat },
{"GRA", "CAL", parseGraCal },
{"SON", "DAT", parseSonDat },
{"SON", "CAL", parseSonCal },
// etc.
Then I had a function that would take the file name, search the lookup table, and return the appropriate parsing function (or NULL if the filename wasn't recognized):
void (*parse)(const char *) = findParseFunc( LUT, fileName );
if ( parse )
parse( fileName );
log( ERROR, "No parsing function for %s", fileName );
Again, there's no reason I couldn't have used the if-else chain, and in retrospect it's probably what I should have done for that particular app1. But it's a really powerful technique for writing code that needs to be flexible and responsive.
I suffer from a tendency towards premature generalization - I'm writing code to solve what I think will be issues five years from now instead of the issue today, and I wind up with code that tends to be more complex than necessary.
Best explained via Example.
Example 1:
Lets say you want to implement a Shape class with a draw() method, then you would need a function pointer in order to do that.
struct Shape {
void (*draw)(struct Shape*);
void draw(struct Shape* s) {
void draw_rect(struct Shape *s) {}
void draw_ellipse(struct Shape *s) {}
int main()
struct Shape rect = { .draw = draw_rect };
struct Shape ellipse = { .draw = draw_ellipse };
struct Shape *shapes[] = { &rect, &ellipse };
for (int i=0; i < 2; ++i)
Example 2:
FILE *file = fopen(...);
FILE *mem = fmemopen(...); /* POSIX */
Without function pointers, there would be no way to implement a common interface for file and memory streams.
Well, there is another way. Based on the Shape example:
enum ShapeId {
struct Shape {
enum ShapeId id;
void draw(struct Shape *s)
switch (s->id) {
case SHAPE_RECT: draw_rect(s); break;
case SHAPE_ELLIPSE: draw_ellipse(s); break;
The advantage of the second example could be, that the compiler could inline the functions, then you would have omitted the overhead of a function call.
"Everything in computer science can be solved with one more level of indirection."
The struct-of-function-pointers "pattern", let's call it, permits runtime choices. SQLite uses it all over the place, for example, for portability. If you provide a "file system" meeting its required semantics, then you can run SQLite on it, with Posix nowhere in sight.
GnuCOBOL uses the same idea for indexed files. Cobol defines ISAM semantics, whereby a program can read a record from a file by specifying a key. The underlying name-value store can be provided by several (configurable) libraries, which all provide the same functionality, but use different names for their "read a record" function. By wrapping these up as function pointers, the Cobol runtime support library can use any of those key-value systems, or even more than one at the same time (for different files, of course).

Run a specific set of lines within a function in a different thread in C

I have a huge function (length>4000) lines. In this function, I have more than 100 variables declared in the beginning. Now, I want to run a specific block of lines in a different thread. For example, I want to run lines 2000-3000 in a different thread. How do I do this?
To scale down the example, this is what I have:
int functionA()
.....variables declared......
.....variables declared......
printf("is in another");
I want to run the 4 printf functions in another thread.
To do this, this is what I've currently done:
int functionA()
.....variables declared......
.....variables declared......
void functionB()
printf("is in another");
pthread_create(&tid, NULL, functionB, NULL);
pthread_join(tid, NULL);
I know this is a terrible way to do this. However, there are too many variables to pass in case I want to make functionB a new independent function.
Please let me know how to proceed.
What I would do in your case is: Create a struct containing all the needed variables. Then create a new function with a pointer to that struct as parameter. Then you can create a new thread using that function and you would only have to pass that struct. Also the struct creation will be coded very fast, you just have to put
struct nameforstruct {
//declare vars here, e.g.:
int somevar;
around it and change your access to the vars by copy-pasting structname-> in front of it.
Function may then look like:
void threadingStuff(struct nametostruct * myvars) {
if (myvars->somevar == 1) {
// do stuff
That would be in my opinion the fastest way to achieve what you want (and the way with the lessest work). But I would really consider refactoring this to some better approach...

Wrapper function in C using structure of function pointers

I have to write code in C where the user has to have flexibility in choosing any existing DB, write to files, or implement their own storage mechanism. I need wrapper functions that redirect to the right functions corresponding to the storage mechanism selected at runtime or compile time. Say my storage options are FLATFILE and SQLDB and my wrapper function is insert(value). So, if I select FLATFILE as my storage, when I call the wrapper function insert(value), it should in turn call the function that writes to a file. If I choose a SQLDB, insert(value) should call the function that insert the values in the data base.
I know I can somehow use a structure of function pointers to do wrapper functions, but I have no idea how.
Does anyone know of any docs, links, examples, etc I could refer to, to understand and implement something like this? Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks!
void insert_flatfile(const t_value *v) {
void insert_sqldb(const t_value *v) {
void (*insert_functions[]) (const t_value *) = {
void insert_wrapper(t_value *v, int backend) {
Besides, the different functions for one backend should be stuffed into a struct and you should create an array of such structs instead of one array per wrapper function.
You can use a simple version such as:
struct backend {
int (*insert)(...);
int (*remove)(...);
static struct backend db_backend = { db_insert, db_remove, ... };
static struct backend other_backend = { other_insert, other_remove, ... };
const struct backend *get_backend(enum backend_type type)
switch (type)
return &db_backend;
case DB_OTHER:
return &db_other;
All of the above can be hidden inside a C file, with get_backend and the enumeration being public. Then you can use it like this:
struct backend *b = get_backend(DB_BACKEND);
Many details are missing, of course (many people like using typedef, for example). This is a basic setup, you can also create wrapper functions if you don't like the b->insert(...) syntax or if you want to set the back end once and then use insert() and remove() in the code. This is also useful if you already have some code that calls insert() directly and you want to direct the call to the right back end.
If you want a more elaborate solution, have a look at You don't have to implement every last detail from it, but it can give you a few ideas.

Behaviour of an hashtable using glib

I want to update the Volume to each #IP. So that for example after each 5 s I add V(i) of each #IP(i). Ok Now the hash table works fine it keeps updated after every T seconds. But the problem is that after a certain period I find that sometimes the same ip adress is repeated twice or even a lot of times within the hash table. So that when I close the process I find the same #IP repeated too many times. It is like there is a problem with the hash table or something like that.
Here is the code this funcion "update_hashTable()" is so important it is called every X seconds I suspect in fact a memory leak ... because I always call malloc for IP#.
but it keeps working ... any idea ???
int update_hashTable( ... ) {
u_int32_t *a;
... //declarations
struct pf_addr *as;
as = ks->addr[0];
a = (u_int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(u_int32_t));
*a = ntohl(as->addr32[0]);
sz = value; // no matter it is... an int for example
if (ReturnValue=(u_int32_t)g_hash_table_lookup(hashtable, a)) {
ReturnValue +=sz;
g_hash_table_insert(hashtable, (gpointer)a, gpointer)ReturnValue);
else {
g_hash_table_insert(hashtable, (gpointer)a, (gpointer)sz);
Indeed, you appear to have a memory leak, but this isn't your problem. The problem is that the true-path of your if statement simply reinserts a second value associated with the same key, which is not what you want.
The typical pattern for this check-if-exists and increment algorithm is usually something like
gpointer val = g_hash_table_lookup(hash_table, key);
if (val == NULL) {
val = g_malloc0(...);
g_hash_table_insert(hash_table, key, val);
*val = /* something */;
The important thing to take away from this is that once you have a pointer to the value associated with some key, you can simply modify it directly.
If this code will be executed by multiple threads in parallel, then the entire block should be protected by a mutex, perhaps with GMutex:
gcc provides atomic builtin intrinsics, say for atomically incrementing the value, see
