Parsing XML with XMLNS in SQL Server 2008 R2 - sql-server

I'm fairly new to querying XML datatypes. We receive XMLs from partners and one such partner sends us XMLs like this:
DECLARE #ResultData XML = '<outGoing xmlns="urn:testsystems-com:HH.2015.Services.Telephony.OutGoing">
In this example, I would like to pull only the ID out of the XML, but it seems the xmlns is preventing me from getting anything inside the XML:
SELECT cust.value('(ID)[1]', 'VARCHAR(40)') as 'CustomerID'
FROM #ResultData.nodes('/outGoing/customer') as t(cust)
returns NUll, but if I manually remove the XMLNS from the XML I get 158.
I've experimented with WITH XMLNAMESPACES to see if I could use that, but I'm obviously missing something. Since these XMLs will be coming in automatically, I would like to be able to parse the XML, but right now I'm stuck.

That should work:
DECLARE #ResultData XML = '<outGoing xmlns="urn:testsystems-com:HH.2015.Services.Telephony.OutGoing">
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'urn:testsystems-com:HH.2015.Services.Telephony.OutGoing')
#ResultData.value('(/outGoing/customer/ID)[1]', 'int')
or to use your approach:
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'urn:testsystems-com:HH.2015.Services.Telephony.OutGoing')
CustomerID = cust.value('(ID)[1]', 'INT')
#ResultData.nodes('/outGoing/customer') as t(cust)
This will return 158 as its value.
I've used WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT .....) since this is the only XML namespace in play, and it's defined at the top-level node - so it applies to every node in the XML structure.


Is that valid XML and how to replicate with SQL Server

I do have to replicate an XML file with SQL Server and I am now stumbling over the following structure inside the XML file and I don't know how to replicate that.
The structure looks like this at the moment for certain tags:
I am wondering if this is proper XML that the data inside (unlimited and Data_Entry) is enclosed with a closing XML tag. The XML validator is telling me this is correct. But now I am struggling with replicating that with Transact-SQL.
If I try to replicate that I can only come up with the following TSQL script, which obviously does not fully look like the original.
, 'Data_Entry' as 'ART_TAG2/ART_TAG3'
FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('root')
If I get this correctly, your question is:
How can I put my query to create those <SomeElement /> tags?
Look at this:
--This will create filled nodes
SELECT 'outer' AS [OuterNode/#attr]
,'inner' AS [OuterNode/InnerNode]
FOR XML PATH('row');
--The empty string is some kind of content
SELECT 'outer' AS [OuterNode/#attr]
,'' AS [OuterNode/InnerNode]
FOR XML PATH('row');
--the missing value (NULL) is omited by default
SELECT 'outer' AS [OuterNode/#attr]
,NULL AS [OuterNode/InnerNode]
FOR XML PATH('row');
--Now check what happens here:
--First XML has an empty element, while the second uses the self-closing element
<OuterNode attr="outer">
<OuterNode attr="outer">
SELECT #xml1,#xml2;
The result is the same for both...
Some background: Semantically the empty element <element></element> is exactly the same as the self-closing element <element />. It should not make any difference, whether you use the one or the other. If your consumer cannot deal with this, it is a problem in the reading part.
Yes, you can force any content into XML on string level, but - as the example shows above - this is just a (dangerous) hack.
XML within T-SQL returns - by default - a missing node as NULL and an empty element as empty (depending on the datatype, and beware of the difference between an element and its text() node).
In short: This is nothing you should have to think about...

Retrieve an element value from an XML string during an SQL select request

I'm querying a table T which has a string column StrXML that has XML text stored in it. Here's an example of the XML stored:
<Sequence mc:Ignorable="sap sads" DisplayName="Post Processing"
mva:VisualBasic.Settings="Assembly references and imported namespaces serialized as XML namespaces"
<scg:Dictionary x:TypeArguments="x:String, x:Object">
<x:Boolean x:Key="IsExpanded">True</x:Boolean>
<mepa:BasicOperation Description="Traitement Thermique" DisplayName="HeatTreatment" Guid="82800b59-e181-4a93-b483-7e2cd9b14827" sap:VirtualizedContainerService.HintSize="402,154" Scope="Build">
<scg:List x:TypeArguments="mee:MeasurementDescription" Capacity="0" />
<mepa:BasicOperation Description="Finition manuelle" DisplayName="Manual Finishing" Guid="cd64be75-6968-47fe-8aac-93a4fdf37892">
<scg:List x:TypeArguments="mee:MeasurementDescription" Capacity="4">
<mee:MeasurementDescription Max="{x:Null}" Min="{x:Null}" Guid="7c1a37f1-f39d-4ed3-8048-6b0a266c70b9" IsRequired="False" Name="MesureMF1" Type="Double" />
<mee:MeasurementDescription Max="{x:Null}" Min="{x:Null}" Guid="a21b0c0d-dfff-4237-9975-4179bcefe7c2" IsRequired="False" Name="MesureMF2" Type="Double" />
In my select request on table T, I want to only show the Description value for which the Guid="82800b59-e181-4a93-b483-7e2cd9b14827".
How can I do that?
In a comment I mentioned already, that one of your namespaces is missing the final ". This is a big problem, if it's not just a copy-and-paste issue... (not well formed)
XML should not be stored in a string column (slow and dangerous!). If you database does not support XML natively the XML should at least be checked.
You did not mention the actual RDBMS, but the XQuery-principles should be the same (however your RDBMS deals with XQuery actually).
The simple approach is this XQuery (fetch any <BasicOperation>, wherever it is placed, and filter for the given GUID)
With SQL-Server you can try this
SELECT CAST(T.StrXML AS XML).value(N'(//*:BasicOperation[#Guid="82800b59-e181-4a93-b483-7e2cd9b14827"]/#Description)[1]',N'nvarchar(max)')
The more specific (and recommended) approach is this:
declare namespace dflt="";
declare namespace mepa="clr-namespace:MatX.eRP.PostProcessing.Activities;assembly=PostProcessing.Activities";
Again - with SQL-Server - you might try this:
SELECT CAST(T.StrXML AS XML).value(N'declare namespace dflt="";
declare namespace mepa="clr-namespace:MatX.eRP.PostProcessing.Activities;assembly=PostProcessing.Activities";
If the GUID-value is variable SQL-Server would allow you to pass the value in from a variable declared outside. Read about sql:variable() and sql:column().
You can use lower-case() to get a secure comparison:
<a guid="82800b59-e181-4a93-b483-7e2cd9b14827" />
<a guid="82800B59-E181-4A93-B483-7E2CD9B14827" />
DECLARE #guid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER='82800B59-E181-4A93-B483-7E2CD9B14827';
SELECT #xml.query(N'/root/a[lower-case(#guid)=lower-case(sql:variable("#guid"))]')
Try something like this, assuming this is for SQL Server:
'clr-namespace:MatX.eRP.PostProcessing.Activities;assembly=PostProcessing.Activities' AS mepa)
T.X.value('#Description', 'varchar(100)') AS JobTitle
XmlData.nodes('/Sequence/mepa:BasicOperation') AS T(X)
T.X.value('#Guid','varchar(50)') = '82800b59-e181-4a93-b483-7e2cd9b14827'

loading xml File into SQL Server table is not working.

I have XML file that I am trying to load into SQL server but when I run the script, it is not displaying any rows.
<DeviceRecord xmlns="">
<Operating_System>Microsoft Windows Vista</Operating_System>
<DeviceRecord xmlns="">
<Operating_System>Microsoft Windows Vista</Operating_System>
SQL Script
declare #xmldata as xml
set #xmldata= (SELECT CONVERT(XML, BulkColumn) AS BulkColumn
FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:\Users\ag03536\Documents\New folder\updated.xml', SINGLE_BLOB)as X)
FROM #xmldata.nodes('./root') as x(rec)
First you have to check, whether the XML is read propperly. Use this after reading your XML into the variable:
SELECT #xmldata;
Secondly all your values live in a default namespace. You have to declare it:
Third, your query should read all nested <DeviceRecord> entries probably, you need .nodes() down to this level. The full query should be something like this:
x.Rec.value('(IP/text())[1]','varchar(20)') AS DevRec_ID
,x.Rec.value('(FQDN/text())[1]','varchar(20)') AS DevRec_FQDN
--The rest should be the same approach...
FROM #xmldata.nodes('/*:root/DeviceRecord') as x(rec)
EDIT: Your node <root> is not part of the default namespace.
I used a wildcard (*:root)

Bulk Import of XML Into Existing Tables

I am new to XML and SQL Server and am trying import an XML file into SQL Server 2010. I have 14 tables that I would like to parse the data into. All 14 table names are listed in the XML as nodes (I think) I found some example code that worked with the simple example XML, but my XML seems a little more complicated and may not be structured optimally; unfortunately, I can't change that. As a basic attempt, I tried to insert the data into just one field of one existing table (SILVX_SN16000), but the Message pane shows "(0 rows(s) affected). Thanks in advance for looking at this.
Declare #xml XML
Select #xml =
CONVERT(XML,bulkcolumn,2) FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:\Users\Kevin_S\Documents \SilvxInSightImport.xml',SINGLE_BLOB) AS X
Insert into [SILVX_SN16000]
P.value('MD_GROUP[1]','NVARCHAR(255)') AS md_group
From #xml.nodes('/TableData/Row') PropertyFeed(P)
Here is a much-shortened (rows removed) version of my XML:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<SilvxInSightImport Version="1.0" Host="uslsss17" Date="14-09-14_20-40-02">
<Tables Count="14">
<Table Name="SN16000">
The xPath in .nodes() must specify the whole path to the Row nodes so you should start with SilvxInSightImport and work your way down to Row.
In your case you have multiple table nodes, one for each table and I assume you only need one table at a time. You can use a predicate on the table name in the .nodes() xPath expression.
/SilvxInSightImport/Tables/Table[#Name = "SN16000"]/TableData/Row
Your whole query for SN16000 should look something like this.
select T.X.value('(MD_GROUP/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as MD_GROUP,
T.X.value('(PARENT_HPKEY/text())[1]', 'int') as PARENT_HPKEY,
T.X.value('(PKEY/text())[1]', 'int') as PKEY,
T.X.value('(NAME/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as NAME,
T.X.value('(ROUTER_ID/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as ROUTER_ID,
T.X.value('(IP_ADDR/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as IP_ADDR,
T.X.value('(S_STATE/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as S_STATE
from #XML.nodes('/SilvxInSightImport/Tables/Table[#Name = "SN16000"]/TableData/Row') as T(X)
You have to sort out the data types used for each column.
SQL Fiddle

XML attribute not removing using XML.modify [duplicate]

I have a table called XML (in SQL Server 2008) and it has a field called XmlDocument of type XML. I am trying to to delete an attribute from an XML variable.
Here is how my xml looks like
<clue_personal_auto xmlns="">
My query
SET XmlDocument.modify('delete (/clue_personal_auto/#xmlns)[1]')
WHERE xmlid = 357
When I run this query in query analyzer I see the message "1 row(s) affected" but in reality the xmlns attribute of clue_personal_auto element is not being removed. Any idea what am I doing wrong.
You need to use WITH xmlnamespaces, otherwise "/clue_personal_auto" does not match the NAMESPACED clue_personal_auto xmlns="..." node.
Not only that, you cannot actually remove a namespace since it is not a normal attribute.
Example of removing a regular attribute
declare #xml table (xmlid int, xmldocument xml)
insert #xml select 357, '
<clue_personal_auto xmlns="" otherattrib="x">
SET XmlDocument.modify('delete (/ns:clue_personal_auto/#otherattrib)[1]')
WHERE xmlid = 357
select * from #xml
WHERE ID = 357
I can't seem to find an easy way to do this - but the real question remains: why do you want to remove the namespace?? Using the WITH XMLNAMESPACES ... construct, you can easily make use of the namespaces.
Instead of putting a lot of effort in getting rid of it - learn about XML namespaces and start using them!
You can quite easily use that XML namespace in your queries:
XmlDocument.value('(/clue_personal_auto/admin/report_usage)[1]', 'varchar(25)')
WHERE ID = 357
and be happy with it - no need to artificially remove xmlns= declarations anymore!
