Joining dataset in an Update statement, with specific set-conditions - sql-server

I hope anyone can give any input to this problem. I have two exactly the same datasets, but one is larger than the other. Basically, I want to look to see if any variables in the smaller dataset (andrat_appen) have a certain value 'A'. If that is the case, I want to update the larger dataset ("andrat_APP_GENKORR", the exact same post, based on some ID-variables) with another value 'AG'.
If there are no values like 'A' in the variables in the smaller dataset, given the set if ID-variables, then nothing should happen to the same cells in the larger dataset.
Any suggestions on how to solve it?
SET A.[ANDRAT_Vkod] = case when B.[ANDRAT_Vkod] = 'A' then 'AG' else A.[ANDRAT_Vkod] end,
A.[ANDRAT_timlon] = case when B.[ANDRAT_timlon] = 'A' then 'AG' else [ANDRAT_timlon] end
FROM [dbo].[andrat_APP_GENKORR] A
LEFT JOIN (SELECT EnhetsId, pnr, Etikett FROM [dbo].[andrat_appen]) B
ON A.EnhetsId = B.EnhetsId AND A.pnr = B.pnr AND A.Etikett = B.Etikett

Solved it! The solution is:
SET A.[ANDRAT_Vkod] = (case when B.[ANDRAT_Vkod] = 'A' then 'AG' else A.[ANDRAT_Vkod] end),
A.[ANDRAT_timlon] = (case when B.[ANDRAT_timlon] = 'A' then 'AG' else A.[ANDRAT_timlon] end)
FROM [dbo].[andrat_APP_GENKORR] A
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[andrat_appen]) B
ON A.EnhetsId = B.EnhetsId AND A.pnr = B.pnr AND A.Etikett = B.Etikett


Iterate through a list using SQL While Loop

I have written a SQL query that joins two tables and calculates the difference between two variables. I want a while loop iterate through the code and do the procedure for a list of organizations numbers orgnr.
Use Intra;
drop table #Tabell1
select Månad = A.Manad, Intrastat = A.varde, Moms = B.vardeutf
into #Tabell1
IntrastatFsum A
Momsuppg B
on A.Orgnr = B.Orgnr
where A.Orgnr = 165564845492
AND A.Ar = 2017
--AND A.Manad = 11
AND A.Manad = B.Manad
AND A.InfUtf = 'U'
order by A.Manad
select *, Differens = (Intrastat - Moms)/ Moms from #Tabell1
Where do I put the while loop and how should I write it? I don't have a lot of experience with SQL so any help is appreciated.
wasnt clear at all when posting this question was in a big hurry, so sorry guys for that. But what im trying to do is:
This code just runs trough some data, calculates the difference in % for a special company. Each month we get a list of companies that show high standard deviation for some variables. So we have to go through them and compare the reported value with the taxreturn. What im trying to do is write a code that compares the values for "Intra" which is the reported value and " Moms" which is reported tax value. That part i have already done what i need to do now is to insert a loop into the code that goes through a list instead where i have stored the orgnr for companies that show high std for some variables.I want it to keep a list of the companies where the difference between the reported values and taxreturn is high, so i can take an extra look at them. Because sometimes the taxreturn and reported value to ous is almost the same, so i try to remove the most obvious cases with automation
I don't think you need a loop in your query.
Try changing this where-clause:
where A.Orgnr = 165564845492
To this:
where A.Orgnr in (165564845492, 123, 456, 678)
just remove A.Orgnr = 165564845492 in where clause, there is no need of loop
Use Intra;
drop table #Tabell1
select Månad = A.Manad, Intrastat = A.varde,Moms = B.vardeutf
into #Tabell1
IntrastatFsum A
Momsuppg B
on A.Orgnr = B.Orgnr
where A.Ar = 2017
--AND A.Manad = 11
AND A.Manad = B.Manad
AND A.InfUtf = 'U'
order by A.Manad
select *, Differens = (Intrastat - Moms)/ Moms from #Tabell1
Question is not clear (to me)
select Månad = A.Manad, Intrastat = A.varde, Moms = B.vardeutf
, Differens = (A.varde - B.vardeutf) / B.vardeutf
IntrastatFsum A
Momsuppg B
on A.Orgnr = B.Orgnr
AND A.Orgnr in (165564845492, ...)
AND A.Ar = 2017
AND A.Manad = B.Manad
AND A.InfUtf = 'U'
order by A.Manad

Conditional WHERE clause to combine two queries

I have a large SELECT INTO statement in a T-SQL script and currently I have two separate SELECT INTO's only differing by one OR condition in the WHERE clause. If my variable #cycle_nbr = 1 I have it doing one SELECT INTO, if #cycle_nbr = 0 I have it doing the other SELECT INTO.
I was wondering if there was a way to do this in one SELECT INTO with the #cylce_nbr condition in the WHERE itself.
Here is my WHERE clause:
WHERE ((a.gl_indicator = '0' OR a.gl_indicator = '1')
AND (a.gl_ins_type = '1' OR a.gl_ins_type = '3' )
AND rel_file_nbr is NULL
AND a.alpha_line NOT LIKE '%Z'
AND mis_process_dt >= #start_dt
and acctg_cyc_ym = #acctg_cyc)
OR (a.prem_sys_cd='T' AND acctg_cyc_ym = #acctg_cyc )
I only want this last condition OR (a.prem_sys_cd='T' AND acctg_cyc_ym = #acctg_cyc ) in there if #cycle_nbr = 1. Can I put an IF in there somewhere to make this work? Or do I have to stick with the IF(#cycle_nbr = 1) run this select ELSE run the other select?
Include your variable in the OR statement, i.e.,
OR (a.prem_sys_cd='T' AND acctg_cyc_ym = #acctg_cyc AND #cycle_nbr = 1)

Retriving data from different tables depending on value in a column

Please pardon me if this question has been asked before, but I simply don't have enough vocabulary to search for what I need as a novice in data bases.
I am using SQL server 2008.
I have a table tblPDCDetails with several columns. One of the columns PDCof holds values :
"A"(for applicant),
"C" for coapplicant,
"G" (for Guarantor).
Another column HolderID holds uniqueid (of holder).
The PDCHolders reside in their respective tables: Applicants in tblApplBasicDetails, CoApllicants in their own table and so on.
Now what I need is how should I retrive the names of holders from their respective tables, depending on the value in PDCof column.
Can I do it at all?
If no how should I work around this?
This should do:
COALESCE(B.Name,C.Name,D.Name) Name
FROM dbo.tblPDCDetails A
LEFT JOIN dbo.tblApplBasicDetails B
ON A.HolderID = B.HolderID
AND A.PDCof = 'A'
LEFT JOIN dbo.tblCoApplBasicDetails C
ON A.HolderID = C.HolderID
AND A.PDCof = 'C'
LEFT JOIN dbo.tblGuarantorlBasicDetails D
ON A.HolderID = D.HolderID
AND A.PDCof = 'G'
The other option is to use a case switch:
Select case Main.PDCof
when 'A' then (select HolderID from Applicants where main.value = value)
when 'C' then (select HolderID from CoApplicants where main.value = value)
when 'G' then (select HolderID from Guarantor where main.value = value)
from tblPDCDetails main
Depends on whether you run this a few times a day, or a few thousand times an hour

Need to use information from one qry to dictate an action on another

Ok so this is going to sound a little complicated. I want to somehow put some kind of function that will divide a table value by two when its Policy number matches up with a policy number in another table.
Here is the query where I want that functions
Sum(qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.SumOfPUA_FACE) AS SumOfSumOfPUA_FACE,
Sum(qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.SumOfOYT_FACE) AS SumOfSumOfOYT_FACE, TotalDPA = sum(case when qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[SumOfNetDefExtraAdj] Is Null then qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[SumOfNetDefPremiumAdj] else qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[SumOfNetDefPremiumAdj] +qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[SumOfNetDefExtraAdj] end),
qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[SumOfStatNetPremium]/qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[SumOfGROSS_ANNLZD_PREM] AS NetToGrossRatio,
DPA_NetPrem = case when qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[NetvsGrossInd]='Net' then sum(qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[SumOfStatNetPremium]) else sum([qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy].[SumOfGROSS_ANNLZD_PREM]) end,
qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.ReinType AS ReinType,
Sum(qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.ReinsAmount) AS SumOfReinsAmount,
qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.[ReinsAmount]/(qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[SumOfAMOUNT_INFORCE]+qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[SumOfOYT_FACE]+qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.[SumOfPUA_FACE]) AS [Reins%],
qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.ReinsStatRsv AS ReinsStatRsv,
Sum(qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.SumOfGROSS_ANNLZD_PREM) AS ReinsPrem, qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.PAID_TO_DATE,
FROM qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re RIGHT JOIN
qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.POLICY_NO = qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.POLICY_NO
AND qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.PHASE_CODE = qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.PHASE_CODE AND
qryReinsuranceDPA1_izzy.SUB_PHASE_CODE= qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.SUB_PHASE_CODE
and this is the qry that contains the policy numbers that I want divided by 2 in the above qry.
TotalDPA = Sum(case when [SumOfNetDefExtraAdj] Is Null then [SumOfNetDefPremiumAdj] else [SumOfNetDefPremiumAdj] + SumOfNetDefExtraAdj end),
Sum(1) AS Expr1
FROM qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re RIGHT JOIN qryReinsuranceDPA1
qryReinsuranceDPA1.POLICY_NO = qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.POLICY_NO AND
qryReinsuranceDPA1.PHASE_CODE= qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.PHASE_CODE AND
qryReinsuranceDPA1.SUB_PHASE_CODE = qryPolicyListforNYDefPRemAsset_Re.SUB_PHASE_CODE
GROUP BY qryReinsuranceDPA1.POLICY_NO,
HAVING (((Sum(1))<>1))
quick example. Say that the Policy number 064543200 is located in the results of that second qry. I then want the number located in first qry in Total DPA assosciated with that Policy number to be divided by 2.
If this is still confusing please let me know and I will try to explain better. Both are views.

How to get all values including null in a SQL Server case statement?

I have a big stored procedure, and basically I want to select all values (including null) if my variable #DimBrowserId is set to 0. I am using a case statement, however this is only catching values that actually have something and ignoring the NULL valued fields. Because I am using the = clause in the WHERE I cannot do IS NULL. I do not want to have to write 2 IF statements because the stored procedure would then be enormous, so I want to know how to get null values as well. Here is my code:
DATEPART(yy, DATEADD(mi, #Mdelta, d.DimDateValue)),
DisableCount = COUNT(*)
dbo.FactDisable AS f
dbo.DimDate AS d ON f.DimDateId = d.DimDateId
dbo.DimDevice AS v ON f.DimDeviceId = v.DimDeviceId
d.DimDateValue >= #StartDateGMT
AND d.DimDateValue <= #EndDateGMT
AND f.IsTest = #IncludeTest
AND f.DimProductId = #DimProductId
AND v.DimBrowserId = CASE
WHEN #DimBrowserId = 0 THEN v.DimBrowserId
ELSE #DimBrowserId
DATEPART(yy, DATEADD(mi, #Mdelta, d.DimDateValue))
The code is near the CASE clause.
Change that line to be
AND (#DimBrowserID = 0 OR #DimBrowserID = v.DimBrowserId)
If #DimBroserID is 0 then no filtering will be applied for this line.
SELECT DATEPART(yy,DATEADD(mi,#Mdelta,d.DimDateValue)),
FROM dbo.FactDisable AS f
JOIN dbo.DimDate AS d ON f.DimDateId = d.DimDateId
JOIN dbo.DimDevice AS v ON f.DimDeviceId = v.DimDeviceId
WHERE d.DimDateValue >= #StartDateGMT AND d.DimDateValue <= #EndDateGMT
AND f.IsTest = #IncludeTest AND f.DimProductId = #DimProductId
AND v.DimBrowserId = CASE WHEN ISNULL(#DimBrowserId,0) = 0 THEN v.DimBrowserId ELSE #DimBrowserId END
GROUP BY DATEPART(yy,DATEADD(mi,#Mdelta,d.DimDateValue))
CASE WHEN COALESCE(#MightBeNull, 0) = 0 THEN ZeroResult ...
will be treated as zero if #MightBeNull is null, and whatever #MightBeNull is if it's not null.
Assuming null means any browser, a better data model for this scenario might be to set an ID that identifies any browser, instead of setting it to null.
You probably know what you are running into is NULL does not equal NULL in a comparison.
Assuming you don't have control of the data model to fix that, one option would be to coalesce your NULL values to an unused id.
The resulting WHERE clause would look like this, assuming -1 is the unused value you choose.
AND COALESCE(v.DimBrowserId, -1) = CASE WHEN #DimBrowserId = 0 THEN COALESCE(v.DimBrowserId, -1) ELSE #DimBrowserId END
