email sender backend with angularjs frontend - angularjs

If I was to make a page that sends emails from clients, what should i use for backend. Of course, I mean what's the best & the easiest way?
I thought about slim php framework or similar stuff.
But can this be done easily with a node.js or any other cloud solutions?

My recomendation is implement the mail funcionality out from client service.
If you have an API backend consumed in your front-end, you should implement at this API.If you dont have right now a backend, create a simple nodejs backend for that functionallity, this will provide you high scalability and security for you email account.
I dont recommend you to use php for that. Ofcurse that you can do it, but if you do "magic things" do them right.

thought about slim php framework
Is plain old PHP just too easy? It's between 1 and 5 lines of code without a framework depending on the security model.
can this be done easily with a node.js or any other cloud solutions?
Oh dear. You've been sitting too close to the sales people. node.js is not a "cloud solution". Yes node.js is quite capable of doing this, as is ASP, Java, Python, .NET, Perl, bash..... IMHO it's more difficult with node.js than with PHP - since you need to configure the node.js as a webserver and add libraries to support SMTP.


liferay like restfull api mobile

I have a app and I need develop a restfull api to be used for this app.
Is liferay a valid option to develop this (using the service builder and persistence layer of liferay) to expose my service api to be used for the app?
I have in mind the performance and availability to this services.
what another option (to develop the api rest) i should consider for this purpose
I expect for your replies.
Liferay can act as a rest server by service buider (I'm not sure it will support any RESTful operation, but only GET/POST).
By this way you can inherit the interesting features provided such as:
- users, roles and groups
- ready scalable platform
- hibernate+ehcache already configured
Ecc... by the other hand, it will bring a great burden to you... so in my mind, if you are interested to other Liferay native features, then you can use it.
On contrary, there are other ligther frameworks for achieving your needs (just think to Spring MVC, it can implement any other restful method, like so PUT/DELETE... and it is more configurable)... so in this case it will ask you to do a bit more work by hand... but you will not "fight" with a complex platform if it is not necessary.
(In the first hypothesis, don't forget to give an eye to the "Liferay Mobile SDK")
thanks for answer.
In fact, I am interested in use the features of liferay like users, groups, profiles, persistence layer and the web content to manager some resources in the app.
My question is thinking in the performance and scalability of the services layer for this app, if is factible use only liferay to expose all the service to the app need and if her performance will be appropriate.

Riak like REST service with Angular.js client

I used Riak( as rest service and Angular on client. When I try to use method "PUT" then first request is OPTION, but Riak doesn't know how to properly respond for this.
I found some clients but all of them are made to run on server, not sure about Node.js client like this
Can I make it working from web client?
Maybe Riak was not meant to work with web clients directly, then I'll try something else.
I don't know about Riak, but the OPTIONS request suggests that you're trying to perform a cross-domain request (Angular running on domain "", Riak on domain "", although it can also even be just a different subdomain or port number).
My guess is that Riak doesn't support CORS, in which case you need to look for an alternative (a simple server-side proxy might be all that you need, although please consider the security impact of exposing Riak directly to browsers).
I have found js gui client for Riak, but it works directly from riak, that's not what i wanted but maybe i can use same solution also, or make proxy on server

Is there any restful api for postgresql?

Im trying to develop a web app using angularjs, restangular and postgresql, im using ubuntu and xampp for development. I found ArrestDB, a restful api for postgresql. In its documentation,
# Get all rows from the "customers" table where the "country" field matches "Australia" (LIKE)
While in restangular documentation,
// Just ONE GET to /accounts/123/buildings/456'accounts', 123).one('buildings', 456).get()
Do you guys know a free RESTful api for postgresql that works well with restangular?
ArrestDB interprets api/{Table}/{Field}/{....} while Restangular interprets api/{table}/{id}/{relations table}. I also tried api/{table}/{id}/{relations table} in ArrestDB but I get error 404.
I also found Postgrest in github but its in haskel, and i'm not familiar with haskel.
Postgrest seems to be a very viable choice. There is no knowledge of Haskell required to interact with it.
I have used PostgREST and recommend it. It is written in Haskell but requires no knowledge of Haskell (in the same way that pg is written in C, but no knowledge of C is required to use it). The documentation at is quite helpful and I've been able to get up to speed with it quickly. Best practices are to run pgREST through a reverse proxy (Apache, Nginx, etc.) to control web authentication and authorization. PostgreSQL will enforce permissions GRANTed to the configured pgREST user (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.) on the DB served up by pgREST. There are a number of access control options listed in the pgREST documentation for switching user roles as requests come in, so the access control is pretty flexible in accommodating different usage scenarios.
You can use Express.js and Node.js to create RESTful API for example. It works with PostgreSQL well. I am using it now for my application, so I have a PostgreSQL DB, back-end in Express.js with pg-promise and Node.js and front-end in AngularJS with Restangular.
You can try
this tutorial,
this guy has a quite good blog about building API and other useful things.

Advantages of a separate REST backend API?

Context: I'm a beginner programmer, self taught in the hope of making a SPA. I've started with JavaScript, Jquery, PHP and MySQL, and now feel pretty confident with all. I've started with Ember, and am now moving away from having a PHP API to Node. Which has then brought me closer to Meteor... I'm aware I'll need to use Mongo instead, but having an integrated front and back seems to be sensible and have some advantages.
So my question is what are the advantages of having a separate REST backend API (eg Express) rather than an integrated front/back (eg Meteor).
One that springs to mind is that my app will be tablet/pc based, but in future I'll want a different mobile version, so I'd be able to use just use the same API. I'm conscious that the above question is the main concern with this stack question, but perhaps if a meteor developer could clarify whether this is indeed a concern.
Thanks in advance!
well for me you'll get a lot of advantages using a rest API, they are lightweight, extensible and overall reusable.
today it's a trend to use a vertical architecture that means having a RestFul service with a single responsibility, why because it scale better and it's easier to assign a team to an api, so that way you'll be able to manage several teams and apis in a very ordered way. This is probably how Twitter, wunderlist and other companies works, because it's a solution to scale better.
take a look to this talk by Raffi Krikorian he was the head of architecture of Twitter for a while is a little bit old but it worth every minute and to illustrate some of the advantages.
Also you can look at the diagram below, I did while ago it explains the differences between the MVC and API first type of architecture.
I've authored one rest app using angular and rest services and it has been a very nice experience to me there's no way back.
good luck
Meteor doesn't really "integrate" the front (client) and backend (server) as you describe. It still maintains them as two separate layers. The beauty of meteor (aside from the insanely awesome reactivity) is that it uses Javascript everywhere, instead of using JS on the client and some other language on the server, so you can use the same APIs on both the front and backend. Although Meteor does snazzy things like let you write client and server code in the same file, it still requires you to distinguish between the two, and server code is still stored only on the server and client-side code is still served down to the client.
Meteor is still young, but the developers and community are very active, and everything you described can be achieved with it at this point. I've been working with Meteor for about 6 months now, and it hasn't let me down yet. I'm working on a production-level application that also requires exposing a REST API for consumption in mobile apps, which I'm doing quite successfully with Meteor (I just updated a user profile using a REST endpoint from an Android device and watched it change in the Meteor app in realtime. So cool!).
I was using this great package, RestStop2, for building REST APIs in meteor, but it was unfortunately deprecated, so I released an updated version. Check it out for an example of building REST APIs in Meteor. It's available through the Meteor package manager:
So to answer your question, you always want to separate the REST API into it's own layer, but that is entirely possible with Meteor. To make it clear, you would never consume this REST API from within your Meteor app. Meteor uses DDP (not HTTP), which gives you a much more direct connection with your server, so you're doing something wrong if you're accessing data on your Meteor server from a Meteor client via HTTP. Of course, with Meteor, you have the advantage of being able to use existing code from your REST API.
There's a really good write-up that explains some of the considerations of writing a REST API in Meteor:
The design of a architecture separated in layers like frontend, backend (Rest Api) and DB, is for obtain a better a scalability, reusability and logic separator of features of the application. For example:
Today make a web applications separated in 3 layer (frontend, backend,
and databases), if tomorrow you wanna do a mobile application you can
develop the application like a extra project in the frontend layer,
but use all the features developed in backend. Then the frontend
application not need servers why run inside every device, but maybe
the load in the backend servers increase, and you only need add 1 more
server in the backend layer.
Its a little example, but is the most common case in this new era of mobile applications.
Remember always this in MVC architectures:
Frontend: Always call services from the backend, render the view, and capture data. Sometimes make a litle logic.
Backend: Receive the request, apply all the business logic, read and write operations in databases, and return a response preferred in json format.
Model: store data, backups, slaves, etc.
PD: If you use meteor in this example you gonna need to make a api Rest to develop the mobile application.

Is it possible to use the Google App Engine as a backend database for Android applications?

I would like to write a client application for Android that uses the Google App Engine as a database backend. My Android client would connect to the App Engine to save information, then it would connect later for reports. Is it possible to use the App Engine as a backend like this?
If you're looking for something like the remote api that the App Engine has in python, then you'll be disappointed to find it missing in Java.
That said, absolutely nothing stops your from hitting your app and posting data either through POST / JSON / XML / any other format you can think of. The same thing goes for getting your reports back.
If security is a concern, the OAuth protocol allows you to authenticate to app engine from your android device.
This is an aside, but as far as reporting is concerned, you might not find the app engine a very suitable platform for reporting type apps. Just make sure you understand its limitations - the lack of joins, 1000 object limit, no sum / average, necessary indexes, etc. It's certainly not impossible, but do think carefully about how you're going to model your data.
Yes, it is possible.
Without more details in your question, any more details in the answer would be speculation.
Yes, its very much possible. It's something I am also currently working on.
My code uses HTTP GET and HTTP POST and I am using a RESTful service on the GAE.
I'm sorry I can't provide any code because I am still learning however the library I'm using is called RESTLET. They have libraries for both GAE and Android however I'm only using RESTLET on the GAE and I'm just using the HTTP library in the Android SDK for the client.
The version you require is 2.0 M6 and not the stable release.
In your response to Laurence, you said you want a direct DB connetion. A client cannot connect directly to the GAE datastore. You must write web handlers to interface between the client and your data. It doesn't have to be much, but it must be something.
Yes, it is very possible. You would not connect directly to the GAE database though. A better architecture would be to make your app hit a URL that writes to the DB. For example, you could set up a Struts 2 action that takes the values of your query parameters and then mutates and validates them as necessary before persisting them.
