How else can I trigger animation in the view from the viewmodel? - wpf

So right now I'm using a property on my control that binds to a bool property on my viewmodel called searcheditemfound (with its pair, searcheditemnotfound). I can't have just one property because even if I raise OnPropertyChanged("variableName), it will not activate the trigger unless there was an actual value change. This means that in the code for the view model, I have to do this really ugly looking:
SearchedItemNotFound = false;
SearchedItemNotFound = true;
private bool _SearchedItemNotFound;
public bool SearchedItemNotFound
return _SearchedItemNotFound;
if (value != _SearchedItemNotFound)
_SearchedItemNotFound = value;
when what I would really like is to just tie to an event in the view model. However, eventtriggers only trigger off routed events. Can I place routed events in the viewmodel? I think I have to inherit from control to do that.
One post here: How can I Have a WPF EventTrigger on a View trigger when the underlying Viewmodel dictates it should?
mentioned using
<samples:DataEventTrigger EventName="YourEvent">
<im:ControlStoryboardAction Storyboard="{StaticResource Storyboard1}"
which looks perfect, except that it requires expression blend and I'm in visual studio 2008 where it isn't available. I'm wondering what other options I have. I don't even mind if it's not MVVM. I'm not a purist, I'm just trying to understand what my options are.

A RoutedEvent is a UI element and has no place in a view model. Personally, I can't really see the problem with changing your bool property from true to false and then back to true again... there is a valid reason for doing that. If it really bothers you, then just hide it away in a method and call that instead:
private StartSearchedItemNotFoundAnimation()
SearchedItemNotFound = false;
SearchedItemNotFound = true;
There's hardly any point in using any more complex and/or expensive ways to replicate the functionality that you already have.


MVVM design choice regarding responsibility of ViewModel for simple states

I've recently started to delve into MVVM architectural pattern. I've understood large parts of it but still few doubts remain regarding how much responsibility ViewModel should take on behalf of View.
In other words, how dumb should View be?
For example, for simple state coordination like clearing TextView after user presses SubmitButton. This kind of state coordination requires no more than one-liner to implement using some of the popular data-binding frameworks.
For example in pseudo-ReactiveCocoa:
textView.text <~ { _ in "" }
However, Martin Fowler wrote in his Presentation Model,
The Presentation Model contains the logic that says that the composer field is only enabled if the check box is checked, so the when the view updates itself from the Presentation Model, the composer field control changes its enablement state
which suggests that even the simple logic like clearing out TextView after pressing Button should be encapsulated inside ViewModel.
Such design choice leads to something like this (again, in pseudo-ReactiveCocoa):
// In View
viewModel.submitButtonPressed <~ submitButton.pressed
textView.text <~ viewModel.textViewText
// In ViewModel
textViewText <~ { _ in "" }
Although it leads to better encapsulation of logics while assuming view with the job of binding only (making it dumb), it does make code a lot more verbose and lead to tighter coupling between View and ViewModel (by requiring ViewModel to be aware of SubmitButton).
I'm still new to MVVM pattern in general and learning stuff every day.
How much responsibility should ViewModel take?
In other words, must View be completely dumb and only handle simple binding (connect its UI elements to bindable property provided by ViewModel) or is it okay for View to handle fairly simple logic like the above?
On a side note, is tight coupling between View and ViewModel okay in MVVM?
In general, the ViewModel takes all responsibility. More specifically, in your scenario, the ViewModel wouldn't know about the submitButton, but rather the View would know that the ViewModel exposes a command (an ICommand) called SubmitCommand, and have the submitButton bind to that command.
Sometimes it can get a bit more involved to completely separate the actions and corresponding logic, for instance when there's no binding available for a command for a specific event. But in those cases a fairly simple attached behavior (i.e. InvokeCommandAction and friends, see the documentation) can bridge that gap to coax flow so the logic can go in to the ViewModel.
Very rarely, there are scenarios (of which none come to mind currently) where it gets so involved that I just skip the whole idea, and separate as much as possible, rather than to have to work out three months later exactly what the hell is going on. But those cases are rare indeed.
In other words, must View be completely dumb and only handle simple binding
It's quite good, when view contains data bindings only, but IRL complex views can contain some view-specific logic. E.g., since single view model could be connected to a several views, focus management is a view's prerogative. Another sample is a logic like "hide element A if element B is disabled", or "change color from A to B if button is checked", etc.
XAML frameworks provide several techniques to make view logic more well-composed: commands, triggers, attached behaviors, value converters. But sometimes you actually need code-behind.
For example, for simple state coordination like clearing TextView
after user presses SubmitButton
To be more clear. This is not a view logic, and must be placed in view model:
public class ViewModel
private string someText;
public string SomeText
get { return someText; }
if (someText != value)
someText = value;
private ICommand submitCommand;
public ICommand SumbitCommand
if (submitCommand == null)
submitCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>
// do submit
// clear text
SomeProperty = null;
return submitCommand;
<TextBox x:Name="SomeTextBox" Text="{Binding SomeText}"/>
<Button Content="Submit" Command="{Binding SubmitCommand}">
But this is a view logic:
public MyWindow()
// SomeTextBox should have initial focus
Loaded += (sender, args) => SomeTextBox.Focus();
is tight coupling between View and ViewModel okay in MVVM?
Ideally all components should be loosely coupled, but view must know about view model properties to perform data binding.

WPF binding to a function?

Let me start by saying I am very new to WPF so be gentle.
It seems like this should be easy but I am just missing something. I have implemented INotifyPropertyChanged on a few classes/properties and started binding them to elements in XAML but now I have a little more complex binding to make then updating text or changing a color. What I need is when the Alarm property of my object is set to true I need to change colors, start an animation, create and display other elements in the control. I thought I could just call a function in my control when the property is changed but since WPF hides how an element is "bound" to the model's property I am not sure how to wire that up. Is there a better way to perform this type of more complex response to a property change? If not are there any samples out there? I have not been able to find anything close to what I am looking for but I may not be searching with the correct terms.
What I need is when the Alarm property of my object is set to true I
need to change colors, start an animation, create and display other
elements in the control.
Change colors: Bind the Color/Foreground of the element you want to change the color of, to the boolean that sets the alarm, and add an IValueConverter in the binding that returns a Brush based on the boolean.
Start an animation: Use a (data)trigger on whichever element needs to be animated, in that trigger, use a Storyboard to define the animation you want.
create and display other elements in the control: that really depends on how well you did your MVVM, if the elements are a visualisation of an ObservableCollection through a ListBox/ListView/ItemsControl (which it should), wire up a Command to whatever sets the alarm on/off (the Button class has a Command property built in, other UIElements may require the use of System.Windows.Interactivity) and in the method that this Command will point to, add a new item to the ObservableCollection, the ItemsControl will automatically reflect the change by adding a new control.
Of course this is just raw information, and you're probably not familiar will all these things, that's when Google comes into play ;)
For complex behaviour in response to a property changed event, you should use the following approach: (I'm typing this freestyle so pardon any minor syntax errors)
class MyClass : INotifyPropertyChanged
//Presumably you've already done this part
private object _myProperty = null;
public object MyProperty
get { return _myProperty; }
_myProperty = value;
public MyClass()
this.PropertyChanged += My_PropertyChanged;
private void My_PropertyChanged( object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if( e.PropertyName == "MyProperty" )
//Do Something complicated
Your timer / alarm just needs to update the bound property when it elapses. The property should then raise the PropertyChanged event to notify the GUI to update.
You should take a look at DataTriggers that get fired when a property changes in the view model. The EnterActions and ExitActions will allow you to play a Storyboard when the value of the property changes. Here's an example of how it is used MSDN. You can use a content control and style the Template or ContentTemplate to add all of your elements and have it control the Visibility or Opacity of the other elements.
I don't think you are looking at this right. Your class has logic, does calculation, enforces constraints, and enforces relationships among properties. If you have an alarm hopefully there is some business logic to deal with this and should be done in the class (not the UI). A UI is not built to handle an alarm it is built to display status and actions of that alarm. You will make new control visible in an alarm situation and hide other. On the animation I think you might want to throw an event that you listen for to start the animation. The idea there is that when an alarm is thrown to can register additional handles - you want to separate the business logic from the UI (not pull the business logic into the UI).

Binding SelectionChanged to ViewModel using Caliburn.Micro

We've using Caliburn.Micro on a new Silverlight project and everythings working great. The inbuilt conventions bind buttons click events to the viewModel, but I'm not sure what the best way to handle the selectionChanged event on datagrids and comboboxes is.
At the moment, I'm binding to the selected item and calling custom logic, but I feel like this is a bit of a code smell and that I should seperate the setting of the property and the selectedChange event. But if I seperate these, how do I bind the selection changed event to my viewModel, by commands? or an EventTrigger? Or is the code below acceptable? Its a small change but I do this logic everywhere.
private Foo _selectedFoo;
public Foo SelectedFoo
return _Foo;
if (_Foo != null && _Foo.Equals(value)) return;
_Foo = value;
I use this technique regularly and I feel very comfortable with it.
I find perfectly fine that the VM reacts to its own state change, without the need for the external actor (which incidentally is the View, but could be another component, too) to set the new state, THEN signal the VM that the state is changed.
If you really want to, however, you can use the Message.Attach attached property to hook an event in the View to an action in the VM:
cal:Message.Attach="[Event SelectionChanged] = [OnSelectionChangedAction]"
(see also
Here is a sample for MVVM and Caliburn.Micro using. Some actions like SelectionChanged should get an explicit a event arguments, so you should set it in caliburn event action part. Freqently first argument is passing $this (The actual ui element to which the action is attached.) and you gets in handler a datacontext for the row but to get to the Grid you should pass $source, as the first argument ($source - is the actual FrameworkElement that triggered the ActionMessage to be sent). According to the manual Caliburn manual.
cal:Message.Attach="[Event SelectionChanged]=[Action DataGrid_JobTypesSelectionChanged($source,$eventArgs)];"
public void DataGrid_JobTypesSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
var grid = sender as DataGrid;
JobTypesSelectedCollection = grid.SelectedItems.Cast<JobComplexModel>().ToList();

how to bind the click event of a button and the selecteditemchanged of a listbox to a viewmodel in mvvm in Silverlight

i'm just starting with the mvvm model in Silverlight.
In step 1 i got a listbox bound to my viewmodel, but now i want to propagate a click in a button and a selecteditemchanged of the listbox back to the viewmodel.
I guess i have to bind the click event of the button and the selecteditemchanged of the listbox to 2 methods in my viewmodel somehow?
For the selecteditemchanged of the listbox i think there must also be a 'return call' possible when the viewmodel tries to set the selecteditem to another value?
i come from a (mvc) background, but can't figure out how to do it in silverlight.
Roboblob provides excellent step-by-step solution for Silverlight 4. It strictly follows MVVM paradigm.
I would not bind or tie the VM in any way directly to the events of controls within the View. Instead, have a separate event that is raised by the View in response to the button click.
[disclaimer: this code is all done straight from my head, not copy & pasted from VS - treat it as an example!!]
So in pseudo code, the View will look like this:
private void MyView_Loaded(...)
MyButton.Click += new EventHandler(MyButton_Click);
private void MyButton_Click(...)
//Raise my event:
private void OnUserPressedGo()
if (UserPressedTheGoButton != null)
this.UserPressedTheGoButton(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public EventHandler UserPressedTheGoButton;
and the VM would have a line like this:
MyView.UserPressedTheGoButton += new EventHandler(myHandler);
this may seem a little long-winded, why not do it a bit more directly? The main reason for this is you do not want to tie your VM too tightly (if at all) to the contents of the View, otherwise it becomes difficult to change the View. Having one UI agnostic event like this means the button can change at any time without affecting the VM - you could change it from a button to a hyperlink or that kool kat designer you hire may change it to something totally weird and funky, it doesn't matter.
Now, let's talk about the SelectedItemChanged event of the listbox. Chances are you want to intercept an event for this so that you can modify the data bound to another control in the View. If this is a correct assumption, then read on - if i'm wrong then stop reading and reuse the example from above :)
The odds are that you may be able to get away with not needing a handler for that event. If you bind the SelectedItem of the listbox to a property in the VM:
<ListBox ItemSource={Binding SomeList} SelectedItem={Binding MyListSelectedItem} />
and then in the MyListSelectedItem property of the VM:
public object MyListSelectedItem
get { return _myListSelectedItem; }
bool changed = _myListSelectedItem != value;
if (changed)
_myListSelectedItem = value;
private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (this.NotifyPropertyChanged != null)
this.NotifyPropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
To get that NotifyPropertyChanged event, just implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface on your VM (which you should have done already). That is the basic stuff out of the way... what you then follow this up with is a NotifyPropertyChanged event handler on the VM itself:
private void ViewModel_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.PropertyName)
case "MyListSelectedItem":
//at this point i know the value of MyListSelectedItem has changed, so
//i can now retrieve its value and use it to modify a secondary
//piece of data:
MySecondaryList = AllAvailableItemsForSecondaryList.Select(p => p.Id == MyListSelectedItem.Id);
All you need now is for MySecondaryList to also notify that its value has changed:
public List<someObject> MySecondaryList
get { return _mySecondaryList; }
bool changed = .......;
if (changed)
... etc ...
and anything bound to it will automatically be updated. Once again, it may seem that this is the long way to do things, but it means you have avoided having any handlers for UI events from the View, you have kept the abstraction between the View and the ViewModel.
I hope this has made some sense to you. With my code, i try to have the ViewModel knowing absolutely zero about the View, and the View only knowing the bare minimum about the ViewModel (the View recieves the ViewModel as an interface, so it can only know what the interface has specified).
Regarding binding the button click event I can recommend Laurent Bugnion's MVVM Light Toolkit ( as a way of dealing with this, I'll provide a little example, but Laurent's documentation is most likely a better way of understanding his framework.
Reference a couple of assemblies in your xaml page
add a blend behaviour to the button
<Button Content="Press Me">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
<command:EventToCommand Command="{Binding ViewModelEventName}"/>
and create the event within your viewmodel which will be called when the button is clicked
public RelayCommand ViewModelEventName { get; protected set; }
public PageViewModel()
ViewModelEventName = new RelayCommand(
() => DoWork()
This supports passing parameters, checking whether execution is allowed etc also.
Although I haven't used it myself, I think the Prism framework also allows you to do something similar.

WPF: how to signal an event from ViewModel to View without code in codebehind? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I Have a WPF EventTrigger on a View trigger when the underlying Viewmodel dictates it should?
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have quite simple (I hope :)) problem:
In MVVM, View usually listens on changes of ViewModel's properties. However, I would sometimes like to listen on event, so that, for example, View could start animation, or close window, when VM signals.
Doing it via bool property with NotifyPropertyChanged (and starting animation only when it changes from false to true) is possible, but it feels like a hack, I'd much prefer to expose event, as it is semantically correct.
Also, I'd like to do it without code in codebehind, as doing viewModel.myEvent += handler there would mean that I'd have manually unregister the event in order to allow View to be GC'd - WPF Views are already able to listen on properties 'weakly', and I'd much prefer to program only declaratively in View.
The standard strong event subscription is also bad, because I need to switch multiple ViewModels for one View (because creating View every time takes too much CPU time).
Thank you for ideas (if there is a standard solution, a link to msdn will suffice)!
Some comments:
You can use the weak event pattern to ensure that the view can be GC'd even if it is still attached to the view model's event
If you're already switching multiple VMs in for the one view, wouldn't that be the ideal place to attach/detach the handler?
Depending on your exact scenario, you could just have the VM expose a state property which the view uses as a trigger for animations, transitions, and other visual changes. Visual state manager is great for this kind of thing.
This is something that I wrestled with as well...
Similar to what others are saying, but here is an example with some code snippets... This example shows how to use pub/sub to have a View subscribe to an event fired by the VM - in this case I do a GridView. Rebind to ensure the gv is in sync with the VM...
View (Sub):
using Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Events;
using Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Presentation.Events;
private SubscriptionToken getRequiresRebindToken = null;
private void SubscribeToRequiresRebindEvents()
this.getRequiresRebindToken =
ThreadOption.PublisherThread, false,
public void OnRequiresRebindEventReceived(RequiresRebindEventPayload payload)
if (payload != null)
if (payload.RequiresRebind)
using (this.gridView.DeferRefresh())
private void UnsubscribeFromRequiresRebindEvents()
if (this.getRequiresRebindToken != null)
this.getRequiresRebindToken = null;
Call unsub from the close method to prevent memory leaks.
ViewModel (Pub):
private void PublishRequiresRebindEvent()
var payload = new RequiresRebindEventPayload();
Payload class
using System;
using Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Presentation.Events;
public class RequiresRebindEvent
: CompositePresentationEvent<RequiresRebindEventPayload>
public class RequiresRebindEventPayload
public RequiresRebindEventPayload()
this.RequiresRebind = false;
public bool RequiresRebind { get; private set; }
public void SetRequiresRebind()
this.RequiresRebind = true;
Note that you can also set the constructor up to pass in a Guid, or some identified in, which can be set on Pub and checked on sub to be sure pub/sub is in sync.
imho yYand separated
state - to be able to move data back/forth between view <-> vm
actions - to be able to call onto view model functions/commands
notifications - to be able to signal to the view that something has happened and you want it to take a viewy action like make an element glow, switch styles, change layout, focus another element etc.
while is true that you can do this with a property binding, its more of a hack as tomas mentioned; always has felt like this to me.
my solution to be able to listen for 'events' from a view model aka notifications is to simple listen for data-context changes and when it does change i verify the type is the vm i'm looking for and connect the events. crude but simple.
what i would really like is a simple way to define some 'view model event' triggers and then provide some kind of handler for it that would react on the view side of things all in the xaml and only drop to code behind for stuff thats not do-able in xaml
Like adrianm said, when you trigger your animation off a bool property you are actually responding to an event. Specifically the event PropertyChanged which the WPF subsystem. Which is designed to attach/detach correctly to/from so that you don't leak memory (you may forget to do this when wiring an event yourself and cause a memory leak by having a reference active to an object which otherwise should be GCed).
This allows you to expose your ViewModel as the DataContext for the control and respond correctly to the changing of properties on the datacontext through databinding.
MVVM is a pattern that works particularly well with WPF because of all these things that WPF gives you, and triggering off a property change is actually an elegant way to use the entire WPF subsystem to accomplish your goals :)
A more general question to ask is: "Why am I trying to deal with this event in my ViewModel?"
If the answer has anything to do with view-only things like animations, I'd argue the ViewModel needs not know about it: code behind (when appropriate), Data/Event/PropertyTriggers, and the newer VisualStateManager constructs will serve you much better, and maintain the clean separation between View and ViewModel.
If something needs to "happen" as a result of the event, then what you really want to use is a Command pattern - either by using the CommandManger, handling the event in code behind and invoking the command on the view model, or by using attached behaviors in the System.Interactivity libs.
Either way, you want to keep your ViewModel as "pure" as you can - if you see anything View-specific in there, you're probably doing it wrong. :)
