programatically add button click in winforms? - winforms

is it possible to add button click event? i want to add controls dynamicly but i don't bind event's to my controls.
this.buttonDeneme = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
this.buttonDeneme.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(150, 90);
this.buttonDeneme.Name = "button1";
this.buttonDeneme.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(122, 23);
this.buttonDeneme.TabIndex = 0;
this.buttonDeneme.Text = "FileUpload";
this.buttonDeneme.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
this.buttonDeneme.Click += ????

#dotTutorial answer is going to work but lot's people still have difficulty with Linq and Lambda expression so if you don't understand it the very basic way to write this is :
this.buttonDeneme.Click += new EventHandler(MyCustomClickHandler);
void MyCustomClickHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
// do whatever you want here
but creating multiple button is usually because they wont do the same exact thing so you might want to set the this.buttonDeneme.Tag to some sort of identifier. i prefer using string in there.
then in the click event you can retrieve that value and know what to do. here a corrected version with the Tag used :
this.buttonDeneme.Tag = "SearchBook";
this.buttonDeneme.Click += new EventHandler(MyCustomClickHandler);
void MyCustomClickHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
// for button created above the value when
// the click is called will be "SearchBook"
string sTag = ((Button)sender).Tag.ToString();
if(sTag == "SearchBook")
// do stuff for search book
else if(sTag == "blablabla")
// do other stuff

The easiest alternative would be to use a lambda expression.
this.buttonDeneme.Click += ((s, e) => {
// The code that handles a click event
's' will be the sender object and 'e' the eventargs.


Scrolling in Sticky Notes

I got the following sticky note example:
If the sticky note has more than 9 rows, the additional rows are not visible.
I'm able to navigate through the note with my arrow keys. If I'm going to scroll with the mouse wheel, it seems to ignore the popup and just changes the page.
Is it possible to activate scrolling for sticky note popups?
Edit:The solution outlined below will soon be available as part of the samples included in the PDFTron SDK download. In the meanwhile, I hope that the below solution helps.
Yes, it is possible to activate scrolling for sticky notes.
The problem is most apparent when using the single page view. It appears to work as expected in continuous mode.
However it is not as simple as setting VerticalScrollVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;. There are a few files that need to be modified to get this working.
The good news is that we can get the expected behaviour by modifying the code in the provided samples.
The solution is to add some handling for the PreviewMouseWheel event coming from the PDFViewWPF class.
In the downloaded samples, the following changes were made to get things running as expected:
Add a method to handle the PreviewMouseWheel event in the NoteHost class (Samples/PDFViewWPFTools/CS/Utilities/NoteHost.cs)
internal void HandlePreviewMouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
var originalSource = (UIElement)e.OriginalSource;
if (originalSource.IsDescendantOf(mNoteBorder) && mTextBox.IsFocused)
mTextBox.ScrollToVerticalOffset(mTextBox.VerticalOffset - e.Delta);
e.Handled = true;
Also make sure to add mTextBox.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto; in the NoteHost.CreateNoteAndArrow() method, after the mTextBox object is instantiated (~line 183).
Next, edit the NoteManager class - Samples/PDFViewWPFTools/CS/Utilities/NoteManager.cs - and add a HandlePreviewMouseWheel method. This will internally call the HandlePreviewMouseWheel on each displayed (opened) note and break at the first one where the event gets handled.
internal void HandlePreviewMouseWheel(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseWheelEventArgs e)
foreach(var note in mActiveNotes)
note.Value.HandlePreviewMouseWheel(sender, e);
Next, edit the ToolManager class to ensure that the note manager gets a chance to handle the PreviewMouseWheel before attempting a page change. Open Samples/PDFViewWPFTools/CS/ToolManager.cs and navigate to the PDFView_PreviewMouseWheel. The existing method should look like this:
private void PDFView_PreviewMouseWheel(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseWheelEventArgs e)
if (mCurrentTool != null && _IsEnabled)
ToolManager.ToolType prev_tm = mCurrentTool.ToolMode;
ToolManager.ToolType next_tm;
while (true)
mCurrentTool.PreviewMouseWheelHandler(sender, e);
next_tm = mCurrentTool.NextToolMode;
if (prev_tm != next_tm)
mCurrentTool = CreateTool(next_tm, mCurrentTool);
prev_tm = next_tm;
Replace it with the below code:
private void PDFView_PreviewMouseWheel(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseWheelEventArgs e)
if (mCurrentTool != null && _IsEnabled)
ToolManager.ToolType prev_tm = mCurrentTool.ToolMode;
ToolManager.ToolType next_tm;
while (true)
mNoteManager.HandlePreviewMouseWheel(sender, e);
if (!e.Handled)
mCurrentTool.PreviewMouseWheelHandler(sender, e);
next_tm = mCurrentTool.NextToolMode;
if (prev_tm != next_tm)
mCurrentTool = CreateTool(next_tm, mCurrentTool);
prev_tm = next_tm;
By doing the above, we are giving the NoteManager a chance to handle the PreviewMouseWheel before doing anything else with it.
Another point to note is that we have to now "do the scrolling" in code, using the mTextBox.ScrollToVerticalOffset method in the NoteHost class.

Interact with the Ok/Accept Or Cancel Button of a RepositoryItemTimeSpanEdit?

as seen in this post, I need to interact with the button, I mean, save the value of the repository when the user press the OK button, any suggest?
You need to find your TimeSpanEdit control inside of the popup form. You can iterate through popupForm.Controls collection to find out the control with TimeSpanEdit type. Here is example of how to do it. After that you can use TimeSpanEdit.TimeSpan property to get the value of TimeSpanEdit control.
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var popupForm = (TimeSpanEditDropDownForm)OwnedForms.FirstOrDefault(item => item is TimeSpanEditDropDownForm);
if (popupForm == null)
var timeSpanEdit = GetAll(this, typeof(TimeSpanEdit)).FirstOrDefault();
if (timeSpanEdit == null)
public IEnumerable<Control> GetAll(Control control,Type type)
var controls = control.Controls.Cast<Control>();
return controls.SelectMany(ctrl => GetAll(ctrl,type))
.Where(c => c.GetType() == type);
I think you can use object sender. sender will contains probably TimeSpanEditDropDownForm and there you should get actual value of this form. :)
I presume this code is called from controller is it?
if it is true than you have View.CurrentObject and you must know which property uses this TimeSpanEditDropDownForm so you could do something like this.
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyClass myClass = View.CUrrentObject as MyClass;
TimeSpanEditDropDownForm timeSpanForm = sender as TimeSpanEditDropDownForm;
myClass.CurrentTime = timeSpanForm.CurrentTime;
I dont know what is name of right attribute wich store TimeSpan inside TimeSpanEditDropDownForm thats thing you must find out but I think it could helps :)

Get clicked point in Devexpress line chart without visible markers

I'm trying to get clicked point on a deveexpress 1.14 line chart in winforms. It works fine with LineSeriesView MarkerVisibility set to true, but I don't want the points to be marked like that, i want a smoth line. How can i get the Seriespoint without doing that?
private void chart_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
// Obtain the object being clicked.
ChartHitInfo hi = chart.CalcHitInfo(e.X, e.Y);
// Check whether it was a series point, and if yes -
// obtain its argument, and pass it to the detail series.
SeriesPoint point = hi.SeriesPoint; // hi.SeriesPoint IS NULL
if (point != null) {
// do stuff
The runtimeHitTesting is on for that chart
void chart_CustomDrawSeries(object sender, CustomDrawSeriesEventArgs e)
LineDrawOptions drawOptions = e.SeriesDrawOptions as LineDrawOptions;
if (drawOptions == null)
drawOptions.Marker.Color = Color.Transparent;
drawOptions.Marker.BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
Remeber to set `this.chart.CacheToMemory = true; so the event don't fire all the time.

Click on treeview node open a new MDI form, focus left on first form

I'm trying to open a new form after clicking a node in a treeview.
In the first MDI form I have a treeview, when I click on a node in the tree view a 2nd MDI form is opened, but the first form keeps the focus. I want the new form to have the focus.
I have noticed the first form's _Enter event is firing as if something is setting focus back to the first form.
There is also a button on the first form that does the same function and it works great. I have a feeling the treeview has some special attribute set to cause the focus to come back to the first form.
Here is the code opening the form
private void tvClientsAccounts_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
private void OpenClientOrAccount(TreeNode Node)
if (Node.Tag is Client)
frmClients frmC = new frmClients();
Client Client = (Client)Node.Tag;
frmC.Id = Client.Id;
frmC.HouseholdId = Client.Household.Id;
frmC.MdiParent = Program.frmMain;
else if (Node.Tag is Account)
frmAccounts frmA = new frmAccounts();
Account Account = (Account)Node.Tag;
frmA.Id = Account.Id;
frmA.ClientId = Account.Client.Id;
frmA.MdiParent = Program.frmMain;
Here is the designer code defining the treeview
// tvClientsAccounts
this.tvClientsAccounts.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control;
this.tvClientsAccounts.Indent = 15;
this.tvClientsAccounts.LineColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray;
this.tvClientsAccounts.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(228, 193);
this.tvClientsAccounts.Name = "tvClientsAccounts";
this.tvClientsAccounts.Nodes.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode[] {
this.tvClientsAccounts.PathSeparator = "";
this.tvClientsAccounts.ShowNodeToolTips = true;
this.tvClientsAccounts.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(411, 213);
this.tvClientsAccounts.TabIndex = 23;
this.tvClientsAccounts.BeforeExpand += new System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewCancelEventHandler(this.tvClientsAccounts_BeforeExpand);
this.tvClientsAccounts.AfterExpand += new System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventHandler(this.tvClientsAccounts_AfterExpand);
this.tvClientsAccounts.BeforeSelect += new System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewCancelEventHandler(this.tvClientsAccounts_BeforeSelect);
this.tvClientsAccounts.AfterSelect += new System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventHandler(this.tvClientsAccounts_AfterSelect);
this.tvClientsAccounts.NodeMouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler(this.tvClientsAccounts_NodeMouseClick);
Thanks for your help
Yes, TreeView is a bit of a pain that way, it restores the focus to itself. That's why it has the AfterXxx events, but there's no AfterNodeMouseClick event. The way to solve it is to delay executing the method, until after all event side-effects are completed. That's elegantly done by using the Control.BeginInvoke() method, its delegate target runs when the UI thread goes idle again. Like this:
private void treeView1_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) {
this.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => OpenClientOrAccount(e.Node)));

Intercepting the value change of SetChildIndex

In a .NET CF-form i have multiple panels. I want to have a property that should always be informed about if a panel is in the front.
Can this be done using the GetChildIndex() method?
If yes, how do i intercept the change to SetChildIndex()?
Thanks in advance
For everybody who is interested for future use:
simply add a new event handler for the Paint event of each panel, for example:
panel1.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(panel1_Paint);
panel2.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(panel2_Paint);
and in each of the event handlers just call a Method which retrieves the state of all the panels like so:
void panel2_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
void GetPanelStates()
Panel2IsInFront = panel2.Parent.Controls.GetChildIndex(panel2) == 0;
Panel1IsInFront = panel1.Parent.Controls.GetChildIndex(panel1) == 0;
