statically linking libs. c compilation - c

I am working on a program which uses ncurses which will be used on embedded systems. Since these systems won't have ncurses installed I need to statically link the library. However if I try to build it like this
gcc -static ncurs.c -o ncurs -l:libncurses.a
gcc -static ncurs.c -o ncurs -lncurses
I get a ton of errors like this:
(.text+0x48): undefined reference to `SP'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/libncurses.a(lib_slktouch.o): In function `slk_touch':
normal compilation works fine.
I have searched for hours but I can't find any good information...
platform of development is stripped down debian system.

I guess you may need additional library, can you try -lncurses -ltinfo.
You can check on your system what the linker library flags for ncurses using command
pkg-config --static --libs ncurses
on my system, I got
-lncurses -ltinfo

try adding -ltinfo to the end of your commandline


How to cross compile a C SDL program for Windows on Linux?

I have a perfectly working C program using SDL that I can compile with
gcc main.c -o program `sdl-config --libs` -lSDL
The program is simple, it comes up with a black window and waits for the user to close it. No problems or errors. I have MinGW installed and I'm trying to use x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc to cross-compile it; I would like to know how to cross-compile this for Windows on Linux and include the necessary libraries.
You can invoke MinGW’s GCC like your Linux version, but you might need to replacesdl-config with some manual configuration like so:
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -Ipath/to/SDL/headers \
-Lpath/to/SDL/libs \
-o program main.o \
-lSDL -lSDLmain
You will need to download SDL.lib and SDLmain.lib. I believe they are part of the development zip. (Edit: as noted in the comments, you might not need to use the libs but can just use the DLLs.)
This might pop up a console window when running. Pass in the -mwindows flag to target the Windows subsystem instead.

gcc can't find -lX11

I've used linuxbrew to install gcc 5.3 on a machine on which I don't have sudo access. I now want to link with X11:
> gcc test.c -lX11
ld: cannot find -lX11
I've checked that exists in /usr/lib64/ which is on the compiler's LIBRARY_PATH. If I use the system's gcc it works fine, but I need a newer version to compile my actual program.
use -L flag, like this -L/usr/lib64, or you can specify full path to library like this gcc test.c /usr/lib64/
According to this comment by a linuxbrew developer,
linuxbrewed gcc removes /usr/lib64 from the library path because mixing system libraries with brewed libraries creates havoc.
The solution is to brew install linuxbrew/xorg/xorg.

DLL: File format not recognised when compiling C with MinGW on Linux for Windows

I'm using MinGW on Linux (Ubuntu, specifically) to compile a C program for Windows. I'm using a library called SFML, and it's bindings called CSFML. I'm using -L and -l to locate the libraries, but when I compile I get this error:
win32/dll/csfml-audio-2.dll: file not recognized: File format not recognised
I've got no idea why. Here's the command I'm using to compile:
sudo i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -o wandering src/main.c src/constants.c src/Display/display.c **...some more c files in here...** src/Generation/perlinnoise.c $(pkg-config --libs --cflags glib-2.0) $(pkg-config --libs --cflags gee-1.0) -Iwin32/CSFML-2.1/include -Lwin32/dll -lcsfml-audio-
Does anyone know why it's happening? I can compile C programs without SFML but with MinGW just fine...
The DLL has a PE32 executable file header. It's not used for the linker. You should use the import library instead. This file has the extension LIB.
I heard there are some gcc compiler versions out there than generate an import library from a DLL on the fly. It looks like your version doesn't.
From command line it seem's trying to use sudo i686-w64-mingw32-gcc 64 bit compiler and supplying 32 bit DLL i.e. win32/dll/csfml-audio-2.dll. change to x64/dll/csfml-audio-2.dll. It should work fine.

MinGw Cross Compilation

I am trying to compile a windows .c file on linux using the following command:
wine gcc.exe x.c -o x.exe -lws2_32
And I get this error.
C:/MinGW/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.5/../../../libmingw32.a(main.o):main.c:(.text+0x104): undefined reference to `WinMain#16'
However, when using gcc.exe with the -shared attribute, the error gone.
wine gcc.exe -shared x.c -o x.exe -lws2_32
I tried viewing the help page of gcc.exe but can not find anything related to "-shared" argument
What does this argument do ?
-shared will make a shared object from the code, rather than an executable.
An executable would need a main function as an entry point, hence the undefined reference error you saw.
The shared object can be linked with other objects to make an executable.
See here or here
You first line is actually almost correct. (Doctorlove told you that shared is for making shared objects, libraries, which is true.)
You have to add:
wine gcc.exe -mwindows x.c -o x.exe -lws2_32
The -mwindows option is to tell GCC that you want to link a graphical Windows program, not a console program. Of course, your program must also contain a main() or WinMain() function, or you will get the same error message again.
As a side note, you may want to know that you don't have to use wine to cross compile with Mingw. There are mingw cross compilers for Linux. On Debian and Ubuntu you install it with apt-get install mingw32.

How to compile Allegro 5 program with GCC using only C programming language

stackoverflow, et. al.,
I just installed Allegro 5 on my Ubuntu machine and I see some source code for this game development tool, but I do not see specific instructions for how to compile it.
For C programs I use gcc on the terminal.
My questions are:
From what directory do I compile allegro5 programs?
What compiler options are necessary? (the normal gcc someCProgram.c -o MyProgram doesnt work)
Thank-you for reading. I have read two c books so I am not a complete noob, but I have the struggles...
All the best,
Okay, let's put this into an answer:
If your program just consists of a single .c file, you can run gcc from the path the file is in. However, in general there's nothing wrong with invoking gcc from anywhere else as long as you get the paths right.
For linking with external libraries, you need -lmylibrary options in the compiler command, e.g. -lfreetype for the freetype library and so on.
Now, this can get a bit complicated when your libraries depend on other libraries etc. That's what the pkg-config tool is for.
When you look at the allegro wiki page, you will see the following sample command:
gcc [source file(s)] -o [output] `pkg-config --libs allegro-5.0`
The pkg-config bit will resolve the relevant -l options for you.
