What is wrong with my header files? - c

I've just completed a school assignment and I'm having a problem testing my code because I keep getting the following output after running make packetize (it's a makefile the professor gave us)
cc packetize.c -o packetize
/tmp/ccJJyqF6.o: In function `block_to_packet':
packetize.c:(.text+0xb1): undefined reference to `crc_message'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [packetize] Error 1
block_to_packet is defined in a file called packetize.c, crc_message is defined in crc16.c (both of which contain an #include "data.h" line). data.h also has the function heading for crc_message in it All of these files are in the same directory. I've been trying to compile them for the past hour and a half and have searched Google endlessly with no avail. It has something to do with linking I've read, my instructor has not taught this and so I don't know how to compile these files to test their outputs. Can anyone let me know what's wrong?

Your header files are absolutely OK. What you have there is a linker error: The compilation of packetize.c ran without problems, but then you're trying to link an executable file packetize (since you did not give the -c option which states "compile to object file"). And the executable would need the compiled code from crc16.c as well.
Either you have to give all sources on the compiler line:
cc packetize.c crc16.c -o myApp
Or you have to compile into individual object files, eventually linked together:
cc -c packetize.c -o packetize.o
cc -c crc16.c -o crc16.o
cc packetize.o crc16.o -o myApp
The former is what you'd do in a one-shot command line, the latter is what a Makefile usually does. (Because you do not need to recompile crc16.c if all you did was modify packetize.c. In large projects, recompiles can take significant amounts of time.)
Tutorial time. Take note of the existence / absence of -c options in the command lines given.
// foo.c
int foo()
return 42;
A source file defining the function foo().
// foo.h
int foo();
A header file declaring the function foo().
// main.c
#include "foo.h"
int main()
return foo();
A source file referencing foo().
In the file main.c, the include makes the compiler aware that, eventually, somewhere, there will be a definition of the function foo() declared in foo.h. All the compiler needs to know at this point is that the function will exist, that it takes no arguments, and that it returns int. That is enough to compile the source to object code:
cc -c main.c -o main.o
However, it is not enough to actually compile an executable:
cc main.c -o testproc # fail of compile-source-to-exe
ld main.o -o testproc # fail of link-object-to-exe
The compiler was promised (by the declaration) that a definition of foo() will exist, and that was enough for the compiler.
The linker however (implicitly run by cc in the first example) needs that definition. The executable needs to execute the function foo(), but it is nowhere to be found in main.c. The reference to foo() cannot be resolved. "Unresolved reference error".
You need to either compile both source files in one go...
cc foo.c main.c -o testproc # compile-source-to-exe
...or compile foo.c as well and provide the linker with both object files so it can resolve all references:
cc -c foo.c -o foo.o
ld foo.o main.o -o testproc # link-objects-to-exe
Post Scriptum: Calling ld directly as pictured above most likely will not work just like that. Linking needs a couple of additional parameters, which cc adds implicitly -- the C runtime support, the standard C library, stuff like that. I did not give those parameters in the examples above as they would confuse the matter and are beyond the scope of the question.

You have to compile crc16.c as well and link these two object files to build the binary. Otherwise packetize.c, from where crc_message() is being called, has no knowledge of it.
Try using
cc packetize.c crc16.c -o packetize
Your call crc_message() from packetize.c would just be fine.

As Totland writes crc_message is defined in crc16.c; which means that packetize.c can't see the definition, no matter how many shared headers they have. You do not have a compile error but an error from the linker.
If you compile your c files first to object files and then link everything to an executable it will work.


Different behavior of undefined reference error on linux gcc during linking with object file vs static library

I have following two source codes and want to link them.
// test.c
#include <stdio.h>
void lib2();
void lib1(){
return 0;
// main.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
return 0;
I've used gcc -c main.c and gcc -c test.c to generate objects files
$ ls *.o
main.o test.o
and I've used ar rcs test.a test.o command to generate static library(test.a) from object file test.o
Then, I tried to build executable by linking main.o with test.a or test.o. As far as I know, a static library file(.a extension) is a kind of simple collection of object files(.o). so I expected both would give same result: error or success. but it didn't.
Linking with the object file gives undefined reference error.
$ gcc -o main main.o test.o
/usr/bin/ld: test.o: in function `lib1':
test.c:(.text+0xe): undefined reference to `lib2'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
but linking with the static library doesn't give any error and success on compilation.
$ gcc -o main main.o test.a
Why is this happening? and how can I get undefined reference errors even when linking with static libraries?
If your code contains a function call expression then the language standard requires a function definition exists. (See C11 6.9/3). If you don't provide a definition then it is undefined behaviour with no diagnostic required .
The rule was written this way so that implementation vendors aren't forced to perform analysis to determine if a function is ever called or not; for example in your library scenario the compiler isn't forced to dig around in the library if none of the rest of the code contains anything that references that library.
It's totally up to the implementation what to do, and in your case it decides to give an error in one case and not the other. To avoid this, you can provide definitions for all the functions you call.
You might be able to modify the behaviour in the first case by using linker options such as elimination of unused code sections. Another thing you can do is call lib1() from main() -- this is still not guaranteed to produce an error but is more likely to.
Force the linker to do some work use -flto option and the error will go away.
ld does not search libraries for objects which are not used it only searches for symbols used in object files. Imagine that you have a library where some functions require defined callbacks. If you do not have them in every program you link against the library even if you do not use those functions.
I expected both would give same result: error or success. but it didn't.
Your expectation is incorrect. A good explanation of the difference between .o and .a with respect to linking is here.

C compiler gcc gives linker command failed error [duplicate]

I'm getting the following error and can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong.
$ gcc main.c -o main
Undefined symbols:
"_wtf", referenced from:
_main in ccu2Qr2V.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
#include <stdio.h>
#include "wtf.h"
void wtf();
void wtf(){
printf("I never see the light of day.");
Now, if I include the entire function in the header file instead of just the signature, it complies fine so I know wtf.h is being included. Why doesn't the compiler see wtf.c? Or am I missing something?
You need to link wtf with your main. Easiest way to compile it together - gcc will link 'em for you, like this:
gcc main.c wtf.c -o main
Longer way (separate compilation of wtf):
gcc -c wtf.c
gcc main.c wtf.o -o main
Even longer (separate compilation and linking)
gcc -c wtf.c
gcc -c main.c
gcc main.o wtf.o -o main
Instead of last gcc call you can run ld directly with the same effect.
You are missing the fact that merely including a header doesn't tell the compiler anything about where the actual implementation (the definitions) of the things declared in the header are.
They could be in a C file next to the one doing the include, they could come from a pre-compiled static link library, or a dynamic library loaded by the system linker when reading your executable, or they could come at run-time user programmer-controlled explicit dynamic loading (the dlopen() family of function in Linux, for instance).
C is not like Java, there is no implicit rule that just because a C file includes a certain header, the compiler should also do something to "magically" find the implementation of the things declared in the header. You need to tell it.

How does gcc handle local included files?

This really shouldn't be something I have to ask, but somehow I can find absolutely nothing by searching to answer my question.
In order to ask another question, I made three files: main.c, sub.c and sub.h. main.c has the 'main' function, while sub.c contains only function definitions.
Initially, main.c had '#include "sub.h"' as its only include statement.
Trying 'gcc main.c -O3 -o test' resulted in an error, saying that the function f() (declared in sub.h, defined in sub.c, and referenced in main.c) was unreferenced.
Trying 'gcc main.c sub.c -O3 -o test' resulted in expected behaviour.
I then modified test.c, removing the #include and references to f. 'gcc main.c -O3 -o test2' worked as expected.
I then re-added the references to f, and forgot to re-add the #include. Despite this, 'gcc main.c sub.c -O3 -o test3' worked as expected.
I noticed the mistake, and re-added the include intentionally as '#include sub.c'. 'gcc main.c sub.c -O3 -o test4' resulted in an error, saying f() was defined multiple times. 'gcc main.c -O3 -o test4 returned to working as expected.
The only conclusion I can draw from this is that as far as local files are concerned, if the file is a source code file then include it and don't add it to the command, else add its source to the command and don't bother including it, because apparently it doesn't matter whether you include it or not. I guess?
Basically my question is, is the behaviour above intended, and if so is it documented, and where, so I can read it and make better informed decisions about how to handle my included files in the future.
I then re-added the references to f, and forgot to re-add the #include. Despite this, 'gcc main.c sub.c -O3 -o test3' worked as expected.
For suitably loose definitions of "worked"; I'm going to bet that f() returns an int, and that gcc was defaulting to C89 mode.
Prior to C99, if the compiler encountered a function call before it saw a function definition or declaration, it assumed that the called function returned an int. Thus, as long as f() actually returns an int, your code will compile and run successfully. If f() doesn't return an int the code will still compile, but you will have a runtime problem. All the linker cares about is that the symbol is there; it doesn't care about type mismatches.
C99 did away with implicit int typing, so under a C99 compiler your code would fail to compile if you didn't have a declaration for f() in scope (either by including sub.h or adding the declaration manually).
The only conclusion I can draw from this is that as far as local files are concerned, if the file is a source code file then include it and don't add it to the command, else add its source to the command and don't bother including it, because apparently it doesn't matter whether you include it or not. I guess?
That is the exact wrong conclusion to draw. You do not want to include a .c file within another .c file as a regular practice, as it can lead to all kinds of mayhem. Everything in main.c is visible to sub.c and vice versa, leading to potential namespace collisions - for example, both files could define a "local" helper function named foo(). Normally such "local" functions aren't visible outside of the source file, but by including one source file within the other, both versions of foo() are visible and clash with each other. Another problem is that if a .c file includes another .c file which includes another .c file, etc., you may wind up with a translation unit that's too large for the compiler to handle. You will wind up recompiling both files every time you change one or the other where it isn't necessary. It's just bad practice all the way around.
The right thing to do is compile main.c and sub.c separately and make sure sub.h is included in both (you want to include sub.h in sub.c to make sure your declarations line up with your definitions; if they don't, the compiler will yak while translating sub.c).
Answering the following question in the comments:
When you say to compile main.c and sub.c separately, I'm assuming you mean to make object files out of them each individually and then link them (3 commands total)? Is there any way to do that with a single command?
The command gcc -o test main.c sub.c does the same thing, it just doesn't save the respective object files to disk. You could also create a simple Makefile, like so:
CFLAGS=-O3 -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Werror
SRCS=main.c sub.c
test: $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o $# $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS)
rm -rf test $(OBJS)
Then all you need to do is type make test:
[fbgo448#n9dvap997]~/prototypes/simplemake: make test
gcc -O3 -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Werror -c -o main.o main.c
gcc -O3 -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Werror -c -o sub.o sub.c
gcc -o test -O3 -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Werror main.o sub.o
There are implicit rules for building object files from .c files, so you don't need to include those rules in your Makefile. All you need to do is specify targets and prerequisites.
You may need to drop the -pedantic flag to use some platform-specific utilities, and you may need to specify a different standard (c89, gnu89, etc.) as well. You will definitely want to keep the -Wall -Werror flags, though - they'll enable all warnings and treat all warnings as errors; they'll force you to deal with warnings.
If you compile a program then the main function should be there. If you compile a program without main, then you can only generate object files. In your case, it looks like main.c contains main() and sub.c contains some function definitions. Other important thing is when you define a header file, ensure you have preprocessor directive to prevent including the header file multiple times.
An example is here:

Compiling multiple C files with gcc

I have two files, main.o and modules.o, and I'm trying to compile them so that main.o can call functions in modules.o. I was explicitly told not to try #include module.o. I really don't know what I should be doing instead. I tried a few different versions of gcc (such as gcc -x c driver main.o modules.o), but nothing I get works: the compiler continuously returns
error: called object is not a function
The .o files are my source code files (I was instructed to put my source code in files with extension .o.) What do I do to compile this?
If you have your two source files, you can compile them into object files without linking, as so:
gcc main.c -o main.o -c
gcc module.c -o module.o -c
where the -c flag tells the compiler to stop after the compilation phase, without linking. Then, you can link your two object files as so:
gcc -o myprog main.o module.o
This is all perfectly normal behavior, you'll usually get your makefile to compile things separately and link them at the end, so you don't have to recompile every single source file every time you change one of them.
Talking about main.o "calling functions in" module.o is perfectly fine, but an .o file is not a source file, it's a compiled object file. If "put my source code in files with extension .o" actually meant "compile my source code into files with extension .o" then the situation would make a whole lot more sense.
You should define the functions that you want to call from modules.c into main.c into a header file, let us say modules.h, and include that header file in main.c. Once you have the header file, please compile both of the files together: gcc main.c modules.c -o output
Two additional notes. First, modules.o is an object file and it should not be included in a C source file. Second, we cannot have a C file have a .o extension. You should actually get an error when compiling a .o file. Something like:
$ cat t.o
int main() {
int x = 1;
return 0;
$ gcc t.o
ld: warning: in t.o, file is not of required architecture
Undefined symbols:
"_main", referenced from:
start in crt1.10.6.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
program: main.o
gcc -o main main.c anotherSource.c
This works for me.
You should be including .h files which are "headers". So if your main file is using modules then you should include module's header file.

Undefined symbols error when using a header file

I'm getting the following error and can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong.
$ gcc main.c -o main
Undefined symbols:
"_wtf", referenced from:
_main in ccu2Qr2V.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
#include <stdio.h>
#include "wtf.h"
void wtf();
void wtf(){
printf("I never see the light of day.");
Now, if I include the entire function in the header file instead of just the signature, it complies fine so I know wtf.h is being included. Why doesn't the compiler see wtf.c? Or am I missing something?
You need to link wtf with your main. Easiest way to compile it together - gcc will link 'em for you, like this:
gcc main.c wtf.c -o main
Longer way (separate compilation of wtf):
gcc -c wtf.c
gcc main.c wtf.o -o main
Even longer (separate compilation and linking)
gcc -c wtf.c
gcc -c main.c
gcc main.o wtf.o -o main
Instead of last gcc call you can run ld directly with the same effect.
You are missing the fact that merely including a header doesn't tell the compiler anything about where the actual implementation (the definitions) of the things declared in the header are.
They could be in a C file next to the one doing the include, they could come from a pre-compiled static link library, or a dynamic library loaded by the system linker when reading your executable, or they could come at run-time user programmer-controlled explicit dynamic loading (the dlopen() family of function in Linux, for instance).
C is not like Java, there is no implicit rule that just because a C file includes a certain header, the compiler should also do something to "magically" find the implementation of the things declared in the header. You need to tell it.
