Read whole file at once into an array - arrays

I had read somewhere about the following method to read the whole file into a Perl array at once,
open my $file, '<', $filePath or die "Error: Unable to open file : $!";
my #fileData = <$file>;
close $file;
I suppose the size of the array is only limited by the available system memory. I wanted to know how exactly this works in the background, since there are no loops involved here to read the file line by line and feed them into the array.

Your wish is my command — a comment transferred to an answer, with a mild correction en route.
What is there to say? In array list context, as provided by my #fileData, the <> operator reads lines into the array with an implicit loop. It works. Occasionally, it is useful.
Perl has a couple of mottos. One is TMTOWTDI — There's More Than One Way To Do It. Another is DWIM — Do What I Mean; at least, Perl does this more than many languages, provided you know what you're asking for. This is a piece of dwimmery.

readline is the Perl 5 built-in function that is implementing the <EXPR> operator. It has different behaviour in scalar and list context.


How do I add data from a CSV file to an array in Perl?

I've searched and searched online, but nothing I do seems to work. I'm aware that this is a stupidly easy question, but I'm really stuck...
I had a directory of files, and saved the names of the directories to a CSV file. It's just made up of one column of data e.g.:
I used the following code to create the file (just in case its relevant):
open (my $fileh, '>', '/Users/Shared/serials.csv') or die "Could not open file!";
print $fileh `ls -1 $path`;
close $fileh;
print "Saved Serials!";
Now all I want is to read in the data in the file into an array, and then loop through each value to complete a task. I can't figure out how to do this...
Currently I am entering the numbers manually in the code into an array, like:
#ser_list = (100,101,102,103,...);
As stated above, I instead want to automatically write the file names (numbers) using the ls command line query and read them back into the script from there.
If there is a way of doing this without having to make a separate file of values that would be great.
The array is called #ser_list in the example, and from there I am reading the next $ser_num from the array and working with that in the loop.
foreach $ser_num (#ser_list) {....}
Thank you all in advance for your help and patience!
Don't use ls in a Perl program. You can use glob instead:
my #files = glob "$path/*";
If you need to work with the paths and filenames, check Path::Tiny.
To read lines with paths into an array, just use
open my $fh, '<', $filename or die $!;
chomp( my #paths = <$fh> );
See open, chomp, and readline for details.

misunderstanding of filehandle (or array?) in perl? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
confusing filehandle in perl
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
New to perl (and language in general), and have gone so far as OPEN FH.
A little confused about the following two scenarios (outputs are different, but I couldn't understand why the second one is "wrong").
script 1
#! usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
open FILE, "example.txt" or die $!;
while (<FILE>) {
print $_;
#! usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
open FILE, "example.txt" or die $!;
my #array = <FILE>;
while (<FILE>) {
print $_;
The example.txt contains 3 lines of sentence. When I assign filehandle FILE to an array, suddenly, $_ becomes empty ??
If I replace <FILE> in the while loop with array (#array), the loop cannot stop and $_ becomes "uninitialized value".
This is likely a very basic misunderstanding of filehandle and array , but can someone please help explain them - in plain English - ? Or point to the references where I could find more info (have a few references handy and have consulted them, but obviously I still couldn't quite understand why script 2 (and 3) are not correct). Great many thanks.
In Perl, when you read from a filehandle in a list context, it automatically reads to the end of the file. $_ is empty because the entire file has been read into #array, and the filehandle has been moved to EOF. Perl's different handling of the same instruction in scalar and list "context" is unusual, but the behavior of the filehandle itself is pretty standard across languages. In general, a filehandle or input stream will let you read a line at a time, a byte at a time, or the whole file at a time, and have a pointer that keeps track of the last place in the file you read. When you inadvertently moved that pointer all the way to the end of the file (EOF) by doing a read in a list context, your next call to read a line finds that there's no more file to read. This is a pretty good explanation of scalar and list context; that might be the trickier part of what's going on here.

Perl Filehandle Open Truncates the File

I am writing my first Perl program and it's a doozy. I'm happy to say that everything has been working for the most part, and searching this website has helped with most of my problems.
I am working with a large file composed of space separated values. I filter the file down to display only lines with a certain value in one of the columns, and output the filtered data to a new file. I then attempt to push all of the lines of that file into an array to use for looping. Here's some code:
my #orig_file_lines = <ORIG_FILE>;
open MAKE_NEW_FILE, '>', 'newfile.dat' or die "Couldn't open newfile.dat!";
&make_new_file(\#orig_file_lines); ##Creates a new, filtered newfile.dat
open NEW, "newfile.dat" or die "Couldn't open newfile.dat!";
my #lines;
printf("%s\n", $lines[$#lines]); ##Should print entirety of last line of newfile.dat
The problem is twofold: 1. $#lines = 24500 here when the newly created file (newfile.dat) actually has 24503 lines (so it should be 24502), 2. the printf statement returns a truncated line 24500, cutting off that line prematurely by about two columns.
Every other line, e.g. $lines[0-24499], will successfully print the entire line even when it is wider than $lines[24500], so the length of that particular line (they're all long) is not the problem. But it is almost as if the array has gotten too large somehow, since it cut off part of one line, and then the next two lines. If so, how do I combat this?
It looks like you forgot to close MAKE_NEW_FILE before opening the same file with NEW.
Some other points to look at:
&function syntax is mostly deprecated because it bypasses prototype checking.
I trust that you are using use warnings; and use strict;.
I notice that you have a two-argument open and a three-argument open. Although both are legal they have different mindsets which makes using them together confusing to the programmer. I would stay with the three argument open because I think it is easier to understand (unless you are playing code golf)

Getting array elements to end at a particular keyword and shifting the rest to the next line in Perl

I am reading a text file into an array in perl and looping through the array to do stuff on it. Whenever there is a "begin", "end" or a ";" anywhere in the text, I want my array element to end there and whatever comes after any of those keywords to be in the next element to make life easier for me when I try to make sense of the elements later.
To achieve this I thought of reading the entire file into an array, replacing all "begin" with "begin\n", "end" with "end\n" and ";" with ";\n", writing this array back to a file and then reading that file back to an array. Will this work ?
Is there a more elegant way to do this rather than use messy extra writes and reads to file?
Is there a way to short (in the electrical circuits sense if you know what I mean!) a read file handle and a write file handle so that I can escape the whole writing to the text file but still get my job done?
You can use split with parentheses to keep the separator in the result:
open my $FH, '<', 'file.txt' or die $!;
my #array = map { split /(begin|end|;)/ } <$FH>;
I would prefer to use a Perl one-liner and avoid manipulating arrays altogether:
$ perl -pi -e 's#(?<=begin)#\n#g; s#(?<=end)#\n#g; s#(?<=;)#\n#g;' file.txt

File I/O In DrScheme

(read) takes in a string from stdin, parses it as an s-expression, and returns that expression. How do I do the exact same thing, except taking input from a file?
Any of these:
(call-with-input-file "foo" read)
(with-input-from-file "foo" read)
The first will open the file and apply read on the open port to read a value and finally close it. The second is similar, except that it applies the function on no arguments in a dynamic context where the current input is read from the file. There are a bunch of other ways to do this, but you'll need to ask a more specific question...
(BTW, in the current repository version, which will be released as 4.2.3 soon, there is a new file->list function that will read all sexpressions from the file and return a list holding all of them.)
