Get wrong calculation for mean and standard deviation - c

I'm trying to calculate the mean and standard deviation using following
code segment. I am not getting any compile errors.
When I run it using .txt file, the output
appears following way:
"is not a valid integer
with wrong summation, mean and standard deviation and also Can't input double values.
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
if(buffer == NULL)
double result = fread(buffer,1,lSize,file);
if(result != lSize){
char *str = strtok(buffer," ,");
int count = 0;
while(str != NULL){
double val = (int) strtol(str,&str,10);
if(*str != ' ' && *str != '\0')
if(count == 0)
root = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
root->next = NULL;
root->value = val;
current = root;
double x = createNode(current,val);
str = strtok(NULL," ,");
current = root;
printf("Sum is %lf and link count is %lf\n",
getSummation(current), getNodeCount(current));
double mean = getMean(getSummation(current),getNodeCount(current));
double stdev = getStandardDeviation(root, mean,getNodeCount(current));
fclose( file );
return 0;
int createNode(struct node *n,double val)
if(n != NULL){
while(n->next != NULL)
n = n->next;
n->next = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
n = n -> next;
n -> value = val;
n -> next = NULL;
return 1;
int getSummation(struct node *element){
double sum = 0.0f;
if(element != NULL)
while(element != NULL)
sum = sum + element->value;
element= element->next;
printf("Null Point Exception thrown");
return sum;
int getNodeCount(struct node *link)
int count = 0;
while(link != NULL)
return count;
double getMean(double summation,int numberOfNodes)
double getStandardDeviation(struct node *link, double mean,int linkCount)
while(link != NULL)
stdev = sqrt((diffrenceSummation)/(linkCount - 1));
return stdev;

1) Add prototypes before main()
//double getSummation(struct node*element);
int getSummation(struct node *element);
int createNode(struct node *n,double val);
int getNodeCount(struct node *link);
#include <math.h>
2) Use consistent format specifiers
//printf("Summation is %lf and link count is %lf\n",
// getSummation(current), getNodeCount(current));
printf("Summation is %d and link count is %d\n",
getSummation(current), getNodeCount(current));
3) Various castings are questionable
// mean = (double)summation/(double)numberOfNodes;
mean = summation/numberOfNodes;
// double linkValue = (double) link->value;
double linkValue = link->value;
// buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*lSize);
buffer = malloc(lSize);
// double val = (int) strtol(str,&str,10);
double val = strtol(str,&str,10);


How to remove necessary nodes from a binary tree?

Good evening forum members.
The following is on the agenda:
Read a sequence of coordinates (x, y, z) of spatial points from the file, ordered by distance from the point of origin (develop a separate function for calculating the distance and store this value in the data structure);
To bypass use the bottom option from right to left;
Extract from the tree all nodes whose z coordinate falls within the specified range zmin ..zmax (I decided to take from 7 to 14) and indicate their number;
To completely erase the tree, use the direct (from the root) version of the bypass from left to right;
Print the entire tree using a non-recursive function.
Please help with number 3. It is not possible to implement the deletion algorithm according to a given condition. It either does not work at all, or errors arrive (
Thanks in advance to everyone who responds
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX_LEN 8
#define STACK_INIT_SIZE 20
typedef struct Tree {
int z;
int viddal;
struct Tree* left, * right;
typedef struct Stack {
size_t size, limit;
TREE** data;
int Distance(FILE* ftxt, int* vid, int* z_cord);
int CreateTreeFromFile(void);
TREE* NewNode(FILE* f, int viddal, int z);
void AddNewNode(TREE* pnew);
void PrintTreeNIZ(TREE* proot);
void iterPostorder(TREE* root);
void OutputTreeStructure(const char* title);
void ShowTree(TREE* proot, int level);
void ShowLevels(void);
int TreeHeight(TREE* proot);
void EraseTree(TREE* proot);
void DeleteSomeNodes(void);
int DeleteNode(TREE* pnew_adr);
TREE* root;
int main(){
system("chcp 1251");
if (CreateTreeFromFile() == 0)
return 0;
puts("\n Created tree: ");
OutputTreeStructure("of created tree");
OutputTreeStructure("of the new tree");
root = NULL;
puts("\n Tree was deleted from DM\n\n");
return 0;
int Distance(FILE* ftxt, int *vid, int* z_cord) {
TREE* pel = (TREE*)malloc(sizeof(TREE));
if (feof(ftxt)) {;
return NULL;
else {
int x, y, z;
fscanf(ftxt, "%d%d%d", &x, &y, &z);
*z_cord = z;
*vid = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
int CreateTreeFromFile()
const char* fname = "Cords_1.txt";
FILE* fvoc = fopen(fname, "r");
if (fvoc == NULL) {
printf("\n\t\tCan`t open file %s...\n", fname);
return 0;
TREE* node;
int viddal, z;
Distance(fvoc, &viddal, &z);
while ((node = NewNode(fvoc, viddal, z)) != NULL) {
Distance(fvoc, &viddal, &z);
return 1;
TREE* NewNode(FILE* f, int viddal, int z)
TREE* pel;
pel = (TREE*)malloc(sizeof(TREE));
if (feof(f)) {
return NULL;
pel->viddal = viddal;
pel->z = z;
pel->left = pel->right = NULL;
return pel;
void AddNewNode(TREE* pnew) {
if (root == NULL) {
root = pnew;
TREE* prnt = root;
do {
if (pnew->viddal == prnt->viddal) {
if (pnew->viddal < prnt->viddal) {
if (prnt->left == NULL) {
prnt->left = pnew;
prnt = prnt->left;
else {
if (prnt->right == NULL) {
prnt->right = pnew;
prnt = prnt->right;
} while (1);
void PrintTreeNIZ(TREE* proot)
if (proot == NULL)
printf("\n Right Tree");
printf("\n\n Left Tree");
printf("\n\n Korin - %d", proot->viddal);
void OutputTreeStructure(const char* title)
printf("\n\n\n Structur%s:\n\n", title);
ShowTree(root, 0);
#define TAB 7
void ShowTree(TREE* proot, int level)
if (proot == NULL) return;
ShowTree(proot->right, level + 1);
printf("\n%*c%d", level * TAB + 10, ' ', proot->viddal);
ShowTree(proot->left, level + 1);
void ShowLevels(void)
int lev;
printf(" Level: ");
for (lev = 1; lev <= TreeHeight(root); lev++)
printf(" %-*d", 6, lev);
int TreeHeight(TREE* proot)
int lh, rh;
if (proot == NULL) return 0;
lh = TreeHeight(proot->left);
rh = TreeHeight(proot->right);
return lh > rh ? lh + 1 : rh + 1;
void EraseTree(TREE* proot)
if (proot == NULL)
STACK* createStack() {
Stack* tmp = (Stack*)malloc(sizeof(Stack));
tmp->limit = STACK_INIT_SIZE;
tmp->size = 0;
tmp->data = (TREE**)malloc(tmp->limit * sizeof(TREE*));
return tmp;
void freeStack(Stack** s) {
*s = NULL;
void push(Stack* s, TREE* item) {
if (s->size >= s->limit) {
s->limit *= 2;
s->data = (TREE**)realloc(s->data, s->limit * sizeof(TREE*));
s->data[s->size++] = item;
TREE* pop(Stack* s) {
if (s->size == 0) {
return s->data[s->size];
TREE* peek(Stack* s) {
return s->data[s->size - 1];
void iterPostorder(TREE* root) {
Stack* ps = createStack();
TREE* lnp = NULL;
TREE* peekn = NULL;
while (!ps->size == 0 || root != NULL) {
if (root) {
push(ps, root);
root = root->left;
else {
peekn = peek(ps);
if (peekn->right && lnp != peekn->right) {
root = peekn->right;
else {
printf("\n\t Visited -> %d", peekn->viddal);
lnp = peekn;
void DeleteSomeNodes(void)
printf("\n\t Deleting needing nods:\n");
TREE* pfind = (TREE*)malloc(sizeof(TREE));
do {
if (pfind->z >= 7 && pfind->z <= 14) {
printf(" Number %d was deleted from tree\n", root);
} while (1);
#define NoSubTree 0
#define LeftSubTree -1
#define RightSubTree 1
#define TwoSubTrees 2
int DeleteNode(TREE* pnew_adr)
TREE* proot = root;
int subtr;
if (proot == NULL) return 0;
if (pnew_adr->viddal < proot->viddal)
return DeleteNode(proot->left);
if (pnew_adr->viddal > proot->viddal)
return DeleteNode(proot->right);
if (proot->left == NULL && proot->right == NULL)
subtr = NoSubTree;
else if (proot->left == NULL)
subtr = RightSubTree;
else if (proot->right == NULL)
subtr = LeftSubTree;
subtr = TwoSubTrees;
switch (subtr) {
case NoSubTree:
root = NULL; break;
case LeftSubTree:
root = proot->left; break;
case RightSubTree:
root = proot->right; break;
case TwoSubTrees:
TREE* pnew_root = proot->right, * pnew_prnt = proot;
while (pnew_root->left != NULL) {
pnew_prnt = pnew_root;
pnew_root = pnew_root->left;
pnew_root->left = proot->left;
if (pnew_root != proot->right) {
pnew_prnt->left = pnew_root->right;
pnew_root->right = proot->right;
root = pnew_root;
return 1;

Why is my Hash Map insert function not working?

I am making a Hash Map with people's names as its key using C language. I am using separate chaining to resolve the collision.
This is my code:
#define MinTableSize 1
#include <stdbool.h>
//Colission resolution Using linked list
struct ListNode;
typedef struct ListNode *Position;
struct HashTbl;
typedef struct HashTbl *HashTable;
typedef unsigned int Index;
Index Hash(const char *Key, int Tablesize)
unsigned int HashVal = 0;
while(*Key != '\0')
HashVal += *Key++;
return HashVal % Tablesize;
struct ListNode
int Element;
Position Next;
typedef Position List;
struct HashTbl
int TableSize;
List *TheLists;
//Function to find next prime number for the size
bool isPrime(int n)
if(n <= 1)
return false;
if(n <= 3)
return true;
if(n%2 == 0 || n%3 == 0)
return false;
for(int i = 5; i*i <= n; i = i + 6)
if(n%i == 0 || n%(i + 2) == 0)
return false;
return true;
int NextPrime(int N)
if(N <= 1)
return 2;
int prime = N;
bool found = false;
found = true;
return prime;
HashTable InitializeTable(int TableSize)
HashTable H;
int i;
if(TableSize < MinTableSize)
printf("Table size is too small\n");
return NULL;
H = malloc(sizeof(struct HashTbl));
if(H == NULL)
printf("Out of space\n");
return NULL;
H->TableSize = NextPrime(TableSize);
H->TheLists = malloc(sizeof(List) * H->TableSize);
if(H->TheLists == NULL)
printf("Out of space\n");
return NULL;
for(i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++)
H->TheLists[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
if(H->TheLists[i] == NULL)
printf("Out of space\n");
return NULL;
H->TheLists[i]->Next = NULL;
return H;
//funtion to find the value
Position Find(const char *Key, HashTable H)
Position P;
List L;
L = H->TheLists[Hash(Key, H->TableSize)];
P = L->Next;
while(P != NULL && P->Element != Key)
P = P->Next;
return P;
void Insert(const char *Key, HashTable H)
Position Pos;
Position NewCell;
List L;
Pos = Find(Key, H);
if(Pos == NULL)
NewCell = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
if(NewCell == NULL)
printf("Out of space\n");
return NULL;
L = H->TheLists[Hash(Key, H->TableSize)];
NewCell->Element = Key;
L->Next = NewCell;
printf("Key inserted\n");
printf("Key already exist\n");
int main()
char Name[6][20] = {"Joshua", "Erica", "Elizabeth", "Monica", "Jefferson", "Andrian"};
int Size = sizeof(Name[0])/sizeof(Name[0][0]);
HashTable H = InitializeTable(Size);
Insert(Name[0], H);
Insert(Name[1], H);
Insert(Name[2], H);
Insert(Name[3], H);
The putout of this code is:
Key inserted
Key inserted
This means, it only successfully inserted two keys, while the other name has not been inserted. I think there's some error in my Insert() function, but I got no clue. I tried using an online compiler and it compile properly.

Array of singly linked list won't delete node

I have an array[4] where each index of the array has a singly linked list that holds the following information: name, size. The switch statement controls what index the information will go into according to the size of the party.
Problem: When trying to delete a node according to the size (user inputs) the node will not delete.
I know that all of the cases of deletion have the proper syntax but I cannot figure out why my node will not delete. Appreciate any help.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct node
char name[20];
int size;
struct node *next;
node* head[4]={NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
node* tail[4]={NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
// proto's
void add_party(int, char name[], int size);
void delete_party(char name[], int size);
void list_parties(void);
void change_p_size(char name[], int size);
// main function
int main()
int x;
while (1)
printf("\n\nEnter 1 to add a party\nEnter 2 to remove a party\nEnter 3 for the list of the party\nEnter 4 to change party size.\nEnter 5 to quit.\n\n");
// user interface
char name[20]; //local variables
int size;
case 1:
printf("\nParty Name: ");
scanf("%s", name);
printf("\nParty Size: ");
scanf("%d", &size);
if(size == 0)
printf("\nThat is not a valid command. Party not added!\n");
if(size >= 1 && size <= 2)
add_party(0, name, size);
else if(size >= 3 && size <= 4)
add_party(1, name, size);
else if(size >= 5 && size <= 6)
add_party(2, name, size);
else if(size >= 7)
add_party(3, name, size);
case 2:
printf("\nSize of party to delete: ");
scanf("%i", &size);
delete_party(NULL, size);
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
//add function
void add_party(int h, char *name, int size)
//create a new node
int i=0;
int breaker = 0;
node *p;
node *new_item;
new_item = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); // allocate memory the size of the struct
new_item->size = size;
if(head[h] == NULL && tail[h] == NULL) // if an empty list, create a head and tail
head[h] = new_item;
tail[h] = head[h];
new_item->next = NULL;
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
p = head[i];
while(p != NULL)
//check that no repeating names. delete nodes that do have repeating names
if(strcmp(p->name,name) == 0)
printf("\nSorry, that name is already taken\n");
p = p->next; //go to the next node in the list
tail[h]->next = new_item;
new_item->next = NULL;
tail[h] = new_item;
//delete function
void delete_party(char *name, int size)
int i=0;
int breaker = 0;
node *p;
node *previous;
if(name != NULL)
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
p = previous = head[i]; //make sure previous trails behind head
while(p != NULL)
int c = (strcmp(p->name,name)==0);
breaker = 1;
previous = p;
p = p -> next;
int group = -1;
if(size == 1 || size == 2)
group = 0;
if(size == 3 || size == 4)
group = 1;
if(size == 5 || size == 6)
group = 2;
if(size >= 7)
group = 3;
for(i = group; i > -1; i--)
node *p = head[i];
node *previous = head[i];
while(p != NULL)
if(p <= size)
breaker = 1;
previous = p;
p = p-> next;
if(p == NULL)
if(head[i] == tail[i] && head[i] != NULL) // case 1, empty list
printf("\nList is empty!\n");
else if(p == tail[i] && p == head[i]) // case 2, one element
head[i] = NULL;
tail[i] = NULL;
else if(p == head[i]) // case 3, delete from the head
head[i] = head[i] -> next;
tail[i] = NULL;
else if(p == tail[i]) // case 4, delete from tail
tail[i] = previous;
tail[i] -> next = NULL;
else // case 5, delete from middle
previous -> next = p -> next;
// list function
void list_parties(void)
int i = 0;
node *p=head;
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
while(p != NULL)
printf("\n\n%s, %d\n\n", p->name, p->size);
// change function
void change_partysize(char *name, int size)
int absolute_value = 0;
int comparison = 0;
int current_size = 0;
printf("\nWhat name is your party under?\n");
scanf("%s", name);
//check if the name
printf("\nWhat would you like to change the size to?\n");
scanf("%d", &size);
node *p;
while(p != NULL)
if(p->name == name) //new size falls into same range as the size coorelating to the name
current_size = p->size;
absolute_value = abs(size - current_size);
comparison = size - current_size;
if(current_size > 7 && size > 7)
current_size = size;
else if(absolute_value >= 1)
//delete the node's value but not the name
delete_party(NULL, size);
//insert node with new name & dif size
add_party(NULL, name, size);
printf("\nYou did not enter a different party size\n");
You're declaring new variables p and previous inside the for loop when you delete by size. So when the code after the loop uses these variables, it's using the uninitialized variables declared at the top of the function. Get rid of the declarations and just assign the variables.
Also, if (p <= size) appears to be a typo for if (p->size <= size). I'm surprised you didn't get a compiler warning for that.
You can also replace the if(breaker) check with a test in the for header.
for(i = group; !breaker && i > -1; i--)
p = head[i];
previous = head[i];
while(p != NULL)
if(p->size <= size)
breaker = 1;
previous = p;
p = p-> next;

AddNumber function in program not working

I am having trouble understanding what I should do in the AddNumber function of my program. When the AddNumber function is called in main a pointer variable previous is created, and it takes the user's input and points it at the address of the variable newNum. I created an if statement for it to do that, but I was informed it doesn't do anything.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
typedef struct A_NewNumber{
struct A_NewNumber *next;
double newNum;
} NewNumber;
NewNumber *AddNumber(NewNumber *previous, char *input){
//char input[16];
//double numEntered = 0;
NewNumber *newNum = malloc(sizeof(NewNumber));
sscanf(input, "%lf", &newNum->newNum);
//sscanf(input, "%s", newNum->enterNumber);
//numEntered = atof(input);
/*if (previous != NULL){
newNum->next = NULL;
newNum->newNum = 0;
return newNum;
void PrintList(NewNumber *start){
NewNumber *currentNumber = start;
int count = 0;
while(currentNumber != NULL){
currentNumber = currentNumber->next;
printf("Total Numbers Entered%d\n", count);
void CleanUp(NewNumber *start){
NewNumber *freeMe = start;
NewNumber *holdMe = NULL;
while(freeMe != NULL){
holdMe = freeMe->next;
freeMe = holdMe;
int main(){
//indexNum = 0;
char command[16];
char input[16];
//float userInput;
NewNumber *userEnter = NULL;
NewNumber *start = NULL;
NewNumber *newest = NULL;
while(fgets(input, sizeof input, stdin)){
printf("Please enter a number->");
printf("Enter 'quit' to stop or 'print' to print/calculate");
sscanf(input, "%s", command);
if(newest == NULL){
start = AddNumber(NULL, input);
newest = start;
newest = AddNumber(newest, input);
}if(strncmp(command, "print", 5) == 0){
}else if(strncmp(command, "quit", 4)== 0){
//userInput = enterNumber;
return 0;
It was not that bad, was just in need of a bit of clean-up.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct A_NewNumber {
struct A_NewNumber *next;
double newNum;
} NewNumber;
NewNumber *AddNumber(NewNumber * previous, char *input)
int res;
// allocate new node
NewNumber *newNum = malloc(sizeof(NewNumber));
if (newNum == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Malloc failed in AddNUmber()\n");
return previous;
// convert input string to float
res = sscanf(input, "%lf", &newNum->newNum);
if (res != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Something bad happend in AddNUmber()\n");
return previous;
// terminate that node
newNum->next = NULL;
// if this is NOT the first node
// put new node to the end of the list
if (previous != NULL) {
previous->next = newNum;
// return pointer to new node at end of the list
return newNum;
void PrintList(NewNumber * start)
NewNumber *currentNumber = start;
int count = 0;
while (currentNumber != NULL) {
printf("Numbers:%lf\n", currentNumber->newNum);
currentNumber = currentNumber->next;
printf("Total Numbers Entered %d\n", count);
void CleanUp(NewNumber * start)
NewNumber *freeMe = start;
NewNumber *holdMe = NULL;
while (freeMe != NULL) {
holdMe = freeMe->next;
freeMe = holdMe;
int main()
char input[16];
NewNumber *start = NULL;
NewNumber *newest = NULL;
int res;
// infinite loop
while (1) {
// give advise
printf("Please enter a number or\n");
printf("'quit' to stop or 'print' to print/calculate\n");
// get input from user
res = scanf("%s", input);
if (res != 1) {
if (res == EOF) {
fprintf(stderr, "Got EOF, bailing out\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "something bad happend, bailing out\n");
// check if a command was given
if (strncmp(input, "print", 5) == 0) {
} else if (strncmp(input, "quit", 4) == 0) {
// otherwise gather numbers
if (newest == NULL) {
start = AddNumber(NULL, input);
if (start == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "AddNumber returned NULL\n");
newest = start;
} else {
newest = AddNumber(newest, input);
if (newest == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "AddNumber returned NULL\n");
return 0;
You should really make a habit of checking all returns and if you don't: be able to give a good reason why you didn't.
Don't forget to switch on all warnings your compiler offers. Even if you don't understand them now, Google might have an answer and if not some people here do (in that order, thank you).

XOR maximization using a trie

I am trying to solve this question-
Given an array A of unsigned 32-bit ints, choose two in-bounds indices i, j so as to maximize the value of A[i] ^ A[j], where ^ is the bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) operator.
Example Input:
4 2 0 13 49
Explanation: 13 ^ 49 is 60
Here is my code
#include <stdio.h>
void insert(int n, int pos, struct node *t);
int find(struct node *p1, struct node *p2);
struct node *alloc();
struct node{
int value;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
int main()
int t;
scanf("%d", &t);
while (t--)
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
struct node root;
root.value = 0;
root.left = root.right = NULL;
while (n--)
int num;
scanf("%d", &num);
insert(num, 31 , &root);
int max = find(&root, &root);
printf("%d\n", max);
return 0;
void insert(int n, int pos, struct node *t)
if (pos >= 0)
struct node *m;
int bit = (1 << pos)&n;
if (bit)
if (t->right == NULL)
m->value = 1;
m->left = NULL;
m->right = NULL;
t->right = m;
if (pos == 0)
m->value = n;
m->left = NULL;
m->right = NULL;
t->left = m;
insert(n, pos - 1, t->right);
if (t->left == NULL)
m = alloc();
m->value = 0;
m->left = NULL;
m->right = NULL;
t->left = m;
if (pos == 0)
m->value = n;
m->left = NULL;
m->right = NULL;
t->left = m;
insert(n, pos - 1, t->left);
int find(struct node *p1, struct node *p2)
if ((p1->left != NULL) ||(p1->right != NULL))
int n01 = 0;
int n10 = 0;
if (p1->left != NULL && p2->right != NULL)
n01 = find(p1->left, p2->right);
if ((p1->right != NULL) && (p2->left != NULL))
n10 = find(p2->left, p1->right);
if (p1->left!=NULL && p2->left!=NULL)
n01 = find(p1->left, p2->left);
n10 = find(p1->right, p2->right);
return (n01 > n10 ? n01 : n10);
return p1->value^p2->value;
struct node *alloc()
return (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
I am only getting a 0 as output.I know there are mistakes in my code.Please help me in finding the mistakes or if necessary the right solution.
