Daemon process unable to find file (specified via relative path) - c

I have a daemon process that spawns several threads one of which handles HTTP requests. The handler is intended to return a file located in
I have the following code:
void * read_file_ex(char *file_name, int32_t *data_len) {
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
... // more code to fetch file contents
void * read_file(char *file_name){
return read_file_ex(file_name, NULL);
And in the thread, I call:
The code crashes with a "Segmentation Fault" error when a request is made for that file.
When I use GDB to break at fopen, I notice that a NULL is returned and errno is set to 2 (File not found).
Also, when I change the code to use the absolute path of the file:
then `fopen()' is able to find the index file and everything works fine.
Another thing to mention is that this error happens when run on Debian Linux but not on Ubuntu 12.04 which makes my question look even dumber.
I forgot to add that I am running the program from the same folder that contains the `resources' folder.

If the current directory of the process is not /usr/sbin/app (and it seems a bit unlikely that the current directory would be /usr/bin/app), then the relative pathname won't work. You should always check the return result from fopen() before attempting to use it. There are endless reasons why an open operation can fail even if you're in the correct directory, let alone when there's a chance that you aren't.
Note that if your process uses functions like daemon(), or is run via a daemonize program, the current directory can be changed to / even if you expected it to be somewhere else.
If you need to check the current directory of the process (a process has a single current directory common to all threads), you can use the getcwd() to get the current working directory.
If you need to change directory (again) after daemonizing your process, you can use chdir() to do so. There's also fchdir() which can be used to change back to a directory if you have an open file descriptor for the directory.


Writing in the executable while running the program

I'm writing a C program and I would like to be able to store data inside the executable file.
I tried making a function to write a single byte at the end of the file but it looks like it can't open the file because it reaches the printf and then gives "segmentation fault".
void writeByte(char c){
FILE *f;
f = fopen("game","wb");
if(f == 0)
printf("\nFile not found\n");
The file is in the correct directory and the name is correct. When I try to read the last byte instead of writing it works without problems.
Edit: I know I should abort the program instead of trying to write anyway but my main problem is that the program can't open the file despite being in the same directory.
There are several unrelated problems in your code and the problem you're trying to solve.
First you lack proper error handling. If any function that can fail (like e.g. fopen) fails, you should act accordingly. If, for example you did
#include <error.h>
#include <errno.h>
f = fopen("game","wb");
if ( f == NULL ) {
error(1,errno,"File could not be opened");
You would have recieved an useful error message like
./game: File could not be opened: Text file busy
You printed a message, which is not even correct (the file not beeing able to be opened is somthing different, than not beeing found) and continued the program which resulted in a segmentation fault because you dereferenced the NULL pointer stored in f after the failure of fopen.
Second As the message tells us (at least on my linux machine), the file is busy. That means, that my operating system does not allow me to open the executable I'm running in write mode. The answers to this question lists numerous source of the explanation of this error message. There might be ways to get around this and open a running executable in write mode, but I doubt this is easy and I doubt that this would solve your problem because:...
Third Executable files are stored in a special binary format (usually ELF on Linux). They are not designed to be manually modified. I don't know what happens if you just append data to it, but you could run into serious problems if your not very careful and know what you're doing.
If you just try to store data, use another plain and fresh file. If you're hoping to append code to an executable, you really should gather some background information about ELF files (e.g. from man elf) before continuing.

Determine if path is inside directory

In my application, I am trying to check if a path is inside of a specific directory. E.g., I want the files in the path /x/y/z not to be accessible by parts of my application. I cannot use traditional file permissions, as other parts of the application should be able to access these files.
Several Internet resources suggest the use of realpath to first canonicalize paths, i.e., resolving all symlinks and instances of .. (e.g. 1, 2).
However, it seems not to be possible to perform path resolution followed by an open without an race condition (TOCTOU).
char *resolved = realpath("/my/potentially/dangerous/path.txt", NULL);
// someone changes any part of the path to a symlink to something else <--- race condition
if (check_path(resolved)) {
// <--- race condition
int fd = open(resolved, O_RDONLY);
Am I overlooking something or does POSIX (and Linux) not provide any way to do something like this without a race condition?
What about 'openat2' (Linux only)?
And once you have a file descriptor, see man open
A file descriptor is a reference to an open file description; this
reference is unaffected if pathname is subsequently removed or
modified to refer to a different file.

Using File Descriptors with readlink()

I have a situation where I need to get a file name so that I can call the readlink() function. All I have is an integer that was originally stored as a file descriptor via an open() command. Problem is, I don't have access to the function where the open() command executed (if I did, then I wouldn't be posting this). The return value from open() was stored in a struct that I do have access to.
char buf[PATH_MAX];
char tempFD[2]; //file descriptor number of the temporary file created
tempFD[0] = fi->fh + '0';
tempFD[1] = '\0';
char parentFD[2]; //file descriptor number of the original file
parentFD[0] = (fi->fh - 1) + '0';
parentFD[1] = '\0';
if (readlink(tempFD, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) {
log_msg("\treadlink() error\n");
perror("readlink() error");
} else
log_msg("readlink() returned '%s' for '%s'\n", buf, tempFD);
This is part of the FUSE file system. The struct is called fi, and the file descriptor is stored in fh, which is of type uint64_t. Because of the way this program executes, I know that the two linked files have file descriptor numbers that are always 1 apart. At least that's my working assumption, which I am trying to verify with this code.
This compiles, but when I run it, my log file shows a readlink error every time. My file descriptors have the correct integer values stored in them, but it's not working.
Does anyone know how I can get the file name from these integer values? Thanks!
If it's acceptable that your code becomes non portable and is tied to being run on a somewhat modern version of Linux, then you can use /proc/<pid>/fd/<fd>. However, I would recommend against adding '0' to the fd as a means to get the string representing the number, because it uses the assumption that fd < 10.
However it would be best if you were able to just pick up the filename instead of relying on /proc. At the very least, you can replace calls to the library's function with a wrapper function using a linker flag. Example of usage is gcc program.c -Wl,-wrap,theFunctionToBeOverriden -o program, all calls to the library function will be linked against __wrap_theFunctionToBeOverriden; the original function is accessible under the name __real_theFunctionToBeOverriden. See this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/617606/111160 for details.
But, back to the answer not involving linkage rerouting: you can do it something like
char fd_path[100];
snprintf("/proc/%d/fd/%d", sizeof(fd_path), getpid(), fi->fh);
You should now use this /proc/... path (it is a softlink) rather than using the path it links to.
You can call readlink to find the actual path in the filesystem. However, doing so introduces a security vulnerability and I suggest against using the path readlink returns.
When the file the descriptor points at is deleted,unlinked, then you can still access it through the /proc/... path. However, when you readlink on it, you get the original pathname (appended with a ' (deleted)' text).
If your file was /tmp/a.txt and it gets deleted, readlink on the /proc/... path returns /tmp/a.txt (deleted). If this path exists, you will be able to access it!, while you wanted to access a different file (/tmp/a.txt). An attacker may be able to provide hostile contents in the /tmp/a.txt (deleted) file.
On the other hand, if you just access the file through the /proc/... path, you will access the correct (unlinked but still alive) file, even if the path claims to be a link to something else.

Calling fopen on Windows core files returns NULL pointer

I am trying to open a couple different files via their absolute path (determined elsewhere, programmatically), so I can get their SHA1 hash*, some of which are core windows files. fopen() is returning NULL on some (but not all) files when I attempt to open them as follows (normally the filename is gotten via QueryFullProcessImageName but I hardcoded it just in case):
char * filename = "c:\\windows\\system32\\spoolsv.exe";
FILE * currFileRead = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (currFileRead == NULL)
printf("Failed to open %s, error %s\n", filename, strerror(errno) );
//hashing code
The reported error is 2: "No such file or directory", but obviously they're there. It also only fails for some processes, like spoolsv.exe or winlogon.exe, while svchost.exe and wininint.exe seem to open just fine.
My program has administrative privileges, and I can't figure why some processes would fail while others opened without trouble?
*I'm using a method from LibTomCrypt (http://libtom.org/?page=features) which is open source with a permissive license. The call to sha1_process takes in a hash_state (internal to the library), an unsigned char buffer, and the length of the buffer. I need to read the file with fopen to get the file into memory for hashing.
Because your program is a 32-bit process, when you try to open c:\windows\system32 you actually get c:\windows\syswow64 which does not contain all of the same files.
You can use IsWow64Process to determine whether you are running on a 64-bit system. If you are, you can replace system32 with sysnative in the path to open the actual file, unless you need to support Windows 2003 or Windows XP. Depending on your circumstances, you might need to cope with the possibility that the Windows folder is not c:\windows and/or the possibility that there are other folders named system32.
On the whole it would be more robust to have separate 32-bit and 64-bit versions of your application, or perhaps just the particular part of it that is exhibiting the problem. If you can't leave it up to the user to install the appropriate version, the installer could decide which to install, or you could always install both and have the 32-bit version automatically launch the 64-bit version when running on a 64-bit system.
Having administrative privileges is not always enough, because if the file you want to open is in use and the program that is using it has locked it, then you can't open and read that file.

program doesnt work if called from another folder

In Command Prompt, this works: whatever\folder> bezier.exe
but this doesn't: whatever> folder\bezier.exe
My bezier program loads some settings from a local file, so I believe the problem is that the program thinks its directory is whatever\ when it is actually whatever\folder\. I'm calling it from within a C program using CreateProcess(). If I am correct in guessing the problem, is there any way to ensure the program has the right directory for itself?
the main method of bezier.exe:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char buf[200];
FILE* f = fopen("out.txt","w");
SDL_Surface* screen;
SDL_Event e;
if (screen == NULL)
fill(screen, backColor);
while (e.type != SDL_KEYDOWN)
//do stuff
return 0;
Here's the crazy part. With "..> folder\bezier.exe" it doesn't write its path, but it does start a new window. That doesn't make any sense to me, because SDL_SetVideoMode is after writing the path.
You can use GetModuleHandle and GetModuleFileName to find out where your execuatble file is, then use that information to create a file specification for your local settings file.
GetModuleHandle with a NULL argument will give you the handle for the current executable. Then, passing that to GetModuleFileName will give you the fully qualified name of that executable. Just strip off the executable filename from the end and add your configuration file name.
However, that's been a bad idea for a long time now, since Windows provides per-application and per-user settings areas for this sort of stuff - you can generally get those locations with SHGetFolderLocation() and its brethren.
Use the first method only if this is for a personal project. If you plan to release your software to the wild, you should separate executable and configuration information as per Microsoft guidelines.
Regardless of that, it appears you now have the problem that you think the file is not being written to. You need to check that. When you open that file out.txt for write, it does so in the current directory. If you're running in the parent directory (with folder\bezier.exe), it will create it in the parent directory and looking for it in the folder directory is a waste of time.
If you are looking in the directory where you're running the program from, and it's still not being created, there are possible reasons for this. For a start, you should check (ie, capture and output) the return codes from all those f* functions, fopen, fprintf and fclose.
