Is there any simplier way to find the last element of an array in clojure except this function?
(fn [l] (if (empty? (rest l)) (first l) (recur (rest l))))
For vectors, use peek for constant time
user=> (peek [1 2 3 4 5])
For Java arrays,
user=> (let [a (to-array [1 2 3 4 5])] (aget a (dec (alength a))))
For a general collection, you can get the last item in linear time with last. It is defined similarly to what you have done.
user=> (source last)
^{:arglists '([coll])
:doc "Return the last item in coll, in linear time"
:added "1.0"
:static true}
last (fn ^:static last [s]
(if (next s)
(recur (next s))
(first s))))
The simplest way is to use (last l) that works in linear time (
Another possibility is to reverse your collection and take the first element: ((comp first reverse) l). But that's rather slow as reverse returns a non-lazy sequence. Note: comp returns a composition of its arguments (functions) (
You can also convert the collection to a vector first and then apply peek: ((comp peek vec) l). This should have a better performance.
Another one: determine the length of your collection and take the last element (#(nth % (dec (count %))) l).
These functions work for all collection types (e.g. vectors, lists, ...). There are no arrays per se in Clojure (except you want to use Java arrays).
I've been writing out a function in Clojure that would take a row of a 2d array and then multiples the values in it by a single value. I have the index to get the specific row and the value to multiply the row with in another array.
The function will return the array, that has now got values multipled by the single value.
Here's the code:
(def twod-array [[3.1 0.0023 0.35]
[0.21 0.00353 8.13]])
(def iandv [1 3.1])
(defn array-multiply [iandv twod-array]
let [array-row (nth twod-array (nth iandv 0))]
(map * [array-row] [(nth iandv 1)])
The let gets the array row and then it will return the row with the values inside multiplied with the value of the "index and value" array.
This has the closest I've gotten using the examples with the clojure.doc website and I'm getting a ClassCastException of the following:
ClassCastException clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast to java.lang.Number clojure.lang.Numbers.multiply (
I've been looking at map vector and other map functions but I haven't been able to find a good solution.
more clojurish way could look something like this:
(defn array-multiply [[row mul] twod-array]
(update twod-array row #(mapv (partial * mul) %)))
user> (array-multiply iandv twod-array)
;;=> [[3.1 0.0023 0.35] [0.651 0.010943000000000001 25.203000000000003]]
Your code is somewhat hard to read, but basically, you're trying to multiply a number and a vector, that doesn't work.
(defn array-multiply [iandv twod-array]
(let [array-row (nth twod-array (nth iandv 0))]
(map * array-row [(nth iandv 1)])))
works since array-row already is a vector.
generally i want to know when we have array of object that have some property can same the "Object Literal in JavaScript" can calculated with specific function. i want to create that property for my array in clojure to apply some calculation on them such as sorting or more simpler finding maximum according to that property.for example how try find maximum in this example?
(def aSqh (fn [x] (* x x)))
(def maSqh (max (apply aSqh [1 2 3 4])))
the have error that output is object and not number
You seem to be thinking of a mapping operation (take a function of one argument and a collection, replace every element with the result of the function on that element), which in Clojure is called map. apply is a function for plumbing collections into functions as if they were given each element as a separate argument. Usually you want to use it with variadic functions (i.e. functions such as max, that take a variable number of arguments). For instance
(def maSqh (apply max (map aSqh [1 2 3 4]))) ;;=> 16
If you want to preserve the datatype of a collection after performing a mapping, you can use into and empty:
(defn preserving-map [f coll]
(into (empty coll) (map f coll)))
(preserving-map aSqh [1 2 3 4]) ;;=>[1 4 9 16]
(preserving-map aSqh #{1 2 3 4}) ;;=> #{1 4 9 16}
but this removes the (useful) laziness that map usually gives us. For the particular case of vectors (like [1 2 3 4]), this use case is common enough that there is mapv which eagerly performs mappings and puts them into a vector.
I'm trying to parse a nested array structure of the following form:
[element [[child1] [child2] [child3 [[subchild1] [subchild2]]]]]
I would also like to return a list with all symbols (and nothing else), regardless of nesting depth; however, I'm not looking for flatmap or flatten etc, since I need to perform more complicated additional work on every element.
This is what I came up with so far:
(defn create-element [rs element]
(if (symbol? element)
(cons element rs)
(defn parse
([rs element] (create-element rs element))
([rs element [children & more]] (if (nil? more)
(parse (parse rs element) (first children))
(parse (parse rs element) (first children) more))))
(defn n-parse [element]
(apply parse () element))
This works fine for the following input:
=> (n-parse ['bla [['asd] ['kkk] ['sss]]])
(sss kkk asd bla)
But this doesn't work:
=> (n-parse ['bla [['asd] ['kkk [['ooo]]] ['sss]]])
(sss kkk asd bla)
I'm still trying to wrap around my head around the types but can't seem to manage to get it right. For example, Haskell makes this easy with pattern matching etc, whereas Clojure doesn't allow same arity function overloading.
Also is there a more concise / idiomatic way (without having to resort to if?) I'd prefer pure Clojure solutions (no external libs) since this is actually for a Clojurescipt project.
Many thanks for any help!
I don't see whats wrong with flatten. If you want to do some work on the items first, do the work first and then flatten the result:
(defn map-tree
"Example: (map-tree + [1 2 [3 5]] [3 4 [5 6]])"
[f & trees]
(if (every? coll? trees)
(apply map (partial map-tree f) trees)
(apply f trees)))
(defmulti transformator identity)
;; transform 'sss element into something special
(defmethod transformator 'sss [_] "sss")
;; default transformation
(defmethod transformator :default [v] v)
user> (flatten (map-tree transformator '[bla [[asd] [kkk] [sss]]]))
(bla asd kkk "sss")
Would that not work?
how can I print a list of n, say 10, numbers on 10 lines? I just learned about loop and recur, but cannot seem to combine a side-effect (println i) with (recur (+ i 1)) in a loop form.
Just to be very clear: I'd like output like this:
when n is 10.
You can use doseq for this, which is meant to be used when iteration involves side effects,
(doseq [i (range 10)]
(println i))
You could use map as pointed but that will produce a sequence full of nils which is both not idiomatic and wastes resources also doseq is not lazy so no need to force it with doall.
I suggest dotimes for this kind of simple loop:
(dotimes [i 10]
(println (inc i)))
Note that dotimes is non-lazy, so it is good for things like println that cause side effects.
With loop/recur:
(loop [i 1]
(when (<= i 10)
(println i)
(recur (inc i))))
However, it's more idiomatic (read: more "Clojuristic") to map the function println over the numbers in 1..10. But because map returns a lazy sequence, you must force its evaluation with doall:
(doall (map println (range 1 (inc 10))))
And just to be comprehensive you can do it with map also:
(doseq (map #(println %) (range 10))
If you only want to print the output on the screen, you might also simply put a (println i) before entering your conditional:
(loop [i 0]
(println i)
(if (< i 10)
(recur (inc i))
(println "done!")))
And the output will be one number per line.
Is it possible to generate n-sized permutations of a list using only the basic scheme constructs?
With define you can do it like this (without define the answer would be no, because you'll need to use recursion):
First define a function that takes a list of lists and a value and returns a list of lists where the given item has been prepended to each list in the original list of lists.
This can be done by writing a simple recursive function that uses cons to prepend the item to the first list (using car to get the first list) and then uses cons again to prepend the extended list to the result of calling the function on the other lists (i.e. on the cdr of the list of lists). If the list is empty (and thus doesn't have a car and cdr), return the empty list.
You'll also need a function that removes a given item from a list. This can also be done by defining a simple recursive function that takes an item and a list. At each step the `carĀ“ of the given list should be prepended to the result of the recursive call if it is not equal to the item that is to be deleted. If it is equal, the result of the recursive call should be returned directly.
Further you'll need a function to concatenate lists. This can also be implemented recursively without too much trouble.
Then define a function that given a list of lists and an item calls the previous function with the item and each sublist as its argument.
Now define the a function that creates n-sized permutations. This function should take the number n and a list. If n is 0, it should return the empty list. Otherwise it should call itself recursively for each item x in the list with (- n 1) as the new value for n and the result of removing x from the list as the new value for the list. Then the results of the recursive calls should be concatenated.
This is an explanation of the code found in Rosetta, although, I have changed the variable names to help make it more readable, and added my explanation of the code below. I did check to see if the code works in DrRacket, and it does.
Before defining permute, two helper functions are required namely, seq and insert.
seq builds a list containing a sequence of numbers. For example (seq 0 3) -> (0 1 2 3).
The elements (numbers) in the list are used in the insert function to insert the carItem at various positions in the 'cdr' list.
(define (seq start end)
(if (= start end)
(list end) ; if start and end are the same number, we are done
(cons start (seq (+ start 1) end))
insert generates a list with the carItem inserted in the "n"th position of the cdrList. For example, (insert '(b c) 0 'a) -> '(a b c) and (insert '(b c) 2 'a) -> '(b c a).
(define (insert cdrList n carItem)
(if (= 0 n)
(cons carItem cdrList) ; if n is 0, prepend carItem to cdrList
(cons (car cdrList)
(insert (cdr cdrList) (- n 1) carItem))))
Finally, as for the main function permute, it uses insert and seq in a recursive manner.
For example, when plist = '(b,c) the lambda evals to the following:
; (map (lambda (n)
; (insert '(b c) n 'a))
; '(0 1 2)) -> output of seq function given n = 2, which is length of '(b c)
; '((a b c) (b a c) (b c a)) ---> will be the output
(define (permute mylist)
(if (null? mylist)
(apply append (map (lambda (plist)
(map (lambda (n)
(insert plist n (car mylist)))
(seq 0 (length plist))))
(permute (cdr mylist))))))
(permute '(a b c))
If the above nested lambdas makes your head spin (it did for me), find below, IMHO, a more readable "define" version, thanks to Matthias Felleisen:
(define (permute mylist)
[(null? mylist) '(())]
(define (genCombinationsFor plist)
(define (combineAt n) (insert plist n (car mylist)))
(map combineAt (seq 0 (length plist))))
(apply append (map genCombinationsFor (permute (cdr mylist))))]))