correct way to add js in sencha architect (ExtJS)? - extjs

This thread works well in a mobile app but in a desktop app it would seem I cant add the reference to the external JS in an extjs desktop app.
The instructions from Sencha somehow don't correspond or it doesn't work for me when I try and follow them. So, I am selecting Resources->Library and can see the attribute Include JavaScript (ticked) and Library Base Path:/ext.
The JS file I am using I use in a phone app and its fine - I added it to the app.json in that and compiling the app copies the file over to the target and defers the loading.
In this case with SA I am not seeing the file copied to the target - nor can I follow the instructions with SA 3 that are documented. The only way I can add an external JS is by dropping it onto the filesystem into the ext folder manually. Again, it doesn't appear in the target and certainly errors when I run the app with
Uncaught ReferenceError: hex_sha512 is not defined
This JS has been used in other apps, is proved and tested but just relates to SA or my wrong use of SA.

The proper way to add a resource in Sencha Architect, regardless of framework, is to add it as a JS resource.
This is most easily done by hitting ctrl-t (or cmd-t on a mac) and typing "js resource" (or some shortened string thereof to get autocompletion)...
Alternatively, you can use the toolbox, click "Resources", and drag out or double click "JS Resource"
These are just different user interfaces to accomplish the same task.
Once you've added your JS resource using one of the above methods, you need to set the URL in the config pane (at bottom right unless you've configured Architect to swap the left and right panes)...
The URL is to be set relative to your project folder. If you copy the JS file into your project root under a folder called "lib" for example, then you'd set the url config to "lib/foo.js" - where foo.js is the filename, of course.
Hope that helps!

My lack of understanding of the instructions or they are not clear:
It would seem the way to do it is take eyes up to the top right of SA and spot the + button as shown in the image.
Add the JS resource and scroll up because it may be hidden behind the property inspector.
On setting the url field under properties, the source of the JS appears in the main editing window.
Certainly works fine after the app is built.


Creating WebStorm shortcut to navigate to another file basing on current file name

I'm developing AngularJS app and I have file one-two-three-directive.js opened. I'd like to have/create a shortcut which will navigate to file one_two_three.html in the same project (dashes turn into underscores and there is no directive word).
Is there any way to achieve this (any existing plugin or other way will be appreciated).
Not currently possible out of the box, related ticket:
I'd suggest checking the Angular Component Folding - see if it works for you

Referencing Another App

What is the best way to reference another app in the visual query designer?
I am using the blog app and I created a second app to list the tags that are used in the main blog app. This way when the app goes to a detail page of a post, I can still have the tags listed on the website without the view changing automatically. I set up my blog tags app with a visual query that list all of the tags used in the main app. Everything was working fine in development.
The problem that I have run into is that when I move the app to a production site the AppId was different than the one I was currently using and development. Now, the tags app is showing an error and I am not able to get into the settings to change the app ID of the visual query to the proper one in order to get the information needed. Is there a better way that I should be handling this?
This sounds like the right way to do it - your main issues is getting into the admin-ui when the template you have shows an error.
I suggest that you quickly rename your current template (so it's not used till you fix the bug) and create an empty template with the original name. This way you can go to the normal settings.
Another option is to switch into dnn-edit-mode, and use the black-dnn buttons to get to app-admin.

SocialEngine staticBaseUrl is not working in production mode

I am using socialengine as content management system, when i change the socialengine site to production mode it did not load the css file, I figured out that my $staticBaseUrl function is not returning the website name.
I manually added the path in default layout to load the css file, it works but a font family (centurygothic) is not loads. I am using SocialEngine's 4.2.4 version, please help.
I am using plesk panel for as hosting server.
If you use paths in your css file (theme_name/main.css or Modulename/externals/styles/main.css), you can use following way of indicating path:
~/application/..., where ~ will be automatically parsed and replaced by staticbaseurl.
Firstly no need to manually adjust the $staticBaseUrl in the layout. There is a setting in the admin panel (general settings) where you just specify what the URL is. This is commonly used to set the CDN URL.
Secondly, most of the CSS files in production get minimized and appended to each other, so you will only see one query similar to this: /application/css.php?request=application/themes/default/theme.css
Thirdly, if there is still an issue there may be a number of reasons. For example, are you using the or URL format?

Deploying AngularJS Seed application in WebStorm

I recently started to learn about AngularJS and came across WebStorm and the AngularJS plugin by John Lindquist. Started by creating a new project using the angular-seed project and imported to WebStorm using File -> Open Directory. My directory structure looks like this
Now when I try to Debug it I get a 404 error. If I move the file app/index.html to the root folder and adjust all URL's to begin with app then it works fine. Is there a way to keep the default folder structure without moving the index.html to the root folder and also make it work with WebStorm?
I am using WebStorm 6.0.2.
I use WebStorm 7, so there might be some discrepancy in comparison with version 6 that you're using, but the over-all functionality is the same.
Quick solution:
Open the file in the editor and right click in the code to access the context menu. Choose the "Debug" option, which should start a debug session pointing to the current page.
Configuration solution:
WebStorm supports configurations for setting up different debugging scenarios. From the "Run" menu, choose the "Configurations" option. Add a JavaScript debug configuration, and add the URL you want in the designated field within the dialog presented.
Then, when you initialize a debugging session (a general one, not one for a specific page), you're presented a small dialog that allows you to choose a debug configuration.
Maybe there are more options or ways to accomplish the same thing as well, but I've never really given it more thought. I hope this is a working solution for you, but if not there's alway the documentation. If you need further clarification with regard to my answer, just give me a comment.

Preview Pane Not Displaying Correct Formatting

I am using C1 3 and am having problems with the preview pane.
The C1 site uses master pages for templates, and works correctly when published. However, it is not displaying correctly in the preview pane. It visually appears to be ignoring CSS settings.
This site was copied from an original install, on another sever, that works correctly.
Any tips and or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
In the content view, which is not working, it is using this url
All other sites, including the published version of the site above use this url
I am assuming the same is happening for all images and style sheet references.
However, I cannot find where this is happening. In the master page items are referenced as follows:
Thats weird... have you somehow accidently configured the /Composite/Content folder as an application? Thats almost the only explanation why would expand ~ to /Composite/content/ instead of just /.
The preview-tab is handled through a wrapper-page that lives inside /Composite/content, unlike normal viewing of published pages which is handles by the root itself.
I think i found the problem...
I created a new app pool, used it, and now it works.
I guess the app pool somehow got corrupted...
