How to defer loop wrapped $http get request in angular js? - angularjs

I have a function that checks for for records and if they exist it downloads them for each item. This is a function that happens with in a loop so there can me many records. I thought that I was using $Q properly to deffer each $http request to wait for one after each other so they do not all happen at the same time but they all fire at the same time still.
I have seen $q.defer(); but do not understand how to use it in my implementation. How would this be written properly deferring each call until the one before is complete?
CheckRecords: function(obj) {
var promise;
var promises = [];
if (obj.BD.img == 'checkedRecord') {
var objBDUrl = 'services/GetSurveyBD/?id=' + obj.BD.ID;
promise = $timeout(function(){
$http.get(objBDUrl, { cache: true }).then(function(response) {
obj.BD.ID = obj.BD.ID; =;
}, 250);
if (obj.MR.img == 'checkedRecord') {
var objMRUrl = 'services/GetMR/?id=' + obj.MR.ID;
promise = $timeout(function(){
$http.get(objMRUrl, { cache: true }).then(function(response) {
obj.MR.ID = obj.MR.ID; =;
}, 250);
return obj;

The function $q.all just ensures that all requests completed, the requests are still executed immediately, but their results are deferred. If you want to control the execution order you, do your requests in the result function.

- service in module ng
A service that helps you run functions asynchronously, and use their return values (or exceptions) when they are done processing.


$q.all of AngularJS only works for one result

I am working on function that calculates a distance from a given object to a number of other places with the help of Google Distance Matrix which is of course async therefore I'm dealing with promises.
When the number of places is one, everything works great. But once I have more than one promise, $q.all doesn't do anything : it neither resolves in a success nor in error. Though I have checked in the console that the calls to the Google distance matrix do happen and return a correct result. Any clue what can be at play here?
I am using AngularJS 1.6.4. Let me know should you need any more details. Thanks!
var requests = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ctrl.places.length; i += 1) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var destination = ctrl.places[i].latLng;
origins: [ctrl.origin],
destinations: [destination[0] + "," + destination[1]],
travelMode: 'DRIVING'
}, function(response, status) {
if (status === 'OK') {
$q.all(requests).then(function(result) {
ctrl.distances = result;
Your problem is that var is not block-scoped, so the value of deferred will always belong to the final iteration of your loop by the time any of your callbacks are invoked. A consequence of this will that the earlier deferred will never be resolved and the $q.all will appear to hang.
The simplest way to resolve this is to change your use of var to let to take advantage of block scoping:
let deferred = $q.defer();
Reason why it does not work
By the time the service call resolves and the callback handler is invoked, the deferred attribute is referring to the very last deferred object created by the for loop. So, in effect, you are always performing a resolve on the very last deferred object that was created.
Create a new function:
function getDistanceMatrixForDestination (destination, origins) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
origins: [origins],
destinations: [destination[0] + "," + destination[1]],
travelMode: 'DRIVING'
}, function(response, status) {
if (status === 'OK') {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
Change your existing code to this:
var requests = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ctrl.places.length; i += 1) {
var destination = ctrl.places[i].latLng;
requests.push(getDistanceMatrixForDestination (destination,;
$q.all(requests).then(function(result) {
ctrl.distances = result;

Http service delay processing until after data is returned

I work on my angularjs project.
I created this service:
(function () {
"use strict";
angular.module("manageItems").factory("manageItemsService", ["$http", "config", manageItemsService]);
function manageItemsService($http, config) {
var service = {
getNewItems: getNewItems,
return service;
function getNewItems(session, mapName) {
return $http.get(serviceUrl + 'getNewItems/' + session + "/" + mapName);
And here how I call the service from controller:
function getNewItems() {
manageItemsService.getNewItems(mapguideService.mapName, mapguideService.sessionId).then(function (result) {
self.currentItems =;
I need to make service to delay while the response returned.
How can I change servicefunction to make it wait until self.currentItems property is populated by data?
First I need say that http requests are actually performed asynchronously so as not to stop the application while the result is returned.
So you have two options, use the angular pattern to adjust your method in order to treat the result, so you must pass a callback function to the service, so that the service, not the controller make the association. It would be something like:
(function () {
"use strict";
angular.module("manageItems").factory("manageItemsService", ["$http", "config", manageItemsService]);
function manageItemsService($http, config) {
var service = {
getNewItems: getNewItems,
return service;
function getNewItems(session, mapName, callback, errorCallback) {
$http.get(serviceUrl + 'getNewItems/' + session + "/" + mapName).then(callback, errorCallback);;
function getNewItems() {
manageItemsService.getNewItems(mapguideService.mapName, mapguideService.sessionId, function (result) {
//this callback will be called asynchronously when the response is available
self.currentItems =;
}, function(error) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
The second option is to totally not recommended, inserting a loop while the result is expected... (to bad)
I hope I have helped!
Then you could be put up .then on getNewItems $http call. And based on retrieved response data, decide whether to return data or call another service method.
function anotherFunction(){
return $http.get(url);
function getNewItems(session, mapName) {
return $http.get(serviceUrl + 'getNewItems/' + session + "/" + mapName).then(function successCallback(response){
var data =;
//call another function if data is empty
return anotherFunction(); //make sure another function should return promise
return data;
What the code needs to do is chain promises.
To make the getNewItems function chainable, return the derived promise:
function getNewItems() {
//vvvv RETURN promise
return manageItemsService.getNewItems(mapguideService.mapName, mapguideService.sessionId)
.then(function (response) {
self.currentItems =;
//RETURN value to chain
Then use the returned promise to chain more operations:
getNewItems().then( function(currentItems) {
//Evaluate current Items
if ( ok ) {
return "DONE";
} else {
//RETURN to chain something else
return getOtherItems();
}).then( function(otherItems) {
if (otherItems == "DONE") return;
self.otherItems = otherItems;
//Do further chaining
Because calling the .then method of a promise returns a new derived promise, it is easily possible to create a chain of promises.
It is possible to create chains of any length and since a promise can be resolved with another promise (which will defer its resolution further), it is possible to pause/defer resolution of the promises at any point in the chain. This makes it possible to implement powerful APIs.
— AngularJS $q Service API Reference - Chaining Promises

Is it okay to handle all the $http errors in controller?

In all my services, I'm just invoking REST services and returning the promises to the controllers. All the error's are handled at controllers using catch like below,
MyService.getData(url).then(getDataSuccess).catch(exception.catcher('Contact Admin : '));
My question here is, Since the real $http calls will be made at service, should I have to write catchers in service or catching in controller is fine?,
Scenario 1:
function getData(url){
return $http.get(url);
Scenario 2: (Nested calls to make combined results)
function getOtherData(url){
var defer = $q.defer();
defer.resolve('combined data');
return defer.promise;
Both the service method is not handling any errors. Instead it just returns the promise. Will there be any situation where this kind of exception handling will get failed?
Note: I have created decorators for handling javascript,angular errors and route errors separately. This question is particularly about $http service errors.
Yes what you have can fail triggering your catch because you have no reject().
You are using an anti-pattern creating your own promise and not chaining the nested request properly. Neither of those request rejections will be returned anywhere.
To be able to chain these get rid of the $q.defer() and do:
function getOtherData(url) {
// return beginning of promise chain
return $http.get(url).then(function (response) {
// return next promise
return $http.get(nextService).then(function (res) {
// combine and return the data
return {
d1 :,
d2 :
Now walk through the scenarios and each part of chain is intact.
Think of the chain as each then needs a return until the end of the chain
Scenario 2: (Nested calls to make combined results)
Failed Scenario
function getOtherData(url){
var defer = $q.defer();
defer.resolve('combined data');
return defer.promise;
This scenario will fail if the first $http.get has an error. The promise will hang and never get resolved. This is why we recommend avoiding using $q.defer to create promises from services that already return promises.
Instead return data and chain promises.
function getOtherData(url) {
var promise = $http.get(url);
var derivedPromise =
promise.then ( function (response) {
var data =;
var nextPromise = $http.get(nextService);
var derivedNext = nextPromise.then(function(response) {
//return for chaining
//return composite for chaining
return $q.all([data, derivedNext]);
return derivedPromise;
The getOtherData(url) promise will be fulfilled with an array with the data from the two XHRs or it will be rejected with the first error response.
It is possible to create chains of any length and since a promise can be resolved with another promise (which will defer its resolution further), it is possible to pause/defer resolution of the promises at any point in the chain. This makes it possible to implement powerful APIs.1
Chaining error handlers
In an error handler, to convert a rejected resolution to a fulfilled resolution return data. To chain a rejection, throw the error.
For example:
promise = http.get(someUrl);
derivedPromise = promise.catch(function(errorResponse) {
if (fixable) {
fixedPromise = $http.get(fixedUrl);
//return to convert
return fixedPromise;
} else {
//throw to chain rejection
throw errorResponse;
By chaining error handlers, errors can be handled both by the service and the client of the service.
This makes it possible to implement powerful APIs like $http's response interceptors.1
Building on #georgeawg's answer, if you want to return multiple sets of data then you don't need nested calls.
function getOtherData(url) {
var promise1 = $http.get(url).then ( function (response) {
var promise2 = $http.get(nextService).then(function(response) {
return $q.all([promise1, promise2]);
Now the caller gets a promise that resolves to a list of the 2 data items (or is rejected if either request fails). The only real difference is that both requests are issues in parallel.
This generalises easily to a situation where you could have a list of urls, fetch them all in parallel and get an array of the items.
Because you get back only a single promise that resolves to an array of data you can handle the result in the controller, but you only need one error handler.
.catch(exception.catcher('Contact Admin : '));
Although the original question doesn't specify, it might be the case that the second url depends on the result from the first. You can handle that case here as well if you remember that you can call .then() multiple times on the same promise:
function getOtherData(url) {
var promise1 = $http.get(url).then ( function (response) {
var promise2 = promise1.then(function(response) {
// compute nextService from here...
var nextService = foo(;
return $http.get(nextService).then(function(response) {
return $q.all([promise1, promise2]);

How to use restangular with promise pattern in angular service

I have a service with rest angular with following structure
function countrySvc(restangular) {
restangular.addResponseInterceptor(function (data, operation, what, url, response, deferred) {
if (operation === 'getList') {
var newResponse =;
return newResponse;
return response;
var baseCountry = restangular.all('country');
this.countries = function() {
also a controller
function countryCtrl(scope, countrySvc) {
scope.countries = countrySvc.countries();
but when i access the countries from controller, the result is empty with a successful request with data, my question is how a can extract the data from response with proper promise pattern, ie( i need array of countries when i access scope.countries)
You need to resolve promise...
There are two ways to do it...
1) Using $object
just add .$object to end of promise so once request is done it resolves promise...
scope.countries = countrySvc.countries().$object;
2) Using then
if you need to do some stuff after promise is resolved pick this option, once request is done callback function in then will be fired
scope.countries = countrySvc.countries().then(function (response){
scope.countries = response;

Cancelling a request with a $http interceptor?

I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to use a $http interceptor to cancel a request before it even happens.
There is a button that triggers a request but if the user double-clicks it I do not want the same request to get triggered twice.
Now, I realize that there's several ways to solve this, and we do already have a working solution where we wrap $http in a service that keeps track of requests that are currently pending and simply ignores new requests with the same method, url and data.
Basically this is the behaviour I am trying to do with an interceptor:
factory('httpService', ['$http', function($http) {
var pendingCalls = {};
var createKey = function(url, data, method) {
return method + url + JSON.stringify(data);
var send = function(url, data, method) {
var key = createKey(url, data, method);
if (pendingCalls[key]) {
return pendingCalls[key];
var promise = $http({
method: method,
url: url,
data: data
pendingCalls[key] = promise;
promise.finally(function() {
delete pendingCalls[key];
return promise;
return {
post: function(url, data) {
return send(url, data, 'POST');
When I look at the API for $http interceptors it does not seem to be a way to achieve this. I have access to the config object but that's about it.
Am I attempting to step outside the boundaries of what interceptors can be used for here or is there a way to do it?
according to $http documentation, you can return your own config from request interceptor.
try something like this:
config(function($httpProvider) {
var cache = {};
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function() {
return {
response : function(config) {
var key = createKey(config);
var cached = cache[key];
return cached ? cached : cached[key];
Very old question, but I'll give a shot to handle this situation.
If I understood correctly, you are trying to:
1 - Start a request and register something to refer back to it;
2 - If another request takes place, to the same endpoint, you want to retrieve that first reference and drop the request in it.
This might be handled by a request timeout in the $http config object. On the interceptor, you can verify it there's one registered on the current request, if not, you can setup one, keep a reference to it and handle if afterwards:
function DropoutInterceptor($injector) {
var $q = $q || $injector.get('$q');
var dropouts = {};
return {
'request': function(config) {
// I'm using the request's URL here to make
// this reference, but this can be bad for
// some situations.
if (dropouts.hasOwnProperty(config.url)) {
// Drop the request
dropouts[config.url] = $q.defer();
// If the request already have one timeout
// defined, keep it, othwerwise, set up ours.
config.timeout = config.timeout || dropouts[config.url];
return config;
'requestError': function(reason) {
delete dropouts[reason.config.url];
return $q.reject(reason);
'response': function(response) {
delete dropouts[response.config.url];
return response;
'responseError': function(reason) {
delete dropouts[reason.config.url];
return $q.reject(reason);
