ngClick not firing when $swipe is bound - angularjs

I have an ngClick directive on elements that are also bound to $swipe. The ngClick doesn't fire (it was firing before the $swipe was added).
I'm using jQuery mobile combined with AngularJS.
Interestingly, my diagnostics show a swipe event with start and end the same - seems to contradict the minimum swipe distance, but perhaps the cancel function is being called. Possibly I could use the cancel function to find out where the click occurred but I feel I shouldn't have to do that.
The site is viewable at
<div id="matrix" data-role="page" ng-controller="matrixCtrl" ng-init="init()">
<div data-role="header">
<?php echo CHtml::encode($this->configs['SITENAME']); ?> Bookings
<div data-role="content">
<div class="lodgename noborder"> </div>
<div class="oneday onemonth" ng-repeat="m in months" ng-style="callMonthstyle(m)" ng-class="$last ? 'lastcol' : ''" on-finish-days>
{{monthNames[m.month]}} {{m.year}}
<br clear="both" />
<div class="lodgename noborder"> </div>
<div class="oneday" ng-style="callDaystyle()" ng-class="$last ? 'lastcol' : ''" ng-repeat="d in dates">
<br clear="both" />
<div ng-repeat="lodge in data.lodges">
<div class="lodgename" ng-class="$last ? 'lastrow' : ''">{{lodge.lodgetitle}}</div>
<div class="oneday" ng-style="callDaystyle()" ng-class="($last ? 'lastcol' : '') + ' ' + ($parent.$last ? 'lastrow' : '')" ng-repeat="d in dates" ng-click="showDate(lodge, d)">
<br clear="both" />
<div ng-show="data.debug" style="margin-top: 20px;"
move = {{swipe.move}}
start = {{swipe.start}}
end = {{swipe.end}}
scope.startDay = {{startDay}}
daysMoved = {{swipe.daysMoved}}
daysFinished = {{nDaysFinished}}
<?php foreach(Yii::app()->params['lodges'] as $lodgecode=>$lodge) {
echo "<li>" . $lodgecode . " = " . $lodge['lodgetitle'] . "</li>";
$lci = $this->lodgeconfigs[$lodgecode]['PREFIX_BOOKING_ID'];
echo "<LI>" . $lci . "</li>";
} ?>
/* NG services */
var matrix = angular.module('Skimobile', ['ngTouch']);
matrix.factory('dayswidth', ['writeDays', function(){ // gets called on window change width
return function(scope, ww) {
var lodgename = $('.lodgename').first().width() + 4; // 4 = padding in lodgename class
var padding = 60 + lodgename;
var oldDisplayDays = scope.displayDays;
scope.displayDays = Math.min(28, (ww - padding)/scope.mindaywidth); // show at most 28 days, fewer if needed to maintain minimum width
scope.dayWidth = Math.floor( (ww-padding) / scope.displayDays );
if(oldDisplayDays!=scope.displayDays) { // avoid changing scope.dates as this will cause infinite recursion in the $digest on ng-repeat d in dates
matrix.factory('writeDays', function() {
return function(scope) {
var d = new Date();
scope.dates = []; // repeat on this to draw days
scope.months = []; // repeat on this to draw months
var yearShown = false; // only show year once, when the month is long enough
var m = d.getMonth();
var daysLeft = 0; // days shown belonging to each month
for(i=0; i<scope.displayDays; i++) {
scope.dates.push(new Date(d.getTime()));
var oldd = new Date(d.getTime());
var newm = d.getMonth();
if(newm!=m) { // finished a month, display it
var newMonthObj = {month:m, days:daysLeft};
if(!yearShown && daysLeft*scope.dayWidth-1-4>3*scope.mindaywidth) {
newMonthObj.year = oldd.getFullYear();
yearShown = true;
} else {
newMonthObj.year = '';
m = newm;
daysLeft = 0;
if(daysLeft>0) { // final month
newMonthObj = {month:m, days:daysLeft};
newMonthObj.year = yearShown ? '' : oldd.getFullYear();
matrix.factory('daystyle', function(){
return function(scope) {
return {
'width': (scope.dayWidth-1) + 'px'
}; // -1 allows for border
matrix.factory('monthstyle', function(){
return function(scope, m) {
var days = m.days;
return {
'width': (scope.dayWidth*days-1-4) + 'px'
} // 1 for border, 4 for padding-left
matrix.directive('onFinishDays', function($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
if(scope.$last === true) { // without this it gets called once per visible month!
$timeout(function() {
/* NG controllers */
function matrixCtrl($scope, dayswidth, writeDays, daystyle, monthstyle, $swipe) {
$scope.callDayswidth = function(w){
dayswidth($scope, w);
$scope.callDaystyle = function() {
return daystyle($scope);
$scope.callMonthstyle = function(m) {
return monthstyle($scope, m);
$scope.callWriteDays = function() {
return writeDays($scope);
$ = _main; // passed via Yii layout file
$scope.mindaywidth = 30;
$scope.monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
var d = new Date(); // initially the matrix starts from today
$scope.startDay = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
var w = $(window);
$scope.getWindowDimensions = function() {
return {'h': w.height(), 'w': w.width()};
$scope.$watch($scope.getWindowDimensions, function(newValue, oldValue){
}, true);
w.bind('resize', function() {
$scope.showDate = function(lodge, d){
alert(lodge.lodgetitle + ' ' + d.getDate());
$scope.swipe = {};
$scope.nDaysFinished = 0;
$scope.$on('daysFinished', function(event) {
$swipe.bind($('.oneday'), {
$scope.swipe.end = loc.x;
$scope.swipe.daysMoved = Math.floor((loc.x - $scope.swipe.start) / $scope.dayWidth);
$scope.startDay.setTime($scope.startDay.getTime() - $scope.swipe.daysMoved*24*60*60*1000); // compute new start day at end of drag;


passing variable value from controller to view in AngularJS

I am developing an application where i popup a window and when it gets popup the next time i will try to open it should not be opened. Next time it should open When i will close the popup then it should open.
Now for that i am using count variable and whenever it will be 1 the popup opens and whenever it is greater than or equal to 2 it shows alert. But now when i close the popup it is not resetting the value of count to 0 in view.
In JSfiddle i tried using var self = this; it works fine but when i tried it on my code it says Uncaught Exception Typeerror cannot find property 'count' defined at line self.count = 0;
How to achieve this? or any alternate solution for this?
<a ui-sref-active="active" ng-click="count=count+1; connectMachine(machine, count)" ng-init="count=0" ><span><i class="fa fa-desktop fa-5x"></i></span></a>
$scope.connectMachine = function(machine, count) {
var promise = restAPIService.connectMachineService(
machine.connectionId, $stateParams.batchID).get();
promise.$promise.then(function(response) {
var json = JSON.parse(;
var dnsUrl = $location.absUrl().split('/');
dnsUrl = dnsUrl[0] + '//' + dnsUrl[2];
var apiUrl = dnsUrl + $rootScope.apiUrl + "guacamole/disconnect/"
var conn_params = $http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization
+ "++" + apiUrl;
$scope.machineURL = response.headers.url + "&conn_params="
+ conn_params;
var params = "height=" + screen.availHeight + ",width="
+ screen.availWidth;
var NewWin;
var self = this;
if ($scope.count == 1) {
NewWin =$scope.machineURL);
} else if ($scope.count >= 2) {
alert("Back Off Back Off");
function checkWindow() {
if (NewWin && NewWin.closed) {
self.count = 0;
var intervalID = window.setInterval(checkWindow, 500);
}, function(error) {
dialogs.error("Error",, {
'size' : 'sm'
You can use a variable defined on $scope to trigger the value of button instead of using ng-init
<div ng-app="myApp">
<ul ng-controller="TodoCtrl">
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="todo in todos">{{todo.text}}
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="addLike($index)">value- {{count[$index]}}</button>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
function TodoCtrl($scope) {
$scope.todos = [{
text: 'todo one'
}, {
text: 'todo two',
done: false
$scope.count = [0, 0];
$scope.addLike = function(index) {
var NewWin;
$scope.count[index] ++;
if ($scope.count[index] == 1) {
NewWin ='');
} else if ($scope.count >= 2) {
alert("Back Off Back Off");
function checkWindow() {
if (NewWin && NewWin.closed) {
$scope.count[index] = 0;
var intervalID = window.setInterval(checkWindow, 500);
JS Fiddle :

InfiniteScroll - AngularJS not working

Just for checking purposes, I also did a console.log inside the nextPage function, to check if it's being triggered:
$scope.nextPage = function() {
var captureLength = $scope.captures.length;
if($scope.busy) {
And it seems I'm getting a infinite loop, but I can't see why.
I'm trying to implement infinitescroll into a view but for some reason it's only loading the initial 4 images and not triggering the rest.
Here is my code:
/* ----------------------- Variables ----------------------- */
$scope.auth = auth;
$scope.captures = [];
$scope.following = [];
$scope.allData = [];
$scope.busy = true;
var page = 0;
var step = 4;
$scope.nextPage = function() {
var captureLength = $scope.captures.length;
if($scope.busy) {
$scope.busy = true;
$scope.captures = $scope.captures.concat($scope.allData.splice(page * step, step));
$scope.busy = false;
if($scope.captures.length === 0) {
$scope.noMoreData = true;
/* ----------------------- Process Data ----------------------- */
$q.all({follows: findFollow(), users: getUsers(), captures: getAllCaptures()}).then(function(collections) {
var follows = collections.follows;
var users = collections.users;
var captures = collections.captures;
follows.filter(function(follow) {
return follow.follower_id === auth.profile.user_id;
}).forEach(function(follow) {
users.filter(function(user) {
return user.user_id === follow.followed_id;
}).forEach(function(user) {
follows.filter(function(follow) {
return follow.follower_id === auth.profile.user_id;
}).forEach(function(follow) {
return follow.followed_id === capture.userId;
$scope.busy = false;
/* ----------------------- Retrieve Services - Data ----------------------- */
function findFollow() {
return userApi.findFollow().then(function(res) {
function getUsers() {
return userApi.getUsers().then(function(res) {
function getAllCaptures() {
return captureApi.getAllCaptures().then(function(res) {
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="well main-well">
<h3 class="page-header-h3">Following Dashboard:</h3>
<hr />
<h4 align="center" ng-show="!captures.length">
<strong>The people that you are following, have not posted anything yet.. Yikes!</strong>
<br /><br />
Quickly, go follow more people!</h4>
<div class="row" infinite-scroll="nextPage()" infinite-scroll-disabled="busy || noMoreData" infinite-scroll-distance="0.1">
<ul class="dynamic-grid" angular-grid="captures" ag-id="gallery">
<li data-ng-repeat="capture in captures | orderBy :'created_at':true" class="grid">
<a ui-sref="detail({id: capture._id})">
<img ng-src="{{capture.picture}}" class="grid-img" />
<span class="follow-capture-info">
<span class="follow-capture-name"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>
<span class="following-capture-time">ยท
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span>
<span am-time-ago="capture.created_at"></span>
<div ng-show="busy">Loading more...</div>
Anyone know where I went wrong?

How to Keep track of all clicks on page in ionic application?

I have created simple page which contains check boxes. On this page user can check and uncheck boxes multiple times. I want to keep track of all these events? How Can I do that?
here is my code.
var pmApp = angular.module('pmApp', ['ionic']);
pmApp.controller('CheckboxController', function($scope) {
$scope.devList = [
{ text: "Device & app history", details : "Allows the app to view one or more of: information about activity on the device, which apps are running, browsing history and bookmarks" ,checked: true },
{ text: "Identity", details: "Uses one or more of: accounts on the device, profile data", checked: false },
{ text: "Calendar", details: "Uses calendar information", checked: false },
{ text: "Contact", details: "Uses contact information", checked: false },
{ text: "Location", details: "Uses the device's location", checked: false },
{ text: "SMS", details: "Uses one or more of: SMS, MMS. Charges may apply.", checked: false }
// toggle selection for a given employee by name
$scope.toggleSelection = function toggleSelection(item) {
var idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(item);
// is currently selected
if (idx > -1) {
$scope.selection.splice(idx, 1);
// is newly selected
else {
<div class="list" ng-controller="CheckboxController">
<ion-checkbox ng-repeat="item in devList"
ng-checked="selection.indexOf(item) > -1"
{{ item.text }}
<h3 class="item-text-wrap"> {{ item.details }}</h3>
<div class="item">
<pre ng-bind="selection | json"></pre>
Thanks in advance, any help would be appreciated.
You can use to make a counter for mouse hovers on all your elements: and then use to record clicks and to record the mouse being moved and get the position:
Everything Used:
Here is some example code:
<body ng-app="mainModule">
<div ng-controller="mainController">
<h3>1. Click</h3>
<button id="firstBtn" ng-click="onFirstBtnClick()">Click me</button>
<strong>RESULT:</strong> {{onFirstBtnClickResult}}<br />
<br />
<h3>2. Click with Dependency Injection</h3>
<label>Type something: <input type="text" ng-model="secondBtnInput"></label>
<button id="secondBtn" ng-click="onSecondBtnClick(secondBtnInput)">Click me</button><br />
<strong>RESULT:</strong> {{onSecondBtnClickResult}}<br />
<br />
<h3>3. Double click</h3>
Double-click the square<br />
<img src="images/square.png" ng-dblclick="onDblClick()" /><br />
<strong>RESULT:</strong> {{onDblClickResult}}<br />
<h3>4. Mouse down, up, enter, leave, move, over</h3>
Move the mouse on the square<br />
<img src="images/square.png"
ng-mouseover="onMouseOver($event)" /><br />
<strong>MOUSE DOWN RESULT:</strong> {{onMouseDownResult}}<br />
<strong>MOUSE UP RESULT:</strong> {{onMouseUpResult}}<br />
<strong>MOUSE ENTER RESULT:</strong> {{onMouseEnterResult}}<br />
<strong>MOUSE LEAVE RESULT:</strong> {{onMouseLeaveResult}}<br />
<strong>MOUSE MOVE RESULT:</strong> {{onMouseMoveResult}}<br />
<strong>MOUSE OVER RESULT:</strong> {{onMouseOverResult}}
angular.module("mainModule", [])
.controller("mainController", function ($scope)
// Initialization
$scope.onFirstBtnClickResult = "";
$scope.secondBtnInput = "";
$scope.onDblClickResult = "";
$scope.onMouseDownResult = "";
$scope.onMouseUpResult = "";
$scope.onMouseEnterResult = "";
$scope.onMouseLeaveResult = "";
$scope.onMouseMoveResult = "";
$scope.onMouseOverResult = "";
// Utility functions
// Accepts a MouseEvent as input and returns the x and y
// coordinates relative to the target element.
var getCrossBrowserElementCoords = function (mouseEvent)
var result = {
x: 0,
y: 0
if (!mouseEvent)
mouseEvent = window.event;
if (mouseEvent.pageX || mouseEvent.pageY)
result.x = mouseEvent.pageX;
result.y = mouseEvent.pageY;
else if (mouseEvent.clientX || mouseEvent.clientY)
result.x = mouseEvent.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft +
result.y = mouseEvent.clientY + document.body.scrollTop +
if (
var offEl =;
var offX = 0;
var offY = 0;
if (typeof(offEl.offsetParent) != "undefined")
while (offEl)
offX += offEl.offsetLeft;
offY += offEl.offsetTop;
offEl = offEl.offsetParent;
offX = offEl.x;
offY = offEl.y;
result.x -= offX;
result.y -= offY;
return result;
var getMouseEventResult = function (mouseEvent, mouseEventDesc)
var coords = getCrossBrowserElementCoords(mouseEvent);
return mouseEventDesc + " at (" + coords.x + ", " + coords.y + ")";
// Event handlers
$scope.onFirstBtnClick = function () {
$scope.onFirstBtnClickResult = "CLICKED";
$scope.onSecondBtnClick = function (value) {
$scope.onSecondBtnClickResult = "you typed '" + value + "'";
$scope.onDblClick = function () {
$scope.onDblClickResult = "DOUBLE-CLICKED";
$scope.onMouseDown = function ($event) {
$scope.onMouseDownResult = getMouseEventResult($event, "Mouse down");
$scope.onMouseUp = function ($event) {
$scope.onMouseUpResult = getMouseEventResult($event, "Mouse up");
$scope.onMouseEnter = function ($event) {
$scope.onMouseEnterResult = getMouseEventResult($event, "Mouse enter");
$scope.onMouseLeave = function ($event) {
$scope.onMouseLeaveResult = getMouseEventResult($event, "Mouse leave");
$scope.onMouseMove = function ($event) {
$scope.onMouseMoveResult = getMouseEventResult($event, "Mouse move");
$scope.onMouseOver = function ($event) {
$scope.onMouseOverResult = getMouseEventResult($event, "Mouse over");
You could try with the newest Ionic Analytics, if that will suit your needs. More info on their official blog post:
Usage is pretty straight forward (from the additional docs):
.controller('MyCtrl', function($ionicAnalytics) {
$ionicAnalytics.track('Purchase Item', {
item_id: 'lpdsx,
item_name: 'Leopard Socks'

ng-repeat pagination looses items

I'm learning AngularJS following the good Pro AngularJS written by Adam Freeman.
I'm stuck on ng-repeat pagination using filters. I know there are bootstrap ui directives for Angular, but i'm following this book in order to learn how angular works.
My code:
<section class="row-fluid" ng-controller="GetAjax">
<div class="col-md-12">
<h2>Repater Caricato in Ajax</h2>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="col-md-6" style="max-height: 350px; overflow-y: auto" ng-controller="PagedData">
<ul class="list-group">
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="item in data.visitors | filter:query | range:selectedPage:pageSize">
<b>{{}}.</b> {{item.first_name}} {{item.last_name}} | <small><i>{{}} - {{}} {{item.ip_address}}</i></small>
<ul class="pagination">
<li ng-repeat="page in data.visitors | pageCount:pageSize"
ng-click="selectPage($index + 1)"
ng-class="pagerClass($index + 1)">
<a>{{$index + 1}}</a>
Angular filters
/******* Filters per la paginazione dei dati ******************/
//Genera il range di dati in base alla page size
.filter("range", function ($filter) {
return function (data, page, size) {
if (angular.isArray(data) && angular.isNumber(page) && angular.isNumber(size)) {
var start_index = (page - 1) * size;
if (data.length < start_index) {
return [];
} else {
return $filter("limitTo")(data.splice(start_index), size);
} else {
return data;
//Calcola il numero di pagine
.filter("pageCount", function () {
return function (data, size) {
if (angular.isArray(data))
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(data.length / size) ; i++) {
return result;
return data;
Angular Controller
.controller("GetAjax", function($scope, $http){
$http.get('data/visitors.json').success(function(data) {
$ = {visitors : data};
.constant("activeClass", "active")
.constant("perPage", 30)
.controller("PagedData", function($scope, $filter, activeClass, perPage){
$scope.selectedPage = 1;
$scope.pageSize = perPage;
console.log("page"+ $scope.selectedPage);
$scope.selectPage = function (newIndex) {
$scope.selectedPage = newIndex;
console.log( {idx: newIndex});
$scope.pagerClass = function (index) {
return (index == $scope.selectedPage) ? activeClass : "";
The result is that after 3 range filter invocations during the page render, the data array looses all the data.
Strange is that using the example from the book this code works perfectly.
Please, help me to know my error :D
splice function overwrites array
if you have an array
a = [1,2,3,4];
// a = [1,2,4]
results is a = [1,2,4]
use slice instead

{{numPages}} not being calculated by pagination directive

I was under the impression with the pagination directive that the {{numPages}} value would be calculated by the directive. It isn't returning anything for me.
Is there anything I am missing to get this working properly? I don't want to have to calculate it, if the directive is supposed to be doing this for me. Otherwise paging is working great.
boundary-links="true" rotate="false">
<table class="table table-striped">
<td style="width:150px;">GPT ID</td>
<td style="width:250px;">Therapy Area</td>
<td style="width:450px;">GPT Description</td>
<td style="width:150px;">Actions</td>
<tr ng-repeat="prGpt in prGpts | orderBy:['therapyArea.therapyArea','gptDesc'] | startFrom:(currentPage -1) * itemsPerPage | limitTo: itemsPerPage">
<span ng-if="!prGpt.editMode">{{prGpt.therapyArea.therapyArea}}</span>
<span ng-if="prGpt.editMode && !createMode">
<select class="form-control" style="width:150px;" ng-model="selectedGpt.therapyArea" ng-options="item as item.therapyArea for item in therapyAreas"/>
<span ng-if="!prGpt.editMode">{{prGpt.gptDesc}}</span>
<span ng-if="prGpt.editMode && !createMode"><input class="form-control" type="text" style="width:400px;" ng-model="selectedGpt.gptDesc" /></span>
<span ng-if="!prGpt.editMode" class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" ng-click="copySelectedGpt(prGpt);beginEditGpt()"/>
<span ng-if="prGpt.editMode && !createMode" class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk" ng-click="saveEditGpt()"/>
<span ng-if="prGpt.editMode && !createMode" class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down" ng-click="cancelEditGpt()"/>
<span ng-if="!prGpt.editMode && !createMode" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle" ng-click="copySelectedGpt(prGpt);openDeleteDialog()"/>
<span><a ng-href="#!pr/gptProjects/{{}}">Edit Projects</a>
<pre>Page: {{currentPage}} / {{numPages}}</pre>
// GPT List Controller
.controller('prGPTCtrl',['$scope', '$modal', '$dialog', 'Restangular', 'prTAService', 'prGPTService', function($scope, $modal, $dialog, Restangular, prTAService, prGPTService) {
// window.alert('prGPTCtrl');
$scope.prGpts = {};
$scope.therapyAreas = {};
$scope.createMode = false;
$scope.selectedGpt = {};
$scope.newGpt = {};
// pagination
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.itemsPerPage = 10;
$scope.maxSize = 20;
$scope.totalItems = $scope.prGpts.length;
//call the TA service to get the TA list for the drop down lists
//and then get the gpt list once successful
prTAService.getTAs().then(function(tas) {
$scope.therapyAreas = tas;
prGPTService.getGPTs().then(function(gpts) {
$scope.prGpts = gpts;
$scope.$watch('prGpts.length', function(){
$scope.totalItems = $scope.prGpts.length;
* Take a copy of the selected GPT to copy in
$scope.copySelectedGpt = function(prGpt) {
$scope.selectedGpt = Restangular.copy(prGpt);
$scope.beginEditGpt = function() {
var gpt = {};
var ta = {};
var gpt;
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.prGpts.length;i++) {
gpt = $scope.prGpts[i];
gpt.editMode = false;
var index = _.findIndex($scope.prGpts, function(b) {
return === $;
gpt = $scope.prGpts[index];
gpt.editMode = true;
var taIndex = _.findIndex($scope.therapyAreas, function(b) {
return === $;
ta = $scope.therapyAreas[taIndex];
$scope.selectedGpt.therapyArea = ta;
$scope.createMode = false;
$scope.cancelEditGpt = function() {
var gpt;
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.prGpts.length;i++) {
gpt = $scope.prGpts[i];
gpt.editMode = false;
var index = _.findIndex($scope.prGpts, function(b) {
return === $;
$scope.selectedGpt = null;
$scope.prGpts[index].editMode = false;
$scope.saveEditGpt = function() {
$ (gpt) {
// find the index in the array which corresponds to the current copy being edited
var index = _.findIndex($scope.prGpts, function(b) {
return === $;
$scope.prGpts[index] = $scope.selectedGpt;
$scope.prGpts[index].editMode = false;
$scope.selectedGpt = null;
function(err) {
window.alert('Error occured: ' + err);
// create a new GPT
$scope.createGpt = function() {
$scope.createMode = true;
var gpt;
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.prGpts.length;i++) {
gpt = $scope.prGpts[i];
gpt.editMode = false;
$scope.saveNewGpt = function() {
Restangular.all('/gpt/gpts').post($scope.newGpt).then(function(gpt) {
$scope.newGpt = {};
$scope.createMode = false;
// window.alert('created new GPT ' + gpt.gptDesc + ' with id ' +;
$scope.openDeleteDialog = function() {
var title = "Please confirm deletion of GPT " + $scope.selectedGpt.gptDesc;
var msg = "<b>Delete GPT? Please confirm...</b>";
var btns = [{result:'CANCEL', label: 'Cancel'},
{result:'OK', label: 'OK', cssClass: 'btn-primary'}];
$dialog.messageBox(title, msg, btns, function(result) {
if (result === 'OK') {
$scope.deleteGpt = function() {
$scope.selectedGpt.remove().then(function() {
$scope.prGpts = _.without($scope.prGpts, _.findWhere($scope.prGpts, {id: $}));
$scope.selectedGpt = null;
function() {
window.alert("There was an issue trying to delete GPT " + $scope.selectedGpt.gptDesc);
I have a startFrom filter.
.filter('startFrom', function () {
return function (input, start) {
if (input === undefined || input === null || input.length === 0
|| start === undefined || start === null || start.length === 0 || start === NaN) return [];
start = +start; //parse to int
try {
var result = input.slice(start);
return result;
} catch (e) {
// alert(input);
Looks like you're just missing num-pages="numPages" on your <pagination> tag. Essentially you have to provide a variable to pagination in which to return the number of pages. This is done via num-pages
num-pages="numPages" <!-- Add this here -->
boundary-links="true" rotate="false">
