Umbraco ContentService not updating checboxlist in document cache - database

I'm creating about 500 pages in a new Umbraco v6.1.6 website using an import script I've coded. I'm using the ContentService api to create the new pages. They are created and seem to save fine. However if I request the value of a checbox list from one of the new pages, I get an empty string.
I've verified that the property is empty in the umbraco.config file however If I manually save the page from the Umbraco back office. the cache will update with the correct value and I suddenly get the correct value returned.
Is there a way to force a cache update or some other form of fix for this issue?
This is the CreateContent method I'm using:
public static IContent CreateContent(string name, string documentTypeAlias, int parentId, Dictionary properties, bool publish = false, int author = 0)
IContent document = null;
ContentService contentService = new ContentService();
document = contentService.CreateContent(
name, // the name of the document
parentId, // the parent id should be the id of the group node
documentTypeAlias, // the alias of the Document Type
foreach (string property in properties.Keys)
document.SetValue(property, properties[property]);
// If publish is true, then save and publish the document
if (publish)
// Else, just save it
return document;
After looking into the database, I can see that cmsContentXml has the property but the data within it is the same as umbraco.config. I looked into cmsPropertyData and the data is present. So I guess the question is how do I get the data from cmsPropertyData to cmsContentXml?
My Question is simelar to this one: however it has no replies.

The data from cmsContentXml gets dumped directly into the umbraco.config file so thankfully these are the same.
To make your code a bit more DRY (you're always saving the document in both the if and the else, try this and update the SaveAndPublish method to Publish (and in v7 you can use PublishWithResult to get a detailed result of the publish action):
// If publish is true, then save and publish the document
if (publish)
In v7 you could then have a look at the publishResult. If there's something wrong then this will tell you what it is. Most likely it'll just work fine this way though (which could mean that SaveAndPublish is broken, but let's figure out if publishResult has errors).


CPQ Quote API, I can't save the quote

I can't save the quote.
Doing the query:
select, Id, CreatedDate, CreatedById, JobType,
ApexClassId, Status, JobItemsProcessed, TotalJobItems,
NumberOfErrors, CompletedDate, MethodName, ExtendedStatus,
ParentJobId, LastProcessed, LastProcessedOffset
order by
CreatedDate desc
I get this error:
Calculation error on quote Q-13761: "UNAUTHORIZED"
public with sharing class QuoteCalculator {
public void calculate(QuoteModel quote, String callbackClass) {
system.debug('quote: ' +quote);
system.debug('callbackClass: ' +callbackClass);
QuoteCalculatorContext ctx = new QuoteCalculatorContext(quote, callbackClass);
SBQQ.ServiceRouter.load('SBQQ.QuoteAPI.QuoteCalculator', null, JSON.serialize(ctx));
private class QuoteCalculatorContext {
private QuoteModel quote; //The quote and callbackClass properties are called
in the API code by the exact names seen here.
private String callbackClass; //Altering these property names will cause
calculator API calls to fail.
private QuoteCalculatorContext(QuoteModel quote, String callbackClass) {
this.quote = quote;
this.callbackClass = callbackClass;
anonymous window:
QuoteReader reader = new QuoteReader();
QuoteModel quote ='a0p1w000BhfXzAAJ');
quote.lineItems[0].record.SBQQ__Quantity__c = 2;
QuoteCalculator calculator = new QuoteCalculator();
calculator.calculate(quote, 'MyCallback')
I had (almost) the same exact code base as yours, and got the same error message.
In my case there was an other sandbox I could test my code, and it turned out to be working properly there.
Later found out that the Salesforce CPQ's Calculation Quote API is using Heroku to do the calculations in order to avoid apex limits exhaustion.
From this it can be deducted, that it needs to have a Connected App. I checked the Apps -> Connected Apps setup, and found that no record was listed under the "Connected Apps OAuth Usage" page for the Salesforce CPQ. (On my other sandbox there was a "Steelbrick CPQ" row.)
From this I concluded that this might be the reason for this behaviour.
Seems like something went wrong during the "Authorize new Calculation Service" process. (Or there was a sandbox refresh and something else went wrong during it.)
The bad news is that the option to authorize a new calculation service is only visible for the first time you configure the package, which you might already done. (Well... if you haven't done, then this is a great news, because your problem is probably solved. :D) (Otherwise read further.)
The good news is I figured out a solution for the case when you already done this, yet that "Steelbrick CPQ" row is missing.
Created a scratch org and installed the Salesforce CPQ package, then before I clicked on the "Authorize new Calculation Service" link under the "Pricing and Calculation" tab in the Settings Editor, I checked the source code in hope of finding something of interest.
I did.
This link:
(⚠️NOTE: You might have to change it according to your location. There are several servers across the globe:
But for me the above pasted link was generated on the settings page. Which is only interesting, because I live in the EU, yet, for some reason I got the link to the rest-NA server... whatever.gif
So just make sure if you click on the link, in the address bar you can find the appropriate salesforce instance URL.)
With this link you won't have to reinstall the package, you just have to click on it, and allow the access from Steelbrick and the missing row will appear, and you will be authorized to use the Calculation API.

How to force ngrx-data to clear cashed entities and reload data from db

I have a typical ngrx-data arrangement of 'User' entities linked to db.
I implement the standard service to handle the data:
#Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class UserService extends EntityCollectionServiceBase<UserEntity> {
constructor(serviceElementsFactory: EntityCollectionServiceElementsFactory) {
super('User', serviceElementsFactory);
I read the data using:$ = this.userService.getAll();$.subscribe(d => { = d; ... }
Data arrives fine. Now, I have a GUI / HTML form where user can make changes and update them. It also works fine. Any changes user makes in the form are updated via:[fieldName] = newValue;
This updates the data and ngrx-data automatically updates the entity cache.
I want to implement an option, where user can decide to cancel all changes before they are written to the db, and get the initial data before he made any adjustments. However, I am somehow unable to overwrite the cached changes.
I tried:
also tried to re-call:$ = this.userService.getAll();
but I am constantly getting the data from the cache that has been changed by the user, not the data from the db. In the db I see the data not modified. No steps were taken to write the data to db.
I am not able to find the approach to discard my entity cache and reload the original db data to replace the cached values.
Any input is appreciated.
You will need to subscribe to the reassigned observable when you change$, but it will be a bit messy.
First you bind$ via$ = this.userService.entities$, then no matter you use load() or getAll(), as long as the entities$ changed, it fire to$.subscribe(). You can even skip the load and getAll if you already did that in other process.
You can then use the clearCache() then load() to reset the cache.
But I strongly recommand you to keep the entity data pure. If the user exit in the middle without save or reset, the data is changed everywhere you use this entity.
My recommand alternatives:
(1) Use angular FormGroup to set the form data with entity data value, then use this setting function to reset the form.
(2) Make a function to copy the data, then use this copy function as reset.
For example using _.cloneDeep.
(2.1) Using rxjs BehaviourSubject:
resetTrigger$ = new BehaviourSubject<boolean>(false);
ngOnInit(){$ = combineLastest([
]).subscribe([trigger, data])=>{ = _.cloneDeep(data)
// can skip if already loaded before
When you want to reset the data, set a new value to the trigger
(2.2) Using native function (need to store the original):$ = this.userService.entities$.pipe(
this.originData = d;
resetForm:()=>{ = _.cloneDeep(this.originData);

SalesForce query returns results in Query Editor, but returns null from APEX code in Lightning component

I'm completely new to SalesForce and have inherited a report that's not working. Please excuse any incorrect terminology, since I'm learning about all this as I go. The report has three prompts: states, years, and members. All dropdowns are supposed to populate with data returned from functions in an APEX class. State, which populates from a picklist, and years, which is populated with a loop, work fine. Members, which populates from a SQL query, returns nothing. If I run the report without any prompts selected (which should return an unfiltered list of results from a SQL query), it also returns nothing. Both of the SQL queries return data when I execute them directly in the query editor in the developer console, but they return nothing when called from the APEX functions.
Here's the initialization code from the Lightning controller:
doInit: function (component, event, helper) {
var action = component.get('c.getTrcAccounts');
action.setCallback(this, function (response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === 'SUCCESS' && component.isValid()) {
component.set('v.trcAccList', response.getReturnValue());
helper.getLocationState(component, event);
helper.getYear(component, event);
Here are the two helper functions referenced in that code:
getLocationState: function (component, event) {
var action = component.get('c.getLocationState');
action.setCallback(this, function (response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === 'SUCCESS') {
component.set('v.LocationStateList', response.getReturnValue());
getYear: function (component, event) {
var action = component.get('c.yearsOptions');
action.setCallback(this, function (response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === 'SUCCESS') {
component.set('v.LocationYearList', response.getReturnValue());
Here is the code from the APEX class that returns the data for those three prompts:
Global class DataTableLocations {
Global static List<TRC_Account__c> getTrcAccounts(){
set<string> trcAccountSet = new set<string>();
List<TRC_Account__c> traccList = new List<TRC_Account__c>();
for(TRC_Account__c trcacc : [SELECT Id, Name from TRC_Account__c WHERE TRC_Member__c = True order by Name limit 50000]){
return traccList;
return null;
Global static List<string> getLocationState(){
List<string> options = new List<string>();
//options.add(new SelectOption('SelectAll', 'Select All'));
for( Schema.PicklistEntry f : Location__c.Physical_Address_State__c.getDescribe().getPicklistValues()) {
return options;
Global static List<string> yearsOptions() {
List<string> options = new List<string>();
date OldDate=;
integer oldyear=OldDate.year();
for( integer i=0; i<19 ;i++) {
return options;
If I run SELECT Id, Name from TRC_Account__c WHERE TRC_Member__c = True order by Name limit 50000 directly in the query editor window in the developer console, I get 7 results. However, if I output the response.getReturnValue() for getTrcAccounts in the doInit function, it's null.
Any help is greatly appreciated, as we're in a bit of a time crunch in conjunction with a site redesign. I'm told these reports were working at one point, but no one knows when they stopped working, and we inherited this code from a different company that did the original development. Thank you!
In case it helps, this is the code in the lightning app that I think is used on the public page:
<aura:application extends="ltng:outApp" access="GLOBAL" implements="ltng:allowGuestAccess">
<aura:dependency resource="c:SearchBinReceiptsByYear"/>
Right, it's a public page, it's called "Salesforce Sites". It's exposed to whole world without having to log in. These have special security in place because most of the time you don't want to expose data like that. At best you'd display contact us form, maybe some documents to download, product catalog... It's all very locked down, default is to ban everything and then admin decides what's allowed. It's bit unusual to have a Visualforce page + Aura component but ok, it happens.
You (and any other internal user) can see the results if you'd access this page from within salesforce. Something like and for you the page will work fine, "just" not outside of salesforce.
When exposed like that on the web - there's no logged in user. There's special "[Site Name] Guest User", you can see them if you search "Sites" in Setup. It has a special profile, also with [Site Name] in it. And nasty thing is - it doesn't show on the list of Users or Profiles.
Your code broke when Salesforce (auto)activated a critical update. Probably this one: There are some good resources on the net if you Google "Secure Object Permissions for Guest Users", for example
Ask your system administrator colleague or read up a bit about sharing rules.
You'll have to go to Setup -> Sharing Rules. There's a checkbox that caused your stuff to break and you can't untick it.
Scroll down to your TRC Account object and hit "New". You'll need to create something like this, but with your criteria (TRC Member equals true)
Save, wait a bit (it might take a while to recalculate the sharing, you'll get an email) and try the page.
If it still doesn't work you'll have to check the Guest user's profile, it might need permissions to Read TRC Accounts and their Name field.
If it's Salesforce Sites - try this to find it:
If it's a Customer Portal, Community, Digital Experience (they renamed the product few times) - try with
Original answer
It looks like it's running OK because accounts (members?) are fetched first and in that fetch's callback (what to do when data comes back from server) you have helper.getLocationState, helper.getYear. And you wrote that these populate OK. It's not the best performance code but it should get the job done.
In no specific order...
Does the whole thing work OK for sysadmins? Or is it broken for everybody? If it works for sysadmins it might be something to do with sharing, your sysadmin should know (Setup -> Sharing settings is where you control who can see what. Maybe "mortals" are not allowed to see any data? Typically sysadmins bypass it. As a quick & dirty test you can modify the class definition to global without sharing class DataTableLocations but it's a really ugly hack.
What happens if you open DeveloperConsole (upper right corner) while running this component, do you see any errors in the logs? What happens if in the console you go Debug -> Open ExecuteAnonymous and run this piece of code:
Does it return something? Throw error?
You can go to Setup -> Debug Mode, tick the checkbox next to your user and save. This slows the system down a bit but lets you debug the javascript better. You can then sprinkle some debugger; or console.log statements in the source code and view what happens in your browser's console (Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome, Ctrl+Shift+I in firefox). For example
action.setCallback(this, function (response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === 'SUCCESS' && component.isValid()) {
component.set('v.trcAccList', response.getReturnValue());
helper.getLocationState(component, event);
helper.getYear(component, event);
How's the trcAccList variable actually used in the "cmp" file, in the HTML-like file? Maybe it's being set all right and contains 7 records but it's not displayed right?

Nancy return view as either a rendered view or unrendered file

I'm trying to do something slightly unusual in allowing for a file to be returned by Nancy as both a rendered view and as an unrendered file if requested. My code is similar to:
public class MyModule : NancyModule
public MyModule() : base("/apath")
Get["/{Name}"] = parameters =>
return View[parameters.Name];
Get["/{Name}/AsFile"] = parameters =>
return Response.AsFile(parameters.Name);
My files are stored relative to the application root in /Views/apath
Nancy works perfectly when returning the file as a View, but returns a NotFound http status code when trying to serve it as a file.
I've been trying to change the path passed to Response.AsFile, but no luck as yet.
How can I get the AsFile route working?
Nancy does not support this out of the box, with good reason.
The thing that is super scary about what you're trying to achieve is, if I passed in a url like:
I could return the config file back, get access to your connection strings, and basically hack your website.
What you want to do is have some sort of look up table in a database, or a flat file or something that allows you to correlate a name to a physical file.
Name Path
my-cat ../pictures/cat/my-cat.jpg
my-dog ../pictures/cat/my-dog.jpg
Then you can look up the name, return the filename, and then use that in your existing code:
Get["/{Name}/AsFile"] = parameters =>
var file = myFileService.GetFile(parameters.Name);
return Response.AsFile(file.Path);
Also if the file doesn't exist, then you know it might be an unsafe request and can tell the user to get lost!

Salesforce Metadata apis

I want to rerieve list of Metadata Component's like ApexClass using Salesforce Metadata API's.
I'm getting list of all the Apex Classes(total no is 2246) that are on the Salesforce using the following Code and its taking too much time to retrieve these file names:
ListMetadataQuery query = new ListMetadataQuery();
query.type = "ApexClass";
double asOfVersion = 23.0;
// Assume that the SOAP binding has already been established.
FileProperties[] lmr = metadataService.listMetadata(
new ListMetadataQuery[] { query }, asOfVersion);
if (lmr != null)
foreach(FileProperties n in lmr)
string filename = n.fileName;
My requirement is to get list of Metadata Components(Apex Classes) which are developed by my organizasion only so that i can get the Salesforce Metadata Components which are relevant to me and possibly can save my time by not getting all the classes.
How can I Achieve this?
Reply as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
I've not used the meta-data API directly, but I'd suggest either trying to filter on the created by field, or use a prefixed name on your classes so you can filter on that.
Not sure if filters are possible though! As for speed, my experience of using the Meta-Data API via Eclipse is that it's always pretty slow and there's not much you can do about it!
