SQL Server Reporting Services Charts, How display more than 6 rows of cat name - sql-server

First at all thanks for reading.
I have a problem in SQL Server Reporting Services with the chats. I am using bar char and I split the info by category = cat_name, then i want to split the bars for the value of that cat_name
Category group = cat_name
Value = cat_value
So the bar chart displays the info but it just shows 6 rows with the labels the others just show the bar with the value but not the name of the category.
I assumed that the bar chart has 6 rows to display name as default but anyone knows how to increase it as many as categories I have ??
I have many categories with value and the data is fine but I need to display the name of each category too :( and the report just shows me 6.
I can't post pic cause I don't have enough reputation

If all your data is showing (just not all the labels), then that seems to be discussed here under "Displaying all Labels on the Category Axis". It suggests you do the following:
Right-click on the Category axis
Select Axis Properties
Under the Axis Options tab, change Interval to 1.
If the interval is set to Auto, it will select the best interval to show 6 or fewer labels. More details on this here.
If not all of your data is showing, then make sure, under the Labels tab of the Axis Properties dialog, that Auto-Fit is disabled.


change bars chart granularity to Days/Month/Week by report user

i have few simple charts where each bar represent day according to date rage control I've added.
i want that the report user will be able to change aggregation
so instead of each bar that represent day,i want each bar that represent month or week
is there anyway i can do that in Google Data Studio ?
Assuming you have date as Dimension in the Data tab to the right.
You can 'drill down' by selecting the switch just below.
Add the date dimension again then edit this new dimension and change type
to Date/time and select the granularity such as week or month.
Then in view mode there will be up and down arrows in the top right of the plot which allows you to change view to different drill down options (week/month etc) which you selected in the data tab.

Microsoft SSRS - show table group totals outside the tables in a separate TextBox - using Report Items

I have this situation below in Microsoft SSRS 2012:
I am developing a table in which there are 3 groups - City (Innermost Child), State, Country (Parent).
I have totals for two of my groups - Country and State.
Now, our client wants us to show these group totals (State) and grand total (Country) outside the Tablix (Table data region) also but inside the Body of the Report.
I plan to put each State Total inside a separate TextBox outside the Table, but inside the Body of the Report. See below:
Country Total: $ 2,900 (okay)
Texas State Total: $1,400
Arizona State Total: $1,500
For the Country Total, which is fixed inside the Tablix TextBox, I can use Report Items.
But how do I show the State Totals - for Texas and Arizona ?
These values ($ 1400 and $ 1500) obviously cannot be captured using Report Items, since the Sales Amount varies from State to State and there are multiple States.
Is there a way to use Group Variables or something ? Please let me know.
I need to show the below data in a separate TextBox outside the Tablix:
Texas State Total: $1,400
Arizona State Total: $1,500
The report does not use any parameter. This is sort of a dashboard report.
I just had a similar situation. We wanted a separate "total box".
I solved this by creating a second table off the same dataset and simply totaled the data a different way.
The inner programmer in me wants a more elegant way to do this. But it works.
You can use your right tablix twice. Apply the same grouping. Now you just need one column with the total sum on top of this tablix (first row outise group). And below add following expression (next row inside group):
=Fields!State.Value & " State Total: " & Sum(Fields!SalesAmount.Value, "StateGroupingScope")
If you apply now the background color it will look like your in left picture. And if you want to put these two tablixes side by side put a rectangle in your report and in that rectangle put your two tablixes. Importent here is, you put your rectangle in the report and then drag your tablixes into the rectangle.

Show/hide rows based ona value

I am trying to hide all rows in SSRS except for where the buyer field = 'FCF'. I am using multiple datasets in this report so I use the below expression to try and hide/show the data:
TRIM(Fields!item.Value), Fields!buyer.Value, "Visual") = "FCF"
This expression goes into the visibility section(right click row>Row Visibility>Show or hide based on an expression). When I run the report with this enabled it will not return any values at all even though it should return multiple rows of data. Below is an example of on the output I get when I remove the expression from the report:
Slot Item Item Description Qty UOM Exp Date Buyer
35863A 32052 FCF BROCCOLI SALAD KIT 2.125# 3 CS 12/28/2017 FCF
Found the issue. I feel stupid but the buyer field had a space in it. I changed the expression to 'LIKE' and it fixed. Thanks for the help everyone!
=IIF(Lookup(TRIM(Fields!PRODUCT_CODE.Value), TRIM(Fields!item.Value),Fields!buyer.Value, "Visual") LIKE "*FCF*",FALSE,TRUE)

SSRS Count indicators active

I am writing a report where I have an indicator determined if a person is under a percentage for a certain category of orders. If the person is below threshold, then a big X is displayed by the percentage.
Outside of the group I am looking to put a red flag within the same column for the week to show that if there is at least one X for a category, then this red flag will display.
Mainly I am using this because there are a lot of drop down lists within the report and it will be easier to view if a red flag is displayed instead of a bunch of X's.
Thus, my question: is it possible to select an indicator within a child group in an expression?

Unable to get datawindow group trailer and summary to slide up

I have
a report with grouping.
some items displayed on the group trailer band
an autosized datawindow in summary band
a footer band
A run of the report brings 5 rows of data returned in the report's detail band.
The problem is, the report displays 4 rows of data on the first page then automatically puts the last row of the data on a second page along with the group trailer band and the autosized datawindow in the summary band.
I think this is due to the associated row of the grouping mentioned in the following.
So essentially there are 4 rows of data, followed by a large empty space in page 1, followed by 1 row of data on the second page + trailer + summary.
I've tried setting "Slide Up" on all of the items in the trailer group and the summary datawindow but it does not slide up to make the report 1 page even when it looks like there is enough space on the printed report.
Why does it not slide up? Can it be forced to slide up?
Have you checked the 'Autosize height' on all of the bands?
