Delete or Remove a line using Xlib library - c

Assume that we draw a line in Xlib using the XDrawLine API, what is the best way to remove or delete the line?. Are there any dedicated API's for this or do we have to use a special implementation of the the same XDrawLine API?
Thanks in Advance for your responses.

You can draw a line the color of the background (e.g, white) over the top of another line to "erase" it, but there's no way to restore the original graphics that were there before you drew the first line — Xlib does not keep a history.
In general, though, your application should be able to do a full "repaint" of the window at any time (e.g, if the window is resized or minimized, or if it is "damaged" by another window crossing over it). What you're asking makes it sound like your application may not be able to do this right now, which will prevent it from working correctly in some situations.

The best way would be to draw to off-screen pixmap and remember state (or pixmap copy) before you draw the line. Delete line == draw offline pixmap to that state ( or just copy saved pixmap back to screen )


Content lost when window is repainted

I am currently messing around with the windows API in C. I thought it would be funny to make a simple chalkboard. Everything is working fine. It's drawing etc, etc.
The problem is that the contents are lost when the window is repainted/updated/resized...
I thought maybe I should save the HDC or something, but then I don't know how to put it back.
How do I solve this? I figured it shouldn't be a very difficult question to answer, yet I can't really find anything on google somehow.
You need to handle the WM_PAINT event and repaint the invalidated region in its entirety. That's what WM_PAINT is -- a request from the system to redraw a dirty region.
For your specific application it sounds like you should create an off-screen device context (CreateCompatibleDC), a corresponding bitmap (CreateBitmap) of the size of your canvas, do all the drawing operations there and call InvalidateRect on your window. When WM_PAINT fires call BitBlt to transfer the relevant portion of that bitmap to the screen.

Xlib - Two issues with call to XMoveResizeWindow

I am new to Xlib (in C) and am having two issues when calling the XMoveResizeWindow function.
XMoveResizeWindow(display, window_id, move_x, move_y, resize_x, resize_y);
1) After the call, the window I move will reposition itself correctly, however, if I select the window with the pointer after the move, it will instantly revert back to the position it held prior to the move. I assume I have to somehow 'update' the X11 server after it's moved with the windows new position?
2) Secondly, in regards to the resize of the window. My window is essentially being truncated by the x and y values entered, instead of resized. In other words, instead of the entire window shrinking down, the right and bottom sides of the window are cut off from view. Is there a way to instead resize the entire window?
--I am sorry I am unable to submit my complete code, however, I believe my issues are due solely to my lack of understanding of Xlib and this particular function's operations. As such, I am not neccessarily looking for specific code as a solution, merely an explination or suggestion on how I should go about implementing a solution.
Thank you.
I believe there is something wrong with your code, since that code is not available i'll point to an example.
Examples are given at readme itself.

Windows Runtime equivalent to WriteableBitmap's AddDirtyRect

I'm building an app where I would like to redraw the image on screen around a user's finger touch. System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap has a method AddDirtyRect(Int32Rect dirtyRect) to indicate to indicate changes my code has made to the back buffer so that the whole image needn't be redrawn. Its Windows Runtime equivalent, the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap class, does not.
Can I tell the system which part of the screen to redraw as the result of code changing a Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap?
No, this API isn't there. You could use a secondary patch bitmap to update only a portion of the rendered output. If you need more control over what gets pushed out to the buffers you'd need to use a SwapChainPanel and DirectX.

C, GTK: display stream of RGB images at < 60 fps

I'm developing an application that shall receive images from a camera device and display them in a GTK window.
The camera delivers raw RGB images (3 bytes per pixel, no alpha channel, fixed size) at a varying frame rate (1-50 fps).
I've already done all that hardware stuff and now have a callback function that gets called with every new image captured by the camera.
What is the easyest but fast enough way to display those images in my window?
Here's what I already tried:
using gdk_draw_rgb_image() on a gtk drawing area: basically worked, but rendered so slow that the drawing processes overlapped and the application crashed after the first few frames, even at 1 fps capture rate.
allocating a GdkPixbuf for each new frame and calling gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf() on a gtk image widget: only displays the first frame, then I see no change in the window. May be a bug in my code, but don't know if that will be fast enough.
using Cairo (cairo_set_source_surface(), then cairo_paint()): seemed pretty fast, but the image looked striped, don't know if the image format is compatible.
Currently I'm thinking about trying something like gstreamer and treating those images like a video stream, but I'm not sure whether this is like an overkill for my simple mechanism.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
The entire GdkRGB API seems to be deprecated, so that's probably not the recommended way to solve this.
The same goes for the call to render a pixbuf. The documentation there points at Cairo, so the solution seems to be to continue investigating why your image looked incorrect when rendered by Cairo.
unwind is right, cairo is the way to go if you want something that will work in GTK2 and GTK3. As your samples are RGB without alpha, you should use the CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24 format. Make sure the surface you paint is in that format. Also try to make sure that you're not constantly allocating/destroying the surface buffer if the input image keeps the same size.

How can I copy contents of one window to another using Xlib?

I want to copy the contents of an existing Window to my own Window using Xlib. I have tried XCopyArea and it refuses to copy between two Windows. I have also tried XGetImage and XPutImage and it's also failing.
What's the best way to copy the graphics contents of a Window to my own?
Part II:
Based on information below, I was able to get XCopyArea and XGetImage to work. The reason it wasn't working was difference in depth of source and destination Window. I was surprised to learn that different Windows have different depth on my desktop.
But I still have limited success with XCopyArea. If I start copying from the top of certain Windows, like Google Chrome, it doesn't copy the full area, just the title bar. XGetImage works fine in those cases. Any clue on why XCopyArea won't copy beyond the title bar of some Windows?
XCopyArea should be fine.
Note that this will only copy into the foreground of the destination - maybe it is being drawn then erased?
Without code I can speculate:
If it is failing, have you checked that the windows definitely have the same root and depth?
Also make sure you review the X Window coordinate system. Maybe try copying so that the corner of your Copy is in the centre of the Destination to see if you can get anything.
You normally want some way of handling Expose events in the destination window so you can do a refresh.
I'd recommend creating a Pixmap as an intermediate. Both Pixmap and Window are Drawable.
Use XCopyArea to copy into the Pixmap.
Then use XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap to actually render the image. Setting the background means you can then ignore any need for handling Expose events to redraw the image.
